NO! Homosexuality IS NOT NORMAL

Totally disagree. Ever since the Anita Bryant blow up and the Milk/Moscone murders back in the 70's how public media has been manipulated and bought out. And Gays have the same rights Anyone does, it is insulting to our intelligence that we don't notice how the popular media can and IS being manipulated. Don't want to rain on the parade or anything.
The manipulation began with the bogus reporting of the American Psychiatric Assn back in the 70s, and Americans are still under the influence of this manipulation.
No, actually, you're nothing of the kind.
Your god created homosexuality in human animals as well as non-human animals. Are you saying he/she is wrong?
You phoney christians preach the exact opposite of what Jesus/god did.

I don't think God created homosexuality. Homosexuals create it for themselves.

Indeed. As Science has established that Homosexuality is not a function of genetics.

And that means that it's learned behavior. Most likely the result of imprinting by those who play games with infants and toddlers that involve the genitals, play, pleasure and friendship. This initiates premature discharges of sexual hormones that simultaneously set sexual attraction for the gender that is identified in those moments.

Now... knowing that, ask yourself... does normalizing sexual abnormality INCREASE the instances of individuals being so imprinted or does it decrease it?

And in THAT you see just the tip of the foolishness iceberg ... add to that the intrinsic shame, the inherent depression, the expansion of degeneracy and as I noted above... it flashes into unbridled pedophilia.

Then, having abandoned all sense of boundary, total cultural collapse.

If the SCOTUS unleashes it tomorrow. The US is out of business inside this generation.
Gays should not be entitled to equal rights for one simple reason. They are NOT EQUAL. They're gay.

Equality is NOT a function of humanity but of God.

We are all equal before God. And that is the ONLY place where we are equal... the good news is that is the only place where it actually matters.
Gays should not be entitled to equal rights for one simple reason. They are NOT EQUAL. They're gay.

Equality is NOT a function of humanity but of God.

We are all equal before God. And that is the ONLY place where we are equal... the good news is that is the only place where it actually matters.
FALSE! Of course, equality is a function of humanity. That's why it is part of the US Constitution.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.
Homosexuality is part of all animal species. Sure it's uncommon, but it's obviously natural. "Normal" is a subjective term. It's stupid to try to define this objectively with such a description.
The founders weren't normal, they were exceptional. People being 'normal' or 'average' doesn't make society advance, it just stagnates or fails to compete.

Sure it is true that not all homosexuals are the CEO's of major companies, good entertainers, good scientists, or major contributors. But many are.

If Americans believe in the constitution or basic human rights, they must accept that at least 10-15% of the population are guaranteed their political and religious rights to exist and practice.

That means that if the majority of Americans persecuted or imprisoned that large minority, it would be the equivalent of not only shooting the American economy in the foot - but justifying a mass exodus of the well educated like it has in Russia.

Since a majority of Americans support same-sex marriage, I don't see things being an issue. Eventually the issue will blow over, whether that takes a few more decades or just one.
Do you think the caveman was strictly monogamous, or do you think the caveman was polygamous based on the strongest males being able to mate with the most females and therefore pass along their strength in their genes?

LOL! So on the eve of the SCOTUS, perhaps... coming tomorrow to strike down state authority to set standards of sexual boundaries... Gilligan comes to advocate for Polygamy.

Um, that was already taken care of in Lawerence v. Texas. Where Sodomy laws were overturned.

In 2002.

Mark these words: Should the SCOTUS turn upon Americans and loose the evil of sexual degeneracy, by this date next year, there will be threads on this site where the same people who advocate for "The Rights of Homosexuals", will be here advocating for 'THE RIGHTS of Adults who crave sexual gratification with minor children... to so pursue those children and they'll do so by FIRST advocating for the RIGHTS of CHILDREN to CHOOSE ADULTS AS SEXUAL PARTNERS.

There's nothing 'evil' or 'degenerate' about marriage. And Sodomy laws were already overturned. With none of your accompanying chicken little batshit.

Try again. This time without the running mascara and the fainting couch.
It's pretty obvious what our bodies are built for, therefore it seems pretty clear that homosexuality is a genetic or physiological misfire of some kind.

Since this misfire occurs regularly across species, I really don't think that the term "normal" is that big a stretch. Meh. Whatever.

This semantic exercise appears to be either political or religious in nature. Maybe both. But that's all it is.

Gays should not be entitled to equal rights for one simple reason. They are NOT EQUAL. They're gay.

Equality is NOT a function of humanity but of God.

We are all equal before God. And that is the ONLY place where we are equal... the good news is that is the only place where it actually matters.

We are equal in every aspect the People through the law choose to make us equal.
Gays should not be entitled to equal rights for one simple reason. They are NOT EQUAL. They're gay.

Bigots should not be entitled to equal rights for one simple reason. They are NOT EQUAL. They are BIGOTS

Equality is NOT a function of humanity but of God.

We are all equal before God. And that is the ONLY place where we are equal... the good news is that is the only place where it actually matters.

We are equal in every aspect the People through the law choose to make us equal.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.
Homosexuality is part of all animal species. Sure it's uncommon, but it's obviously natural. "Normal" is a subjective term. It's stupid to try to define this objectively with such a description.
No normal is not subjective. Tab A goes into slot B. Anything outside of that is not 'normal'.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.
Homosexuality is part of all animal species. Sure it's uncommon, but it's obviously natural. "Normal" is a subjective term. It's stupid to try to define this objectively with such a description.
No normal is not subjective. Tab A goes into slot B. Anything outside of that is not 'normal'.

Says who?
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.
Homosexuality is part of all animal species. Sure it's uncommon, but it's obviously natural. "Normal" is a subjective term. It's stupid to try to define this objectively with such a description.
No normal is not subjective. Tab A goes into slot B. Anything outside of that is not 'normal'.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.
Homosexuality is part of all animal species. Sure it's uncommon, but it's obviously natural. "Normal" is a subjective term. It's stupid to try to define this objectively with such a description.
No normal is not subjective. Tab A goes into slot B. Anything outside of that is not 'normal'.

Normal sexual behavior in humans is not the practice of limiting sex to man/woman penis/vagina intercourse. Normal humans desire and/or practice many other forms of sexual gratification.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.
Homosexuality is part of all animal species. Sure it's uncommon, but it's obviously natural. "Normal" is a subjective term. It's stupid to try to define this objectively with such a description.
No normal is not subjective. Tab A goes into slot B. Anything outside of that is not 'normal'.

Says who?
The creation museum.

Politico must deny evolution in order to believe that homosexuality, asexuality are 'abnormal' in nature.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.

Being at odds with body parts is a strange way of calling homosexuality "abnormal".

What is "natural" has little or no bearing on our laws or on medical diagnosis and treatments. Shaving is not "natural". Most of the diet of modern Americans is not "natural".

I was not aware that 22% of the APA was gay, but I am sure you have evidence of this.

In the years since, the APA has not changed its ruling. And the world has not exploded.

Changing whether homosexuality is a mental disorder or not really doesn't effect anyone except homosexuals.
I am sorry for arguing with you. I want everyone to live the lifestyle they choose. You are obviously a Millennial who only cares that everyone should agree your lifestyle is ok.
Why? You're entering into a very problematic area of logic.

Monogamy and polygamy are BOTH marriage, so defined for centuries.

Is that how you want your argument to go?

So you are ok with marriage being whatever the people involved want it to be? How do you tell polygamists or siblings that they cannot marry when you justify gay marriage using arguments or equality, fairness, acceptance, and discrimination?

What legal arguments will you bring against polygamy if gay marriage is condoned federally? This is a serious question, if you can't answer seriously, then don't answer.

I want to hear on what grounds you believe polygamy can be rightfully banned by the states.

very simple, a majority of society sees it as wrong. Its not a legal argument, its what society decides about how its people should live and what is considered right and wrong.

That's no answer. The Courts are there to protect minorities.

The Mormons argued that polygamy should be legal on 1st Amendment grounds. Religious freedom.

Why were they wrong?

because a majority of society sees polygamy as wrong, its really just that simple.

A majority (a very large one at that) saw interracial marriage as wrong. Only 20% of the county supported interracial marriage when the Supremes ruled on Loving. Not so simple anymore is it?
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.


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