No Justice, No Peace

Does "looking directly at the cops while moving backwards" justify being shot?

He had his right hand tucked in close to his ribcage and his left hand dangling to the side, as if there were a weight pulling on it. His left arm was pulled taut. I've played that video over at least 15 times while I've been arguing with everyone on this thread.

Why did the cops give him ample warning to drop the gun? They warned him repeatedly to drop it. That either was one hell of a book, Wonder Woman's invisible sidearm, or he had a real gun in his hand.
Does "looking directly at the cops while moving backwards" justify being shot?

He had his right hand tucked in close to his ribcage and his left hand dangling to the side, as if there were a weight pulling on it. His left arm was pulled taut. I've played that video over at least 15 times while I've been arguing with everyone on this thread.

Why did the cops give him ample warning to drop the gun? They warned him repeatedly to drop it. That either was one hell of a book, Wonder Woman's invisible sidearm, or he had a real gun in his hand.
I'm sure he had a gun in his hand, just as soon as the cops placed it there after shooting him.
If they were concerned they could have used non-lethal force, and didn't. They are responsible for his death, and his death was murder.

You can only use non-leatal force when you are close enough. I love how you people that don't know a thing about police work give opinions on methods you are totally unfamiliar with.
The question is, was he a threat to the officers?

The video tends to suggest that he was not

Then what of his body language? Was he doing his best Micheal Jackson impression whilst exiting his vehicle?
If they were concerned they could have used non-lethal force, and didn't. They are responsible for his death, and his death was murder.

That makes about as much sense as the "proportional response" doctrine.
Fair enough, I didn't know of his criminal record.

Either way, simple possession of a gun is not a capital offense. The question is, was he a threat to the officers?

Anytime you have your hand on a firearm in the presence of an officer, that is a threat.

It takes a fraction of a second for a person with a firearm to lift and shoot, a fraction.

This is something we studied in martial arts. Yes, there are a few moves one can use to try and disarm an attacker, but it most cases it's a lost cause, and those moves only apply if you are right next to the gunman. That's why we didn't spend much time on it.

If you have ever shot a handgun before, you realize that you don't hit your target every time. In fact you miss quite often.

Scenario: Officers are holding an armed suspect at gunpoint. At some point, the gunman decides to go down in style like a tough guy. He lifts his arm to point the gun at an officer. The officer(s) responds by shooting at the suspect. The officer(s) miss their target, but the gunman hits his. The police do hit their target by the second or third try, but it's too late for the officer. He's dead.
The law is immoral and corrupting. It is the very reason that there is no peace.

Your subservience wont be recognized when you die.

No, the reason there will be no peace is because people break the law. Obey the law and nothing will happen to you.
No, the reason there will be no peace is because people break the law.

That is a symptom, not a cause.

Civil violence is a result of socio-economic problems that the state and its established law have created.

Obey the law and nothing will happen to you.

That is false. Many people have been screwed over by the justice system without having broke the law. Do you honestly believe the system is infallible?

Anyways, that point is moot. When the law becomes abusive, resistance becomes a duty.
As is almost always the case with police shootings like the one in Charlotte involving Keith Lamont Scott, we had everyone from the protesters to the liberal Democrats themselves, jumping to conclusions. They all wanted the head of the cop who shot the guy on a platter. They were convinced the guy was holding a book.

He wasn't. It is such a shame that people lack the patience and the fortitude to wait for evidence to come out. But alas, sides were already taken before the first shot was fired. These people shout "No Justice, No peace!" but won't give the justice system time to work.

See this picture? This is evidence found on Scott's person at the scene of the shooting showing an ankle holster and a gun. There used to be a time when there were two sides to every story. But I guess that time has long since passed.

"No Justice, No Peace" they keep saying, but no matter what form justice is served, there will never be peace.


Charlotte police release videos of fatal shooting of Keith Scott

The police forced the issue and their overly aggressive actions led to an unnecessary death.
No, the reason there will be no peace is because people break the law.

That is a symptom, not a cause.

Civil violence is a result of socio-economic problems that the state and its established law have created.

Obey the law and nothing will happen to you.

That is false. Many people have been screwed over by the justice system without having broke the law. Do you honestly believe the system is infallible?

Anyways, that point is moot. When the law becomes abusive, resistance becomes a duty.

That is a symptom, not a cause.

Civil violence is a result of socio-economic problems that the state and its established law have created.

No, individuals create it on their own. That's why only a fraction of our population are criminals.

That is false. Many people have been screwed over by the justice system without having broke the law. Do you honestly believe the system is infallible?

Anyways, that point is moot. When the law becomes abusive, resistance becomes a duty.

Perhaps, but you don't do it out on the street with police. We have ways of changing things in a civilized society. It's done through vote and representation.

No system is infallible, but to make the assertion that the entire system is wrong based on a few anomalies is ridiculous. All justified police shootings have one thing in common, and that is the subject didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s).
No, individuals create it on their own. That's why only a fraction of our population are criminals.

Why do "criminals" break the law though?

What reason do they have? I guarantee you I can link it to the state and established law.

Perhaps, but you don't do it out on the street with police. We have ways of changing things in a civilized society. It's done through vote and representation.

Fools paradise.

The system is not representative of the general public. Never has been, nor do I have any faith in the general public to enact justice any bit more than I would a political minority.

No system is infallible, but to make the assertion that the entire system is wrong based on a few anomalies is ridiculous. All justified police shootings have one thing in common, and that is the subject didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s).

Few anomalies?

It is more than that.
No, individuals create it on their own. That's why only a fraction of our population are criminals.

Why do "criminals" break the law though?

What reason do they have? I guarantee you I can link it to the state and established law.

Perhaps, but you don't do it out on the street with police. We have ways of changing things in a civilized society. It's done through vote and representation.

Fools paradise.

The system is not representative of the general public. Never has been, nor do I have any faith in the general public to enact justice any bit more than I would a political minority.

No system is infallible, but to make the assertion that the entire system is wrong based on a few anomalies is ridiculous. All justified police shootings have one thing in common, and that is the subject didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s).

Few anomalies?

It is more than that.

Why do "criminals" break the law though?

What reason do they have? I guarantee you I can link it to the state and established law.

Criminals break the laws for many reasons. Some believe they are above the law, others believe they don't have to obey the laws, some do it out of desperation. But whatever the reason, we have laws to protect all of us. If there is a law that somebody doesn't like, they have the option to redress their representatives about it and try to make change.

Fools paradise.

The system is not representative of the general public. Never has been, nor do I have any faith in the general public to enact justice any bit more than I would a political minority.

The system we have is the majority rules in most instances. The majority picks their representatives and they create the laws we all abide by. Those who don't obey the law face the penalties we as a voting public decided on.

Few anomalies?

It is more than that.

Not really. As I posted earlier, only about 1% of police officers are actually bad cops. Every large group or organization has bad apples, and by far, police have the fewest. Given the fact that the MSM controls the minds of liberals, there are more accusations of bad police than there are bad police officers. When those officers are found to do something against the law, they are prosecuted and many times sent to prison themselves. Tulsa is the latest example of just that. She is going to be charged with manslaughter and can face anywhere from four years to life in prison. Currently, we have several police officers in my city that are also being prosecuted for wrong doing. It happens more than you think.
Criminals break the laws for many reasons. Some believe they are above the law, others believe they don't have to obey the laws, some do it out of desperation.

Still not actual reasons.

Or are you seriously suggesting individuals are breaking the law for the hell of it? You can't be that naive.

Not really. As I posted earlier, only about 1% of police officers are actually bad cops.

100% of cops are bad, because 100% of cops serve an evil government agenda;
Because the job of the police is not to protect you, not to seek the truth.

I see. So don't bother calling for one. For any purpose. Criminal or otherwise. You live in your own society, apart from those who pay the due respect to the police.
The police are the ones who live in their own society where they are good and protect each other, no matter what, and you are criminal who plays against them. Cops and robbers, you are the robber.

That was a very good video.

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Criminals break the laws for many reasons. Some believe they are above the law, others believe they don't have to obey the laws, some do it out of desperation.

Still not actual reasons.

Or are you seriously suggesting individuals are breaking the law for the hell of it? You can't be that naive.

Not really. As I posted earlier, only about 1% of police officers are actually bad cops.

100% of cops are bad, because 100% of cops serve an evil government agenda;

Still not actual reasons.

Or are you seriously suggesting individuals are breaking the law for the hell of it? You can't be that naive.

Different folks have different reasons. Some are hooked on drugs. Others are willing to sell drugs for money. Some like robbing people because it beats working and adds to their welfare check. Some can't get along with the opposite sex and beat their partners. Some are violent people and murder or attack others for almost no reason. It all depends. If there was one reason for all crime, then all we would have to do is find a solution to that reason.

100% of cops are bad, because 100% of cops serve an evil government agenda;

No, they serve we the people. There is no law that anybody has to have a police department. If your city or town doesn't want police, then they don't have to have them. But nobody thinks that way. Most of us do want and need police to enforce the laws that we as a society created. If you don't like our laws, then don't take it out on police. Take it up with your representatives because they are the ones who write or change laws. If you don't like laws period, then move to a jungle somewhere where they don't have laws.

Some don't like the gun laws in our state. Too bad. The rest of us do want them. Our laws gives me the right to use deadly force against anybody that presents a threat to my life or even physical harm. If you try to break into my car while I'm occupying it, I can legally kill you and there is nothing you can do about it. I won't go to jail, I won't have to face a lawsuit, I won't even get a ticket. We have police that don't even like our laws, but as law enforcers, there is nothing they can do about it except try to see that the laws are changed. If they can't change those laws, then they just have to learn to live by them like the rest of us.

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