No Justice, No Peace

Pretty soon there won't be "white" society, whitey. And that will suck for your kind in a big fucking way.


You tools make me sick. Ever thought that provoking a race war was the plan all along?
The darkies won the "race war" long ago. Whitey is the * of history.

You had your chance when it was cold, now it's hot again. Suck it, whitey.

I don't remember this race war. :dunno:
We call it human history. Humans started as darkies and are returning to darkies. Say goodnight, whitey.

I'm... not sure what I'm losing here
Your place in society, dumbfuck.
if you want to be a member of a society, then you have to be a contributor to that society. Right now, the black culture wants all the benefits, and doesn't want to do any of the work.

For you to equate assimilation with the loss of individualism is, simply, ignorant, and clearly indicates a lack of understanding of the fundamental underpinnings of any society,.
This is exactly why I encourage people like to become self starters and learn to educate yourself prior to posting things that prove your stupidity.

A lesson you don't seem to have learned ... if you want segregation - and that IS what you propose - just say so. You don't get to change the rules just because you want to.
Segregation would be great. However, you miss the point. I dont want any parts of white culture. Like zero.

So go ----- quit posturing and take action.
Make me go.

I don't have to make you go ---- you're the one that said you were going. Or, was it all just posturing? Nobody has to make you go - you're driving yourself away, by expanding the division between the races. Your failure to step to your responsibilities ensures you'll never be truly accepted - tolerated, maybe, but accepted, no. If, and when, you recognize your responsibility to your fellow citizens, only then do you have the opportunity to close that divide.

But, hey -- what do you care? You said you're leaving. So --- put up or shut up.
Pretty soon there won't be "white" society, whitey. And that will suck for your kind in a big fucking way.


You tools make me sick. Ever thought that provoking a race war was the plan all along?
The darkies won the "race war" long ago. Whitey is the * of history.

You had your chance when it was cold, now it's hot again. Suck it, whitey.
Gotta love it ... I can think of nothing that makes my point so eloquently as racist shit like this.
There's nothing racist about it. It's biology, evolution at work, and against whitey, the aberration.
Uncomfortable truths that bother recessives racists such as sparechange.

You tools make me sick. Ever thought that provoking a race war was the plan all along?
The darkies won the "race war" long ago. Whitey is the * of history.

You had your chance when it was cold, now it's hot again. Suck it, whitey.

I don't remember this race war. :dunno:
We call it human history. Humans started as darkies and are returning to darkies. Say goodnight, whitey.

I'm... not sure what I'm losing here
Your place in society, dumbfuck.

I'm still not seeing it.
Then why did the cops react the way they did?

My mind reading skills aren't very good, so I don't know.

Neither do you.

Okay, so that didn't answer my question. Why were they all reacting in the same manner? Why did both of the cops have their guns drawn? What are the odds that the two police officers in the video would be acting identical manner, unless they were reacting to a threat? To someone who had a gun? Why was Scott walking backwards in a provocative manner? Isn't that a strange response to an order to get out of the vehicle?
That was easy. Training.

Indeed. Training that was in no way motivated by racism. Now by all means, move on.
Of course the training was motivated by racism. I know because several cops have told me about the racist nature of the training.
Well, hell --- if you say somebody told you so, then it's just got to be so ---- I take back everything I said.

Give me a break.
This is exactly why I encourage people like to become self starters and learn to educate yourself prior to posting things that prove your stupidity.

A lesson you don't seem to have learned ... if you want segregation - and that IS what you propose - just say so. You don't get to change the rules just because you want to.
Segregation would be great. However, you miss the point. I dont want any parts of white culture. Like zero.

So go ----- quit posturing and take action.
Make me go.

I don't have to make you go ---- you're the one that said you were going. Or, was it all just posturing? Nobody has to make you go - you're driving yourself away, by expanding the division between the races. Your failure to step to your responsibilities ensures you'll never be truly accepted - tolerated, maybe, but accepted, no. If, and when, you recognize your responsibility to your fellow citizens, only then do you have the opportunity to close that divide.

But, hey -- what do you care? You said you're leaving. So --- put up or shut up.
Yes I am going. You seem to be upset i am leaving on my timetable instead of yours so I invited you to make me leave. Why were you upset?
Pretty soon there won't be "white" society, whitey. And that will suck for your kind in a big fucking way.


You tools make me sick. Ever thought that provoking a race war was the plan all along?
The darkies won the "race war" long ago. Whitey is the * of history.

You had your chance when it was cold, now it's hot again. Suck it, whitey.
Gotta love it ... I can think of nothing that makes my point so eloquently as racist shit like this.
There's nothing racist about it. It's biology, evolution at work, and against whitey, the aberration.
Uncomfortable truths that bother recessives racists such as sparechange.

You can call me a lot of things - but the one thing you can't call me is a racist. I don't even come close. You're just using it as a convenient label to avoid uncomfortable truths.
The darkies won the "race war" long ago. Whitey is the * of history.

You had your chance when it was cold, now it's hot again. Suck it, whitey.

I don't remember this race war. :dunno:
We call it human history. Humans started as darkies and are returning to darkies. Say goodnight, whitey.

I'm... not sure what I'm losing here
Your place in society, dumbfuck.

I'm still not seeing it.
Your kind never does.

This man had a prior history of shooting guns at cops. First off. Second. He broke federal law by having a firearm in the first place. He was a convicted felon. So the gun wasn't legal.

Ignorant minds ask if it is legal.

Enlightened minds ask if it is right.

Your law is shit.
Openly carrying handguns is completely legal in North Carolina, and nothing in the video suggests he was a threat to the officers.

Watch the video again. What kind of guy would do the moonwalk on his way out of the car, unless he was hiding a firearm?

Watch 0:47- 0:55

There are quite literally thousands of explanations of his movements that aren't "hiding" a legal firearm

Stop. I missed the part where the legality of the firearm was pertinent to the justification of the shooting.

This man had a prior history of shooting guns at cops. First off. Second. He broke federal law by having a firearm in the first place. He was a convicted felon. So the gun. wasn't. legal.

Prove it?
My mind reading skills aren't very good, so I don't know.

Neither do you.

Okay, so that didn't answer my question. Why were they all reacting in the same manner? Why did both of the cops have their guns drawn? What are the odds that the two police officers in the video would be acting identical manner, unless they were reacting to a threat? To someone who had a gun? Why was Scott walking backwards in a provocative manner? Isn't that a strange response to an order to get out of the vehicle?
That was easy. Training.

Indeed. Training that was in no way motivated by racism. Now by all means, move on.
Of course the training was motivated by racism. I know because several cops have told me about the racist nature of the training.
Well, hell --- if you say somebody told you so, then it's just got to be so ---- I take back everything I said.

Give me a break.
You dont have to take anything back. Just be aware of your ignorance and my job is done here.
A lesson you don't seem to have learned ... if you want segregation - and that IS what you propose - just say so. You don't get to change the rules just because you want to.
Segregation would be great. However, you miss the point. I dont want any parts of white culture. Like zero.

So go ----- quit posturing and take action.
Make me go.

I don't have to make you go ---- you're the one that said you were going. Or, was it all just posturing? Nobody has to make you go - you're driving yourself away, by expanding the division between the races. Your failure to step to your responsibilities ensures you'll never be truly accepted - tolerated, maybe, but accepted, no. If, and when, you recognize your responsibility to your fellow citizens, only then do you have the opportunity to close that divide.

But, hey -- what do you care? You said you're leaving. So --- put up or shut up.
Yes I am going. You seem to be upset i am leaving on my timetable instead of yours so I invited you to make me leave. Why were you upset?

Believe me, I'm not upset --- in fact, I'm not anything. You started talking tough - because you were unwilling to have an intelligent discussion. When I didn't rise to the bait, it pissed you off. Frankly, I don't care if you go or if you stay ... but you're the one who said you're leaving. So --- stay or go. I couldn't care less.
Openly carrying handguns is completely legal in North Carolina, and nothing in the video suggests he was a threat to the officers.

Watch the video again. What kind of guy would do the moonwalk on his way out of the car, unless he was hiding a firearm?

Watch 0:47- 0:55

There are quite literally thousands of explanations of his movements that aren't "hiding" a legal firearm

Stop. I missed the part where the legality of the firearm was pertinent to the justification of the shooting.

This man had a prior history of shooting guns at cops. First off. Second. He broke federal law by having a firearm in the first place. He was a convicted felon. So the gun. wasn't. legal.

Prove it?

What was the probable cause for engaging someone with a gun in an open carry state?
That Scott was a convicted felon still on parole.
How did they know that?

LOL. You're clueless

Keith Lamont Scott is listed here in the Bexar County criminal records database.

These two crimes were committed in 2004.
He was sentenced in 2005.


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