No Indictment in Eric Garner Case

This also shows that recording interactions with the Police doesn't always = Justice. This shows they can still get away with just about anything. We do have a serious problem with our Police. Their propensity for violence is very disturbing. It has to be addressed.
Further, why did it take 4-5 cops to address the oh so heinous crime of selling loose cigarettes?

Is that such a horrid and violent crime against the citizens that they all had to pile on?

The man said he couldn't breathe. When one talks, air is going out of the body. He was unable to inhale. Why did the cops stay on top of him until he died?

Why were the other cops allowed to to cop a plea? They had video evidence and should have held them all accountable, albeit possibly to varying degrees. Instead, the others got off without being held accountable for their actions.
American Police are creating too many martyrs. Many will seek revenge. Violence begets violence.
Over some damn cigarettes. An innocent man is dead. There has to be accountability. I can't blame people for being angry. Their anger is justified.

It sucks the guy died.
But I can apply your "Over some damn cigarettes" statement to the deceased.
He wanted to throw down with the police "Over some damn cigarettes"?
I dont understand the propensity blacks have for resisting arrest for minor offenses,it makes no damn sense.
When all this crap started I was on the fat guys side. But after thinking about it and putting myself in the black guys shoes? Not anymore...I wouldnt have been illegally selling cigs on the street and I would have complied immediately and put my hands behind my back.

I see the episode as an unfortunate accident-----the man
who died was TOO BIG-----and he resisted arrest-----
the cop who restrained him was too little to restrain that
big guy without using all the force he could muster.
I did not perceive that episode as some monster cop
choking an infant to death--------who wuddah thunk that the
big big guy would go down???
LOL! The guy was fat so it is his own fault he's dead and the little cop had no choice but to kill him.

Yeah, a wildly absurd take on this for sure. :cuckoo:
Over some damn cigarettes. An innocent man is dead. There has to be accountability. I can't blame people for being angry. Their anger is justified.

It sucks the guy died.
But I can apply your "Over some damn cigarettes" statement to the deceased.
He wanted to throw down with the police "Over some damn cigarettes"?

What on the video did you see anything about loose cigs?

I dont understand the propensity blacks have for resisting arrest for minor offenses,it makes no damn sense.
When all this crap started I was on the fat guys side. But after thinking about it and putting myself in the black guys shoes? Not anymore...I wouldnt have been illegally selling cigs on the street and I would have complied immediately and put my hands behind my back.

Oh you would've gladly went to jail for a loose cigarette charge? Sure you would've sir...In Hypotheticalville

Holy Shit!!! Thats what he was being arrested for!!
And if you're going to jail why the hell would you want to add resisting arrest to the charges!
The dude was breaking the law and knew it. Whether or not it's a stupid law is immaterial,which by the way I believe it is a stupid law.
The cops are paid to enforce all laws,once they tell you you're under arrest it doesnt matter if it's for shoplifting or murder,you're under arrest period.

The Police should be arrested. Their crime was far more egregious. Murder an innocent Citizen over cigarettes? What a country. What a country.
The chokehold is not illegal.
2. The man died 4 hours later, likely caused by his poor health and not from choking.
The chokehold is illegal in New York, and Garner died an hour after his "arrest."
"After Garner expressed to the police that he was tired of being harassed and that he was not selling cigarettes, officers made the move to arrest Garner. Officer Daniel Pantaleo, also on scene, put his arms around the much taller Garner's neck, applying a headlock or chokeholdshown in a widely viewed video recording of the event.[1] Garner was pronounced dead approximately one hour later at the hospital."
Death of Eric Garner - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
He was being arrested? Woow you see all kinds of things not in the tape huh?

Was he going to jail? Did you see that too on the video?

Another thing you saw that must be hidden in that video orrrrrrrrrr you are just repeating what the police said and the video is a lie

I'm sorry, did you hear that also? I didnt but I admit I could be wrong

I cant believe you spent the time to type this bullshit.
And I'm equally disappointed in myself for reading it. :cuckoo:

I could be wrong but no where on the tape was it indicated he was under arrest. I'm sorry either you're hearing things or just believing what you heard was said
I don't know if selling loose cigarettes is a criminal offense or a civil offense. It appears to be a civil offense.

We do know that whatever it was....? He wasnt getting a ticket for it,he was being arrested for it.

Are we going on the video tape or just what the police said after the fact?

Because on the tape no one said anything about being under arrest. I guess even video tape evidence cant beat a conflicting story from the cops

Yeah, it shows even recording interaction with Police doesn't necessarily = Justice. This awful travesty only reinforces the belief by many that the Police get away with everything. It has only created more martyrs.
1. The chokehold is not illegal.
2. The man died 4 hours later, likely caused by his poor health and not from choking.

And it is very likely he would not have died, if not for the choke hold.

Many cops today are little tyrants. If you disobey them, they just might murder you and get away with it.

The police state rolls on.............

It's even more likely that he would not have died if he hadn't resisted arrest.

He looked real dangerous, almost as if he was actually resisting.
This also shows that recording interactions with the Police doesn't always = Justice. This shows they can still get away with just about anything. We do have a serious problem with our Police. Their propensity for violence is very disturbing. It has to be addressed.
To be fair there are hundreds of millions of people in this country. Most everyone has a smartphone now. Cops Killing citizens is not new.. smartphones... those are new. Propensity for violence is not isolated to cops.

But yes, this whole we need to have a police force as heavily armed and strong as our military... yeah this makes no sense...

As far as this incident goes, it's pretty clear there was a fight... the big guy broke it up.. the cops came along and wanted to blame the big guy for the fight and/or take him in to question him about the fight. Sounded like they take him in a lot. Sounded like he was sick & tired of being singled out. The cops had a choice... let him cool down, relax... or do their job, cuff him any way they could to assert their authority. No surprise they choose to do their job. Unfortunately for the cops... the guy died as a direct consequence to their decision to assert their authority. Then afterwards... they drum up some tax issue. WTF was that about?
Blacks are now wanting the right to resist arrest and tell cops to fuck off. Next they'll be trying to take cops guns away....Oh right, they already did that in Ferguson.
This also shows that recording interactions with the Police doesn't always = Justice. This shows they can still get away with just about anything. We do have a serious problem with our Police. Their propensity for violence is very disturbing. It has to be addressed.
To be fair there are hundreds of millions of people in this country. Most everyone has a smartphone now. Cops Killing citizens is not new.. smartphones... those are new. Propensity for violence is not isolated to cops.

But yes, this whole we need to have a police force as heavily armed and strong as our military... yeah this makes no sense...

As far as this incident goes, it's pretty clear there was a fight... the big guy broke it up.. the cops came along and wanted to blame the big guy for the fight and/or take him in to question him about the fight. Sounded like they take him in a lot. Sounded like he was sick & tired of being singled out. The cops had a choice... let him cool down, relax... or do their job, cuff him any way they could to assert their authority. No surprise they choose to do their job. Unfortunately for the cops... the guy died as a direct consequence to their decision to assert their authority. Then afterwards... they drum up some tax issue. WTF was that about?

In a Police State there is always justification for abusing Citizens. They're right, and you the Citizen are wrong. There is a big imbalance. More & more Citizens are getting fed up with that imbalance.
This also shows that recording interactions with the Police doesn't always = Justice. This shows they can still get away with just about anything. We do have a serious problem with our Police. Their propensity for violence is very disturbing. It has to be addressed.
To be fair there are hundreds of millions of people in this country. Most everyone has a smartphone now. Cops Killing citizens is not new.. smartphones... those are new. Propensity for violence is not isolated to cops.

But yes, this whole we need to have a police force as heavily armed and strong as our military... yeah this makes no sense...

As far as this incident goes, it's pretty clear there was a fight... the big guy broke it up.. the cops came along and wanted to blame the big guy for the fight and/or take him in to question him about the fight. Sounded like they take him in a lot. Sounded like he was sick & tired of being singled out. The cops had a choice... let him cool down, relax... or do their job, cuff him any way they could to assert their authority. No surprise they choose to do their job. Unfortunately for the cops... the guy died as a direct consequence to their decision to assert their authority. Then afterwards... they drum up some tax issue. WTF was that about?

In a Police State there is always justification for abusing Citizens. They're right, and you the Citizen are wrong. There is a big imbalance. More & more Citizens are getting fed up with that imbalance.
Just saying this is not a new thing.
This also shows that recording interactions with the Police doesn't always = Justice. This shows they can still get away with just about anything. We do have a serious problem with our Police. Their propensity for violence is very disturbing. It has to be addressed.
To be fair there are hundreds of millions of people in this country. Most everyone has a smartphone now. Cops Killing citizens is not new.. smartphones... those are new. Propensity for violence is not isolated to cops.

But yes, this whole we need to have a police force as heavily armed and strong as our military... yeah this makes no sense...

As far as this incident goes, it's pretty clear there was a fight... the big guy broke it up.. the cops came along and wanted to blame the big guy for the fight and/or take him in to question him about the fight. Sounded like they take him in a lot. Sounded like he was sick & tired of being singled out. The cops had a choice... let him cool down, relax... or do their job, cuff him any way they could to assert their authority. No surprise they choose to do their job. Unfortunately for the cops... the guy died as a direct consequence to their decision to assert their authority. Then afterwards... they drum up some tax issue. WTF was that about?

In a Police State there is always justification for abusing Citizens. They're right, and you the Citizen are wrong. There is a big imbalance. More & more Citizens are getting fed up with that imbalance.
Just saying this is not a new thing.

True, but the rapid Militarization of our Police has made things much worse.
Holy Shit!!! Thats what he was being arrested for!!

He was being arrested? Woow you see all kinds of things not in the tape huh?

And if you're going to jail why the hell would you want to add resisting arrest to the charges!

Was he going to jail? Did you see that too on the video?

The dude was breaking the law and knew it. Whether or not it's a stupid law is immaterial,which by the way I believe it is a stupid law.

Another thing you saw that must be hidden in that video orrrrrrrrrr you are just repeating what the police said and the video is a lie

The cops are paid to enforce all laws,once they tell you you're under arrest it doesnt matter if it's for shoplifting or murder,you're under arrest period.

I'm sorry, did you hear that also? I didnt but I admit I could be wrong

I cant believe you spent the time to type this bullshit.
And I'm equally disappointed in myself for reading it. :cuckoo:

I could be wrong but no where on the tape was it indicated he was under arrest. I'm sorry either you're hearing things or just believing what you heard was said
I don't know if selling loose cigarettes is a criminal offense or a civil offense. It appears to be a civil offense.

We do know that whatever it was....? He wasnt getting a ticket for it,he was being arrested for it.
The police have no business manhandling anyone for such a minor offense.
Blacks are now wanting the right to resist arrest and tell cops to fuck off. Next they'll be trying to take cops guns away....Oh right, they already did that in Ferguson.

Even if that were true, and its not, since when is selling loose cigarettes punishable by death?

He was killed and dead AT THE SCENE. Once again, here's video proof that the GJ did not see.

This also shows that recording interactions with the Police doesn't always = Justice. This shows they can still get away with just about anything. We do have a serious problem with our Police. Their propensity for violence is very disturbing. It has to be addressed.

I do believe the cops resorted to the aggressive take down a bit early.
But the cops may have a history with this guy for all we know.
This also shows that recording interactions with the Police doesn't always = Justice. This shows they can still get away with just about anything. We do have a serious problem with our Police. Their propensity for violence is very disturbing. It has to be addressed.
To be fair there are hundreds of millions of people in this country. Most everyone has a smartphone now. Cops Killing citizens is not new.. smartphones... those are new. Propensity for violence is not isolated to cops.

But yes, this whole we need to have a police force as heavily armed and strong as our military... yeah this makes no sense...

As far as this incident goes, it's pretty clear there was a fight... the big guy broke it up.. the cops came along and wanted to blame the big guy for the fight and/or take him in to question him about the fight. Sounded like they take him in a lot. Sounded like he was sick & tired of being singled out. The cops had a choice... let him cool down, relax... or do their job, cuff him any way they could to assert their authority. No surprise they choose to do their job. Unfortunately for the cops... the guy died as a direct consequence to their decision to assert their authority. Then afterwards... they drum up some tax issue. WTF was that about?

In a Police State there is always justification for abusing Citizens. They're right, and you the Citizen are wrong. There is a big imbalance. More & more Citizens are getting fed up with that imbalance.
Just saying this is not a new thing.

True, but the rapid Militarization of our Police has made things much worse.
They were militarized before. All these recent events have had nothing to do with swat teams & military equipment. But we do have a lot of guys coming back from the wars in the ME trained to fight terrorists, then they get hired as cops.

Dunno... I just don't like characterizing all cops based on the decisions of some cops.

If you don't like the war on our people, end the drug war, end the war on poverty, end the war on cigarettes, end the war on soda, end the war on pen knives on airplanes, end the ... DHS.
This also shows that recording interactions with the Police doesn't always = Justice. This shows they can still get away with just about anything. We do have a serious problem with our Police. Their propensity for violence is very disturbing. It has to be addressed.

I do believe the cops resorted to the aggressive take down a bit early.
But the cops may have a history with this guy for all we know.
The guy they killed said so... He seemed truthful.

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