NO! Homosexuality IS NOT NORMAL

I have SO MUCH FUN when I have sex. Touching, caressing, embracing, rubbing against my naked partner's beautiful body, feeling the warmth of their bare skin against my own, feeling their heart beating against mine, enjoying the sounds of pleasure they make as I pleasure them, the feeling of their excitement when I'm inside them...

Yes Virginia, sex is fun. You're going to have a lot of fun, unless you choose not to in which case you'll probably become a Republican, Christian, convince yourself sex is wrong and since sex is wrong and you're not getting any of it, try to convince everyone in earshot that your misery should define them as well.

Golly... if only sex was designed for entertainment. THAT would be SUCH a great point.

Sadly, we're not here to discuss your private sexual life. We're discussing public policy.
Human sex is nearly always only for pleasure. And since the SC just spanked you, now what?
I have SO MUCH FUN when I have sex. Touching, caressing, embracing, rubbing against my naked partner's beautiful body, feeling the warmth of their bare skin against my own, feeling their heart beating against mine, enjoying the sounds of pleasure they make as I pleasure them, the feeling of their excitement when I'm inside them...

Yes Virginia, sex is fun. You're going to have a lot of fun, unless you choose not to in which case you'll probably become a Republican, Christian, convince yourself sex is wrong and since sex is wrong and you're not getting any of it, try to convince everyone in earshot that your misery should define them as well.

Golly... if only sex was designed for entertainment.

Sex is designed to be very entertaining.
I have SO MUCH FUN when I have sex. Touching, caressing, embracing, rubbing against my naked partner's beautiful body, feeling the warmth of their bare skin against my own, feeling their heart beating against mine, enjoying the sounds of pleasure they make as I pleasure them, the feeling of their excitement when I'm inside them...

Yes Virginia, sex is fun. You're going to have a lot of fun, unless you choose not to in which case you'll probably become a Republican, Christian, convince yourself sex is wrong and since sex is wrong and you're not getting any of it, try to convince everyone in earshot that your misery should define them as well.

Golly... if only sex was designed for entertainment.

Sex is designed to be very entertaining.

If sex wasn't 'intended' to be fun, we wouldn't have orgasms and climaxes. :)
I have SO MUCH FUN when I have sex. Touching, caressing, embracing, rubbing against my naked partner's beautiful body, feeling the warmth of their bare skin against my own, feeling their heart beating against mine, enjoying the sounds of pleasure they make as I pleasure them, the feeling of their excitement when I'm inside them...

Yes Virginia, sex is fun. You're going to have a lot of fun, unless you choose not to in which case you'll probably become a Republican, Christian, convince yourself sex is wrong and since sex is wrong and you're not getting any of it, try to convince everyone in earshot that your misery should define them as well.

Golly... if only sex was designed for entertainment. THAT would be SUCH a great point.

Sadly, we're not here to discuss your private sexual life. We're discussing public policy.
Human sex is nearly always only for pleasure. And since the SC just spanked you, now what?

Pleasure is an opinion or interpretation the individual makes to the stimulus. Sex can be pleasant if inclined to interpret it thusly. Or it can be unpleasant as when loving sex triggers a negative memory as in a rape victim. Act itself isn't either one though, it's a strictly neutral act.
I have SO MUCH FUN when I have sex. Touching, caressing, embracing, rubbing against my naked partner's beautiful body, feeling the warmth of their bare skin against my own, feeling their heart beating against mine, enjoying the sounds of pleasure they make as I pleasure them, the feeling of their excitement when I'm inside them...

Yes Virginia, sex is fun. You're going to have a lot of fun, unless you choose not to in which case you'll probably become a Republican, Christian, convince yourself sex is wrong and since sex is wrong and you're not getting any of it, try to convince everyone in earshot that your misery should define them as well.

Golly... if only sex was designed for entertainment. THAT would be SUCH a great point.

Sadly, we're not here to discuss your private sexual life. We're discussing public policy.
Human sex is nearly always only for pleasure. And since the SC just spanked you, now what?

Pleasure is an opinion or interpretation the individual makes to the stimulus. Sex can be pleasant if inclined to interpret it thusly. Or it can be unpleasant as when loving sex triggers a negative memory as in a rape victim. Act itself isn't either one though, it's a strictly neutral act.
Learn biology, that isn't it. Baby boys don't play with themselves in the womb because they "think" it feels good, it does...
It's normal now, in every state.

so fuck off..

We took back the country.

You lose.

No Demon, Homosexuality remains today, what it has always been and will always BE: A mental disorder, that presents as sexual deviancy.

The SCOTUS making foolish decisions does not alter that. And that is because "THAT" is 'Reality'. And foolishness does not alter reality. It merely alters the means by which foolishness must be dealt with.
Homophobes use "normal" not as a statistical term but in the sense of "the way it's supposed to be." I think everyone agrees that the average, mean, median person is not a homosexual. Whether or not it is OK to practice homosexuality is where the real disagreement lies.

In a huge, diverse country like the USA it is unlikely that we will ever get uniform consensus on the moral acceptability of homosexual practice (at least in my lifetime). The battle line falls on the issue of whether the government should recognize or even permit homosexual practice. That is a political question which, given our peculiar Constitution, is essentially an evolving, relevant issue, the sort of situation ethics that some detest and others embrace.

As individual beliefs about homosexual acts evolve, the stance of those who believe them to be unnatural and/or against the law of God has gone from a dispositive view of government to an antique misunderstanding held by a rapidly shrinking minority. For those who wish to conserve traditional mores and practices this is their worst fear coming true. For those who wish to liberate humanity from the superstitions of the past this is a dream come true.
It's normal now, in every state.

so fuck off..

We took back the country.

You lose.

No Demon, Homosexuality remains today, what it has always been and will always BE: A mental disorder, that presents as sexual deviancy.

The SCOTUS making foolish decisions does not alter that. And that is because "THAT" is 'Reality'. And foolishness does not alter reality. It merely alters the means by which foolishness must be dealt with.

But....but Keyes. You told us we were fucked. That Roberts and Obama had made a deal.

And yet here we are. It almost like you don't have the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about, my little relativist.

And yes, I am gloating.
Homosexuality does not have to be normal to be acceptable.

Good point. Would you say the same about polygamy, sibling marriage, and parent/child marriage?

Because if you condone same sex marriage using the arguments about equality, fairness, acceptance, etc, then you have no way to argue against any other form of "marriage".

Says you.

If you cannot find any argument against sibling marriage- why do you oppose sibling marriage?

Or do you oppose sibling marriage?
Homosexuality does not have to be normal to be acceptable.

Good point. Would you say the same about polygamy, sibling marriage, and parent/child marriage?

Because if you condone same sex marriage using the arguments about equality, fairness, acceptance, etc, then you have no way to argue against any other form of "marriage".

Marriage is a civil institution. Homosexuality is a personal relationship.

Marriage is the legal and religious joining of one man and one woman, A gay union is not a marriage. It is a gay union, nothing more nothing less. But having said that, gay unions of two people should have the same rights as a man/woman marriage. its just not a marriage.

So much for you accepting what the majority says.

In multiple states, the majority has said otherwise.

But thanks for sharing your own biased opinion.
Homosexuality does not have to be normal to be acceptable.

Good point. Would you say the same about polygamy, sibling marriage, and parent/child marriage?

Because if you condone same sex marriage using the arguments about equality, fairness, acceptance, etc, then you have no way to argue against any other form of "marriage".

Marriage is a civil institution. Homosexuality is a personal relationship.

Marriage is the legal and religious joining of one man and one woman, A gay union is not a marriage. It is a gay union, nothing more nothing less. But having said that, gay unions of two people should have the same rights as a man/woman marriage. its just not a marriage.

So much for you accepting what the majority says.

In multiple states, the majority has said otherwise.

But thanks for sharing your own biased opinion.

Look dude, you won this round, but the fight is far from over.
Homosexuality does not have to be normal to be acceptable.

Good point. Would you say the same about polygamy, sibling marriage, and parent/child marriage?

Because if you condone same sex marriage using the arguments about equality, fairness, acceptance, etc, then you have no way to argue against any other form of "marriage".

Marriage is a civil institution. Homosexuality is a personal relationship.

Marriage is the legal and religious joining of one man and one woman, A gay union is not a marriage. It is a gay union, nothing more nothing less. But having said that, gay unions of two people should have the same rights as a man/woman marriage. its just not a marriage.

Why? You're entering into a very problematic area of logic.

Monogamy and polygamy are BOTH marriage, so defined for centuries.

Is that how you want your argument to go?

So you are ok with marriage being whatever the people involved want it to be? How do you tell polygamists or siblings that they cannot marry when you justify gay marriage using arguments or equality, fairness, acceptance, and discrimination?

What legal arguments will you bring against polygamy if gay marriage is condoned federally? This is a serious question, if you can't answer seriously, then don't answer.

What are your arguments against polygamy?

And this is a serious question.
Homosexuality does not have to be normal to be acceptable.

Good point. Would you say the same about polygamy, sibling marriage, and parent/child marriage?

Because if you condone same sex marriage using the arguments about equality, fairness, acceptance, etc, then you have no way to argue against any other form of "marriage".

Marriage is a civil institution. Homosexuality is a personal relationship.

Marriage is the legal and religious joining of one man and one woman, A gay union is not a marriage. It is a gay union, nothing more nothing less. But having said that, gay unions of two people should have the same rights as a man/woman marriage. its just not a marriage.

So much for you accepting what the majority says.

In multiple states, the majority has said otherwise.

But thanks for sharing your own biased opinion.

Look dude, you won this round, but the fight is far from over.

And again- as I said:

So much for you accepting what the majority says.

In multiple states, the majority has said marriage is the joining of two people.

But you don't accept what the majority says- when its inconvenient.

But thanks for sharing your own biased opinion.
I have SO MUCH FUN when I have sex. Touching, caressing, embracing, rubbing against my naked partner's beautiful body, feeling the warmth of their bare skin against my own, feeling their heart beating against mine, enjoying the sounds of pleasure they make as I pleasure them, the feeling of their excitement when I'm inside them...

Yes Virginia, sex is fun. You're going to have a lot of fun, unless you choose not to in which case you'll probably become a Republican, Christian, convince yourself sex is wrong and since sex is wrong and you're not getting any of it, try to convince everyone in earshot that your misery should define them as well.

Golly... if only sex was designed for entertainment. THAT would be SUCH a great point.

Sadly, we're not here to discuss your private sexual life. We're discussing public policy.
Human sex is nearly always only for pleasure. And since the SC just spanked you, now what?

I think Keys is one of those keys who has sex with his clothes on, through a hole in the sheet.
Since 2011 the number of people accepting SSM has steadily increased.
View attachment 43215
Your unreferenced chart is refuted by my referenced (Gallup Poll) one >>


And, I might add that none of these charts are close to accurate , nor are the responses and views of the poll participants, The numbers should be far lower (approximately what they were in the early 1970s, before the APA came out with its biased and invalid declaration). Ever since then, people's views have been distorted, based on that bogus information.

You haven't refuted anything- you just arbitrarely- and dishonestly- stop measuring in 2012.

Marriage is a civil institution. Homosexuality is a personal relationship.

Marriage is the legal and religious joining of one man and one woman, A gay union is not a marriage. It is a gay union, nothing more nothing less. But having said that, gay unions of two people should have the same rights as a man/woman marriage. its just not a marriage.

Why? You're entering into a very problematic area of logic.

Monogamy and polygamy are BOTH marriage, so defined for centuries.

Is that how you want your argument to go?

So you are ok with marriage being whatever the people involved want it to be? How do you tell polygamists or siblings that they cannot marry when you justify gay marriage using arguments or equality, fairness, acceptance, and discrimination?

What legal arguments will you bring against polygamy if gay marriage is condoned federally? This is a serious question, if you can't answer seriously, then don't answer.

I want to hear on what grounds you believe polygamy can be rightfully banned by the states.

very simple, a majority of society sees it as wrong. Its not a legal argument, its what society decides about how its people should live and what is considered right and wrong.

So you believe that the courts were wrong when they decided Loving v. Virginia- since the majority of society saw mixed race marriages(and relationships) as wrong?
I think its wonderful two consulting adults enter into a binding contract, but the question is do they have any rights others do not as a result of the process? Are they entitled to special treatment? Why not call it a union? I am sure someone can come up with a special and unique (cool) name for it. It seems the legal process, and God know we have too many attorneys as it is dropped the wedding cake on this one.

Marriage is marriage- allowing two men to marry exactly as my wife and I are married is not special treatment- it is equal treatment.

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