No Interest In The Facts: Dems Show NO Interest In Rice Un-Masking


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Only 2 House Dems Have Examined Those Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Docs
EXCLUSIVE: Only 2 House Dems Have Examined Those Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Docs

"Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes is the only Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence other than Rep. Adam Schiff, the panel’s ranking minority member, to review intelligence files showing former White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice “unmasked” aides to President Donald Trump during his transition to the Oval Office.

The apparent lack of interest among the remaining seven Democrats on the intelligence panel is in striking contrast to their earlier vocal demands that they see the documents after committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes disclosed he had read them at the White House complex.

Rice, who worked for President Barack Obama, was authorized to request such redacted names, but it is a criminal offense to make the name public or to ask another person to do so. Penalties include up to $10,000 and as many as
five years in prison.

"Ron Hosko, a 30-year FBI veteran and its former assistant director, condemned Democrats for not reviewing the documents, telling TheDCNF that “it may be a reflection of hypocrisy that we see coming out of this committee.”

“This could be information they do not want to ‘possess.’ They don’t want the facts to get in the way of what they’re saying publicly. So now they’re avoiding it.”

Democrats lit the flaming bag of poo - falsely claiming the 'Russians 'hacked the election' and claiming TRUMP and his team were connected to the Russians, having colluded with them to steal the election - and placed it on the GOP's doorstep...and then proceeded to step in the flaming bag of shite themselves.

The multiple Obama-initiated investigations of Trump and his team have resulted in:

1) The Directors of the NSA and FBI declaring before Congress under oath that the information initially collected ('incidental collection'), which was Obama's grounds for beginning an investigation, revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and made clear the information collected had NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE, immediately making the information collected PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION.

2) Ex-Obama administration employees then revealed that this information - protected by law - was
shared with 16 Intel Agencies, EVEN THOUGH THE INFORMATION WAS DEEMED TO HAVE NO INTEL VALUE AND WAS PROTECTED BY LAW, and the names of American citizens were illegally Un-Masked. The reason for the leaks, as told by Farkas, was THIS: 'WE' were concerned that NOT ENOUGH of this (protected classified information) was 'getting out' (illegally leaked).

3) Susan Rice has been implicated as the Obama administration member who passed the PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION to Obama loyalists in the 16 Intel Agencies, who later ILLEGALLY leaked the information. Rice initially declared she knew nothing about the transfer of information, but when pressed on the subject she claimed she could tell how it all happened.

- Experts have explained that since the information was clearly deemed as having NO INTEL VALUE and was thus confirmed to be PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information, there was NO LEGAL REASON TO RELEASE THAT INFORMATION to the 16 Intel agencies or to Un-Mask American citizens. The ONLY reason this would have been done is for POLITICAL benefit, which is ILLEGAL!

4) Both Directors of the FBI and NSA also testified that the ONLY crime proven to have been proven so far in the Trump witch, investigation has been the ILLEGAL release of the PROTECTED CLASSIFIED Personal Information by Obama loyalists in the 16 Intel Agencies. The Directors stated this illegal release of information constitutes the CRIME of FELONY ESPIONAGE.

While the primary investigations into the (so far) FALSE claims made against Trump and his team by Democrats have turned up ZERO evidence to support those claims, the investigation has ended up back-firing on Democrats by exposing proven crimes perpetrated by Obama administration members / loyalists. As expected, Democrats have had NO interest in pursuing THOSE crimes:

"The apparent lack of interest among the remaining seven Democrats on the intelligence panel is in striking contrast to their earlier vocal demands that they see the documents..."
Democrats launched the FALSE accusations about Russians 'hacking the election' and of 'Trump-Russian Collusion' in an attempt to undermine and potentially overthrow the newly elected President ('retribution' / 'vengeance' for Trump beating the Democratic Party's worst candidate run in US history).

The Russians never hacked 'THE ELECTION'.
- They hacked the DNC e-Mails...and it was the Russian Spy agency Hillary's campaign manager's brother was working for that did it.

- The only people who TRIED to hack state election machines / processes was President Barak Obama and his DHS. They tried to hack the Georgia and Indiana state election processes 14 times - and thankfully failed - in order to support their claim the processes could be hacked and that they should be controlled by HIS administration / the federal govt for national Security-sake ... doing so right before the Presidential election.

Despite Democrat claims, Trump and his Team did not have the connection to Russians that Hillary and her team had
- Bill Clinton was giving speeches for a KGB-owned company
- The Clinton Foundation received large donations from a Russian businessman who profited from the purchase of US Uranium, in which Hillary provided an 'influential contribution'.
- Hillary's campaign manager took thousands of shares of Russian stock without claiming it AND 1/3rd of his companies board members consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who have intimate ties to the Kremlin
- Hillary's campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency that hacked the DNC E-mails (all a big coincidence, I am sure)

so, it should come as no surprise to anyone that the Democrats want to completely ignore the revealed Hillary Team connections to the Russians and the Obama administration's CRIMES in an attempt to undermine the newly elected administration.
This OP is bogus because we all know Susan Rice did not break the law.

This is a deflection from Flynn going to be prosecuted as a foreign agent for Russia and Turkey, and investigations headed by witnesses Manafort and Cage etc that point fingers right at the Trump campaign.
Only 2 House Dems Have Examined Those Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Docs
EXCLUSIVE: Only 2 House Dems Have Examined Those Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Docs

"Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes is the only Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence other than Rep. Adam Schiff, the panel’s ranking minority member, to review intelligence files showing former White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice “unmasked” aides to President Donald Trump during his transition to the Oval Office.

The apparent lack of interest among the remaining seven Democrats on the intelligence panel is in striking contrast to their earlier vocal demands that they see the documents after committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes disclosed he had read them at the White House complex.

Rice, who worked for President Barack Obama, was authorized to request such redacted names, but it is a criminal offense to make the name public or to ask another person to do so. Penalties include up to $10,000 and as many as
five years in prison.

"Ron Hosko, a 30-year FBI veteran and its former assistant director, condemned Democrats for not reviewing the documents, telling TheDCNF that “it may be a reflection of hypocrisy that we see coming out of this committee.”

“This could be information they do not want to ‘possess.’ They don’t want the facts to get in the way of what they’re saying publicly. So now they’re avoiding it.”

Democrats lit the flaming bag of poo - falsely claiming the 'Russians 'hacked the election' and claiming TRUMP and his team were connected to the Russians, having colluded with them to steal the election - and placed it on the GOP's doorstep...and then proceeded to step in the flaming bag of shite themselves.

The multiple Obama-initiated investigations of Trump and his team have resulted in:

1) The Directors of the NSA and FBI declaring before Congress under oath that the information initially collected ('incidental collection'), which was Obama's grounds for beginning an investigation, revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and made clear the information collected had NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE, immediately making the information collected PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION.

2) Ex-Obama administration employees then revealed that this information - protected by law - was
shared with 16 Intel Agencies, EVEN THOUGH THE INFORMATION WAS DEEMED TO HAVE NO INTEL VALUE AND WAS PROTECTED BY LAW, and the names of American citizens were illegally Un-Masked. The reason for the leaks, as told by Farkas, was THIS: 'WE' were concerned that NOT ENOUGH of this (protected classified information) was 'getting out' (illegally leaked).

3) Susan Rice has been implicated as the Obama administration member who passed the PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION to Obama loyalists in the 16 Intel Agencies, who later ILLEGALLY leaked the information. Rice initially declared she knew nothing about the transfer of information, but when pressed on the subject she claimed she could tell how it all happened.

- Experts have explained that since the information was clearly deemed as having NO INTEL VALUE and was thus confirmed to be PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information, there was NO LEGAL REASON TO RELEASE THAT INFORMATION to the 16 Intel agencies or to Un-Mask American citizens. The ONLY reason this would have been done is for POLITICAL benefit, which is ILLEGAL!

4) Both Directors of the FBI and NSA also testified that the ONLY crime proven to have been proven so far in the Trump witch, investigation has been the ILLEGAL release of the PROTECTED CLASSIFIED Personal Information by Obama loyalists in the 16 Intel Agencies. The Directors stated this illegal release of information constitutes the CRIME of FELONY ESPIONAGE.

While the primary investigations into the (so far) FALSE claims made against Trump and his team by Democrats have turned up ZERO evidence to support those claims, the investigation has ended up back-firing on Democrats by exposing proven crimes perpetrated by Obama administration members / loyalists. As expected, Democrats have had NO interest in pursuing THOSE crimes:

"The apparent lack of interest among the remaining seven Democrats on the intelligence panel is in striking contrast to their earlier vocal demands that they see the documents..."

There is no evidence that she broke the law. It may have no intelligence value but it does have value if you want to know who has ties to the Russian interference in our elections. There is no doubt that this happened. Even Mike Pence agreed the intelligence information proved the Russians were interfering in our elections.

If Clinton had all these connections to the Russians then why did they do everything they could to get Trump elected? The fact is that Trump also has extensive ties to Russia that goes back decades.
Only 2 House Dems Have Examined Those Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Docs
EXCLUSIVE: Only 2 House Dems Have Examined Those Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Docs

"Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes is the only Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence other than Rep. Adam Schiff, the panel’s ranking minority member, to review intelligence files showing former White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice “unmasked” aides to President Donald Trump during his transition to the Oval Office.

The apparent lack of interest among the remaining seven Democrats on the intelligence panel is in striking contrast to their earlier vocal demands that they see the documents after committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes disclosed he had read them at the White House complex.

Rice, who worked for President Barack Obama, was authorized to request such redacted names, but it is a criminal offense to make the name public or to ask another person to do so. Penalties include up to $10,000 and as many as
five years in prison.

"Ron Hosko, a 30-year FBI veteran and its former assistant director, condemned Democrats for not reviewing the documents, telling TheDCNF that “it may be a reflection of hypocrisy that we see coming out of this committee.”

“This could be information they do not want to ‘possess.’ They don’t want the facts to get in the way of what they’re saying publicly. So now they’re avoiding it.”

Democrats lit the flaming bag of poo - falsely claiming the 'Russians 'hacked the election' and claiming TRUMP and his team were connected to the Russians, having colluded with them to steal the election - and placed it on the GOP's doorstep...and then proceeded to step in the flaming bag of shite themselves.

The multiple Obama-initiated investigations of Trump and his team have resulted in:

1) The Directors of the NSA and FBI declaring before Congress under oath that the information initially collected ('incidental collection'), which was Obama's grounds for beginning an investigation, revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and made clear the information collected had NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE, immediately making the information collected PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION.

2) Ex-Obama administration employees then revealed that this information - protected by law - was
shared with 16 Intel Agencies, EVEN THOUGH THE INFORMATION WAS DEEMED TO HAVE NO INTEL VALUE AND WAS PROTECTED BY LAW, and the names of American citizens were illegally Un-Masked. The reason for the leaks, as told by Farkas, was THIS: 'WE' were concerned that NOT ENOUGH of this (protected classified information) was 'getting out' (illegally leaked).

3) Susan Rice has been implicated as the Obama administration member who passed the PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION to Obama loyalists in the 16 Intel Agencies, who later ILLEGALLY leaked the information. Rice initially declared she knew nothing about the transfer of information, but when pressed on the subject she claimed she could tell how it all happened.

- Experts have explained that since the information was clearly deemed as having NO INTEL VALUE and was thus confirmed to be PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information, there was NO LEGAL REASON TO RELEASE THAT INFORMATION to the 16 Intel agencies or to Un-Mask American citizens. The ONLY reason this would have been done is for POLITICAL benefit, which is ILLEGAL!

4) Both Directors of the FBI and NSA also testified that the ONLY crime proven to have been proven so far in the Trump witch, investigation has been the ILLEGAL release of the PROTECTED CLASSIFIED Personal Information by Obama loyalists in the 16 Intel Agencies. The Directors stated this illegal release of information constitutes the CRIME of FELONY ESPIONAGE.

While the primary investigations into the (so far) FALSE claims made against Trump and his team by Democrats have turned up ZERO evidence to support those claims, the investigation has ended up back-firing on Democrats by exposing proven crimes perpetrated by Obama administration members / loyalists. As expected, Democrats have had NO interest in pursuing THOSE crimes:

"The apparent lack of interest among the remaining seven Democrats on the intelligence panel is in striking contrast to their earlier vocal demands that they see the documents..."

There is no evidence that she broke the law. It may have no intelligence value but it does have value if you want to know who has ties to the Russian interference in our elections. There is no doubt that this happened. Even Mike Pence agreed the intelligence information proved the Russians were interfering in our elections.

If Clinton had all these connections to the Russians then why did they do everything they could to get Trump elected? The fact is that Trump also has extensive ties to Russia that goes back decades.

Yup, keep them eyes closed, you'll find there is no evidence to anything.
There is no evidence that she broke the law.
Perhaps because the Democrats don't want to look at the facts and investigate. A lack of evidence hasn't stopped the snowflake witch hunt going on against Trump...
Only 2 House Dems Have Examined Those Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Docs
EXCLUSIVE: Only 2 House Dems Have Examined Those Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Docs

"Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes is the only Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence other than Rep. Adam Schiff, the panel’s ranking minority member, to review intelligence files showing former White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice “unmasked” aides to President Donald Trump during his transition to the Oval Office.

The apparent lack of interest among the remaining seven Democrats on the intelligence panel is in striking contrast to their earlier vocal demands that they see the documents after committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes disclosed he had read them at the White House complex.

Rice, who worked for President Barack Obama, was authorized to request such redacted names, but it is a criminal offense to make the name public or to ask another person to do so. Penalties include up to $10,000 and as many as
five years in prison.

"Ron Hosko, a 30-year FBI veteran and its former assistant director, condemned Democrats for not reviewing the documents, telling TheDCNF that “it may be a reflection of hypocrisy that we see coming out of this committee.”

“This could be information they do not want to ‘possess.’ They don’t want the facts to get in the way of what they’re saying publicly. So now they’re avoiding it.”

Democrats lit the flaming bag of poo - falsely claiming the 'Russians 'hacked the election' and claiming TRUMP and his team were connected to the Russians, having colluded with them to steal the election - and placed it on the GOP's doorstep...and then proceeded to step in the flaming bag of shite themselves.

The multiple Obama-initiated investigations of Trump and his team have resulted in:

1) The Directors of the NSA and FBI declaring before Congress under oath that the information initially collected ('incidental collection'), which was Obama's grounds for beginning an investigation, revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and made clear the information collected had NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE, immediately making the information collected PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION.

2) Ex-Obama administration employees then revealed that this information - protected by law - was
shared with 16 Intel Agencies, EVEN THOUGH THE INFORMATION WAS DEEMED TO HAVE NO INTEL VALUE AND WAS PROTECTED BY LAW, and the names of American citizens were illegally Un-Masked. The reason for the leaks, as told by Farkas, was THIS: 'WE' were concerned that NOT ENOUGH of this (protected classified information) was 'getting out' (illegally leaked).

3) Susan Rice has been implicated as the Obama administration member who passed the PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION to Obama loyalists in the 16 Intel Agencies, who later ILLEGALLY leaked the information. Rice initially declared she knew nothing about the transfer of information, but when pressed on the subject she claimed she could tell how it all happened.

- Experts have explained that since the information was clearly deemed as having NO INTEL VALUE and was thus confirmed to be PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information, there was NO LEGAL REASON TO RELEASE THAT INFORMATION to the 16 Intel agencies or to Un-Mask American citizens. The ONLY reason this would have been done is for POLITICAL benefit, which is ILLEGAL!

4) Both Directors of the FBI and NSA also testified that the ONLY crime proven to have been proven so far in the Trump witch, investigation has been the ILLEGAL release of the PROTECTED CLASSIFIED Personal Information by Obama loyalists in the 16 Intel Agencies. The Directors stated this illegal release of information constitutes the CRIME of FELONY ESPIONAGE.

While the primary investigations into the (so far) FALSE claims made against Trump and his team by Democrats have turned up ZERO evidence to support those claims, the investigation has ended up back-firing on Democrats by exposing proven crimes perpetrated by Obama administration members / loyalists. As expected, Democrats have had NO interest in pursuing THOSE crimes:

"The apparent lack of interest among the remaining seven Democrats on the intelligence panel is in striking contrast to their earlier vocal demands that they see the documents..."

There is no evidence that she broke the law. It may have no intelligence value but it does have value if you want to know who has ties to the Russian interference in our elections. There is no doubt that this happened. Even Mike Pence agreed the intelligence information proved the Russians were interfering in our elections.

If Clinton had all these connections to the Russians then why did they do everything they could to get Trump elected? The fact is that Trump also has extensive ties to Russia that goes back decades.

Yup, keep them eyes closed, you'll find there is no evidence to anything.
You, sweet cheeks, are placing your wishes for the FBI investigations: radically different.
Only 2 House Dems Have Examined Those Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Docs
EXCLUSIVE: Only 2 House Dems Have Examined Those Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Docs

"Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes is the only Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence other than Rep. Adam Schiff, the panel’s ranking minority member, to review intelligence files showing former White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice “unmasked” aides to President Donald Trump during his transition to the Oval Office.

The apparent lack of interest among the remaining seven Democrats on the intelligence panel is in striking contrast to their earlier vocal demands that they see the documents after committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes disclosed he had read them at the White House complex.

Rice, who worked for President Barack Obama, was authorized to request such redacted names, but it is a criminal offense to make the name public or to ask another person to do so. Penalties include up to $10,000 and as many as
five years in prison.

"Ron Hosko, a 30-year FBI veteran and its former assistant director, condemned Democrats for not reviewing the documents, telling TheDCNF that “it may be a reflection of hypocrisy that we see coming out of this committee.”

“This could be information they do not want to ‘possess.’ They don’t want the facts to get in the way of what they’re saying publicly. So now they’re avoiding it.”

Democrats lit the flaming bag of poo - falsely claiming the 'Russians 'hacked the election' and claiming TRUMP and his team were connected to the Russians, having colluded with them to steal the election - and placed it on the GOP's doorstep...and then proceeded to step in the flaming bag of shite themselves.

The multiple Obama-initiated investigations of Trump and his team have resulted in:

1) The Directors of the NSA and FBI declaring before Congress under oath that the information initially collected ('incidental collection'), which was Obama's grounds for beginning an investigation, revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and made clear the information collected had NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE, immediately making the information collected PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION.

2) Ex-Obama administration employees then revealed that this information - protected by law - was
shared with 16 Intel Agencies, EVEN THOUGH THE INFORMATION WAS DEEMED TO HAVE NO INTEL VALUE AND WAS PROTECTED BY LAW, and the names of American citizens were illegally Un-Masked. The reason for the leaks, as told by Farkas, was THIS: 'WE' were concerned that NOT ENOUGH of this (protected classified information) was 'getting out' (illegally leaked).

3) Susan Rice has been implicated as the Obama administration member who passed the PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION to Obama loyalists in the 16 Intel Agencies, who later ILLEGALLY leaked the information. Rice initially declared she knew nothing about the transfer of information, but when pressed on the subject she claimed she could tell how it all happened.

- Experts have explained that since the information was clearly deemed as having NO INTEL VALUE and was thus confirmed to be PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information, there was NO LEGAL REASON TO RELEASE THAT INFORMATION to the 16 Intel agencies or to Un-Mask American citizens. The ONLY reason this would have been done is for POLITICAL benefit, which is ILLEGAL!

4) Both Directors of the FBI and NSA also testified that the ONLY crime proven to have been proven so far in the Trump witch, investigation has been the ILLEGAL release of the PROTECTED CLASSIFIED Personal Information by Obama loyalists in the 16 Intel Agencies. The Directors stated this illegal release of information constitutes the CRIME of FELONY ESPIONAGE.

While the primary investigations into the (so far) FALSE claims made against Trump and his team by Democrats have turned up ZERO evidence to support those claims, the investigation has ended up back-firing on Democrats by exposing proven crimes perpetrated by Obama administration members / loyalists. As expected, Democrats have had NO interest in pursuing THOSE crimes:

"The apparent lack of interest among the remaining seven Democrats on the intelligence panel is in striking contrast to their earlier vocal demands that they see the documents..."
Who did she ask to make the unmasked names public?
Who did she ask to make the unmasked names public?

She is supposedly the one who provided the 'Obama loyalists' in the 16 Intel Agencies with the Protected Classified Personal Information. As stated, since it was deemed this information had NO INTEL VALUE there was no reason to hand the info over to the Intel reason other than for POLITICAL use. Doing so is a CRIME
Who did she ask to make the unmasked names public?

She is supposedly the one who provided the 'Obama loyalists' in the 16 Intel Agencies with the Protected Classified Personal Information. As stated, since it was deemed this information had NO INTEL VALUE there was no reason to hand the info over to the Intel reason other than for POLITICAL use. Doing so is a CRIME
"Supposedly" now you are using the same speculative language that you criticize the Left for using in the Trump/Russia conversation. Where is the hard evidence! Isn't that the praise yall use? Shouldn't the same standards be applied to your OP?

Maybe the Rice thing isn't getting as much attention as you'd like because whenever the heat gets turned up on Trump he points the finger at somebody else and sends him puppets down a wormhole of distraction. He has done it so much that the shiny objects have lost their shine and not as many are falling for the ploy.

There maybe something there with the Rice thing there may not. You have no clue what the classified intel was, and if she saw a transcript showing Flynn talking to the Russians about Obamas sanctions prior to the Trump administration taking power, or if there is evidence pointing towards collusion you bet it is justified to give the intel to the investigators. If she gave it to somebody that did not have the clearance then that is a crime and she should be held accountable.
Who did she ask to make the unmasked names public?

She is supposedly the one who provided the 'Obama loyalists' in the 16 Intel Agencies with the Protected Classified Personal Information. As stated, since it was deemed this information had NO INTEL VALUE there was no reason to hand the info over to the Intel reason other than for POLITICAL use. Doing so is a CRIME

easyt is substituting his wishes for the FBI investigations proceedings: the first delusional, the second real.
Know why dimocraps aren't interested in fact-finding and uncovering the truth?

Simple; they're scum

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