NO! Homosexuality IS NOT NORMAL

Homosexuality does not have to be normal to be acceptable.

Good point. Would you say the same about polygamy, sibling marriage, and parent/child marriage?

Because if you condone same sex marriage using the arguments about equality, fairness, acceptance, etc, then you have no way to argue against any other form of "marriage".

Marriage is a civil institution. Homosexuality is a personal relationship.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. Homosexuality is a mental disorder which presents as sexual deviancy.
ROFL. Nature did not make up marriage.

Nature made up human physiology, from which marriage is a direct extension.

Homosexual people are still people...

Golly... if THAT were relevant to ANYTHING being said here... what a GREAT point it would have been.

Your concessions are duly noted summarily accepted.

Um, no, hate to tell you this, but marriage is a man made construct. :lol: Nature did not make marriage. Goodness, that is stupid.
So are human rights for that matter. We humans make laws to govern and tax and punish. Nature doesn't care about mass murders or rape or sodomy, humans do. I hate people browbeating others into acceptance, gays come off sounding like little spoilt rich children that want their way, no matter what. I don't agree with the pro gay agenda, that is one thing, but to have people make such a big issue out of this, isn't very endearing, either. Get over it.

Wrong. There are natural rights, such as the right to life, the right to defend oneself. Then there are man made rights, like marriage. Do you think our early ancestors were worrying about getting married?
Homosexuality does not have to be normal to be acceptable.

Good point. Would you say the same about polygamy, sibling marriage, and parent/child marriage?

Because if you condone same sex marriage using the arguments about equality, fairness, acceptance, etc, then you have no way to argue against any other form of "marriage".

Marriage is a civil institution. Homosexuality is a personal relationship.

Marriage is the legal and religious joining of one man and one woman, A gay union is not a marriage. It is a gay union, nothing more nothing less. But having said that, gay unions of two people should have the same rights as a man/woman marriage. its just not a marriage.

Why? You're entering into a very problematic area of logic.

Monogamy and polygamy are BOTH marriage, so defined for centuries.

Is that how you want your argument to go?

So you are ok with marriage being whatever the people involved want it to be? How do you tell polygamists or siblings that they cannot marry when you justify gay marriage using arguments or equality, fairness, acceptance, and discrimination?

What legal arguments will you bring against polygamy if gay marriage is condoned federally? This is a serious question, if you can't answer seriously, then don't answer.

As long as all parties are adults of consenting age and understand that they are signing a legal contract, then what's the problem? Why do you care who gets married or who doesn't? How does it affect you or your marriage?
Marriage is not considered a "natural" right, such as the right to self defense. Rights can be either or.


Well there ya have it kids...

I doubt if that monkey spent the rest of its life smashing that keyboard, that it could ever hope to more accurately define itself in two reasonably coherent sentences; demonstrating absolutely no understanding of what human rights are, from where they come or what is necessary in the sustaining of such.

Absolutely BRILLIANT in its perfect depravity.
I think its wonderful two consulting adults enter into a binding contract, but the question is do they have any rights others do not as a result of the process? Are they entitled to special treatment? Why not call it a union? I am sure someone can come up with a special and unique (cool) name for it. It seems the legal process, and God know we have too many attorneys as it is dropped the wedding cake on this one.
Marriage is not considered a "natural" right, such as the right to self defense. Rights can be either or.


Well there ya have it kids...

I doubt if that monkey spent the rest of its life smashing that keyboard, that it could ever hope to more accurately define itself in two reasonably coherent sentences; demonstrating absolutely no understanding of what human rights are, from where they come or what is necessary in the sustaining of such.

Absolutely BRILLIANT in its perfect depravity.

What is so difficult to understand about my post? It's pretty straightforward. We have natural rights, like the right to life, which no government can take away or give. It just is. Then we have "rights" that are given by government. Simple really.
Neither is cunninlingus.

I bet I can find a picture of two animals having gay sex before you can find one of a male animal giving head to a female.

1. Cunnilingus is not normal. It's also stupid. Good example of monkey see, monkey do, idiocy.

2. I could find a picture of a male animal giving head to a female within a few seconds. Who can find something, before the other is meaningless.
I think its wonderful two consulting adults enter into a binding contract, but the question is do they have any rights others do not as a result of the process? Are they entitled to special treatment? Why not call it a union? I am sure someone can come up with a special and unique (cool) name for it. It seems the legal process, and God know we have too many attorneys as it is dropped the wedding cake on this one.

I don't see how allowing consenting adults to get married is a "special" right. How is it a special treatment?
Supersonic flight is not normal. Heart transplants are not normal. running mile a minute, extraordinary, not normal. Landing a man on the moon is not normal. Transcending normality isn't always bad.
But homosexuality IS bad. But good or bad isn't the point of the thread. Normal or abnormal is.
Marriage is not considered a "natural" right, such as the right to self defense. Rights can be either or.


Well there ya have it kids...

I doubt if that monkey spent the rest of its life smashing that keyboard, that it could ever hope to more accurately define itself in two reasonably coherent sentences; demonstrating absolutely no understanding of what human rights are, from where they come or what is necessary in the sustaining of such.

Absolutely BRILLIANT in its perfect depravity.

Also, if you cannot converse like an adult and control yourself, I am going to put you on ignore. Also, you have no idea how to write "ROFLMAO." Stop trying to do that. Do you even know what it means? You are making yourself look stupid.
The dipshits whine about redefining "marriage", but look how hard they work at redefining "abnormal" to mean "evil or wrong".
"evil or wrong" is not the topic of the thread. Normal vs abnormal is.
Show me a male animal giving oral sex to a female, and then we'll talk about nature and normal and abnormal.
What does that mean ?????

All the bigots have is a weird obsession with gay sex, and the "we've always oppressed these people so why stop now" argument.
Homosexuality is NOT NORMAL. Calling this bigotry is insincere. Only a fool could consider homosexuality to be normal.
Do you think the caveman was strictly monogamous, or do you think the caveman was polygamous based on the strongest males being able to mate with the most females and therefore pass along their strength in their genes?

LOL! So on the eve of the SCOTUS, perhaps... coming tomorrow to strike down state authority to set standards of sexual boundaries... Gilligan comes to advocate for Polygamy.

Anyone need anything else?

Mark these words: Should the SCOTUS turn upon Americans and loose the evil of sexual degeneracy, by this date next year, there will be threads on this site where the same people who advocate for "The Rights of Homosexuals", will be here advocating for 'THE RIGHTS of Adults who crave sexual gratification with minor children... to so pursue those children and they'll do so by FIRST advocating for the RIGHTS of CHILDREN to CHOOSE ADULTS AS SEXUAL PARTNERS.
I despise groupthink, in any form. Homosexuals have gotten a lot of mojo going on here, buying PR firms, lawyers and generally manipulating the media towards their cause, and it's become painfully transparent. I am a free thinker and rational. I don't like conservative Christians dictating this or any other issue on the basis of THEIR morality either. We the people, if left to our own, will decide what is acceptable and fair.
OFF TOPIC. The thread is about normal vs abnormal, not what is or isn't moral. A sfor hte concept of "fair", that does enter into the discussion about normal/abnormal.
Show me a male animal giving oral sex to a female, and then we'll talk about nature and normal and abnormal.
What does that mean ?????

It doesn't have any idea. Apparently some Deviant Site is claiming that fellatio is unheard of in the world of Lower Animals.

Which is total Bullshit. You can go to the Democrat Underground and find a dozen threads about the subject at any given moment 24/7/365.
No, actually, you're nothing of the kind.
Your god created homosexuality in human animals as well as non-human animals. Are you saying he/she is wrong?
You phoney christians preach the exact opposite of what Jesus/god did.

I don't think God created homosexuality. Homosexuals create it for themselves.
If there was big money behind blind people to get EQUAL rights, ( which they already have), we don't just allow them to dictate to us what their limits are. They have all the rights as anyone else, they just can't get driver's license. There are limits to everything, and no matter how much dilly dallying with lawyers legally, THAT won't change common sense. Gays HAVE as many rights as I do, it is almost insulting that they want to redefine the law and ask for more. Enough, folks .
Gays should not be entitled to equal rights for one simple reason. They are NOT EQUAL. They're gay.

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