No Indictment in Eric Garner Case

1. The chokehold is not illegal.
2. The man died 4 hours later, likely caused by his poor health and not from choking.

It was pretty obvious when he said that he couldn't breathe repeatedly.

NYPD chokehold arrest of Eric Garner ruled homicide by Medical Examiner - CBS News

Garner's death was caused by compression of neck and chest, and his prone positioning during physical restraint by police, the New York City Medical Examiner's office announced Friday. Asthma, heart disease and obesity were listed as contributing factors.
No one can talk when they can't breath. The career criminal told the cops he "couldn't breath" 12 times.

It was likely the first signs of an impending heart attack. Symptoms can start long before the actual heart attack. Feeling pressure in the chest when you breathe is a symptom and that combined with the stress of wrestling with cops trying to resist arrest are likely why he felt really bad. I am sure it doesn't feel good to have cops exerting pressure to subdue you, which is why you don't fight them to begin with. Had the guy just quit fighting and relaxed, there would not have been any choke hold or other measures needed. Had he remained calm, he could have explained that he wasn't feeling well. They would have been required to get him medical help whether they arrested him or not. It is a shame that the guy couldn't just chill out and cooperate. He would likely have still had a heart but might have been a different outcome.

NYC has some strict laws that replaced the stop and frisk rules. They are going to get money from fines one way or the other. Stupid laws or not, once stopped by police you need to cooperate to make things easy on yourself.
Police have a difficult job. They can keep people safe, but they can also be a pain in the ass, the ones that show up and make you pay for your mistakes. Police are the line you cannot cross. It is easy to dislike police if they are in your way, if they affect your life negatively. However, we owe the order of society, and the relative safety of our country to them.

Will everything go as planned? No. Will the police eventually begin to suspect people that have a certain appearance? Sure, how could they not? Do they use excessive force? Some would say yes, but this is behavior forged by criminals over the years. Think from the point of view of the police, how are they going to perform their job and stay safe at the same time? They are able to do this more successfully if they forcefully restrain someone who is resisting arrest. They don't know what the person being arrested is capable of, and they have to use force to perform their duty and attempt to stay safe themselves. It is hard to watch, and it seems so brutal, why hold him down? Why not just reason with the man? No doubt this was all attempted, but the situation escalated and as others have said, it was not the police tactics that killed the man, it was his poor health combined with the stress of the whole situation. A choke hold is not designed to injure a person, it is simply meant to interrupt blood flow through the major blood vessels on either side other esophagus, and cause the person to lose consciousness.

The idea of a choke hold is what is offending people the most, in my opinion. What if the officer used a tazer and it caused the man's heart to stop? Would the headlines read "Black Man Electrocuted By Police"?

Its all about Media Spin, and social-network based news stories. That's what is causing so many to people to get outraged, and that is what is different about things now, as opposed to similar occurences in the past. This type of thing has been going on ever since there were police in the first place. Compared to historical times, our police force is full of gentlemen.

Excellent post!!
Police have a difficult job. They can keep people safe, but they can also be a pain in the ass, the ones that show up and make you pay for your mistakes. Police are the line you cannot cross. It is easy to dislike police if they are in your way, if they affect your life negatively. However, we owe the order of society, and the relative safety of our country to them.

Will everything go as planned? No. Will the police eventually begin to suspect people that have a certain appearance? Sure, how could they not? Do they use excessive force? Some would say yes, but this is behavior forged by criminals over the years. Think from the point of view of the police, how are they going to perform their job and stay safe at the same time? They are able to do this more successfully if they forcefully restrain someone who is resisting arrest. They don't know what the person being arrested is capable of, and they have to use force to perform their duty and attempt to stay safe themselves. It is hard to watch, and it seems so brutal, why hold him down? Why not just reason with the man? No doubt this was all attempted, but the situation escalated and as others have said, it was not the police tactics that killed the man, it was his poor health combined with the stress of the whole situation. A choke hold is not designed to injure a person, it is simply meant to interrupt blood flow through the major blood vessels on either side other esophagus, and cause the person to lose consciousness.

The idea of a choke hold is what is offending people the most, in my opinion. What if the officer used a tazer and it caused the man's heart to stop? Would the headlines read "Black Man Electrocuted By Police"?

Its all about Media Spin, and social-network based news stories. That's what is causing so many to people to get outraged, and that is what is different about things now, as opposed to similar occurences in the past. This type of thing has been going on ever since there were police in the first place. Compared to historical times, our police force is full of gentlemen.
No.. The issue isn't the choke the issue is killing him.
1. The chokehold is not illegal.
2. The man died 4 hours later, likely caused by his poor health and not from choking.

It was pretty obvious when he said that he couldn't breathe repeatedly.

NYPD chokehold arrest of Eric Garner ruled homicide by Medical Examiner - CBS News

Garner's death was caused by compression of neck and chest, and his prone positioning during physical restraint by police, the New York City Medical Examiner's office announced Friday. Asthma, heart disease and obesity were listed as contributing factors.
No one can talk when they can't breath. The career criminal told the cops he "couldn't breath" 12 times.

It was likely the first signs of an impending heart attack. Symptoms can start long before the actual heart attack. Feeling pressure in the chest when you breathe is a symptom and that combined with the stress of wrestling with cops trying to resist arrest are likely why he felt really bad. I am sure it doesn't feel good to have cops exerting pressure to subdue you, which is why you don't fight them to begin with. Had the guy just quit fighting and relaxed, there would not have been any choke hold or other measures needed. Had he remained calm, he could have explained that he wasn't feeling well. They would have been required to get him medical help whether they arrested him or not. It is a shame that the guy couldn't just chill out and cooperate. He would likely have still had a heart but might have been a different outcome.

NYC has some strict laws that replaced the stop and frisk rules. They are going to get money from fines one way or the other. Stupid laws or not, once stopped by police you need to cooperate to make things easy on yourself.
He wasn't resisting arrest you liar.

“Okay, for all of you libtards who are defending Eric Garner...”

The ignorance exhibited by you and most others on the right is remarkable, not surprising, but remarkable nonetheless.

No one is 'defending' Garner, there's nothing to 'defend.'

In their attempt to detain Garner, the police used unauthorized, unwarranted excessive force that resulted in his wrongful death.

It is that unauthorized, unwarranted excessive force which is at issue, not Garner's words or actions.

Oh it's much worse than "defending Garner" ...I was just being nice about it. What the left is doing is using the unfortunate death of this man to incite racial riots, make false racial allegations, attack law enforcement and the grand jury process. Your left-wing kook attorney general is about to launch a federal civil rights investigation when there is absolutely NO indication this had anything to do with racism.

Garner was being arrested for breaking the law and he resisted arrest. At this point, a rational person has to ask, what were the police supposed to do? Beg Mr. Garner's pardon and wish him well in his entrepreneurial enterprise? Seriously... what are the cops supposed to do whenever someone resists arrest? No one on the left seems to want to answer this question.

And what other options did the cops have? Tazers? Pepper spray? Would that have been more "healthy" for Mr. Garner? I'm honestly out of ideas as to options for subduing someone who is resisting arrest. So all I can assume here is the left thinks the cops should have simply shrugged their shoulders and said... meh, the guy doesn't want to be arrested today! Oh well!

The bottom line here is not that the police used unwarranted or unauthorized excessive force, it is that Mr. Gardner resisted arrest and his choice of actions resulted in his untimely death. If feel sorry for his family and I wish that he had chosen differently, but I can't blame the cops for doing their job.

The libs are glad Garner and Brown died. They never miss using a death for political purposes. Do we hear about the daily death tolls since 9-11 under OBAMA? NOPE- YET more soldiers have died under his watch than Bush. 1657 vs 575!

U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan Obama vs Bush Just Foreign Policy
Eric was a serial pest. That is true. But one is not killed for being a pest. I have no doubt that the police did not intend to kill or hurt Eric, but the result of their actions is that Eric is dead. The Grand Jury has said that the police did nothing illegal. I agree. But that does NOT mean that the death was not avoidable!! And for what? Cigarette tax?? On single cigarettes?

Even a pest's life is worth more than that!!

Eric was a serial pest. That is true. But one is not killed for being a pest. I have no doubt that the police did not intend to kill or hurt Eric, but the result of their actions is that Eric is dead. The Grand Jury has said that the police did nothing illegal. I agree. But that does NOT mean that the death was not avoidable!! And for what? Cigarette tax?? On single cigarettes?

Even a pest's life is worth more than that!!

Of course it was avoidable. All Garner had to do was shut his trap and comply with the cop.

It wasn't like he was late for work or anything now was it?
The majority of people would have walked away from the incident.
How was the cop to know the dude was just short of a walking corpse?
The cop should never have touched the man. He wasn't engaged in any activity that merited him being placed in a choke hold.
Tell that to the LIB cock sucker NYC major. He was the one who made selling single smokes illegal.
The cops are paid to enforce the laws. They do not make the laws.
They aren't paid to strangle people over petty crimes.

The tax law must say violation means death by cop :rolleyes: Sorry I meant death by tax choke...I'm actually not sure how a tax killed him but I'm sure it will be the fault of liberals somewhere
This actually has nothing to do with a tax law. I couldn't find the actual law, but an article from the New York Times from 2011 says selling loosies is a misdemeanor.

I don't think cops should be able to strangle people over misdemeanors.
You didn't watch the video did you.

That so called choke hold was nothing but a head lock that was held for less than 10 seconds.

It takes longer than 10 seconds to strangle a person to death.
1. The chokehold is not illegal.
2. The man died 4 hours later, likely caused by his poor health and not from choking.

It was pretty obvious when he said that he couldn't breathe repeatedly.

NYPD chokehold arrest of Eric Garner ruled homicide by Medical Examiner - CBS News

Garner's death was caused by compression of neck and chest, and his prone positioning during physical restraint by police, the New York City Medical Examiner's office announced Friday. Asthma, heart disease and obesity were listed as contributing factors.
No one can talk when they can't breath. The career criminal told the cops he "couldn't breath" 12 times.

Its funny how the left claims to love science, but there are now two sciences that they very much hate: Forensics, and Anatomy.

Stupid fuckers.
1. The chokehold is not illegal.
2. The man died 4 hours later, likely caused by his poor health and not from choking.

It was pretty obvious when he said that he couldn't breathe repeatedly.

NYPD chokehold arrest of Eric Garner ruled homicide by Medical Examiner - CBS News

Garner's death was caused by compression of neck and chest, and his prone positioning during physical restraint by police, the New York City Medical Examiner's office announced Friday. Asthma, heart disease and obesity were listed as contributing factors.
No one can talk when they can't breath. The career criminal told the cops he "couldn't breath" 12 times.
Youre a fetid asshole.

You are a racist asshole.
Eric was a serial pest. That is true. But one is not killed for being a pest. I have no doubt that the police did not intend to kill or hurt Eric, but the result of their actions is that Eric is dead. The Grand Jury has said that the police did nothing illegal. I agree. But that does NOT mean that the death was not avoidable!! And for what? Cigarette tax?? On single cigarettes?

Even a pest's life is worth more than that!!

Of course it was avoidable. All Garner had to do was shut his trap and comply with the cop.

It wasn't like he was late for work or anything now was it?
Garner was not late for his job at Wall Street. He was about to be late to chair the weekly local Mensa meeting at the library.
No fathers to mentor them
IQ's lower than body temperature
Zero impulse control
Allele counts make them prone to violence
Endemic HPD
Gangbanger/thug culture everywhere
Young students who are trying in shithole schools are bullied to not do well
Result: Tray-Tray/Big Mike/Garner/Rice and on and fucking and on and on.
It will never end......ever.
When in doubt, lie your extremist and racist ass off.
Calling everyone who disagrees with you liar is not a sign of intelligence.

You sound like a whining 5 year old.
Way to minimize my opinion on this, you do continue to minimize what happened there that day too. He was in the choke hold for 15 seconds then another cop had his knee on the guy's head pressing it into the ground. He said he couldn't breathe 11 times and then he died out there on the street.

I don't care if you have compassion here but anyone watching that video has to feel something was wrong in the way that man was treated in the minutes before his death and for what?

It was gung ho cops taking out their pent up aggression in that altercation. The choke hold was unwarranted and illegal. They shouldn't have touched him at all. They shouldn't have even detained him for that so called crime. They were looking for somebody to abuse for whatever reason. It was excessive force used and the man unfortunately didn't survive it.

They weren't indicted. Life goes on but your version of the truth is not acceptable to me and I said so.
When in doubt, lie your extremist and racist ass off.
Calling everyone who disagrees with you liar is not a sign of intelligence.

You sound like a whining 5 year old.
Way to minimize my opinion on this, you do continue to minimize what happened there that day too. He was in the choke hold for 15 seconds then another cop had his knee on the guy's head pressing it into the ground. He said he couldn't breathe 11 times and then he died out there on the street.

I don't care if you have compassion here but anyone watching that video has to feel something was wrong in the way that man was treated in the minutes before his death and for what?

It was gung ho cops taking out their pent up aggression in that altercation. The choke hold was unwarranted and illegal. They shouldn't have touched him at all. They shouldn't have even detained him for that so called crime. They were looking for somebody to abuse for whatever reason. It was excessive force used and the man unfortunately didn't survive it.

They weren't indicted. Life goes on but your version of the truth is not acceptable to me and I said so.
That's funny.

You call everyone a liar and you accuse me of minimizing other opinions?

I never said the so called choke hols was warranted did I? I said it wasn't applied well enough or long enough to kill the guy.

And you can whine about shoulda woulda coulda all you want.

The fact is that if he would have just shut his mouth stood there he would still be alive today.

I'm not exonerating anyone here I'm just telling it like it is. He had no obligation to answer the cops questions. All he had to do was ask if he was being detained and if the cops said yes then he should have shut up and complied.

It's not rocket science.
When in doubt, lie your extremist and racist ass off.
Calling everyone who disagrees with you liar is not a sign of intelligence.

You sound like a whining 5 year old.
Way to minimize my opinion on this, you do continue to minimize what happened there that day too. He was in the choke hold for 15 seconds then another cop had his knee on the guy's head pressing it into the ground. He said he couldn't breathe 11 times and then he died out there on the street.

I don't care if you have compassion here but anyone watching that video has to feel something was wrong in the way that man was treated in the minutes before his death and for what?

It was gung ho cops taking out their pent up aggression in that altercation. The choke hold was unwarranted and illegal. They shouldn't have touched him at all. They shouldn't have even detained him for that so called crime. They were looking for somebody to abuse for whatever reason. It was excessive force used and the man unfortunately didn't survive it.

They weren't indicted. Life goes on but your version of the truth is not acceptable to me and I said so.
You can't talk when you can't breath.
In your fucked up head you believe the cops had "pent up aggression".
The choke hold WAS NOT ILLEGAL! If it was the cop would have been charged moron.
The cops were "looking for someone to abuse". Even the Black woman sergeant?
You're stupid fucking idiot.
When in doubt, lie your extremist and racist ass off.
Calling everyone who disagrees with you liar is not a sign of intelligence.

You sound like a whining 5 year old.
Way to minimize my opinion on this, you do continue to minimize what happened there that day too. He was in the choke hold for 15 seconds then another cop had his knee on the guy's head pressing it into the ground. He said he couldn't breathe 11 times and then he died out there on the street.

I don't care if you have compassion here but anyone watching that video has to feel something was wrong in the way that man was treated in the minutes before his death and for what?

It was gung ho cops taking out their pent up aggression in that altercation. The choke hold was unwarranted and illegal. They shouldn't have touched him at all. They shouldn't have even detained him for that so called crime. They were looking for somebody to abuse for whatever reason. It was excessive force used and the man unfortunately didn't survive it.

They weren't indicted. Life goes on but your version of the truth is not acceptable to me and I said so.
You can't talk when you can't breath.
In your fucked up head you believe the cops had "pent up aggression".
The choke hold WAS NOT ILLEGAL! If it was the cop would have been charged moron.
The cops were "looking for someone to abuse". Even the Black woman sergeant?
You're stupid fucking idiot.
Just so you know for future reference... If I want your opinion about anything, I first acknowledge your existence. Ya sock.

When in doubt, lie your extremist and racist ass off.
Calling everyone who disagrees with you liar is not a sign of intelligence.

You sound like a whining 5 year old.
Way to minimize my opinion on this, you do continue to minimize what happened there that day too. He was in the choke hold for 15 seconds then another cop had his knee on the guy's head pressing it into the ground. He said he couldn't breathe 11 times and then he died out there on the street.

I don't care if you have compassion here but anyone watching that video has to feel something was wrong in the way that man was treated in the minutes before his death and for what?

It was gung ho cops taking out their pent up aggression in that altercation. The choke hold was unwarranted and illegal. They shouldn't have touched him at all. They shouldn't have even detained him for that so called crime. They were looking for somebody to abuse for whatever reason. It was excessive force used and the man unfortunately didn't survive it.

They weren't indicted. Life goes on but your version of the truth is not acceptable to me and I said so.
You can't talk when you can't breath.
In your fucked up head you believe the cops had "pent up aggression".
The choke hold WAS NOT ILLEGAL! If it was the cop would have been charged moron.
The cops were "looking for someone to abuse". Even the Black woman sergeant?
You're stupid fucking idiot.
Just so you know for future reference... If I want your opinion about anything, I first acknowledge your existence. Ya sock.

Many thanks c***.
You're a waste of bandwidth.
Eric was a serial pest. That is true. But one is not killed for being a pest. I have no doubt that the police did not intend to kill or hurt Eric, but the result of their actions is that Eric is dead. The Grand Jury has said that the police did nothing illegal. I agree. But that does NOT mean that the death was not avoidable!! And for what? Cigarette tax?? On single cigarettes?

Even a pest's life is worth more than that!!


He was not intentionally killed over cigarettes or anything else. He died as a result of being subdued after he resisted arrest. And I agree with you, his death might have been avoidable, even though the police did nothing illegal. I predict (unlike the Micheal Brown case) Eric Garner's family will eventually win a settlement in a civil case against the City of New York. They will be very wealthy people because of this.

I would still like to know what people believe the cops should do when someone resists arrest? Some will say, well it wasn't that big of a crime, it was a misdemeanor, they should have just given him a citation... okay, let's play it out... they give him a citation and he ignores it, doesn't appear in court. Now there is a failure to appear warrant and the cops go to serve that... can they put their hands on him now? The point is, law enforcement can't enforce the law if they can't arrest people. At some point, you are going to get a 350 lb. person who does not want to be arrested... what do you do?

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