No Justice, No Peace


You tools make me sick. Ever thought that provoking a race war was the plan all along?
The darkies won the "race war" long ago. Whitey is the * of history.

You had your chance when it was cold, now it's hot again. Suck it, whitey.
Gotta love it ... I can think of nothing that makes my point so eloquently as racist shit like this.
There's nothing racist about it. It's biology, evolution at work, and against whitey, the aberration.
Uncomfortable truths that bother recessives racists such as sparechange.

You can call me a lot of things - but the one thing you can't call me is a racist. I don't even come close. You're just using it as a convenient label to avoid uncomfortable truths.
i can certainly call you a racist. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me. You dont have to convince me you arent a racist. You have to convince yourself.
Okay, so that didn't answer my question. Why were they all reacting in the same manner? Why did both of the cops have their guns drawn? What are the odds that the two police officers in the video would be acting identical manner, unless they were reacting to a threat? To someone who had a gun? Why was Scott walking backwards in a provocative manner? Isn't that a strange response to an order to get out of the vehicle?
That was easy. Training.

Indeed. Training that was in no way motivated by racism. Now by all means, move on.
Of course the training was motivated by racism. I know because several cops have told me about the racist nature of the training.
Well, hell --- if you say somebody told you so, then it's just got to be so ---- I take back everything I said.

Give me a break.
You dont have to take anything back. Just be aware of your ignorance and my job is done here.
If your ego needs to be fed, and it helps you, go ahead ... but, be secure that you're exposed yourself. In Colorado, we call it - all hat, no cattle.

You talk a good game, but you really don't want to play.
Segregation would be great. However, you miss the point. I dont want any parts of white culture. Like zero.

So go ----- quit posturing and take action.
Make me go.

I don't have to make you go ---- you're the one that said you were going. Or, was it all just posturing? Nobody has to make you go - you're driving yourself away, by expanding the division between the races. Your failure to step to your responsibilities ensures you'll never be truly accepted - tolerated, maybe, but accepted, no. If, and when, you recognize your responsibility to your fellow citizens, only then do you have the opportunity to close that divide.

But, hey -- what do you care? You said you're leaving. So --- put up or shut up.
Yes I am going. You seem to be upset i am leaving on my timetable instead of yours so I invited you to make me leave. Why were you upset?

Believe me, I'm not upset --- in fact, I'm not anything. You started talking tough - because you were unwilling to have an intelligent discussion. When I didn't rise to the bait, it pissed you off. Frankly, I don't care if you go or if you stay ... but you're the one who said you're leaving. So --- stay or go. I couldn't care less.
Obviously you are upset. You may as well stop trying to convince me otherwise because I dont buy it. I dont talk tough. When I get tough I dont say much. Obviously you care because you were really hoping I would leave right away.
The darkies won the "race war" long ago. Whitey is the * of history.

You had your chance when it was cold, now it's hot again. Suck it, whitey.
Gotta love it ... I can think of nothing that makes my point so eloquently as racist shit like this.
There's nothing racist about it. It's biology, evolution at work, and against whitey, the aberration.
Uncomfortable truths that bother recessives racists such as sparechange.

You can call me a lot of things - but the one thing you can't call me is a racist. I don't even come close. You're just using it as a convenient label to avoid uncomfortable truths.
i can certainly call you a racist. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me. You dont have to convince me you arent a racist. You have to convince yourself.
LOL --- oh yeah, you can lie to yourself. You can try to deflect from the uncomfortable truth. But, in the end, it's still the truth ... and it still makes you uncomfortable.
That was easy. Training.

Indeed. Training that was in no way motivated by racism. Now by all means, move on.
Of course the training was motivated by racism. I know because several cops have told me about the racist nature of the training.
Well, hell --- if you say somebody told you so, then it's just got to be so ---- I take back everything I said.

Give me a break.
You dont have to take anything back. Just be aware of your ignorance and my job is done here.
If your ego needs to be fed, and it helps you, go ahead ... but, be secure that you're exposed yourself. In Colorado, we call it - all hat, no cattle.

You talk a good game, but you really don't want to play.
Its obvious you are upset. Your sentence structure is falling apart you are so angry.
Openly carrying handguns is completely legal in North Carolina, and nothing in the video suggests he was a threat to the officers.

Watch the video again. What kind of guy would do the moonwalk on his way out of the car, unless he was hiding a firearm?

Watch 0:47- 0:55

There are quite literally thousands of explanations of his movements that aren't "hiding" a legal firearm

Stop. I missed the part where the legality of the firearm was pertinent to the justification of the shooting.

This man had a prior history of shooting guns at cops. First off. Second. He broke federal law by having a firearm in the first place. He was a convicted felon. So the gun. wasn't. legal.

Fair enough, I didn't know of his criminal record.

Either way, simple possession of a gun is not a capital offense. The question is, was he a threat to the officers?

The video tends to suggest that he was not. The fact that he had a TBI and permanent physical disabilities stemming from a motorcycle crash may also go to explaining his strange movements.
Gotta love it ... I can think of nothing that makes my point so eloquently as racist shit like this.
There's nothing racist about it. It's biology, evolution at work, and against whitey, the aberration.
Uncomfortable truths that bother recessives racists such as sparechange.

You can call me a lot of things - but the one thing you can't call me is a racist. I don't even come close. You're just using it as a convenient label to avoid uncomfortable truths.
i can certainly call you a racist. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me. You dont have to convince me you arent a racist. You have to convince yourself.
LOL --- oh yeah, you can lie to yourself. You can try to deflect from the uncomfortable truth. But, in the end, it's still the truth ... and it still makes you uncomfortable.
Truths are never uncomfortable. Thats why I told you it was certainly possible for me to call you a racist no matter your wishes. You simply cant stop me which I agree makes you angry.
So go ----- quit posturing and take action.
Make me go.

I don't have to make you go ---- you're the one that said you were going. Or, was it all just posturing? Nobody has to make you go - you're driving yourself away, by expanding the division between the races. Your failure to step to your responsibilities ensures you'll never be truly accepted - tolerated, maybe, but accepted, no. If, and when, you recognize your responsibility to your fellow citizens, only then do you have the opportunity to close that divide.

But, hey -- what do you care? You said you're leaving. So --- put up or shut up.
Yes I am going. You seem to be upset i am leaving on my timetable instead of yours so I invited you to make me leave. Why were you upset?

Believe me, I'm not upset --- in fact, I'm not anything. You started talking tough - because you were unwilling to have an intelligent discussion. When I didn't rise to the bait, it pissed you off. Frankly, I don't care if you go or if you stay ... but you're the one who said you're leaving. So --- stay or go. I couldn't care less.
Obviously you are upset. You may as well stop trying to convince me otherwise because I dont buy it. I dont talk tough. When I get tough I dont say much. Obviously you care because you were really hoping I would leave right away.

Once again, I couldn't care less whether you stay or whether you go. You're the one who said it, and now we see you aren't a man of character.

I can live with that ... what I can't live with is people who suck off society while not contributing to it. Whether you do or not, I don't know - and once again, I don't care. But, clearly, you advocate for that. On that, we shall agree to disagree. This society doesn't owe you damn thing - if you want it, earn it.
There's nothing racist about it. It's biology, evolution at work, and against whitey, the aberration.
Uncomfortable truths that bother recessives racists such as sparechange.

You can call me a lot of things - but the one thing you can't call me is a racist. I don't even come close. You're just using it as a convenient label to avoid uncomfortable truths.
i can certainly call you a racist. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me. You dont have to convince me you arent a racist. You have to convince yourself.
LOL --- oh yeah, you can lie to yourself. You can try to deflect from the uncomfortable truth. But, in the end, it's still the truth ... and it still makes you uncomfortable.
Truths are never uncomfortable. Thats why I told you it was certainly possible for me to call you a racist no matter your wishes. You simply cant stop me which I agree makes you angry.

You can't make me angry - you simply don't have the tools for it. But, if that makes you feel comfortable, then believe what you will ...

As for you calling me names --- sure, but you and I both know it isn't the truth, and you and I both know you are using to deflect from the original discussion.
Make me go.

I don't have to make you go ---- you're the one that said you were going. Or, was it all just posturing? Nobody has to make you go - you're driving yourself away, by expanding the division between the races. Your failure to step to your responsibilities ensures you'll never be truly accepted - tolerated, maybe, but accepted, no. If, and when, you recognize your responsibility to your fellow citizens, only then do you have the opportunity to close that divide.

But, hey -- what do you care? You said you're leaving. So --- put up or shut up.
Yes I am going. You seem to be upset i am leaving on my timetable instead of yours so I invited you to make me leave. Why were you upset?

Believe me, I'm not upset --- in fact, I'm not anything. You started talking tough - because you were unwilling to have an intelligent discussion. When I didn't rise to the bait, it pissed you off. Frankly, I don't care if you go or if you stay ... but you're the one who said you're leaving. So --- stay or go. I couldn't care less.
Obviously you are upset. You may as well stop trying to convince me otherwise because I dont buy it. I dont talk tough. When I get tough I dont say much. Obviously you care because you were really hoping I would leave right away.

Once again, I couldn't care less whether you stay or whether you go. You're the one who said it, and now we see you aren't a man of character.

I can live with that ... what I can't live with is people who suck off society while not contributing to it. Whether you do or not, I don't know - and once again, I don't care. But, clearly, you advocate for that. On that, we shall agree to disagree. This society doesn't owe you damn thing - if you want it, earn it.
Obviously you care. You tried your best to convince me to leave immediately. Now that you realize you are impotent you are trying your best to pretend you dont care which I cant believe. You may as well stop trying to convince me because the evidence speaks for itself.
The question is, was he a threat to the officers?

The video tends to suggest that he was not

Then what of his body language? Was he doing his best Micheal Jackson impression whilst exiting his vehicle?

You cut off my post. Feel free to read the rest of it.

Nothing about his body language, as seen in that video was threatening.
I don't have to make you go ---- you're the one that said you were going. Or, was it all just posturing? Nobody has to make you go - you're driving yourself away, by expanding the division between the races. Your failure to step to your responsibilities ensures you'll never be truly accepted - tolerated, maybe, but accepted, no. If, and when, you recognize your responsibility to your fellow citizens, only then do you have the opportunity to close that divide.

But, hey -- what do you care? You said you're leaving. So --- put up or shut up.
Yes I am going. You seem to be upset i am leaving on my timetable instead of yours so I invited you to make me leave. Why were you upset?

Believe me, I'm not upset --- in fact, I'm not anything. You started talking tough - because you were unwilling to have an intelligent discussion. When I didn't rise to the bait, it pissed you off. Frankly, I don't care if you go or if you stay ... but you're the one who said you're leaving. So --- stay or go. I couldn't care less.
Obviously you are upset. You may as well stop trying to convince me otherwise because I dont buy it. I dont talk tough. When I get tough I dont say much. Obviously you care because you were really hoping I would leave right away.

Once again, I couldn't care less whether you stay or whether you go. You're the one who said it, and now we see you aren't a man of character.

I can live with that ... what I can't live with is people who suck off society while not contributing to it. Whether you do or not, I don't know - and once again, I don't care. But, clearly, you advocate for that. On that, we shall agree to disagree. This society doesn't owe you damn thing - if you want it, earn it.
Obviously you care. You tried your best to convince me to leave immediately. Now that you realize you are impotent you are trying your best to pretend you dont care which I cant believe. You may as well stop trying to convince me because the evidence speaks for itself.
Wrong. I did NOT try to convince you to leave immediately. I tried to convince you to be honorable, and live up to your word. In short, I called your bluff ... and your response? You call me a racist ... It's obvious that you talk a lot of trash, but you really don't believe about 90% of what you say. However, you DO recognize that, as a black man, you're required to say those things whether you believe them or not.

It's okay - I understand. You really don't want to leave.
Yes I am going. You seem to be upset i am leaving on my timetable instead of yours so I invited you to make me leave. Why were you upset?

Believe me, I'm not upset --- in fact, I'm not anything. You started talking tough - because you were unwilling to have an intelligent discussion. When I didn't rise to the bait, it pissed you off. Frankly, I don't care if you go or if you stay ... but you're the one who said you're leaving. So --- stay or go. I couldn't care less.
Obviously you are upset. You may as well stop trying to convince me otherwise because I dont buy it. I dont talk tough. When I get tough I dont say much. Obviously you care because you were really hoping I would leave right away.

Once again, I couldn't care less whether you stay or whether you go. You're the one who said it, and now we see you aren't a man of character.

I can live with that ... what I can't live with is people who suck off society while not contributing to it. Whether you do or not, I don't know - and once again, I don't care. But, clearly, you advocate for that. On that, we shall agree to disagree. This society doesn't owe you damn thing - if you want it, earn it.
Obviously you care. You tried your best to convince me to leave immediately. Now that you realize you are impotent you are trying your best to pretend you dont care which I cant believe. You may as well stop trying to convince me because the evidence speaks for itself.
Wrong. I did NOT try to convince you to leave immediately. I tried to convince you to be honorable, and live up to your word. In short, I called your bluff ... and your response? You call me a racist ... It's obvious that you talk a lot of trash, but you really don't believe about 90% of what you say. However, you DO recognize that, as a black man, you're required to say those things whether you believe them or not.

It's okay - I understand. You really don't want to leave.
Give up. You are still trying to convince me. I'm not buying it.
The question is, was he a threat to the officers?

The video tends to suggest that he was not

Then what of his body language? Was he doing his best Micheal Jackson impression whilst exiting his vehicle?

You cut off my post. Feel free to read the rest of it.

Nothing about his body language, as seen in that video was threatening.

His failure to comply means that the police officer does not have control of the situation, and is thus, forced to escalate his actions on the continuum of force.

It's a simple formula - do what you're told when you're told. In an armed confrontation, you do NOT have options.
You cut off my post. Feel free to read the rest of it.

I did read the rest of your post. That was the part I wanted to respond to. I wasn't trying to misquote or mischaracterize you.

The fact that he had a TBI and permanent physical disabilities stemming from a motorcycle crash may also go to explaining his strange movements.

Then why was he looking directly at the cops when he was moving backwards? That demonstrates awareness, premeditation, not a TBI resulting from a motorcycle accident. I cannot honestly believe people are trying to use a TBI to justify his behavior.
Believe me, I'm not upset --- in fact, I'm not anything. You started talking tough - because you were unwilling to have an intelligent discussion. When I didn't rise to the bait, it pissed you off. Frankly, I don't care if you go or if you stay ... but you're the one who said you're leaving. So --- stay or go. I couldn't care less.
Obviously you are upset. You may as well stop trying to convince me otherwise because I dont buy it. I dont talk tough. When I get tough I dont say much. Obviously you care because you were really hoping I would leave right away.

Once again, I couldn't care less whether you stay or whether you go. You're the one who said it, and now we see you aren't a man of character.

I can live with that ... what I can't live with is people who suck off society while not contributing to it. Whether you do or not, I don't know - and once again, I don't care. But, clearly, you advocate for that. On that, we shall agree to disagree. This society doesn't owe you damn thing - if you want it, earn it.
Obviously you care. You tried your best to convince me to leave immediately. Now that you realize you are impotent you are trying your best to pretend you dont care which I cant believe. You may as well stop trying to convince me because the evidence speaks for itself.
Wrong. I did NOT try to convince you to leave immediately. I tried to convince you to be honorable, and live up to your word. In short, I called your bluff ... and your response? You call me a racist ... It's obvious that you talk a lot of trash, but you really don't believe about 90% of what you say. However, you DO recognize that, as a black man, you're required to say those things whether you believe them or not.

It's okay - I understand. You really don't want to leave.
Give up. You are still trying to convince. I'm not buying it.

Got it ... I understand.
You cut off my post. Feel free to read the rest of it.

I did read the rest of your post. That was the part I wanted to respond to. I wasn't trying to misquote or mischaracterize you.

The fact that he had a TBI and permanent physical disabilities stemming from a motorcycle crash may also go to explaining his strange movements.

Then why was he looking directly at the cops when he was moving backwards?

I don't know. Neither do you, no matter what narratives you come up with. We don't have enough information to answer your questions.

Does "looking directly at the cops while moving backwards" justify being shot?
You cut off my post. Feel free to read the rest of it.

I did read the rest of your post. That was the part I wanted to respond to. I wasn't trying to misquote or mischaracterize you.

The fact that he had a TBI and permanent physical disabilities stemming from a motorcycle crash may also go to explaining his strange movements.

Then why was he looking directly at the cops when he was moving backwards?

I don't know. Neither do you, no matter what narratives you come up with. We don't have enough information to answer your questions.

Does "looking directly at the cops while moving backwards" justify being shot?

Yep --- if you're holding a firearm, and refuse to follow the officer's direction to drop it.

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