No Indictment in Eric Garner Case

I still do not see this question answered:

Are cops supposed to just let people go once they resist arrest?

No. But in this case, look at the force being used on a guy who was selling loose cigarettes (an activity that is quite common and was perfectly legal prior to Obama's regulatory machine making it illegal in 2010). Why are the police involved in minor infractions against petty regulations? Not every offense deserves a SWAT Team.
It wasn't selling of cigarettes that got him taken down it was him slapping at the cops while resisting arrest.

Everyone knows you do not lay a hand on a cop.

Of course he shouldn't have done that. Garner contributed to his own death. My point is that the proximate cause is a petty regulation that turned an innocuous activity into a police matter.
What do you expect from a society of control freaks who will call the cops because a kid has a plastic butter knife in his lunch bag?

This was even worse though because Garner was robbing the state of tax revenue.

Seems to me the Libs should be up in arms over that.
In the Ferguson case there were questions. There was conflicting witness testimony, conflicting forensic evidence ect ect.

In this one we WATCHED the cops put a chokehold on this man. The city coroner declared it a homicide. WTF? And there will not even be a trial? The grand jury cannot convict someone. They just determine whether or not there will be a trial.

This is fucking nuts. If anyone wonders why some cops become such assholes and petty tyrants, here is the reason. Because they CAN and because they are not held accountable for their actions.

And the suggestion about all cops wearing cameras is obviously a waste of time.

What needs to happen is he needs to be fired for violating protocol. I can see why he was not indicted, he was trying to subdue someone lawfully and used a banned technique, but he HAS to be fired.

The police have to realize that they are not above the law, or at least not above departmental procedure.

He used a banned technique that resulted in the death of a citizen. He needs to be prosecuted. If they want to go for leser charges, negligent homicide or something, that is fine. But this man died as a direct result of the actions of those police officers.
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

You're right, he didnt die from a head lock he died from a choke hold that was ruled a homicide by the coroner. But this case like every other case...What does homicide really mean anyway? Whats a chokehold? He was fat doesnt that count? What was his GPA? Etc etc etc
He was not choked to death Idiot.

If he could talk he wasn't being choked.

The stress of the situation most likely killed the fat fuck just as his next walk up a flight of stairs could have and the stress of the situation was entirely his own fault.

I know the coroner obviously doesnt know anything about causes of death and stuff. :rolleyes: I mean what is a coroner anyway? Dead people....pbbbbt :rolleyes:

You show me where it says he died of manual strangulation.

The Coroner knows more than you
Que sera sera. It was unfortunate but the guy should have obeyed the police and let himself be cuffed. But go ahead and take up for the lawbreakers.

He didn't deserve a death sentence. The Cop should have been held accountable. He murdered an innocent man right in front of his wife. She begged him to release him. This is not justice.

The cop had no way of knowing this guy was already on borrowed time.
The fat guy knew it full and well that he was in no condition for combat,yet he chose to resist.
Did the cop over react? Maybe,but I dont believe he intended to kill the guy and thats what the GJ looks at.
I wouldnt have been opposed to some form of punishment but that would be circumventing the law,because the fact was an accident.
He should have been at least charged with manslaughter since the chokehold is against NYPD rules.

And the guy didn't resist arrest. He simply asked the cops to quit harassing him.

Passive resistance is still resistance,and that the cops had previous dealings with him was obvious.
It sucks that he died,but he had a lot to do with his own death.
Look at it this way,the cop and the dept will get the shit sued out of em and that cops life is pretty much screwed. I'll call that justice all things considered.
Some things never change if the dead guy is black.....

Have you ever heard me cry about some white dude who got himself shot or beat up by the cops?
No you havent,and you wont because 99% of the time they deserved it.

Now here is an actual reason to bitch...

So take your racist innuendos elsewhere ...
I still do not see this question answered:

Are cops supposed to just let people go once they resist arrest?

No. But in this case, look at the force being used on a guy who was selling loose cigarettes (an activity that is quite common and was perfectly legal prior to Obama's regulatory machine making it illegal in 2010). Why are the police involved in minor infractions against petty regulations? Not every offense deserves a SWAT Team.
It wasn't selling of cigarettes that got him taken down it was him slapping at the cops while resisting arrest.

Everyone knows you do not lay a hand on a cop.

Of course he shouldn't have done that. Garner contributed to his own death. My point is that the proximate cause is a petty regulation that turned an innocuous activity into a police matter.
What do you expect from a society of control freaks who will call the cops because a kid has a plastic butter knife in his lunch bag?

This was even worse though because Garner was robbing the state of tax revenue.

Seems to me the Libs should be up in arms over that.

Little kids selling lemonade are robbing the state of business license fees, so let's SWAT them, too.

Personally, I find this agenda of turning every civil activity and interaction into a taxable event to be one of the more repugnant Prog Policies.
1. The chokehold is not illegal.
2. The man died 4 hours later, likely caused by his poor health and not from choking.

And it is very likely he would not have died, if not for the choke hold.

Many cops today are little tyrants. If you disobey them, they just might murder you and get away with it.

The police state rolls on.............

It's even more likely that he would not have died if he hadn't resisted arrest.
In the Ferguson case there were questions. There was conflicting witness testimony, conflicting forensic evidence ect ect.

In this one we WATCHED the cops put a chokehold on this man. The city coroner declared it a homicide. WTF? And there will not even be a trial? The grand jury cannot convict someone. They just determine whether or not there will be a trial.

This is fucking nuts. If anyone wonders why some cops become such assholes and petty tyrants, here is the reason. Because they CAN and because they are not held accountable for their actions.

And the suggestion about all cops wearing cameras is obviously a waste of time.

What needs to happen is he needs to be fired for violating protocol. I can see why he was not indicted, he was trying to subdue someone lawfully and used a banned technique, but he HAS to be fired.

The police have to realize that they are not above the law, or at least not above departmental procedure.

He used a banned technique that resulted in the death of a citizen. He needs to be prosecuted. If they want to go for leser charges, negligent homicide or something, that is fine. But this man died as a direct result of the actions of those police officers.

I still don't see a jury convicting, his intent wasn't to kill. Add the fact that the death was definitely attributable but not firmly linked to the choke hold, and you have so much reasonable doubt that it would take a miracle to get a conviction.

Now that he is cleared by the grand jury, however, his badge and gun should be turned in and he should be fired.
Over some damn cigarettes. An innocent man is dead. There has to be accountability. I can't blame people for being angry. Their anger is justified.

It sucks the guy died.
But I can apply your "Over some damn cigarettes" statement to the deceased.
He wanted to throw down with the police "Over some damn cigarettes"?

What on the video did you see anything about loose cigs?

I dont understand the propensity blacks have for resisting arrest for minor offenses,it makes no damn sense.
When all this crap started I was on the fat guys side. But after thinking about it and putting myself in the black guys shoes? Not anymore...I wouldnt have been illegally selling cigs on the street and I would have complied immediately and put my hands behind my back.

Oh you would've gladly went to jail for a loose cigarette charge? Sure you would've sir...In Hypotheticalville

Holy Shit!!! Thats what he was being arrested for!!

He was being arrested? Woow you see all kinds of things not in the tape huh?

And if you're going to jail why the hell would you want to add resisting arrest to the charges!

Was he going to jail? Did you see that too on the video?

The dude was breaking the law and knew it. Whether or not it's a stupid law is immaterial,which by the way I believe it is a stupid law.

Another thing you saw that must be hidden in that video orrrrrrrrrr you are just repeating what the police said and the video is a lie

The cops are paid to enforce all laws,once they tell you you're under arrest it doesnt matter if it's for shoplifting or murder,you're under arrest period.

I'm sorry, did you hear that also? I didnt but I admit I could be wrong

I cant believe you spent the time to type this bullshit.
And I'm equally disappointed in myself for reading it. :cuckoo:

I could be wrong but no where on the tape was it indicated he was under arrest. I'm sorry either you're hearing things or just believing what you heard was said
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

You're right, he didnt die from a head lock he died from a choke hold that was ruled a homicide by the coroner. But this case like every other case...What does homicide really mean anyway? Whats a chokehold? He was fat doesnt that count? What was his GPA? Etc etc etc
He was not choked to death Idiot.

If he could talk he wasn't being choked.

The stress of the situation most likely killed the fat fuck just as his next walk up a flight of stairs could have and the stress of the situation was entirely his own fault.

I know the coroner obviously doesnt know anything about causes of death and stuff. :rolleyes: I mean what is a coroner anyway? Dead people....pbbbbt :rolleyes:

You show me where it says he died of manual strangulation.

The Coroner knows more than you
SO show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation. Because if the so called choke hold killed him that would be listed as the singular cause of death and not a contributing factor to his death.

See the difference there?
1. The chokehold is not illegal.
2. The man died 4 hours later, likely caused by his poor health and not from choking.

And it is very likely he would not have died, if not for the choke hold.

Many cops today are little tyrants. If you disobey them, they just might murder you and get away with it.

The police state rolls on.............

It's even more likely that he would not have died if he hadn't resisted arrest.

That may be true. But that does not remove the liability of the officer who used an illegal technique that caused the man's death.
It sucks the guy died.
But I can apply your "Over some damn cigarettes" statement to the deceased.
He wanted to throw down with the police "Over some damn cigarettes"?

What on the video did you see anything about loose cigs?

I dont understand the propensity blacks have for resisting arrest for minor offenses,it makes no damn sense.
When all this crap started I was on the fat guys side. But after thinking about it and putting myself in the black guys shoes? Not anymore...I wouldnt have been illegally selling cigs on the street and I would have complied immediately and put my hands behind my back.

Oh you would've gladly went to jail for a loose cigarette charge? Sure you would've sir...In Hypotheticalville

Holy Shit!!! Thats what he was being arrested for!!

He was being arrested? Woow you see all kinds of things not in the tape huh?

And if you're going to jail why the hell would you want to add resisting arrest to the charges!

Was he going to jail? Did you see that too on the video?

The dude was breaking the law and knew it. Whether or not it's a stupid law is immaterial,which by the way I believe it is a stupid law.

Another thing you saw that must be hidden in that video orrrrrrrrrr you are just repeating what the police said and the video is a lie

The cops are paid to enforce all laws,once they tell you you're under arrest it doesnt matter if it's for shoplifting or murder,you're under arrest period.

I'm sorry, did you hear that also? I didnt but I admit I could be wrong

I cant believe you spent the time to type this bullshit.
And I'm equally disappointed in myself for reading it. :cuckoo:

I could be wrong but no where on the tape was it indicated he was under arrest. I'm sorry either you're hearing things or just believing what you heard was said

You know I'm hesitant to answer anything you say because it requires me to stoop to a level I find uncomfortable due to the fact that I feel pity for you since you live in it full time.
These kinds of awful travesties reinforce the belief by many that the Police get away with everything.
It sucks the guy died.
But I can apply your "Over some damn cigarettes" statement to the deceased.
He wanted to throw down with the police "Over some damn cigarettes"?

What on the video did you see anything about loose cigs?

I dont understand the propensity blacks have for resisting arrest for minor offenses,it makes no damn sense.
When all this crap started I was on the fat guys side. But after thinking about it and putting myself in the black guys shoes? Not anymore...I wouldnt have been illegally selling cigs on the street and I would have complied immediately and put my hands behind my back.

Oh you would've gladly went to jail for a loose cigarette charge? Sure you would've sir...In Hypotheticalville

Holy Shit!!! Thats what he was being arrested for!!

He was being arrested? Woow you see all kinds of things not in the tape huh?

And if you're going to jail why the hell would you want to add resisting arrest to the charges!

Was he going to jail? Did you see that too on the video?

The dude was breaking the law and knew it. Whether or not it's a stupid law is immaterial,which by the way I believe it is a stupid law.

Another thing you saw that must be hidden in that video orrrrrrrrrr you are just repeating what the police said and the video is a lie

The cops are paid to enforce all laws,once they tell you you're under arrest it doesnt matter if it's for shoplifting or murder,you're under arrest period.

I'm sorry, did you hear that also? I didnt but I admit I could be wrong

I cant believe you spent the time to type this bullshit.
And I'm equally disappointed in myself for reading it. :cuckoo:

I could be wrong but no where on the tape was it indicated he was under arrest. I'm sorry either you're hearing things or just believing what you heard was said
I don't know if selling loose cigarettes is a criminal offense or a civil offense. It appears to be a civil offense.
You're right, he didnt die from a head lock he died from a choke hold that was ruled a homicide by the coroner. But this case like every other case...What does homicide really mean anyway? Whats a chokehold? He was fat doesnt that count? What was his GPA? Etc etc etc
He was not choked to death Idiot.

If he could talk he wasn't being choked.

The stress of the situation most likely killed the fat fuck just as his next walk up a flight of stairs could have and the stress of the situation was entirely his own fault.

I know the coroner obviously doesnt know anything about causes of death and stuff. :rolleyes: I mean what is a coroner anyway? Dead people....pbbbbt :rolleyes:

You show me where it says he died of manual strangulation.

The Coroner knows more than you
SO show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation. Because if the so called choke hold killed him that would be listed as the singular cause of death and not a contributing factor to his death.

See the difference there?

You can argue that with the Coroner. He knows something about Homicides and Forensics. And knows waaaay more about it than some peanut gallery internet poster like yourself
What on the video did you see anything about loose cigs?

Oh you would've gladly went to jail for a loose cigarette charge? Sure you would've sir...In Hypotheticalville

Holy Shit!!! Thats what he was being arrested for!!

He was being arrested? Woow you see all kinds of things not in the tape huh?

And if you're going to jail why the hell would you want to add resisting arrest to the charges!

Was he going to jail? Did you see that too on the video?

The dude was breaking the law and knew it. Whether or not it's a stupid law is immaterial,which by the way I believe it is a stupid law.

Another thing you saw that must be hidden in that video orrrrrrrrrr you are just repeating what the police said and the video is a lie

The cops are paid to enforce all laws,once they tell you you're under arrest it doesnt matter if it's for shoplifting or murder,you're under arrest period.

I'm sorry, did you hear that also? I didnt but I admit I could be wrong

I cant believe you spent the time to type this bullshit.
And I'm equally disappointed in myself for reading it. :cuckoo:

I could be wrong but no where on the tape was it indicated he was under arrest. I'm sorry either you're hearing things or just believing what you heard was said
I don't know if selling loose cigarettes is a criminal offense or a civil offense. It appears to be a civil offense.

We do know that whatever it was....? He wasnt getting a ticket for it,he was being arrested for it.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.
Que sera sera. It was unfortunate but the guy should have obeyed the police and let himself be cuffed. But go ahead and take up for the lawbreakers.

He didn't deserve a death sentence. The Cop should have been held accountable. He murdered an innocent man right in front of his wife. She begged him to release him. This is not justice.

The cop had no way of knowing this guy was already on borrowed time.
The fat guy knew it full and well that he was in no condition for combat,yet he chose to resist.
Did the cop over react? Maybe,but I dont believe he intended to kill the guy and thats what the GJ looks at.
I wouldnt have been opposed to some form of punishment but that would be circumventing the law,because the fact was an accident.
He should have been at least charged with manslaughter since the chokehold is against NYPD rules.

And the guy didn't resist arrest. He simply asked the cops to quit harassing him.

Good point. And his death was ruled a homicide.
Holy Shit!!! Thats what he was being arrested for!!

He was being arrested? Woow you see all kinds of things not in the tape huh?

And if you're going to jail why the hell would you want to add resisting arrest to the charges!

Was he going to jail? Did you see that too on the video?

The dude was breaking the law and knew it. Whether or not it's a stupid law is immaterial,which by the way I believe it is a stupid law.

Another thing you saw that must be hidden in that video orrrrrrrrrr you are just repeating what the police said and the video is a lie

The cops are paid to enforce all laws,once they tell you you're under arrest it doesnt matter if it's for shoplifting or murder,you're under arrest period.

I'm sorry, did you hear that also? I didnt but I admit I could be wrong

I cant believe you spent the time to type this bullshit.
And I'm equally disappointed in myself for reading it. :cuckoo:

I could be wrong but no where on the tape was it indicated he was under arrest. I'm sorry either you're hearing things or just believing what you heard was said
I don't know if selling loose cigarettes is a criminal offense or a civil offense. It appears to be a civil offense.

We do know that whatever it was....? He wasnt getting a ticket for it,he was being arrested for it.

Are we going on the video tape or just what the police said after the fact?

Because on the tape no one said anything about being under arrest. I guess even video tape evidence cant beat a conflicting story from the cops

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