No Jew Nor Greek In Christ...

Mr. Ofo Oao

Sep 19, 2014

...may I ask Christians, why do some of you show favoritism toward the Jews if there is "no Jew nor Greek" in Christ (Galatians 3:28)?

If someone wants to start spouting Old Testament (and the word, "testament" means: "a covenant, especially between God and humans;" so Old "Testament" means Old Covenant) scriptures, here is what Hebrews 8:13, Amplified Bible says:

"When God speaks of a new [covenant or agreement], He makes the first one obsolete (out of use). And what is obsolete (out of use and annulled because of age) is ripe for disappearance and to be dispensed with altogether."


...may I ask Christians, why do some of you show favoritism toward the Jews if there is "no Jew nor Greek" in Christ (Galatians 3:28)?

If someone wants to start spouting Old Testament (and the word, "testament" means: "a covenant, especially between God and humans;" so Old "Testament" means Old Covenant) scriptures, here is what Hebrews 8:13, Amplified Bible says:

"When God speaks of a new [covenant or agreement], He makes the first one obsolete (out of use). And what is obsolete (out of use and annulled because of age) is ripe for disappearance and to be dispensed with altogether."


Hebrews is a Christian text, so it shouldn't come as any great surprise the author(s) intending Christianity to replace Judaism would say that sort of thing.
And here I thought Christ was a Jew, a rabbi no less, and all the apostles were Jews, and that Christianity was a Jewish cult for its first 200 years. Dumb old me.

LOLOL. Nothing that you said changes Hebrews 8:13, Amplified Bible:

"When God speaks of a new [covenant or agreement], He makes the first one obsolete (out of use). And what is obsolete (out of use and annulled because of age) is ripe for disappearance and to be dispensed with altogether."
Gods new covenant with the Jews, replaced the old agreement of the Law. The New covenant with the Jews is called Jesus Christ.

It would help if you didn't edit God's word to push your own agenda. Let's see the rest:
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

What it means is the opposite of what you pretend not to comprehend. God is no respecter of persons. Jew or Gentile, He loves us all. Which is why it's not Jew nor Greek, it's Jew and Greek, man and woman, free or captive. We are all one under the wings of our Savior, Jesus Christ the Jewish Rabbi, and High Priest of us all.

But I am pretty sure you knew that. It's why you left the out the, "for ye are all one" part. Sneaky, but not sneaky enough. Your bias found you out.
Gods new covenant with the Jews, replaced the old agreement of the Law. The New covenant with the Jews is called Jesus Christ.

It would help if you didn't edit God's word to push your own agenda. Let's see the rest:
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

What it means is the opposite of what you pretend not to comprehend. God is no respecter of persons. Jew or Gentile, He loves us all. Which is why it's not Jew nor Greek, it's Jew and Greek, man and woman, free or captive. We are all one under the wings of our Savior, Jesus Christ the Jewish Rabbi, and High Priest of us all.

But I am pretty sure you knew that. It's why you left the out the, "for ye are all one" part. Sneaky, but not sneaky enough. Your bias found you out.

Mouthing off about this are we (LOL?) Why did you not answer this question: For Israel s Sake Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ? Save your games for someone else, dear...there is no Jew nor Greek in Christ and those Christians who contend otherwise are HYPOCRITES...
We are all one in Christ. < that's the part you keep running away from. And I did answer your question, and asked one in return. Why are you so anxious for Christ to withhold His blessing? Because He removed sin from the world so that all who call His name has the ability to be saved. All is inclusive. You are the only one that hopes He excludes. Tough Shit dear, He came to save us all. As in everyone. All.

For "Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved
And here I thought Christ was a Jew, a rabbi no less, and all the apostles were Jews, and that Christianity was a Jewish cult for its first 200 years. Dumb old me.


I heard that God diddled a virgin and became a human being and was tortured and crucified because he loved the Romans so much.
And here I thought Christ was a Jew, a rabbi no less, and all the apostles were Jews, and that Christianity was a Jewish cult for its first 200 years. Dumb old me.


I heard that God diddled a virgin and became a human being and was tortured and crucified because he loved the Romans so much.

You just made me think of that horrible movie where George Burns was god.
We are all one in Christ. < that's the part you keep running away from. And I did answer your question, and asked one in return. Why are you so anxious for Christ to withhold His blessing? Because He removed sin from the world so that all who call His name has the ability to be saved. All is inclusive. You are the only one that hopes He excludes. Tough Shit dear, He came to save us all. As in everyone. All.

For "Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved would like to charge me with your evil (the way you duck my question about what does "...THEY ARE NOT ALL ISRAEL, WHICH ARE OF ISRAEL:" mean) but I am not guilty.

You just prove my point, there is no Jew nor Greek in Christ, so your particular love for the Jews/the state of Israel is HYPOCRISY.
I've answered you all over the board. You're hard of reading.
Last time:
The answer is in what you conveniently leave off of your verses. The explanation. Let's fill in the blanks, and finish God's thought and see if it makes a difference in your comprehension:
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Why is there neither Greek nor Jew? Why is there neither slave nor free? why no male, no female? BECAUSE>>> There is no distinction among them. They are ALL one. They are all one. ALL. Not one or the other, but all. Christ wants us ALL. He died for who? ALL Greeks, All Jews, All slaves, All free, All women, and last but not least, ALL men.

Your way, if those are who are excluded from Heaven, then none go considering all the above are either male or female.

Where you try to make a distinction, God does the opposite. There is no Jew or Greek, just the redeemed through Christ.
You have your answer.
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And here I thought Christ was a Jew, a rabbi no less, and all the apostles were Jews, and that Christianity was a Jewish cult for its first 200 years. Dumb old me.

Until it he was name a man god in 325 BCE

christ insanty was almost dead as a religion as mytherism was most popular with the goyim, so paul the PR man invited the goyim to be apart of it as Jews rejected another failed an alse messiah , the dumb goyim not knowing an Torah jumped at the chance to join the new religion which adapted pagan rituals
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And here I thought Christ was a Jew, a rabbi no less, and all the apostles were Jews, and that Christianity was a Jewish cult for its first 200 years. Dumb old me.
He was. Now He is High Priest.

The Christians had to do something different. They had to develop appeal. So, they began to assume beliefs that the goyim found attractive. Thats was how they came up with the concepts of the trinity, transubstantiation, the need to "save" everyone through the resurrection of a messiah, virgin birth, and all the other wacky ideas of Christianity. All these were lifted straight from other religions, some of which preceded Christianity by 700 years, The goyim just lapped up things like demigods, gods having intercourse with humans, virgins giving birth. Such claims meant something to Goyim, and they were already familiar with such beliefs from their own cultures. So leaving another goyim religion to join Christianity was not much of a stretch, especially after Paul declared that the goyim did not need to keep the Commandments of the Torah.

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