No Justice, No Peace

Nice "throw gun". Typical of the police to have one handy to cover themselves and their criminal actions.

And no matter what the case, shooting him was unjustified and therefore illegal.

The problem with you liberals is you spend too much time watching TV. Then you merge reality with story making.

In todays world, there are too many cameras around for anybody to recreate the story you seen on television. Today everybody is equipt with a cell phone with video capabilities, our police officers have dash cams, and now of course body cams. Then we can't rule out the countless businesses and even private homes with video recording for security reasons. Many times those cameras are even hidden.

No cop is going to carry a gun to drop off on anybody. Again, that was on television. In reality, many police departments require a college education to even try out being a police officer. Like any other college student, they undergo massive debt to achieve their dream. They are not going to throw it all away because (you think) they like shooting people.

It's one of those things that would be incredibly rare, but the left is so desperate to hide the truth yet again. They can't bear the thought of all this violence and destruction over another lie.

It's all deliberate. Soros is funding these thugs to go destroy cities and cry racism. It's another case of a justified shooting, but that doesn't matter. They push all these shootings as murders by racists and they are ignoring the fact that it was a black cop, who is supported by a black police chief, and the wife of the suspect took her own video in which you can hear the police telling her husband to drop the gun.
He was holding a gun? Prove it. And why did he need to exit the car? He didn't. What he was doing was none of their goddamned business and no lethal force was required.

Two plainclothes officers in an unmarked vehicle were preparing to serve a warrant on someone else when Scott pulled up and parked next to them, according to the document.

The officers saw Scott rolling a marijuana cigar, or blunt, though they didn't consider it a priority at first, it said. But then one of the officers saw him hold up a gun, the document states.

"Due to the combination of illegal drugs and the gun Mr. Scott had in his possession, officers decided to take enforcement action for public safety concerns," the document said.

Charlotte Police Footage Shows Shooting of Keith Lamont Scott
Legalize and tax it. That's actual freedom making, not GOP law and order bs.
Nice "throw gun". Typical of the police to have one handy to cover themselves and their criminal actions.

And no matter what the case, shooting him was unjustified and therefore illegal.

The problem with you liberals is you spend too much time watching TV. Then you merge reality with story making.

In todays world, there are too many cameras around for anybody to recreate the story you seen on television. Today everybody is equipt with a cell phone with video capabilities, our police officers have dash cams, and now of course body cams. Then we can't rule out the countless businesses and even private homes with video recording for security reasons. Many times those cameras are even hidden.

No cop is going to carry a gun to drop off on anybody. Again, that was on television. In reality, many police departments require a college education to even try out being a police officer. Like any other college student, they undergo massive debt to achieve their dream. They are not going to throw it all away because (you think) they like shooting people.

It's one of those things that would be incredibly rare, but the left is so desperate to hide the truth yet again. They can't bear the thought of all this violence and destruction over another lie.

It's all deliberate. Soros is funding these thugs to go destroy cities and cry racism. It's another case of a justified shooting, but that doesn't matter. They push all these shootings as murders by racists and they are ignoring the fact that it was a black cop, who is supported by a black police chief, and the wife of the suspect took her own video in which you can hear the police telling her husband to drop the gun.
Nice "throw gun". Typical of the police to have one handy to cover themselves and their criminal actions.

And no matter what the case, shooting him was unjustified and therefore illegal.

The problem with you liberals is you spend too much time watching TV. Then you merge reality with story making.

In todays world, there are too many cameras around for anybody to recreate the story you seen on television. Today everybody is equipt with a cell phone with video capabilities, our police officers have dash cams, and now of course body cams. Then we can't rule out the countless businesses and even private homes with video recording for security reasons. Many times those cameras are even hidden.

No cop is going to carry a gun to drop off on anybody. Again, that was on television. In reality, many police departments require a college education to even try out being a police officer. Like any other college student, they undergo massive debt to achieve their dream. They are not going to throw it all away because (you think) they like shooting people.

It's one of those things that would be incredibly rare, but the left is so desperate to hide the truth yet again. They can't bear the thought of all this violence and destruction over another lie.

It's all deliberate. Soros is funding these thugs to go destroy cities and cry racism. It's another case of a justified shooting, but that doesn't matter. They push all these shootings as murders by racists and they are ignoring the fact that it was a black cop, who is supported by a black police chief, and the wife of the suspect took her own video in which you can hear the police telling her husband to drop the gun.
Nice "throw gun". Typical of the police to have one handy to cover themselves and their criminal actions.

And no matter what the case, shooting him was unjustified and therefore illegal.

The problem with you liberals is you spend too much time watching TV. Then you merge reality with story making.

In todays world, there are too many cameras around for anybody to recreate the story you seen on television. Today everybody is equipt with a cell phone with video capabilities, our police officers have dash cams, and now of course body cams. Then we can't rule out the countless businesses and even private homes with video recording for security reasons. Many times those cameras are even hidden.

No cop is going to carry a gun to drop off on anybody. Again, that was on television. In reality, many police departments require a college education to even try out being a police officer. Like any other college student, they undergo massive debt to achieve their dream. They are not going to throw it all away because (you think) they like shooting people.

It's one of those things that would be incredibly rare, but the left is so desperate to hide the truth yet again. They can't bear the thought of all this violence and destruction over another lie.

It's all deliberate. Soros is funding these thugs to go destroy cities and cry racism. It's another case of a justified shooting, but that doesn't matter. They push all these shootings as murders by racists and they are ignoring the fact that it was a black cop, who is supported by a black police chief, and the wife of the suspect took her own video in which you can hear the police telling her husband to drop the gun.
Soros gave a little money to BLM. Don't believe pure crap, dupe.
He was holding a gun? Prove it. And why did he need to exit the car? He didn't. What he was doing was none of their goddamned business and no lethal force was required.

Two plainclothes officers in an unmarked vehicle were preparing to serve a warrant on someone else when Scott pulled up and parked next to them, according to the document.

The officers saw Scott rolling a marijuana cigar, or blunt, though they didn't consider it a priority at first, it said. But then one of the officers saw him hold up a gun, the document states.

"Due to the combination of illegal drugs and the gun Mr. Scott had in his possession, officers decided to take enforcement action for public safety concerns," the document said.

Charlotte Police Footage Shows Shooting of Keith Lamont Scott
Legalize and tax it. That's actual freedom making, not GOP law and order bs.
Their law and order is their kids get away with what the darkies get sent to prison, or killed, for.
Even if he had a gun, he was just standing there with his arms down, making no move. BAD police work. We shall see.

Wrong. Any person, of any color, who is standing with a weapon surrounded by police who are yelling to drop the gun, and said person refuses to immediately do the gun, is a threat. Period. He did not need to get out of the car on the first place the gun on his hand. WHO DOES THAT???
Even if he had a gun, he was just standing there with his arms down, making no move. BAD police work. We shall see.

Wrong. Any person, of any color, who is standing with a weapon surrounded by police who are yelling to drop the gun, and said person refuses to immediately do the gun, is a threat. Period. He did not need to get out of the car on the first place the gun on his hand. WHO DOES THAT???
They forced a confrontation and then murdered him.

And the police shoot unarmed black men all the time here. The police are pussies with deadly weapons now.
He was holding a gun? Prove it. And why did he need to exit the car? He didn't. What he was doing was none of their goddamned business and no lethal force was required.

Two plainclothes officers in an unmarked vehicle were preparing to serve a warrant on someone else when Scott pulled up and parked next to them, according to the document.

The officers saw Scott rolling a marijuana cigar, or blunt, though they didn't consider it a priority at first, it said. But then one of the officers saw him hold up a gun, the document states.

"Due to the combination of illegal drugs and the gun Mr. Scott had in his possession, officers decided to take enforcement action for public safety concerns," the document said.

Charlotte Police Footage Shows Shooting of Keith Lamont Scott
Legalize and tax it. That's actual freedom making, not GOP law and order bs.
Their law and order is their kids get away with what the darkies get sent to prison, or killed, for.

Miss your short bus this morning?
Even if he had a gun, he was just standing there with his arms down, making no move. BAD police work. We shall see.

Wrong. Any person, of any color, who is standing with a weapon surrounded by police who are yelling to drop the gun, and said person refuses to immediately do the gun, is a threat. Period. He did not need to get out of the car on the first place the gun on his hand. WHO DOES THAT???
They forced a confrontation and then murdered him.

And the police shoot unarmed black men all the time here. The police are pussies with deadly weapons now.

You're obviously a sock puppet or paid troll. You are refusing to look at these cases and see the facts. This was not racism. This was not a cop who had something against blacks. He was a black police officer who told a suspect to drop the gun. He had every right to shoot when the suspect refused. It's really not at all difficult.

We all get pulled over for minor things. I've been pulled over for a broken taillight. I've also been pulled over during a random check point. Don't even know what they were looking for. But, no matter the reason, you cooperate and nothing bad happens. If they say keep your hands where they can see them, it's quite easy to do that. And when someone doesn't do that, they have no way of knowing what the person is up to.

Look at it from their perspective. Look at the number of cops compared to the number of police shootings and you see it's a very small percent. You would also see that more whites are pulled over and more whites are shot or tased.

There have been a lot of cops killed and they've become a target. Most of the cop shootings have been ambush style and, let's face it, right now members of radical groups or idiots who believe the hype are likely the ones to shoot cops considering they've been chanting it and garnering more hatred for cops, the way you have been. Has BLM or Black Panthers condemned a single cop killer? No.

You and others want to paint all cops as bad, racist killers. Even black cops are vilified if they go after black suspects, as if they are traitors or something.

Police probably are on edge, but they are still following protocol. They cannot take chances when someone either has a gun or appears to be reaching for something. They are justified in shooting when a person refuses to cooperate and drop a weapon or if they suddenly to try to grab something.

Why isn't anyone out there preaching to people how important it is not to do something stupid, like disobey an order?
They forced a confrontation and then murdered him.

And the police shoot unarmed black men all the time here. The police are pussies with deadly weapons now.

He was breaking the law. WTF do you want cops to do when they see a citizen breaking not one law, but several?
As is almost always the case with police shootings like the one in Charlotte involving Keith Lamont Scott, we had everyone from the protesters to the liberal Democrats themselves, jumping to conclusions. They all wanted the head of the cop who shot the guy on a platter. They were convinced the guy was holding a book.

He wasn't. It is such a shame that people lack the patience and the fortitude to wait for evidence to come out. But alas, sides were already taken before the first shot was fired. These people shout "No Justice, No peace!" but won't give the justice system time to work.

See this picture? This is evidence found on Scott's person at the scene of the shooting showing an ankle holster and a gun. There used to be a time when there were two sides to every story. But I guess that time has long since passed.

"No Justice, No Peace" they keep saying, but no matter what form justice is served, there will never be peace.


Charlotte police release videos of fatal shooting of Keith Scott
Suicide by cop. He was arguing with his bovine ignorant girlfriend.
Even if he had a gun, he was just standing there with his arms down, making no move. BAD police work. We shall see.

Wrong Troll. When the police tell you to drop your weapon, you do just that. When police are around, you don't go near your weapon yet alone hold it in your hand.
Smoking a little dope = death sentence? Try again.

Nope. Smoking dope is not subject to the death sentence, not complying with police while armed is.
That must explain all those people who did comply then, and also ended up dead.

You wish to excuse the cops and blame the victim. I do not. You have faith in the police while I have a pile of dead bodies the police have killed because they are the enemies of society. To them we are all criminals, even you when you call them because there's a dead body in your house making you, the prime suspect.

As you said, they pulled you in and over for being white in the wrong place. That's not protecting that's treating you as they do us all, as criminals.
All lies! All lies! He was a poor disabled man who just came from feeding the poor and giving his own clothes to a blind man on the street corner, and praying for world peace.

And then they shot him for holding his Bible. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Actually I forgot to mention that he couldn't have been holding a gun, because has no arms or legs. He was just sitting there bopping his head to the beat.
Smoking a little dope = death sentence? Try again.

Nope. Smoking dope is not subject to the death sentence, not complying with police while armed is.
He will continue to ignore you. 30 pages of blatantly obvious facts presented, evidence that the shooting was justified and fairly extensive points about the overall situation and he is still lying his ass off and making shit up.

There is a segment of this nation that simply need to hate and thrive on being 'oppressed.' Nothing you can do.
Smoking a little dope = death sentence? Try again.

Nope. Smoking dope is not subject to the death sentence, not complying with police while armed is.
He will continue to ignore you. 30 pages of blatantly obvious facts presented, evidence that the shooting was justified and fairly extensive points about the overall situation and he is still lying his ass off and making shit up.

There is a segment of this nation that simply need to hate and thrive on being 'oppressed.' Nothing you can do.

Sad part is that there are groups of people just as ignorant. They'd be the ones destroying neighborhoods and repeating the bullshit fed to them. Even the media and Hillary continue to repeat things that are blatant lies.

Of course, most of the mobs that have destroyed many neighborhoods now aren't even living in those places. They are thugs for hire, courtesy of Soros, and their specialty is bussing to places to riot, loot and burn. Then they go home and wait for their next assignment while the people struggle to live in the destroyed cities. I'm betting many of the same hired thugs have burned and looted places in many cities.
That must explain all those people who did comply then, and also ended up dead.

You wish to excuse the cops and blame the victim. I do not. You have faith in the police while I have a pile of dead bodies the police have killed because they are the enemies of society. To them we are all criminals, even you when you call them because there's a dead body in your house making you, the prime suspect.

As you said, they pulled you in and over for being white in the wrong place. That's not protecting that's treating you as they do us all, as criminals.

Yes they did pull me over. I complied and they were very appreciative of that.

Yes I do blame the suspect. Had he just obeyed police orders, he would be alive today. But he opted to go out in ghetto glory. He chose that route--not the police.

When a criminal has a gun in his hand and police demand he drop his weapon, that's exactly what you're supposed to do. If you do not, the police can only suspect the criminal has every intent of using that weapon, and I can't blame them. There is no other reason to keep holding that gun.

But us taking the sides we do is not that unusual. Liberals most always side with evil and conservatives almost always side with good. It's been that way for a long time now.
That must explain all those people who did comply then, and also ended up dead.

You wish to excuse the cops and blame the victim. I do not. You have faith in the police while I have a pile of dead bodies the police have killed because they are the enemies of society. To them we are all criminals, even you when you call them because there's a dead body in your house making you, the prime suspect.

As you said, they pulled you in and over for being white in the wrong place. That's not protecting that's treating you as they do us all, as criminals.

Yes they did pull me over. I complied and they were very appreciative of that.

Yes I do blame the suspect. Had he just obeyed police orders, he would be alive today. But he opted to go out in ghetto glory. He chose that route--not the police.

When a criminal has a gun in his hand and police demand he drop his weapon, that's exactly what you're supposed to do. If you do not, the police can only suspect the criminal has every intent of using that weapon, and I can't blame them. There is no other reason to keep holding that gun.

But us taking the sides we do is not that unusual. Liberals most always side with evil and conservatives almost always side with good. It's been that way for a long time now.

Liberals always side with those who vote for them no matter what they do.

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