No Justice For Ashli??

Dang I was getting hungry for some lunch....guess I'll have to buy my own....cheep skate libtards....

While I have your attention: What should have been done by the Capitol Police officers as Ashli Babbitt (and others) were breaking thru that door?
Pull her down and arrest her...she was unarmed and there was capitol police behind her that could have been killed by a reckless capitol rent a cop bullet....those cops could have secured the door from the side where the protesters stood no one was armed with a gun but the was a bad shooting and if you can't see that its because you don't want to....
There were cops on the other side of the door. For their own safety, they had to abandon their position as the insurgents were threatening them.

Bullshit...armed cops in riot gear abandoned their position?....LMAO at Fauny again....

Where did I say they were armed, shitstain?

Can you post without lying?

Regardless... watch the video. There were cops there. They were outnumbered, being threatened, and being warned that more insurgents were on their way. So the cops abandoned their position and let the insurgents bust through the doors & windows. I don't know if those cops were armed or not, but they stepped aside to let the cops on the other side, who were armed, handle the situation.

And handle it they did. No one in that mob got into the House chamber until all of the lawmakers were safely escorted out. And the cops only had to shoot one traitor to accomplish that.

You just know they are disappointed that the Capitol policeman DID HIS JOB. They wanted blood...

Yup. Had Pelosi been assassinated, they'd be dancing in the streets again like when RBG died.
Babbit was unarmed and murdered in cold blood while protesting against her government. Celebrate all you want, but you will reap what you sow.
Ashli was attempting to breach a secure perimeter protecting our Congressmen. Once that perimeter was breached, there would be no way to protect members of Congress who were being threatened by an angry mob.

Ashli‘s relatives should sue the hell out of Donald J Trump
He is the one who filled her with lies, he is the one who filled her with rage, he is the one who called her to Washington and sent her to the Capitol.
What threat did she pose to anyone? She prenented a physical threat to our Congressmen ? A verbal one? She was unarmed.

She was a member of a mob that was threatening members of Congress and Mike Pence. She reached the final perimeter of defense and tried to crawl through a broken window.
Cost her life.

Blame Trumps lies
Not an acceptable excuse to murder someone who posed no physical threat at all. If she was such a threat, why then did the officers on Ashli's side of the door do nothing to stop her? Why then were barricades removed outside of the capital and protesters led to the building?

By your broken logic, police in Portland should have gunned down anyone who entered the police precinct last summer. And anyone in Minnesota who threatens authority figures should be murdered as well. What a steep double standard!

Capitol Police are sworn to protect members of Congress

Babbitt joined a mob that attacked House Chambers. She smashed a window leading to the Chamber and was crawling through it

Blame Trump
So what youre saying is that you have no intelligent argument. "Too bad... so sad" is about what I would expect from typical Democrats these days. Low IQ voters will be the death of this nation.
How do you talk intelligently to those who believe wild Trump Stolen Election lies and are willing to storm the Capitol because of them.

Ashli Babbitt believed Trumps lies and it cost her life
They were there to get Congress to investigate the fraud. Why are you always leaving that out?
Wrong – this is a lie.

They were there to prevent the certification of the election; they sought to prevent then President-elect Biden from becoming president contrary to the will of the people and our democratic principles.

There was no 'fraud' to 'investigate.'

Theirs was a violent act of terror, an attack on America’s democracy; Babbitt alone is responsible for her death, the consequence of her reckless stupidity and criminality.
You support an illegitimate administration. That makes you a traitor. End of story.
The current administration is not illegitimate. Would you like to try again?
It sure is. Would you like to try again?

You're a raving lunatic.


It was a good shoot and that traitor died because of Trump's big lie. Her blood is on his hands.
Babbit was unarmed and murdered in cold blood while protesting against her government. Celebrate all you want, but you will reap what you sow.
Ashli was attempting to breach a secure perimeter protecting our Congressmen. Once that perimeter was breached, there would be no way to protect members of Congress who were being threatened by an angry mob.

Ashli‘s relatives should sue the hell out of Donald J Trump
He is the one who filled her with lies, he is the one who filled her with rage, he is the one who called her to Washington and sent her to the Capitol.
What threat did she pose to anyone? She prenented a physical threat to our Congressmen ? A verbal one? She was unarmed.

She was a member of a mob that was threatening members of Congress and Mike Pence. She reached the final perimeter of defense and tried to crawl through a broken window.
Cost her life.

Blame Trumps lies
Not an acceptable excuse to murder someone who posed no physical threat at all. If she was such a threat, why then did the officers on Ashli's side of the door do nothing to stop her? Why then were barricades removed outside of the capital and protesters led to the building?

By your broken logic, police in Portland should have gunned down anyone who entered the police precinct last summer. And anyone in Minnesota who threatens authority figures should be murdered as well. What a steep double standard!

Capitol Police are sworn to protect members of Congress

Babbitt joined a mob that attacked House Chambers. She smashed a window leading to the Chamber and was crawling through it

Blame Trump
So what youre saying is that you have no intelligent argument. "Too bad... so sad" is about what I would expect from typical Democrats these days. Low IQ voters will be the death of this nation.
How do you talk intelligently to those who believe wild Trump Stolen Election lies and are willing to storm the Capitol because of them.

Ashli Babbitt believed Trumps lies and it cost her life
They were there to get Congress to investigate the fraud. Why are you always leaving that out?
Wrong – this is a lie.

They were there to prevent the certification of the election; they sought to prevent then President-elect Biden from becoming president contrary to the will of the people and our democratic principles.

There was no 'fraud' to 'investigate.'

Theirs was a violent act of terror, an attack on America’s democracy; Babbitt alone is responsible for her death, the consequence of her reckless stupidity and criminality.
You're making sense -- they won't understand you.
Dang I was getting hungry for some lunch....guess I'll have to buy my own....cheep skate libtards....

While I have your attention: What should have been done by the Capitol Police officers as Ashli Babbitt (and others) were breaking thru that door?
Pull her down and arrest her...she was unarmed and there was capitol police behind her that could have been killed by a reckless capitol rent a cop bullet....those cops could have secured the door from the side where the protesters stood no one was armed with a gun but the was a bad shooting and if you can't see that its because you don't want to....
There were cops on the other side of the door. For their own safety, they had to abandon their position as the insurgents were threatening them.

Bullshit...armed cops in riot gear abandoned their position?....LMAO at Fauny again....

Where did I say they were armed, shitstain?

Can you post without lying?

Regardless... watch the video. There were cops there. They were outnumbered, being threatened, and being warned that more insurgents were on their way. So the cops abandoned their position and let the insurgents bust through the doors & windows. I don't know if those cops were armed or not, but they stepped aside to let the cops on the other side, who were armed, handle the situation.

And handle it they did. No one in that mob got into the House chamber until all of the lawmakers were safely escorted out. And the cops only had to shoot one traitor to accomplish that.

You just know they are disappointed that the Capitol policeman DID HIS JOB. They wanted blood...

Yup. Had Pelosi been assassinated, they'd be dancing in the streets again like when RBG died.

You bet your ass we would...but there was no dancing when Ruth died you are a liar...but pelosi???I would have a keg party to beat all keg parties....maybe rent out an entire park....
Fuck off traitor.
How am I a traitor; let me count the ways.

1. I despise DJT.
2. I didn't participate in the insurrection with my bear spray.
3. I feel that the only good MAGAt is a dead MAGAt.
4. I voted.

I guess you've got me there.
You support an illegitimate administration. That makes you a traitor. End of story.
Another lie.

Conservatives are comprehensively dishonest and have nothing but contempt for the truth.

The only thing more reprehensible than the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is conservatives defending the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy.
Government giving itself the authority to shoot down American civilians without oversight from the courts is a clear violation of the right of due process and therefore an obvious act of tyranny. This is intolerable.
Government giving itself the authority to shoot down American civilians without oversight from the courts is a clear violation of the right of due process and therefore an obvious act of tyranny. This is intolerable.
Huh? You don't think the government, like private citizens, have the right to protect themselves from being attacked?
Government giving itself the authority to shoot down American civilians without oversight from the courts is a clear violation of the right of due process and therefore an obvious act of tyranny. This is intolerable.
Huh? You don't think the government, like private citizens, have the right to protect themselves from being attacked?
The shooter was not the government but a government employee. He had a right to protect himself if attacked. He did not have a right to shoot people just because he could. Where has any proof been offered that was under attack or that he could reasonably fear for life or limb from an unarmed woman? What happened to her Constitutional right to due process? Do you agree that an agent of the government should have the right to kill you without fear of consequence? Tyranny.
Government giving itself the authority to shoot down American civilians without oversight from the courts is a clear violation of the right of due process and therefore an obvious act of tyranny. This is intolerable.
Huh? You don't think the government, like private citizens, have the right to protect themselves from being attacked?
The shooter was not the government but a government employee. He had a right to protect himself if attacked. He did not have a right to shoot people just because he could. Where has any proof been offered that was under attack or that he could reasonably fear for life or limb from an unarmed woman? What happened to her Constitutional right to due process? Do you agree that an agent of the government should have the right to kill you without fear of consequence? Tyranny.
You fucking loon, police protect others. That's part of their job. In most states, even private citizens are allowed to employ lethal force to protect the lives of others.

As far as me, if I pose an immediate illegal threat to someone else's life, yes, others are legally and morally allowed to take whatever measure needed to stop me.
He did not have a right to shoot people just because he could.
Which of course he did not do. He shot Ashlii Targetpractice because she was leading a violent mob through the last barricade protecting Congress and the VP

"Federal prosecutors will not charge a police officer who shot and killed a woman as she climbed through the broken part of a door during the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Authorities had considered for months whether criminal charges were appropriate for the Capitol Police officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt -- The Justice Department’s decision, though expected, officially closes out the investigation.

Prosecutors said they had reviewed video of the shooting, along with statements from the officer involved and other officers and witnesses, examined physical evidence from the scene and reviewed the autopsy results. “Based on that investigation, officials determined that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution,” the department said in a statement."

This sets a very dangerous precedent....It basically gives officers a blank check to gun down people, unarmed people, good people.....and the officer face no consequences for his or her actions...Because of this decision, cops can essentially gun you down just because you didn't obey an order they gave -- they can gun you down then claim they feared for their safety while dehumanizing you as some violent person or a member of some angry mob... even tho that person is unarmed and was posing no threat.

Now to be fair, it's perfectly OK for certain types of unarmed people to be gunned down for not obeying cops or maybe using inappropriate language towards cops that could cause them to fear for their safety; but it's different when you are actually fighting against a tyrannical government who stole an election and your only recourse is to storm the Capitol to voice your grievances, cosplay in Neo-Nazi and Neo-Confederate apparel, joke about executing the VP and perhaps scare congress members into overturning the election for you and stuff...
She took part in an armed insurrection against the US.
She got justice.
No one in the Capitol had a gun but cops and Congressmen. Stop fucking lying.
Dumbfuck, arms are not limited to guns.

You don't look any matter her hard you try.

Hisses the forum dolt who actually suggested Ashli Targetpractice could have been breaking into the House chamber because she might have needed to go to the bathroom.

The right decision! She was an insurrectionist, under orders from Trump, hell bent on overthrowing the government of the United States of America. She received exactly what she deserved by a patriotic officer defending our country.

She was not an insurretionist.

May you or one your family members wind up the same way she did.

You are scum.
She was a traitor who got what she deserved.
Same with street punks that won't obey an officers commands....
Remember when officers commanded insurrectionists to not enter the Capitol building and they did anyway??

I guess they get whatever they deserve after that point huh
Actually the videos I have seen the rent a cops are waving them in...anyone that can watch Ashli's murder and say it was justified is an uncaring unthinking ass and not what I think of as a patriot in any way....for clowns like you its okay to burn cities for over a year and causing death and injury but one day of steam let off for Trump supporters and someone deserves to die? that how your feeble mind works?....

"anyone that can watch Ashli's murder and say it was justified"

Meanwhile......when conservatives have the will to justify the murder of an unarmed person whom they are predisposed to hate and dehumanize...They find a way...

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They find a way....
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They find a way....
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They find a fucking way...
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No one has said those incidents are justified...we say obey the cops and stay alive...fight them and you are partly responsible for the outcome....Aslhi wasn't fighting with anyone...the cop never warned her...he just opened up and killed her...and she was continue making an ass out of yourself or back off and leave this are dead wrong...Captol police were standing behind Ashli on the stairs when she was murdered...that moron rent a cop could have killed one of was a bad shooting on many levels....
You're lying again. She wasn't just standing there and the cop didn't shoot her for no reason.

In reality, which eludes you, she was trying to break past a police barricade to get to lawmakers inside the House chamber.

That cop is a hero who saved lives.

The ridiculousness of this statement is beyond the pale.
The right decision! She was an insurrectionist, under orders from Trump, hell bent on overthrowing the government of the United States of America. She received exactly what she deserved by a patriotic officer defending our country.

She was not an insurretionist.

May you or one your family members wind up the same way she did.

You are scum.
She was a traitor who got what she deserved.
Same with street punks that won't obey an officers commands....
Remember when officers commanded insurrectionists to not enter the Capitol building and they did anyway??

I guess they get whatever they deserve after that point huh
Actually the videos I have seen the rent a cops are waving them in...anyone that can watch Ashli's murder and say it was justified is an uncaring unthinking ass and not what I think of as a patriot in any way....for clowns like you its okay to burn cities for over a year and causing death and injury but one day of steam let off for Trump supporters and someone deserves to die? that how your feeble mind works?....

"anyone that can watch Ashli's murder and say it was justified"

Meanwhile......when conservatives have the will to justify the murder of an unarmed person whom they are predisposed to hate and dehumanize...They find a way...

View attachment 480157

They find a way....
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They find a way....
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They find a fucking way...
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No one has said those incidents are justified...we say obey the cops and stay alive...fight them and you are partly responsible for the outcome....Aslhi wasn't fighting with anyone...the cop never warned her...he just opened up and killed her...and she was continue making an ass out of yourself or back off and leave this are dead wrong...Captol police were standing behind Ashli on the stairs when she was murdered...that moron rent a cop could have killed one of was a bad shooting on many levels....
You're lying again. She wasn't just standing there and the cop didn't shoot her for no reason.

In reality, which eludes you, she was trying to break past a police barricade to get to lawmakers inside the House chamber.

That cop is a hero who saved lives.

The ridiculousness of this statement is beyond the pale.
We know you don't support this hero WANTED the rioters to get thru. I bet you posted on forum before Jan 6th too. They were all about ways to kill Congresspeople.
Babbit was unarmed and murdered in cold blood while protesting against her government. Celebrate all you want, but you will reap what you sow.
So rioting is now a legitimate form of protest?
It was in the summer and it is again in MN.
Protesting yes. Rioting and looting no.
They were the real insurrections. Portland and Seattle. Looting galore and murder.
The right decision! She was an insurrectionist, under orders from Trump, hell bent on overthrowing the government of the United States of America. She received exactly what she deserved by a patriotic officer defending our country.

She was not an insurretionist.

May you or one your family members wind up the same way she did.

You are scum.
She was a traitor who got what she deserved.
Same with street punks that won't obey an officers commands....
Remember when officers commanded insurrectionists to not enter the Capitol building and they did anyway??

I guess they get whatever they deserve after that point huh
Actually the videos I have seen the rent a cops are waving them in...anyone that can watch Ashli's murder and say it was justified is an uncaring unthinking ass and not what I think of as a patriot in any way....for clowns like you its okay to burn cities for over a year and causing death and injury but one day of steam let off for Trump supporters and someone deserves to die? that how your feeble mind works?....

"anyone that can watch Ashli's murder and say it was justified"

Meanwhile......when conservatives have the will to justify the murder of an unarmed person whom they are predisposed to hate and dehumanize...They find a way...

View attachment 480157

They find a way....
View attachment 480159

They find a way....
View attachment 480160

They find a fucking way...
View attachment 480161
No one has said those incidents are justified...we say obey the cops and stay alive...fight them and you are partly responsible for the outcome....Aslhi wasn't fighting with anyone...the cop never warned her...he just opened up and killed her...and she was continue making an ass out of yourself or back off and leave this are dead wrong...Captol police were standing behind Ashli on the stairs when she was murdered...that moron rent a cop could have killed one of was a bad shooting on many levels....
You're lying again. She wasn't just standing there and the cop didn't shoot her for no reason.

In reality, which eludes you, she was trying to break past a police barricade to get to lawmakers inside the House chamber.

That cop is a hero who saved lives.

The ridiculousness of this statement is beyond the pale.
We know you don't support this hero WANTED the rioters to get thru. I bet you posted on forum before Jan 6th too. They were all about ways to kill Congresspeople.
Release his name if he is a hero.
Babbit was unarmed and murdered in cold blood while protesting against her government. Celebrate all you want, but you will reap what you sow.
Ashli was attempting to breach a secure perimeter protecting our Congressmen. Once that perimeter was breached, there would be no way to protect members of Congress who were being threatened by an angry mob.

Ashli‘s relatives should sue the hell out of Donald J Trump
He is the one who filled her with lies, he is the one who filled her with rage, he is the one who called her to Washington and sent her to the Capitol.
What threat did she pose to anyone? She prenented a physical threat to our Congressmen ? A verbal one? She was unarmed.

She was a member of a mob that was threatening members of Congress and Mike Pence. She reached the final perimeter of defense and tried to crawl through a broken window.
Cost her life.

Blame Trumps lies
Not an acceptable excuse to murder someone who posed no physical threat at all. If she was such a threat, why then did the officers on Ashli's side of the door do nothing to stop her? Why then were barricades removed outside of the capital and protesters led to the building?

By your broken logic, police in Portland should have gunned down anyone who entered the police precinct last summer. And anyone in Minnesota who threatens authority figures should be murdered as well. What a steep double standard!

Capitol Police are sworn to protect members of Congress

Babbitt joined a mob that attacked House Chambers. She smashed a window leading to the Chamber and was crawling through it

Blame Trump
So what youre saying is that you have no intelligent argument. "Too bad... so sad" is about what I would expect from typical Democrats these days. Low IQ voters will be the death of this nation.
How do you talk intelligently to those who believe wild Trump Stolen Election lies and are willing to storm the Capitol because of them.

Ashli Babbitt believed Trumps lies and it cost her life
They were there to get Congress to investigate the fraud. Why are you always leaving that out?
Wrong – this is a lie.

They were there to prevent the certification of the election; they sought to prevent then President-elect Biden from becoming president contrary to the will of the people and our democratic principles.

There was no 'fraud' to 'investigate.'

Theirs was a violent act of terror, an attack on America’s democracy; Babbitt alone is responsible for her death, the consequence of her reckless stupidity and criminality.

Yes, a basically unarmed, disorganized mob was going to somehow thrwart the processes of the most powerful nation on earth.

It does not get any less funny as you keep saying it.

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