No Indictment in Eric Garner Case

Didnt he die of a heart attack hours later??? Pretty sure he was stood up and walked on his own while cuffed.

That is a total lie!

Officer Pantaleo's choke hold & body weight on Garner's head & neck caused his asthma & heart attack instantly. Garner never moved after officer Pantaleo was pulled off his neck & head by another cop. Then a cop in a suit pushes everyone back & says "it is now going to become a crime scene." The police flopped Garner's lifeless body onto the stretcher & he was pronounced dead on the ambulance ride to hospital. The Coroner ruled Garner's death a homicide.

There are 2 certainties Death and Taxes.
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That's not true, you can't say what might have happened. The shock of simply being arrested may have prompted a heart attack, you just don't know... BUT... as is the case with the modern-day liberal, you THINK you know everything and no one can reason with you
Cons always bow low to authority, don't you, Boss?
The medical examiner of New York ruled Garner died from a chokehold the NYPD banned twenty one years ago so why not pretend you're not scared shitless by goons with badges and guns and grow some?

"The city medical examiner has ruled the death of Eric Garner, the 43-year-old father whose death in police custody sparked national outrage, a homicide, saying a chokehold killed him.

Medical Examiner Rules Eric Garner s Death a Homicide Says He Was Killed By Chokehold NBC New York

Bow low to authority? You make it sound like it's a humiliation to obey a police officer. I think MOST people in civilized society think we should obey the police. If we don't do that we're going to have lawless disorder and anarchy.

Stop lying to people. The medical examiner did not rule that the man died from a choke hold. Nor has anyone concluded the hold used by NYPD was banned. Eric Garner died of a heart attack. The medical examiner says the hold as well as compression on his body were "contributing factors" to his heart attack. Another contributing factor was his obesity. So the same way a choke hold killed him, a cheeseburger also killed him. Now I could run around claiming he died from eating too many cheeseburgers, but that wouldn't be totally honest, would it? Yet, that is exactly what you are doing.

But you have already told us all we need to know about what you're having a problem with... it's that COPS exhibited authority over a black man. You see, apparently we now live in a country where black men can do pretty much any goddamn thing they please and the cops can't do a thing about it. No laws apply to black men, they are above the law. If any figure of authority tries to apply the law to black men, they are racist bigots who hate black people.
Didnt he die of a heart attack hours later??? Pretty sure he was stood up and walked on his own while cuffed.

That is a total lie!

Officer Pantaleo's choke hold & body weight on Garner's head & neck caused his asthma & heart attack instantly. Garner never moved after officer Pantaleo was pulled off his neck & head by another cop. Then a cop in a suit pushes everyone back & says "it is now going to become a crime scene." The police flopped Garner's lifeless body onto the stretcher & he was pronounced dead on the ambulance ride to hospital. The Coroner ruled Garner's death a homicide.

There are 2 certainties Death and Taxes.

The Coroner ruled Garner's death a homicide.

This keeps being brought up as if it's relevant. In this context, "homicide" means death of a human by another human. The coroner did not rule it was "criminal homicide." In order to have "criminal homicide" there has to be intent to kill. There was never any intent to kill this man, so it was NOT criminal homicide. (aka: murder)
Stop lying to people. The medical examiner did not rule that the man died from a choke hold. Nor has anyone concluded the hold used by NYPD was banned
"On July 17, 2014, Eric Garner died in the Tompkinsville neighborhood of Staten Island, New York, after a police officer put him in an apparent[6][7][8]chokehold for about 19 seconds a tactic banned by the New York City Police Department(NYPD)...[9][10]"

"After the incident, city medical examiners concluded that Garner was killed by neck compression from the apparent chokehold, along with 'the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police'. Contributing factors included bronchial asthma, heart disease, obesity, and hypertensive cardiovascular disease.

Not only was Garner "killed by neck compression from the apparent chokehold", he was subjected to further "humiliation" when every public servant on the scene refused to clear his airways, administer oxygen, or even employ his inhaler to counteract his asthma.

If you think those cumulative "humiliations" had nothing to do with Garner's skin color, you're either rich, conservative, or color blind.

Death of Eric Garner - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I have zero sympathy for career criminals who cost the 'Makers' in society hundreds of thousands of hard earned money. That money could have been spent buying school books and hiring qualified teachers......not unionized teachers 'streamed' through six months training and being hired b/c of AA.
How do you feel about rancid, racist cops?
"Daniel Pantaleo is a white[28] New York City Police Department officer who was, at the time of Garner's death, age 29 and living in Eltingville, Staten Island.[29] Pantaleo's father was a New York City Fire Department firefighter, and his uncle was a NYPD officer. He graduated from Monsignor Farrell High School and received a bachelor's degree fromCollege of Staten Island. He joined the NYPD in 2006.[30]

"Pantaleo was the subject of two civil rights lawsuits in 2013 where plaintiffs accused Pantaleo of falsely arresting them and abusing them.

"In one of the cases, Pantaleo and other officers ordered two black men to strip naked on the street for a search and the charges against the men were dismissed.[31][32][33].
Death of Eric Garner - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Bow low to authority? You make it sound like it's a humiliation to obey a police officer. I think MOST people in civilized society think we should obey the police. If we don't do that we're going to have lawless disorder and anarchy.
"Pantaleo was the subject of two civil rights lawsuits in 2013 where plaintiffs accused Pantaleo of falsely arresting them and abusing them. In one of the cases, Pantaleo and other officers ordered two black men to strip naked on the street for a search and the charges against the men were dismissed.[31][32][33]"
Would you have obeyed the police officers and stripped, or not?
Didnt he die of a heart attack hours later??? Pretty sure he was stood up and walked on his own while cuffed.

That is a total lie!

Officer Pantaleo's choke hold & body weight on Garner's head & neck caused his asthma & heart attack instantly. Garner never moved after officer Pantaleo was pulled off his neck & head by another cop. Then a cop in a suit pushes everyone back & says "it is now going to become a crime scene." The police flopped Garner's lifeless body onto the stretcher & he was pronounced dead on the ambulance ride to hospital. The Coroner ruled Garner's death a homicide.

There are 2 certainties Death and Taxes.
No it was reported he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. He did no die "instantly" on the street
I have zero sympathy for career criminals who cost the 'Makers' in society hundreds of thousands of hard earned money. That money could have been spent buying school books and hiring qualified teachers......not unionized teachers 'streamed' through six months training and being hired b/c of AA.
How do you feel about rancid, racist cops?
"Daniel Pantaleo is a white[28] New York City Police Department officer who was, at the time of Garner's death, age 29 and living in Eltingville, Staten Island.[29] Pantaleo's father was a New York City Fire Department firefighter, and his uncle was a NYPD officer. He graduated from Monsignor Farrell High School and received a bachelor's degree fromCollege of Staten Island. He joined the NYPD in 2006.[30]

"Pantaleo was the subject of two civil rights lawsuits in 2013 where plaintiffs accused Pantaleo of falsely arresting them and abusing them.

"In one of the cases, Pantaleo and other officers ordered two black men to strip naked on the street for a search and the charges against the men were dismissed.[31][32][33].
Death of Eric Garner - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Accused or found guilty.

One means something the other doesn't
Accused or found guilty.

One means something the other doesn't
Not so much if you're working as a police officer.
As long as local district attorneys control grand jury investigations of police officers, any verdicts reached will be questioned with good reason since DAs don't have much success if they get on the wrong side of police unions.
Accused or found guilty.

One means something the other doesn't
Not so much if you're working as a police officer.
As long as local district attorneys control grand jury investigations of police officers, any verdicts reached will be questioned with good reason since DAs don't have much success if they get on the wrong side of police unions.

Now you are making unsubstantiated claims about the integrity of the system itself. If you have some evidence of wrongdoing in your state, you should take that to the U.S. district attorney for investigation. The local DA oversees the GJ process because it falls under his/her purview, that's just how the system works. We don't know of any system which always ensures that unethical people won't exploit their positions of power to do something besides uphold the integrity of the system, that's why it's so important to put people of integrity in these positions.

So what you are presenting is really NOT a good reason to question the grand jury process. Especially since you haven't offered a better system. Federal district attorneys are not impervious to political corruption, in fact, they are often more prone to bias just by nature of being "the fed"
Now you are making unsubstantiated claims about the integrity of the system itself. If you have some evidence of wrongdoing in your state, you should take that to the U.S. district attorney for investigation. The local DA oversees the GJ process because it falls under his/her purview, that's just how the system works.
You're off your talking points, Boss. Maybe you should more concerned with how kid-glove prosecutors handle corrupt cops than with unsubstantiated claims about the integrity of a political system based on pay-to-play justice.
"'The system is under the complete control, under the thumb, of prosecutors,' said the Cato Institute's Timothy Lynch, who co-authored a 2003 scathing analysis: 'A Grand Façade: How the Grand Jury was Captured by Government.'

"'If they want an indictment they are going to get an indictment,' he told me. 'If they don't want an indictment it won't happen.'

"A grand jury is significantly different from a regular jury in a trial. It meets in secret -- to protect those who may not be charged; prosecutors dictate what evidence and witnesses the jury sees. There's generally no judge or defense attorney.

Why grand jury indictments in police shootings are so rare - CBS News
Is this now going to be the new leftist meme? We need to get rid of those evil and corrupt grand juries that the righties and Koch Brothers so desperately want to cling to!

Really.... What in the fuck is wrong with you people?
Is this now going to be the new leftist meme? We need to get rid of those evil and corrupt grand juries that the righties and Koch Brothers so desperately want to cling to!

Really.... What in the fuck is wrong with you people?
It was Big Mikes lawyers/family who INSISTED upon having a GJ.
They got one.
There were at least seven Blacks on the jury.
In case some of you 'pyjama-boy LIBs don't know. All GJ's are chosen from a carefully regulated pool to accurately reflect the racial/gender demographic of the location where the GJ will be sitting.
BM's GJ was chosen to hear a case MONTHS before BM got himself killed.
Is this now going to be the new leftist meme? We need to get rid of those evil and corrupt grand juries that the righties and Koch Brothers so desperately want to cling to!
You just can't quite grasp the conflict of interest between local prosecutors, who depend on good working relations with local police, being solely empowered to decide what evidence a GJ sees and what evidence it doesn't see?
In case some of you 'pyjama-boy LIBs don't know. All GJ's are chosen from a carefully regulated pool to accurately reflect the racial/gender demographic of the location where the GJ will be sitting.
How about the economic class demographics of grand jury selections? Tell us how many of the working poor of Staten Island, who were representative of Eric Garner, were included in the "carefully regulated pool" which absolved Daniel Pantaleo of criminal responsibility in Garner's death?
In case some of you 'pyjama-boy LIBs don't know. All GJ's are chosen from a carefully regulated pool to accurately reflect the racial/gender demographic of the location where the GJ will be sitting.
How about the economic class demographics of grand jury selections? Tell us how many of the working poor of Staten Island, who were representative of Eric Garner, were included in the "carefully regulated pool" which absolved Daniel Pantaleo of criminal responsibility in Garner's death?
Garner was a constant menace to the local businesses. It was these businesses who kept calling the cops.
What Garner was doing was illegal. He knew it. He had been arrested FIVE fucking times on the same street corner for breaking the same law.
Customers where avoiding the corner Garner was on. He had zero right to be doing what he was doing.
That is why the cops were doing their sworn duty: To uphold the law.
If you don't like the law go whine to the fucking radical Lib mayor. He told the cops to enforce the 'broken window' law.
Breaking Down the Broken Windows Theory of Policing - Pacific Standard The Science of Society
Garner was a constant menace to the local businesses. It was these businesses who kept calling the cops.
What Garner was doing was illegal. He knew it. He had been arrested FIVE fucking times on the same street corner for breaking the same law.
Customers where avoiding the corner Garner was on. He had zero right to be doing what he was doing.
Got a link for any of this?
Garner's regular location when selling "loosies" was the Staten Island Ferry terminal and not the location where his homicide occurred
"HARRY SIEGEL: He (Garner) sold cigarettes by the Staten Island Ferry. If you talk to anyone from that part of Staten Island, he’s a well-known guy. That wasn’t where he was. These cops recognized him. There had been pressure on that exact thing, for a variety of other reasons. And they’re just like, 'Ah, this is a skell. This is not a person.' Is that, at least in some part, because he was black? I don’t doubt it for a second, especially in Staten Island."
A Racist and Unjust System A Discussion on Policing in Wake of Michael Brown and Eric Garner Deaths Democracy Now
An article has been published with some little known "facts" in the Eric Garner incident.

Although the major media remain mum on the subject, it appears that a black female sergeant by the name of Kizzy Adoni supervised the arrest of the 6’4,” 400 lb. Eric Garner in New York City on July 17, 2014. As NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo and former LAPD Sergeant Stacey Koon can attest, there seems to a serious double standard at play here.

...As a result of affirmative action, collective bargaining, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the NYPD ranks are loaded with physically useless cops. Many of them were on the scene that day. At least two male officers were less than 5’ 6” and slight. Three other male officers were obese, one shockingly so, and the two female sergeants appeared to be both short and overweight. If Pantaleo had not been there, it is hard to imagine how his colleagues would have effected an arrest.

...Among the few media outlets to address the role of Sgt. Adoni was the aptly named LA Progressive. Cheryl Dorsey, a black former LAPD sergeant, took Adoni to task. “I am appalled by the seeming lack of leadership displayed by the sergeant on the scene during the #ICantBreathe incident,” Dorsey wrote. Adoni, Dorsey explained, was expected to manage and control the subordinate officers under her command. “So then for a sergeant, and a black woman at that, to stand idly by and do nothing is egregious,” she concluded.

...Adoni could have called the officers off, much as Koon could have called the officers off King, but she did not. The initial police report quotes Adoni as saying, “The perpetrator’s condition did not seem serious and he did not appear to get worse.”...

Read more: Articles Sgt. Kizzy Adoni Meet Sgt. Stacey Koon
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An article has been published with some little known "facts" in the Eric Garner incident.

Although the major media remain mum on the subject, it appears that a black female sergeant by the name of Kizzy Adoni supervised the arrest of the 6’4,” 400 lb. Eric Garner in New York City on July 17, 2014. As NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo and former LAPD Sergeant Stacey Koon can attest, there seems to a serious double standard at play here.

...As a result of affirmative action, collective bargaining, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the NYPD ranks are loaded with physically useless cops. Many of them were on the scene that day. At least two male officers were less than 5’ 6” and slight. Three other male officers were obese, one shockingly so, and the two female sergeants appeared to be both short and overweight. If Pantaleo had not been there, it is hard to imagine how his colleagues would have effected an arrest.

...Among the few media outlets to address the role of Sgt. Adoni was the aptly named LA Progressive. Cheryl Dorsey, a black former LAPD sergeant, took Adoni to task. “I am appalled by the seeming lack of leadership displayed by the sergeant on the scene during the #ICantBreathe incident,” Dorsey wrote. Adoni, Dorsey explained, was expected to manage and control the subordinate officers under her command. “So then for a sergeant, and a black woman at that, to stand idly by and do nothing is egregious,” she concluded.

...Adoni could have called the officers off, much as Koon could have called the officers off King, but she did not. The initial police report quotes Adoni as saying, “The perpetrator’s condition did not seem serious and he did not appear to get worse.”...

Read more: Articles Sgt. Kizzy Adoni Meet Sgt. Stacey Koon
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lol... it didn't seem serious... he stopped complaining.. wasn't getting "worse.."

OMFG the guy stopped breathing.. he's laying passed out dying under their feet and they do nothing.

Another fantastic display of affirmative action.
Having worked in a government law enforcement organization I offer some facts:
Say a police force, basically anywhere on the planet, but we'll say in the US has five hundred cops.
Now read this very carefully.
When a new recruit starts his first day on the job he already has been given extensive training. That's obvious. Part of the training is called 'Police Misconduct'.
The recruit is ordered to immediately inform his closest superior of any police misconduct he observes.
He will be fired if it's proven he knew about any misconduct, even stealing piece of fruit and didn't go to his superior.
Some of you may not believe this but nevertheless it's a fact.
As with any group of people in any walk of life certain people are drawn to each other for good and bad reasons.
Same with cops.
In a five hundred strong PF there are always those who are bad apples. Bad apples are those who are basically borderline criminals themselves. They are NOT the ones who go looking for trouble. The ones who are looking for trouble don't last. The internal review boards soon spot them and get rid of them. But why would they? FUCKING ECONOMICS! If you are a cop ruled responsible in the department having to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in settling a civil suit you fucking better not be involved again for a fucking decade.
Everyone knows the bad apples. If you don't want to partner with another cop you are not required to. What happens is those few bad apples always end up riding with each other.
These bad apples are the ones with attitude problems towards basically everyone they encounter.
Vey very few of these officers ever last more than a year or two.
The 'brass' know who the bad apples are.
All it takes is for a couple of rock solid excellent cops to drop the word that they don't what to ride with a certain cop and that certain cop is marked as 'undesirable' (he might as well have ebola) and will soon either jump or be pushed out. Most jump. Many to the military.
A cop with a file showing five police forces in eight years is at the end of the road.
Bottom line is cops have their own code of conduct. No good cop would ever risk his/her career tolerating a bad cops behavior. It just doesn't happen in real life.
Contrary to what LIB pyjama-boys think.
The myth of "corrupt" police departments are only in the movies.
Every Prosecutor knows everything about every cop in his precinct.
No Prosecutor goes after who he knows and everyone in the department knows is a straight cop.
In Wilson's case the Prosecutor and the cops knew Wilson was straight and there was zero chance Wilson would ever be convicted of something he didn't do.
99.99 % of the time straight Prosecutors and straight cops are doing excellent jobs.

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