No Indictment in Eric Garner Case

It sure as fuck does when your body has used all the available air and you cant expel anymore.
No offense, but you are an idiot.

This is almost as comical as the idiot that posted about the half nelson.

Maybe you can explain the need for the universal sign for choking since asslips is avoiding that question?
I mean after all he should be able to tell you he's choking right? Why the need for a universal sign?
Normally, someone that is choking has something stuck in their windpipe that stops the flow of air in and out. It's different than having someone put their arm around your neck and partially restrict the airflow. The guy was OBVIOUSLY having difficulty breathing.

Not sure why you continue to deny this, you're just making yourself look foolish.

The majority of people would have walked away from the incident.
How was the cop to know the dude was just short of a walking corpse?
The cop should never have touched the man. He wasn't engaged in any activity that merited him being placed in a choke hold.
Tell that to the LIB cock sucker NYC major. He was the one who made selling single smokes illegal.
The cops are paid to enforce the laws. They do not make the laws.
You can argue that with the Coroner. He knows something about Homicides and Forensics. And knows waaaay more about it than some peanut gallery internet poster like yourself
Show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation.

HOMICIDE: Medical examiner says NYPD chokehold killed Staten Island dad Eric Garner

It was a homicide — and the chokehold killed him.

Eric Garner, the Staten Island dad who complained that he couldn’t breathe as he was subdued by cops, died from compression of the neck, the medical examiner said Friday.

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

Garner’s widow told the Daily News she was relieved that the coroner finally confirmed what she suspected since her husband died on July 17.

Eric Garner s death ruled a homicide NYC medical examiner - NY Daily News
Read the whole article next time

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

The autopsy determined the victim’s asthma, obesity and high blood pressure were also contributing factors in his death

So which is the cause? The choke hold which while applied he was able to talk ?, the guy sitting on his chest? Being grossly obese and held in a prone position?

Or was it his obesity, Asthma and high blood pressure?

But do you know what really caused his death?

He did by not complying with the cops.
The cause is right there in what you posted. "prone positioning during physical restraint by the police" killed Garner.

The real cause was his refusing to comply with the cops.

If he had just done as told he'd be sucking down a double bacon cheeseburger and a shake right now
That would be two double bacons. The dead man had a criminal record going back over thirty years. Some of those he went to jail for were for violent crimes against innocent victims. He was out on parole. He had been arrested five times for the same offense. He knew he was going back to prison for his parole violation. He resisted arrest. His doctor told the GJ Garner's heart was a ticking time bomb.
He could have been Big Mike's mentor on how to get what you want by bullying and intimidating innocent people.
A timely question:


Photo of Martin Luther King Jr.
No offense, but you are an idiot.

This is almost as comical as the idiot that posted about the half nelson.

Maybe you can explain the need for the universal sign for choking since asslips is avoiding that question?
I mean after all he should be able to tell you he's choking right? Why the need for a universal sign?
Normally, someone that is choking has something stuck in their windpipe that stops the flow of air in and out. It's different than having someone put their arm around your neck and partially restrict the airflow. The guy was OBVIOUSLY having difficulty breathing.

Not sure why you continue to deny this, you're just making yourself look foolish.

The majority of people would have walked away from the incident.
How was the cop to know the dude was just short of a walking corpse?
The cop should never have touched the man. He wasn't engaged in any activity that merited him being placed in a choke hold.
Tell that to the LIB cock sucker NYC major. He was the one who made selling single smokes illegal.
The cops are paid to enforce the laws. They do not make the laws.
They aren't paid to strangle people over petty crimes.
That would be two double bacons. The dead man had a criminal record going back over thirty years. Some of those he went to jail for were for violent crimes against innocent victims. He was out on parole. He had been arrested five times for the same offense. He knew he was going back to prison for his parole violation. He resisted arrest. His doctor told the GJ Garner's heart was a ticking time bomb.

Ahh you're on stage 3:
Stage 3: Smear Campaign and victim blaming
Once we find out about the killing and violation against a Black person, we quickly get to the place where people ask what the person did to get killed. As if people walk out everyday looking for trouble to get into that will lead to them having a hole in their body and a heart with no beat.

Because to be considered a TRUE victim, you need to be a saint who never even raised your voice, cussed or put up any selfies that didn’t have you in a choir robe. Because to defame your character is to place the onus of death squarely on your shoulders. If you’re in a hoodie in any of your online pics, beware. That day when you felt like rocking some Timbs and a baggy shirt, they will find that pic and ask what you did as the “thug” you are.

They find out that Mike/Trayvon/Tamir’s stepdaddy’s first cousin twice removed didn’t file taxes in 2004, therefore they were a monster. And there’s no real correlation to the matter at hand but that doesn’t matter. Because victims cannot be VICTIMS unless they were angels on Earth. And when they can’t find anything to use on them, they find anything around them to use to drag their names through the mud.

Well, only if you’re Black. Because that is when you actually have to PROVE your humanity, instead of having it given to you. Because even in death, they won’t let your soul rest without smearing it with dirt. Even though, if you’re white, you can shoot up an entire movie theater, walk out with your life intact and get painted as someone who is “disturbed.”
No offense, but you are an idiot.

This is almost as comical as the idiot that posted about the half nelson.

Maybe you can explain the need for the universal sign for choking since asslips is avoiding that question?
I mean after all he should be able to tell you he's choking right? Why the need for a universal sign?
Normally, someone that is choking has something stuck in their windpipe that stops the flow of air in and out. It's different than having someone put their arm around your neck and partially restrict the airflow. The guy was OBVIOUSLY having difficulty breathing.

Not sure why you continue to deny this, you're just making yourself look foolish.

The majority of people would have walked away from the incident.
How was the cop to know the dude was just short of a walking corpse?
The cop should never have touched the man. He wasn't engaged in any activity that merited him being placed in a choke hold.
Tell that to the LIB cock sucker NYC major. He was the one who made selling single smokes illegal.
The cops are paid to enforce the laws. They do not make the laws.
Is that the excuse for killing the guy... they were paid to kill him?
Maybe you can explain the need for the universal sign for choking since asslips is avoiding that question?
I mean after all he should be able to tell you he's choking right? Why the need for a universal sign?
Normally, someone that is choking has something stuck in their windpipe that stops the flow of air in and out. It's different than having someone put their arm around your neck and partially restrict the airflow. The guy was OBVIOUSLY having difficulty breathing.

Not sure why you continue to deny this, you're just making yourself look foolish.

The majority of people would have walked away from the incident.
How was the cop to know the dude was just short of a walking corpse?
The cop should never have touched the man. He wasn't engaged in any activity that merited him being placed in a choke hold.
Tell that to the LIB cock sucker NYC major. He was the one who made selling single smokes illegal.
The cops are paid to enforce the laws. They do not make the laws.
They aren't paid to strangle people over petty crimes.

The tax law must say violation means death by cop :rolleyes: Sorry I meant death by tax choke...I'm actually not sure how a tax killed him but I'm sure it will be the fault of liberals somewhere
Sorry but what exactly is it that a wrote that was a lie? A knee on the side of your head will not choke you to death now will it?

And the best way to keep a larger opponent down IS to keep his head pinned to the ground.
That he wasn't complying. He put his hands up, they grabbed him around the neck, he gave in, went down on the ground and they still wouldn't let him breathe. You are deliberately trying to make up a different scenario as if he was fighting them all the way. You are lying.

He wasn't complying he was slapping the cop's hands away. They forced him to the ground he did not get on the ground voluntarily. He was resisting the entire time. If he wasn't resisting it would not have taken 5 guys to control him
You need to watch it again. You couldn't be more wrong. Those cops killed him and got off scott free, that's why they continue to murder people.

Have you ever tried to take a person bigger than you down?

I didn't think so.
He asked them not to touch him at one point, very politely. They are not allowed to choke someone like that, they should have put him in the car and taken him downtown. He was very compliant. But no, they'd rather murder someone for selling a 50 cent ciggie.
That's right you stupid c***. Garner was being "very compliant".
Are you posting from a mental institute?
Does the tax apply the choke or does the tax compel others to choke? How does that work exactly?
Normally, someone that is choking has something stuck in their windpipe that stops the flow of air in and out. It's different than having someone put their arm around your neck and partially restrict the airflow. The guy was OBVIOUSLY having difficulty breathing.

Not sure why you continue to deny this, you're just making yourself look foolish.

The majority of people would have walked away from the incident.
How was the cop to know the dude was just short of a walking corpse?
The cop should never have touched the man. He wasn't engaged in any activity that merited him being placed in a choke hold.
Tell that to the LIB cock sucker NYC major. He was the one who made selling single smokes illegal.
The cops are paid to enforce the laws. They do not make the laws.
They aren't paid to strangle people over petty crimes.

The tax law must say violation means death by cop :rolleyes: Sorry I meant death by tax choke...I'm actually not sure how a tax killed him but I'm sure it will be the fault of liberals somewhere
This actually has nothing to do with a tax law. I couldn't find the actual law, but an article from the New York Times from 2011 says selling loosies is a misdemeanor.

I don't think cops should be able to strangle people over misdemeanors.
Show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation.

HOMICIDE: Medical examiner says NYPD chokehold killed Staten Island dad Eric Garner

It was a homicide — and the chokehold killed him.

Eric Garner, the Staten Island dad who complained that he couldn’t breathe as he was subdued by cops, died from compression of the neck, the medical examiner said Friday.

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

Garner’s widow told the Daily News she was relieved that the coroner finally confirmed what she suspected since her husband died on July 17.

Eric Garner s death ruled a homicide NYC medical examiner - NY Daily News
Read the whole article next time

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

The autopsy determined the victim’s asthma, obesity and high blood pressure were also contributing factors in his death

So which is the cause? The choke hold which while applied he was able to talk ?, the guy sitting on his chest? Being grossly obese and held in a prone position?

Or was it his obesity, Asthma and high blood pressure?

But do you know what really caused his death?

He did by not complying with the cops.
The cause is right there in what you posted. "prone positioning during physical restraint by the police" killed Garner.

The real cause was his refusing to comply with the cops.

If he had just done as told he'd be sucking down a double bacon cheeseburger and a shake right now
That would be two double bacons. The dead man had a criminal record going back over thirty years. Some of those he went to jail for were for violent crimes against innocent victims. He was out on parole. He had been arrested five times for the same offense. He knew he was going back to prison for his parole violation. He resisted arrest. His doctor told the GJ Garner's heart was a ticking time bomb.
He could have been Big Mike's mentor on how to get what you want by bullying and intimidating innocent people.
Liar. Damn you wingnuts sure do lie.
The case is whether excessive use of force was used just like the case of the 12 year old Black kid that was killed by cops here in Cleveland. Civil rights is being taken up again and it's about time. MLK died fighting peacefully for basic human rights and the protesters are taking their lead from that time.

It can't be dropped now or all will be lost. We need our police force but they must be accountable.

The cop that killed that Cleveland kid was on the verge of being let go because he is incompetent. Too bad he wasn't let go before that little boy was murdered by him.

Well I don't know about the Cleveland case but this case is very different from Ferguson. I agree that we need an accountable police force, I have no problem with officers being held accountable. But in this case, the man died because he was in poor health and couldn't withstand the trauma of being forcibly apprehended after resisting arrest. I don't think the force was unusually excessive and in "normal" circumstances, would not have resulted in death.

What bothers me most is the insinuation that the cops killed this man for selling loosies. IF that were the case, IF they had walked up and shot the man in the head for selling loosies... then I'd fucking be in NYC protesting myself! THAT would be a travesty of justice! THAT would be excessive force! THAT would be a moral outrage! But THAT is not what happened here.

He was placed under arrest in accordance with the law, and he resisted. There was physical confrontation and he was taken to the ground. The trauma of this along with his health conditions resulted in his death, and it's sad... really sad that he died. I wish that he hadn't died and I'm positive the officers wish he hadn't died. No one is arguing that he deserved to die. It was no one's intention for him to die. He wasn't "executed in the streets" as some have claimed... He certainly wasn't "executed because he was black!"
You should go protest then. They might as well have shot him in the head. They didn't have to subdue him even, they could have said get in the car, you're going downtown, we saw you selling the loosies. He dropped to the ground himself when they did the choke hold. He had given up by then, he was saying he couldn't breathe by then, he had no intention of harming any officer. They murdered him for a lame little crime that wouldn't have even gotten him any time at all.

Fuck all of you who are making excuses for the ignorant cops that murdered a guy who was standing on the street. No really fuck you.
In your most vivid doper dream do you really honestly believe Garner would have simply got into the cop car when told to do so knowing he was going back to prison? You, my stupid little c*** are one fucking deluded pathetic piece of LIB shit.
Maybe you can explain the need for the universal sign for choking since asslips is avoiding that question?
I mean after all he should be able to tell you he's choking right? Why the need for a universal sign?
Normally, someone that is choking has something stuck in their windpipe that stops the flow of air in and out. It's different than having someone put their arm around your neck and partially restrict the airflow. The guy was OBVIOUSLY having difficulty breathing.

Not sure why you continue to deny this, you're just making yourself look foolish.

The majority of people would have walked away from the incident.
How was the cop to know the dude was just short of a walking corpse?
The cop should never have touched the man. He wasn't engaged in any activity that merited him being placed in a choke hold.
Tell that to the LIB cock sucker NYC major. He was the one who made selling single smokes illegal.
The cops are paid to enforce the laws. They do not make the laws.
They aren't paid to strangle people over petty crimes.
Need a fucking mint? The GJ, of which seven were negroes didn't agree Garner was "strangled". But you go ahead and continue to make a fool of yourself. It's what you do. But I'm guessing that's not the first time someone in your little pointless life has told you.
Have a nice day.........but think about having a body wash soon please.
No one can talk when they can't breath. The career criminal told the cops he "couldn't breath" 12 times.
"On Aug. 1, a New York City medical examiner determined that the cause of death in the Garner case was 'homicide,' specifically the neck compressions from the Pantaleo’s chokehold and 'the compression of [Garner’s] chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police,' according to spokeswoman, Julie Bolcer."
Why a Medical Examiner Called Eric Garner s Death a Homicide
Had Garner actually been selling "loosies" immediately prior to his homicide? According to participants on this DemocracyNow interview this morning, Garner had not been selling untaxed cigarettes or anything else during the hours before his last encounter with the NYPD:

Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez host the show:

"AMY GOODMAN: Our guests are Harry Shapiro [sic] from the New York Daily News, Mychal Denzel—Harry Siegel from the New York Daily News, Mychal Denzel Smith fromThe Nation, and Graham Weatherspoon, retired detective with the New York City Police Department.

"AMY GOODMAN: In fact, at that point, it has been argued that he wasn’t even selling what they call these 'loosies.'


MYCHAL DENZEL SMITH: Right. He says to them, 'I don’t have any on me.'

AMY GOODMAN: In fact, he had just broken up a fight of others.


AMY GOODMAN: He had gone in to mediate that, and the police came to that. They did not see him doing that at that point.

HARRY SIEGEL: He sold cigarettes by the Staten Island Ferry. If you talk to anyone from that part of Staten Island, he’s a well-known guy. That wasn’t where he was. These cops recognized him. There had been pressure on that exact thing, for a variety of other reasons. And they’re just like, 'Ah, this is a skell. This is not a person.' Is that, at least in some part, because he was black? I don’t doubt it for a second, especially in Staten Island."

A Racist and Unjust System A Discussion on Policing in Wake of Michael Brown and Eric Garner Deaths Democracy Now
When in doubt, lie your extremist and racist ass off.

The people I see lying are those who are claiming Garner was murdered by the police, strangled for a misdemeanor, executed in the street, killed because he was black. None of those things are true. He was physically taken down by force because he resisted arrest, not because he committed a crime. Anything that happened to him health-wise from that point is his own fault for resisting arrest.

Now people are trying to claim he wasn't even doing what the cops claimed, and that's even MORE the reason he shouldn't have resisted arrest. If the cops wrongfully arrest you, get a lawyer and sue their asses off.
I just read an article that said the on scene supervisor was a black female whe got immunity for testifying. Humm.
When in doubt, lie your extremist and racist ass off.

The people I see lying are those who are claiming Garner was murdered by the police, strangled for a misdemeanor, executed in the street, killed because he was black. None of those things are true. He was physically taken down by force because he resisted arrest, not because he committed a crime. Anything that happened to him health-wise from that point is his own fault for resisting arrest.

Now people are trying to claim he wasn't even doing what the cops claimed, and that's even MORE the reason he shouldn't have resisted arrest. If the cops wrongfully arrest you, get a lawyer and sue their asses off.
The lefties have gotten really good at lying.
Police have a difficult job. They can keep people safe, but they can also be a pain in the ass, the ones that show up and make you pay for your mistakes. Police are the line you cannot cross. It is easy to dislike police if they are in your way, if they affect your life negatively. However, we owe the order of society, and the relative safety of our country to them.

Will everything go as planned? No. Will the police eventually begin to suspect people that have a certain appearance? Sure, how could they not? Do they use excessive force? Some would say yes, but this is behavior forged by criminals over the years. Think from the point of view of the police, how are they going to perform their job and stay safe at the same time? They are able to do this more successfully if they forcefully restrain someone who is resisting arrest. They don't know what the person being arrested is capable of, and they have to use force to perform their duty and attempt to stay safe themselves. It is hard to watch, and it seems so brutal, why hold him down? Why not just reason with the man? No doubt this was all attempted, but the situation escalated and as others have said, it was not the police tactics that killed the man, it was his poor health combined with the stress of the whole situation. A choke hold is not designed to injure a person, it is simply meant to interrupt blood flow through the major blood vessels on either side other esophagus, and cause the person to lose consciousness.

The idea of a choke hold is what is offending people the most, in my opinion. What if the officer used a tazer and it caused the man's heart to stop? Would the headlines read "Black Man Electrocuted By Police"?

Its all about Media Spin, and social-network based news stories. That's what is causing so many to people to get outraged, and that is what is different about things now, as opposed to similar occurences in the past. This type of thing has been going on ever since there were police in the first place. Compared to historical times, our police force is full of gentlemen.

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