No Indictment in Eric Garner Case

He wasn't choked to death.
Yet a chokehold was responsible for his death?
"The city medical examiner has ruled the death of Eric Garner, the 43-year-old father whose death in police custody sparked national outrage, a homicide, saying a chokehold killed him.

The medical examiner said compression of the neck and chest, along with Garner's positioning on the ground while being restrained by police during the July 17 stop on Staten Island, caused his death."
Medical Examiner Rules Eric Garner s Death a Homicide Says He Was Killed By Chokehold NBC New York
He wasn't choked to death.
Yet a chokehold was responsible for his death?
"The city medical examiner has ruled the death of Eric Garner, the 43-year-old father whose death in police custody sparked national outrage, a homicide, saying a chokehold killed him.

The medical examiner said compression of the neck and chest, along with Garner's positioning on the ground while being restrained by police during the July 17 stop on Staten Island, caused his death."
Medical Examiner Rules Eric Garner s Death a Homicide Says He Was Killed By Chokehold NBC New York

It was listed as a contributing factor not the sole cause.

Just watch the video. If he was choked to death as you say then the cop would have still been applying the choke hold when he expired and he wouldn't have been able to keep repeating "I can't breathe"

Common sense.
Eric Garner was killed by more than just a chokehold

The mayor’s response and examiner’s ruling are both indictments of Officer Pantaleo’s actions, which were already illegal according to the NYPD’s own guidelines. Officers are not supposed to use this tactic of essentially choking someone into unconsciousness to subdue them. But there were a lot of things Pantaleo and his fellow officers did that day that went beyond the extremes of bad policing.

On the day of his death, bystanders say Garner was breaking up a fight when he caught the eye of the police. The NYPD claims officers had previously targeted Garner for selling untaxed, individual cigarettes. Garner wanted to know why he was being harassed, and he paid for that query with his life. In America, we’re not supposed kill people for questioning an officer, or for speaking up for themselves – except, of course, when we do.

Eric Garner was killed by more than just a chokehold MSNBC

He was not choked into unconsciousness. Unless you believe that someone can repeatedly say "I can't breath!" while unconscious, the evidence simply does not indicate this. In fact, it's a bit of a misnomer that this was a "choke" hold, since the subject was obviously able to speak. People cannot speak while being choked, it's just not possible.

Furthermore, he was not taken down because he asked a question. He was taken down after he physically resisted arrest. Now, I have asked you several times to tell me what you believe an officer should do whenever someone does not wish to be arrested... which is probably the overwhelming majority of the time... but when someone doesn't want to be arrested and they physically resist, what should the police officer do in that situation? It's a really easy question, I am not sure why you are not giving me an answer.

Instead of answering, you simply want to EMOTE and LIE. You've made your mind up that an injustice was done here, and no one on Earth can reason with you. I don't fucking know what your problem is, or what mental problem you lefties have which makes you assume that you are always right and no one can ever question your viewpoint. It just keeps going on and on, from one incident to another, as you march around protesting with this 'hubris' mindset that only YOU can have an opinion!
Eric Garner was killed by more than just a chokehold

The mayor’s response and examiner’s ruling are both indictments of Officer Pantaleo’s actions, which were already illegal according to the NYPD’s own guidelines. Officers are not supposed to use this tactic of essentially choking someone into unconsciousness to subdue them. But there were a lot of things Pantaleo and his fellow officers did that day that went beyond the extremes of bad policing.

On the day of his death, bystanders say Garner was breaking up a fight when he caught the eye of the police. The NYPD claims officers had previously targeted Garner for selling untaxed, individual cigarettes. Garner wanted to know why he was being harassed, and he paid for that query with his life. In America, we’re not supposed kill people for questioning an officer, or for speaking up for themselves – except, of course, when we do.

Eric Garner was killed by more than just a chokehold MSNBC

He was not choked into unconsciousness. Unless you believe that someone can repeatedly say "I can't breath!" while unconscious, the evidence simply does not indicate this. In fact, it's a bit of a misnomer that this was a "choke" hold, since the subject was obviously able to speak. People cannot speak while being choked, it's just not possible.

Furthermore, he was not taken down because he asked a question. He was taken down after he physically resisted arrest. Now, I have asked you several times to tell me what you believe an officer should do whenever someone does not wish to be arrested... which is probably the overwhelming majority of the time... but when someone doesn't want to be arrested and they physically resist, what should the police officer do in that situation? It's a really easy question, I am not sure why you are not giving me an answer.

Instead of answering, you simply want to EMOTE and LIE. You've made your mind up that an injustice was done here, and no one on Earth can reason with you. I don't fucking know what your problem is, or what mental problem you lefties have which makes you assume that you are always right and no one can ever question your viewpoint. It just keeps going on and on, from one incident to another, as you march around protesting with this 'hubris' mindset that only YOU can have an opinion!
You're the liar everybody knows that.
Eric Garner was killed by more than just a chokehold

The mayor’s response and examiner’s ruling are both indictments of Officer Pantaleo’s actions, which were already illegal according to the NYPD’s own guidelines. Officers are not supposed to use this tactic of essentially choking someone into unconsciousness to subdue them. But there were a lot of things Pantaleo and his fellow officers did that day that went beyond the extremes of bad policing.

On the day of his death, bystanders say Garner was breaking up a fight when he caught the eye of the police. The NYPD claims officers had previously targeted Garner for selling untaxed, individual cigarettes. Garner wanted to know why he was being harassed, and he paid for that query with his life. In America, we’re not supposed kill people for questioning an officer, or for speaking up for themselves – except, of course, when we do.

Eric Garner was killed by more than just a chokehold MSNBC

He was not choked into unconsciousness. Unless you believe that someone can repeatedly say "I can't breath!" while unconscious, the evidence simply does not indicate this. In fact, it's a bit of a misnomer that this was a "choke" hold, since the subject was obviously able to speak. People cannot speak while being choked, it's just not possible.

Furthermore, he was not taken down because he asked a question. He was taken down after he physically resisted arrest. Now, I have asked you several times to tell me what you believe an officer should do whenever someone does not wish to be arrested... which is probably the overwhelming majority of the time... but when someone doesn't want to be arrested and they physically resist, what should the police officer do in that situation? It's a really easy question, I am not sure why you are not giving me an answer.

Instead of answering, you simply want to EMOTE and LIE. You've made your mind up that an injustice was done here, and no one on Earth can reason with you. I don't fucking know what your problem is, or what mental problem you lefties have which makes you assume that you are always right and no one can ever question your viewpoint. It just keeps going on and on, from one incident to another, as you march around protesting with this 'hubris' mindset that only YOU can have an opinion!
You're the liar everybody knows that.

Well no, everyone DOES NOT know that, there are several people in this thread alone who are rejecting your emotive pack of lies and disagreeing with you. I've not lied about anything, I have no reason to lie. You can't point out anything that I've lied about, even though you continue to say it. You are the one who is lying and you continue to emotively spew nonsense that just isn't factual at all. You want this to be about something that it's not about, and I get that... but grow the fuck up! It's not gonna happen! We're not going to wake up in the morning to find the GJ re-convened and overturned their ruling! People disagreed with you, they didn't find the officer guilty... learn to understand that sometimes in life you don't get your way, people don't always agree with your view. You can be wrong sometimes! I know that's hard for a modern liberal to accept, but that's a cold hard fact of life, baby!
That's not true, you can't say what might have happened. The shock of simply being arrested may have prompted a heart attack, you just don't know... BUT... as is the case with the modern-day liberal, you THINK you know everything and no one can reason with you
Cons always bow low to authority, don't you, Boss?
The medical examiner of New York ruled Garner died from a chokehold the NYPD banned twenty one years ago so why not pretend you're not scared shitless by goons with badges and guns and grow some?

"The city medical examiner has ruled the death of Eric Garner, the 43-year-old father whose death in police custody sparked national outrage, a homicide, saying a chokehold killed him.

Medical Examiner Rules Eric Garner s Death a Homicide Says He Was Killed By Chokehold NBC New York
He died of a heart attack in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. THAT was the cause of death
Would you call the chokehold a necessary or sufficient cause of death?

I'm still unclear about why the NYPD approached Garner on the day he died since I haven't seen any evidence he was selling "loosies" at that particular time.

Was Garner being arrested for breaking up a fight that the NYPD was also responding to?

If so, why was Garner subject to arrest in the first place?
He was murdered by abusive cops who will get justice served on a platter. These protesters are doing a wonderful job.
Yes they are. They are keeping people who had nothing to do with their issue from getting to the airport, to work and their homes. It is the perfect method of swaying folks to your side.
He died of a heart attack in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. THAT was the cause of death
Would you call the chokehold a necessary or sufficient cause of death?

I'm still unclear about why the NYPD approached Garner on the day he died since I haven't seen any evidence he was selling "loosies" at that particular time.

Was Garner being arrested for breaking up a fight that the NYPD was also responding to?

If so, why was Garner subject to arrest in the first place?
He was on parole and known to the cops. I don't care why the cops were asking him questions they have every right to talk to people and Garner had every right not to answer the questions but instead he acted out like a little kid.

But please people stop saying he was choked to death when he died of a heart attack on the way to the hospital

If you want to kill someone start with that fucking codger.

He was right. There was no justice given for Eric Garner
Welcome to the police state.

Yeah Garner the career criminal arrested over 30 times and on parole.

Let's get it straight garner was not choked to death, he was not rendered unconscious by a choke hold he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital of a heart attack.

He was a known repeat offender on parole the cops had every right to approach him and talk to him but he just had to be a bad ass and escalate the situation.

Now I am not saying the response by the cops was warranted but at least I am sticking to the facts here and when you step back from all the histrionics I think it's obvious that Garner holds the primary responsibility here since he had to be a bad ass and escalate the incident
f he obeyed the law he doesn't die. He never learned even after 31 times. His medical conditions caused his death. The coroner had to say that the "choke" hold partly caused it to satisfy the black mobs.
Police officers and other "public servants" treated Garner like a piece of meat AFTER he was in custody; they made no attempt to clear his air passages, administer oxygen, or even use his inhaler. Black lives are still 3/5 the worth of white lives to some Americans:
f he obeyed the law he doesn't die. He never learned even after 31 times. His medical conditions caused his death. The coroner had to say that the "choke" hold partly caused it to satisfy the black mobs.
Police officers and other "public servants" treated Garner like a piece of meat AFTER he was in custody; they made no attempt to clear his air passages, administer oxygen, or even use his inhaler. Black lives are still 3/5 the worth of white lives to some Americans:
Ya. 'Whale' meat.
All the career criminal had to do was comply with the cop's orders. He was so fucking stupid he axeually belived he could refuse to comply with the cops. At that point in his useless life you'd have thought he would have learned when you fuck with the cops you ALWAYS lose. Obviously not.
I have zero sympathy for career criminals who cost the 'Makers' in society hundreds of thousands of hard earned money. That money could have been spent buying school books and hiring qualified teachers......not unionized teachers 'streamed' through six months training and being hired b/c of AA.

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