No Indictment in Eric Garner Case

Eric was a serial pest. That is true. But one is not killed for being a pest. I have no doubt that the police did not intend to kill or hurt Eric, but the result of their actions is that Eric is dead. The Grand Jury has said that the police did nothing illegal. I agree. But that does NOT mean that the death was not avoidable!! And for what? Cigarette tax?? On single cigarettes?

Even a pest's life is worth more than that!!


He was not intentionally killed over cigarettes or anything else. He died as a result of being subdued after he resisted arrest. And I agree with you, his death might have been avoidable, even though the police did nothing illegal. I predict (unlike the Micheal Brown case) Eric Garner's family will eventually win a settlement in a civil case against the City of New York. They will be very wealthy people because of this.

I would still like to know what people believe the cops should do when someone resists arrest? Some will say, well it wasn't that big of a crime, it was a misdemeanor, they should have just given him a citation... okay, let's play it out... they give him a citation and he ignores it, doesn't appear in court. Now there is a failure to appear warrant and the cops go to serve that... can they put their hands on him now? The point is, law enforcement can't enforce the law if they can't arrest people. At some point, you are going to get a 350 lb. person who does not want to be arrested... what do you do?
He had done nothing wrong. Why should he go with them? Free country, yes or no? If the cops freak out over a hand slap slapping their hand away when they go to grab someone from behind they need to grow a pair. Assaulting Garner for a hand slap? WTF is wrong with you authoritarian butt humpers?
Eric was a serial pest. That is true. But one is not killed for being a pest. I have no doubt that the police did not intend to kill or hurt Eric, but the result of their actions is that Eric is dead. The Grand Jury has said that the police did nothing illegal. I agree. But that does NOT mean that the death was not avoidable!! And for what? Cigarette tax?? On single cigarettes?

Even a pest's life is worth more than that!!


He was not intentionally killed over cigarettes or anything else. He died as a result of being subdued after he resisted arrest. And I agree with you, his death might have been avoidable, even though the police did nothing illegal. I predict (unlike the Micheal Brown case) Eric Garner's family will eventually win a settlement in a civil case against the City of New York. They will be very wealthy people because of this.

I would still like to know what people believe the cops should do when someone resists arrest? Some will say, well it wasn't that big of a crime, it was a misdemeanor, they should have just given him a citation... okay, let's play it out... they give him a citation and he ignores it, doesn't appear in court. Now there is a failure to appear warrant and the cops go to serve that... can they put their hands on him now? The point is, law enforcement can't enforce the law if they can't arrest people. At some point, you are going to get a 350 lb. person who does not want to be arrested... what do you do?
He was murdered by abusive cops who will get justice served on a platter. These protesters are doing a wonderful job.
His family can not bring any suit against the cops or the cop. The GJ decided that fact when they found no evidence of wrongdoing.
That's what Crump et al are so pissed about.
No judge at any level will 'hear' a wrongful death suit after a GJ has ruled in the negative. The cops MAY throw a few bucks at the Garners to shut them up but they will be with 'Without Prejudice'.
Eric was a serial pest. That is true. But one is not killed for being a pest. I have no doubt that the police did not intend to kill or hurt Eric, but the result of their actions is that Eric is dead. The Grand Jury has said that the police did nothing illegal. I agree. But that does NOT mean that the death was not avoidable!! And for what? Cigarette tax?? On single cigarettes?

Even a pest's life is worth more than that!!


He was not intentionally killed over cigarettes or anything else. He died as a result of being subdued after he resisted arrest. And I agree with you, his death might have been avoidable, even though the police did nothing illegal. I predict (unlike the Micheal Brown case) Eric Garner's family will eventually win a settlement in a civil case against the City of New York. They will be very wealthy people because of this.

I would still like to know what people believe the cops should do when someone resists arrest? Some will say, well it wasn't that big of a crime, it was a misdemeanor, they should have just given him a citation... okay, let's play it out... they give him a citation and he ignores it, doesn't appear in court. Now there is a failure to appear warrant and the cops go to serve that... can they put their hands on him now? The point is, law enforcement can't enforce the law if they can't arrest people. At some point, you are going to get a 350 lb. person who does not want to be arrested... what do you do?
He was murdered by abusive cops who will get justice served on a platter. These protesters are doing a wonderful job.

And what do you think the protesters are going to accomplish? The grand jury decision is over. Unless they have new evidence that decision is final. I'm sure Eric Holder wants to press civil rights charges, but can't.
They are now bringing up cases of excessive force in Cleveland from 2012 where the police were in a high speed chase. 62 cop cars chasing one vehicle with two occupants. When the chase stopped, 13 cops fired 139 bullets into that car, one cop was standing on the hood of the car shooting.

Recently a 12 year old boy was shot and killed by a cop in Cleveland who was fired for incompetence in his previous job.

It is not over for these NY cops by any means.
Eric was a serial pest. That is true. But one is not killed for being a pest. I have no doubt that the police did not intend to kill or hurt Eric, but the result of their actions is that Eric is dead. The Grand Jury has said that the police did nothing illegal. I agree. But that does NOT mean that the death was not avoidable!! And for what? Cigarette tax?? On single cigarettes?

Even a pest's life is worth more than that!!


He was not intentionally killed over cigarettes or anything else. He died as a result of being subdued after he resisted arrest. And I agree with you, his death might have been avoidable, even though the police did nothing illegal. I predict (unlike the Micheal Brown case) Eric Garner's family will eventually win a settlement in a civil case against the City of New York. They will be very wealthy people because of this.

I would still like to know what people believe the cops should do when someone resists arrest? Some will say, well it wasn't that big of a crime, it was a misdemeanor, they should have just given him a citation... okay, let's play it out... they give him a citation and he ignores it, doesn't appear in court. Now there is a failure to appear warrant and the cops go to serve that... can they put their hands on him now? The point is, law enforcement can't enforce the law if they can't arrest people. At some point, you are going to get a 350 lb. person who does not want to be arrested... what do you do?
He had done nothing wrong. Why should he go with them? Free country, yes or no? If the cops freak out over a hand slap slapping their hand away when they go to grab someone from behind they need to grow a pair. Assaulting Garner for a hand slap? WTF is wrong with you authoritarian butt humpers?

Well I am dreadfully sorry YOU don't understand how the law works and I hope that you're never arrested for something you didn't do, but I assure you, the right for you to resist arrest because you believe you're not guilty is not there. The cops are not judges or juries, they aren't making any determination on your guilt or innocence, they are merely carrying out their assignment to arrest you. After your arrest, your day in court will come and you can defend the charges. If they were wrongful, you can sue for false arrest.

If we adopted YOUR system, there would virtually be NO arrests... everyone would simply say "I didn't do it --fuck off!" Obviously, such a system won't work.
His family can not bring any suit against the cops or the cop. The GJ decided that fact when they found no evidence of wrongdoing.
That's what Crump et al are so pissed about.
No judge at any level will 'hear' a wrongful death suit after a GJ has ruled in the negative. The cops MAY throw a few bucks at the Garners to shut them up but they will be with 'Without Prejudice'.

No, the GJ was deciding on whether the officer should be indicted for a violation of law. A civil case can still be filed and I believe they have already done so in this case. NYC will settle out of court because they always do. It is important to note, the criteria for a GJ indictment of the officer is much higher than that of a civil suit for negligence.
He was murdered by abusive cops who will get justice served on a platter. These protesters are doing a wonderful job.

Well no dear, the GJ did not find that he was murdered by abusive cops and justice was served. Protesters are not going to ever change that fact of the matter. We don't live in the wild west anymore, where vigilante justice prevails and lynch mobs go out and string people up because of their emotions. We have a civil system and a process that is followed and you will abide by that or find yourself behind bars or on a slab. Makes no difference to the system.
Yes, and you TP Repubs know better than anyone about vigilante justice.

We'll see what happens, you may be surprised.
They are now bringing up cases of excessive force in Cleveland from 2012 where the police were in a high speed chase. 62 cop cars chasing one vehicle with two occupants. When the chase stopped, 13 cops fired 139 bullets into that car, one cop was standing on the hood of the car shooting.

Recently a 12 year old boy was shot and killed by a cop in Cleveland who was fired for incompetence in his previous job.

It is not over for these NY cops by any means.

Why are you bringing up a totally unrelated case from Cleveland and insinuating this has something to do with NYC cops or this case? Why haven't you attempted to answer my previous question about what police are supposed to do when someone resists arrest? The ONLY response I have ever gotten from you on this is that you though they should have asked him to get in the car. Well, they can't put him in the car and transport him without handcuffs, it's against police policy to do so. And I sincerely doubt he would have complied since he was repeating "leave me alone!"

So again... please explain what law enforcement officers are supposed to do whenever they encounter someone who weighs 350 lbs. and does not want to be arrested?
Yes, and you TP Repubs know better than anyone about vigilante justice.

We'll see what happens, you may be surprised.

Hey toots, if you want to make this into a political issue, be my guest.

I've already predicted what I think is going to happen, the Garner family will get a settlement on a civil case from NYC. The officer in question will be harangued and harassed into hiding and this will end his career in law enforcement. Perhaps the PD will look at other alternatives for situations like this, but again... I've asked the question and no one wants to give me an answer... what do cops do when someone doesn't want to be arrested?
No fathers to mentor them
IQ's lower than body temperature
Zero impulse control
Allele counts make them prone to violence
Endemic HPD
Gangbanger/thug culture everywhere
Young students who are trying in shithole schools are bullied to not do well
Result: Tray-Tray/Big Mike/Garner/Rice and on and fucking and on and on.
It will never end......ever.
Sounds like Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome:
"PTSS is an explanatory theory which posits that centuries of slavery in the United States, followed by systemic and structural racism and oppression, have resulted in multigenerational maladaptive behaviors, which originated as survival strategies.

"The syndrome continues because children whose parents suffer from PTSS will often be indoctrinated into the same behaviors, long after the behaviors have lost their contextual effectiveness.

"The author states that PTSS is not a 'disorder' that can simply be treated and remedied clinically but rather must necessarily require a profound social and structural change in Americans and American institutions that continue to promote inequalities and injustice.

"The author holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication, a master's degree in Social Work (MSW), a master's degree in Clinical Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Social Work Research. She teaches social work at Portland State University and gives lectures on PTSS nationally and internationally."
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Eric was a serial pest. That is true. But one is not killed for being a pest. I have no doubt that the police did not intend to kill or hurt Eric, but the result of their actions is that Eric is dead. The Grand Jury has said that the police did nothing illegal. I agree. But that does NOT mean that the death was not avoidable!! And for what? Cigarette tax?? On single cigarettes?

Even a pest's life is worth more than that!!


He was not intentionally killed over cigarettes or anything else. He died as a result of being subdued after he resisted arrest. And I agree with you, his death might have been avoidable, even though the police did nothing illegal. I predict (unlike the Micheal Brown case) Eric Garner's family will eventually win a settlement in a civil case against the City of New York. They will be very wealthy people because of this.

I would still like to know what people believe the cops should do when someone resists arrest? Some will say, well it wasn't that big of a crime, it was a misdemeanor, they should have just given him a citation... okay, let's play it out... they give him a citation and he ignores it, doesn't appear in court. Now there is a failure to appear warrant and the cops go to serve that... can they put their hands on him now? The point is, law enforcement can't enforce the law if they can't arrest people. At some point, you are going to get a 350 lb. person who does not want to be arrested... what do you do?
He was murdered by abusive cops who will get justice served on a platter. These protesters are doing a wonderful job.
Learn the law.

Intent is a necessary component of a murder charge.

There was no intent
Eric Garner was killed by more than just a chokehold

The mayor’s response and examiner’s ruling are both indictments of Officer Pantaleo’s actions, which were already illegal according to the NYPD’s own guidelines. Officers are not supposed to use this tactic of essentially choking someone into unconsciousness to subdue them. But there were a lot of things Pantaleo and his fellow officers did that day that went beyond the extremes of bad policing.

On the day of his death, bystanders say Garner was breaking up a fight when he caught the eye of the police. The NYPD claims officers had previously targeted Garner for selling untaxed, individual cigarettes. Garner wanted to know why he was being harassed, and he paid for that query with his life. In America, we’re not supposed kill people for questioning an officer, or for speaking up for themselves – except, of course, when we do.

Eric Garner was killed by more than just a chokehold MSNBC
No charges in NYC chokehold death; federal inquiry launched

Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Manhattan and Staten Island, as well as places including Philadelphia; San Francisco; Clayton, Mo; and Atlanta on Wednesday night and early Thursday, in protest of the grand jury's decision.

As angry crowds gathered to demonstrate in Manhattan on Wednesday, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the Justice Department is opening a federal civil rights inquiry.

Holder, while urging calm in the aftermath of yet another controversial grand jury action, promised that the federal inquiry would be "independent, thorough and fair.''

President Obama said the grand jury decision will spark strong reaction from the public, especially in the wake of a similar decision in Missouri last week not to indict officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of unarmed Michael Brown.

"There was a decision that came out today by a grand jury not to indict police officers who had interacted with an individual named Eric Garner in New York City — all of which was caught on videotape and speaks to the larger issues that we've been talking about now for the last week, the last month, the last year and, sadly, for decades," Obama said.

No charges in NYC chokehold death federal inquiry launched
Eric Garner was killed by more than just a chokehold

The mayor’s response and examiner’s ruling are both indictments of Officer Pantaleo’s actions, which were already illegal according to the NYPD’s own guidelines. Officers are not supposed to use this tactic of essentially choking someone into unconsciousness to subdue them. But there were a lot of things Pantaleo and his fellow officers did that day that went beyond the extremes of bad policing.

On the day of his death, bystanders say Garner was breaking up a fight when he caught the eye of the police. The NYPD claims officers had previously targeted Garner for selling untaxed, individual cigarettes. Garner wanted to know why he was being harassed, and he paid for that query with his life. In America, we’re not supposed kill people for questioning an officer, or for speaking up for themselves – except, of course, when we do.

Eric Garner was killed by more than just a chokehold MSNBC
Thirty previous arrests without dying.

He knew the procedure, and killed his own ass by resisting arrest.

Cops should go on strike all over this country, just all get "Ebola like symptoms" and self-quarantine for 2-4 weeks.
Even Bill O’Reilly Thinks Maybe Eric Garner Didn’t Deserve To Be Choked To Death

Up is down, black is white, cats and dogs must be living together somewhere because Bill O’Reilly has finally heard of the death of a black man at the hands of a white cop that maybe wasn’t justified.

On his Wednesday night show on Fox News, O’Reilly talked about the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo for choking Eric Garner to death in what the coroner determined was a homicide. Of course O’Reilly first needed to mention that Garner was a “low-level street dealer of illegal cigarettes” who had a record and was out on probation. O’Reilly also prefaced his opinions by pointing out that he “does not know what happened and until we read the grand jury transcripts, which are sealed right now, nobody can know.” That hasn’t stopped “agitators from stirring up controversy,” which is obviously very bad and wrong and irresponsible of them, because how do they know whether they are justified in their agitating and stirring based solely on watching the video of the killing of Garner, until they actually read the transcripts? Ugh.

Even Bill O 8217 Reilly Thinks Maybe Eric Garner Didn 8217 t Deserve To Be Choked To Death Wonkette
Even Bill O’Reilly Thinks Maybe Eric Garner Didn’t Deserve To Be Choked To Death

Up is down, black is white, cats and dogs must be living together somewhere because Bill O’Reilly has finally heard of the death of a black man at the hands of a white cop that maybe wasn’t justified.

On his Wednesday night show on Fox News, O’Reilly talked about the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo for choking Eric Garner to death in what the coroner determined was a homicide. Of course O’Reilly first needed to mention that Garner was a “low-level street dealer of illegal cigarettes” who had a record and was out on probation. O’Reilly also prefaced his opinions by pointing out that he “does not know what happened and until we read the grand jury transcripts, which are sealed right now, nobody can know.” That hasn’t stopped “agitators from stirring up controversy,” which is obviously very bad and wrong and irresponsible of them, because how do they know whether they are justified in their agitating and stirring based solely on watching the video of the killing of Garner, until they actually read the transcripts? Ugh.

Even Bill O 8217 Reilly Thinks Maybe Eric Garner Didn 8217 t Deserve To Be Choked To Death Wonkette
He wasn't choked to death.

Until you at least operate from the facts do not accuse others of lying.

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