No Justice, No Peace

Some are hooked on drugs. Others are willing to sell drugs for money.

The state has a direct influence in the manufacturing, enabling, and movement of illegal substances.

Legalize drugs and their sale is no longer a crime to instigate systematic violence over, and it also destroys the cartels and the gangs that are sustained on the drug trade. Money is power and the gangs have plenty of both.

Some like robbing people because it beats working and adds to their welfare check.

The undesirability of a 9 to 5 job is directly linked to government issued conformity. Hustler culture and robber mentality is also due to government policies which have destroyed markets and kept individuals living in ghettos and squalor.

Some can't get along with the opposite sex and beat their partners.

Ostracization of the sexes is founded on politicization and government issued conformity.

Some are violent people and murder or attack others for almost no reason.

You can look at psychopaths and sociopaths under two different, but equally valid perspectives.

The state failed them or the state sustained them.

If there was one reason for all crime, then all we would have to do is find a solution to that reason.

There is and a solution has been found.

No, they serve we the people.

False, they serve them the ruling class.

True public defenders owe loyalty to the people before the state. The state is not the people.

There is no law that anybody has to have a police department.

Nor would such a law prevent government goons from being in each and every town..

If your city or town doesn't want police, then they don't have to have them.

Apparently you do not follow much history.

This is not even wishful thinking. It is an impossibility that the system would not allow.

Most of us do want and need police to enforce the laws that we as a society created.


The whole of society does not create laws. Not even the majority of society.

What law have you took part in writing?

If you don't like our laws, then don't take it out on police.

They enforce the laws, so they are apart of the problem.

That's just how it is.

Take it up with your representatives because they are the ones who write or change laws.

At the behest of vein public perception, big money, and media.

If you don't like laws period, then move to a jungle somewhere where they don't have laws.

Why should I be the one to move?

It is the government that sucks.

Some don't like the gun laws in our state. Too bad. The rest of us do want them.

Tyranny of the stupefied and conformed majority.


Our laws gives me the right to use deadly force against anybody that presents a threat to my life or even physical harm.

Laws cannot give you rights. Check your philosophy.

I would not be so sure either. You kill someone no matter what the circumstances, and your head is going to be on the chopping block in government courts. The criminal justice system is not an institution of impartial and fair justice.

Isn't it bullshit that you need the government to give you permission to use self defense? I think so.
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Tensions are high...and continue to rise. I will wait for all evidence before judging. The shooting in Oklahoma is bothersome to me but again its wait and see.
Some are hooked on drugs. Others are willing to sell drugs for money.

The state has a direct influence in the manufacturing, enabling, and movement of illegal substances.

Legalize drugs and their sale is no longer a crime to instigate systematic violence over, and it also destroys the cartels and the gangs that are sustained on the drug trade. Money is power and the gangs have plenty of both.

Some like robbing people because it beats working and adds to their welfare check.

The undesirability of a 9 to 5 job is directly linked to government issued conformity. Hustler culture and robber mentality is also due to government policies which have destroyed markets and kept individuals living in ghettos and squalor.

Some can't get along with the opposite sex and beat their partners.

Ostracization of the sexes is founded on politicization and government issued conformity.

Some are violent people and murder or attack others for almost no reason.

You can look at psychopaths and sociopaths under two different, but equally valid perspectives.

The state failed them or the state sustained them.

If there was one reason for all crime, then all we would have to do is find a solution to that reason.

There is and a solution has been found.

No, they serve we the people.

False, they serve them the ruling class.

True public defenders owe loyalty to the people before the state. The state is not the people.

There is no law that anybody has to have a police department.

Nor would such a law prevent government goons from being in each and every town..

If your city or town doesn't want police, then they don't have to have them.

Apparently you do not follow much history.

This is not even wishful thinking. It is an impossibility that the system would not allow.

Most of us do want and need police to enforce the laws that we as a society created.


The whole of society does not create laws. Not even the majority of society.

What law have you took part in writing?

If you don't like our laws, then don't take it out on police.

They enforce the laws, so they are apart of the problem.

That's just how it is.

Take it up with your representatives because they are the ones who write or change laws.

At the behest of vein public perception, big money, and media.

If you don't like laws period, then move to a jungle somewhere where they don't have laws.

Why should I be the one to move?

It is the government that sucks.

Some don't like the gun laws in our state. Too bad. The rest of us do want them.

Tyranny of the stupefied and conformed majority.


Our laws gives me the right to use deadly force against anybody that presents a threat to my life or even physical harm.

Laws cannot give you rights. Check your philosophy.

I would not be so sure either. You kill someone no matter what the circumstances, and your head is going to be on the chopping block in government courts. The criminal justice system is not an institution of impartial and fair justice.

Isn't it bullshit that you need the government to give you permission to use self defense? I think so.

The state has a direct influence in the manufacturing, enabling, and movement of illegal substances.

Legalize drugs and their sale is no longer a crime to instigate systematic violence over, and it also destroys the cartels and the gangs that are sustained on the drug trade. Money is power and the gangs have plenty of both.

Utter bull. Check out the states that have legalized pot. Illegal sales of pot is higher than ever. They compete with the state by selling pot at a lower price. It's the same BS they gave us about lotteries. Their claim was that it would all but eliminate illegal gambling. So what happened? The mob uses the lottery numbers picked by the state and offer a higher payout.

The undesirability of a 9 to 5 job is directly linked to government issued conformity. Hustler culture and robber mentality is also due to government policies which have destroyed markets and kept individuals living in ghettos and squalor.

The only person responsible for the way they live is the individual--not the state. The only thing government can do to keep people living in the ghettos is to give them things instead of making them work for them. If you want to be poor, stay home and don't work, you'll be poor. If you want to be middle-class, get some training for a job and be middle-class. If you want to be above middle-class, go to college and study for a career in demand. It's all up to the individual. That's what's great about living in a free country. It's why foreigners come here by the droves; because they never had any opportunity where they were born. In the US, you can be anybody you want to be.

Laws cannot give you rights. Check your philosophy.

I would not be so sure either. You kill someone no matter what the circumstances, and your head is going to be on the chopping block in government courts. The criminal justice system is not an institution of impartial and fair justice.

Isn't it bullshit that you need the government to give you permission to use self defense? I think so.

Nope. Most of the class to obtain your license is studying the laws. And yes, it is the laws that give me the right to use deadly force just like they give the right to police officers. And no, if you shoot somebody in self-defence, you are not going to court because the prosecutor needs to have a law broken before they can charge you with anything.
These pussies would have cleaned the guns used to shoot them.

Minions to be sure.

We definitely have some real whore bitches in this thread.

These tools do not care to analyze the greater issue. They would rather lube their assholes for authority and attack others that want to work towards freedom.

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Nice "throw gun". Typical of the police to have one handy to cover themselves and their criminal actions.

And no matter what the case, shooting him was unjustified and therefore illegal.

The police being the enemies of the blacks is nothing to laugh at. The bodies keep piling up one unnecessary death after another.

I can think of at least one bitch whitey cop who used to have a life and no longer does. Neither does the innocent man she murdered.
Nice "throw gun". Typical of the police to have one handy to cover themselves and their criminal actions.

And no matter what the case, shooting him was unjustified and therefore illegal.

The police being the enemies of the blacks is nothing to laugh at. The bodies keep piling up one unnecessary death after another.

I can think of at least one bitch whitey cop who used to have a life and no longer does. Neither does the innocent man she murdered.

I was laughing at the fact we have so many people who want to assume the cops are the bad guys, even when the " victim" had a history of gun, you want ignore that and assume the cops threw that piece of shit gun on the ground to cover their ass. Sad.
Nice "throw gun". Typical of the police to have one handy to cover themselves and their criminal actions.

And no matter what the case, shooting him was unjustified and therefore illegal.

The police being the enemies of the blacks is nothing to laugh at. The bodies keep piling up one unnecessary death after another.

I can think of at least one bitch whitey cop who used to have a life and no longer does. Neither does the innocent man she murdered.

I was laughing at the fact we have so many people who want to assume the cops are the bad guys, even when the " victim" had a history of gun, you want ignore that and assume the cops threw that piece of shit gun on the ground to cover their ass. Sad.
They do it all the time. The police protect themselves not the public. And the blacks they are the enemies of as in this case where a man is dead and shouldn't be. It doesn't matter a damn that he might have had a gun, he shouldn't be dead. They killed him and did not need to.

The police are gutless thugs these days, especially with back men.
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Nice "throw gun". Typical of the police to have one handy to cover themselves and their criminal actions.

And no matter what the case, shooting him was unjustified and therefore illegal.

The police being the enemies of the blacks is nothing to laugh at. The bodies keep piling up one unnecessary death after another.

I can think of at least one bitch whitey cop who used to have a life and no longer does. Neither does the innocent man she murdered.

I was laughing at the fact we have so many people who want to assume the cops are the bad guys, even when the " victim" had a history of gun, you want ignore that and assume the cops threw that piece of shit gun on the ground to cover their ass. Sad.
They do it all the time. The police protect themselves not the public. And the blacks they are the enemies of as in this case where a man is dead and shouldn't be. It doesn't matter a damn that he might have had a gun, he shouldn't be dead. They killed him and did not need to.

The police are gutless thugs these days, especially with back men.

" They do it all the time" is based on what? I suppose all the witnesses around are in on it to? And the wife was right there, did she see them plant the gun? Where is the book he was reading? Was it Atlas shrugged? Or diary of a wimpy kid? Everyone poops?

What kind of a mindset gets out of a vehicle holding a gun witha bunch of cops around yelling to drop the gun? You expect the cops to wait to get shot at first? Would you?
Nice "throw gun". Typical of the police to have one handy to cover themselves and their criminal actions.

And no matter what the case, shooting him was unjustified and therefore illegal.

The police being the enemies of the blacks is nothing to laugh at. The bodies keep piling up one unnecessary death after another.

I can think of at least one bitch whitey cop who used to have a life and no longer does. Neither does the innocent man she murdered.

I was laughing at the fact we have so many people who want to assume the cops are the bad guys, even when the " victim" had a history of gun, you want ignore that and assume the cops threw that piece of shit gun on the ground to cover their ass. Sad.
They do it all the time. The police protect themselves not the public. And the blacks they are the enemies of as in this case where a man is dead and shouldn't be. It doesn't matter a damn that he might have had a gun, he shouldn't be dead. They killed him and did not need to.

The police are gutless thugs these days, especially with back men.

" They do it all the time" is based on what? I suppose all the witnesses around are in on it to? And the wife was right there, did she see them plant the gun? Where is the book he was reading? Was it Atlas shrugged? Or diary of a wimpy kid? Everyone poops?

What kind of a mindset gets out of a vehicle holding a gun witha bunch of cops around yelling to drop the gun? You expect the cops to wait to get shot at first? Would you?
He was holding a gun? Prove it. And why did he need to exit the car? He didn't. What he was doing was none of their goddamned business and no lethal force was required.

They fucked with him and ended up murdering him. And the cops use throw guns to cover their asses all the time. We have case after case of them doing so. They protect their own not the public.
The police being the enemies of the blacks is nothing to laugh at. The bodies keep piling up one unnecessary death after another.

I can think of at least one bitch whitey cop who used to have a life and no longer does. Neither does the innocent man she murdered.

I was laughing at the fact we have so many people who want to assume the cops are the bad guys, even when the " victim" had a history of gun, you want ignore that and assume the cops threw that piece of shit gun on the ground to cover their ass. Sad.
They do it all the time. The police protect themselves not the public. And the blacks they are the enemies of as in this case where a man is dead and shouldn't be. It doesn't matter a damn that he might have had a gun, he shouldn't be dead. They killed him and did not need to.

The police are gutless thugs these days, especially with back men.

" They do it all the time" is based on what? I suppose all the witnesses around are in on it to? And the wife was right there, did she see them plant the gun? Where is the book he was reading? Was it Atlas shrugged? Or diary of a wimpy kid? Everyone poops?

What kind of a mindset gets out of a vehicle holding a gun witha bunch of cops around yelling to drop the gun? You expect the cops to wait to get shot at first? Would you?
He was holding a gun? Prove it. And why did he need to exit the car? He didn't. What he was doing was none of their goddamned business and no lethal force was required.

They fucked with him and ended up murdering him. And the cops use throw guns to cover their asses all the time. We have case after case of them doing so. They protect their own not the public.

They did prove it, but you will ignore it because you want all cops to be bad for some reason. Ok, so be it.
He was holding a gun? Prove it. And why did he need to exit the car? He didn't. What he was doing was none of their goddamned business and no lethal force was required.

Two plainclothes officers in an unmarked vehicle were preparing to serve a warrant on someone else when Scott pulled up and parked next to them, according to the document.

The officers saw Scott rolling a marijuana cigar, or blunt, though they didn't consider it a priority at first, it said. But then one of the officers saw him hold up a gun, the document states.

"Due to the combination of illegal drugs and the gun Mr. Scott had in his possession, officers decided to take enforcement action for public safety concerns," the document said.

Charlotte Police Footage Shows Shooting of Keith Lamont Scott
He was holding a gun? Prove it. And why did he need to exit the car? He didn't. What he was doing was none of their goddamned business and no lethal force was required.

Two plainclothes officers in an unmarked vehicle were preparing to serve a warrant on someone else when Scott pulled up and parked next to them, according to the document.

The officers saw Scott rolling a marijuana cigar, or blunt, though they didn't consider it a priority at first, it said. But then one of the officers saw him hold up a gun, the document states.

"Due to the combination of illegal drugs and the gun Mr. Scott had in his possession, officers decided to take enforcement action for public safety concerns," the document said.

Charlotte Police Footage Shows Shooting of Keith Lamont Scott

All lies! All lies! He was a poor disabled man who just came from feeding the poor and giving his own clothes to a blind man on the street corner, and praying for world peace.
He was holding a gun? Prove it. And why did he need to exit the car? He didn't. What he was doing was none of their goddamned business and no lethal force was required.

Two plainclothes officers in an unmarked vehicle were preparing to serve a warrant on someone else when Scott pulled up and parked next to them, according to the document.

The officers saw Scott rolling a marijuana cigar, or blunt, though they didn't consider it a priority at first, it said. But then one of the officers saw him hold up a gun, the document states.

"Due to the combination of illegal drugs and the gun Mr. Scott had in his possession, officers decided to take enforcement action for public safety concerns," the document said.

Charlotte Police Footage Shows Shooting of Keith Lamont Scott
Smoking a little dope = death sentence? Try again.
The police being the enemies of the blacks is nothing to laugh at. The bodies keep piling up one unnecessary death after another.

I can think of at least one bitch whitey cop who used to have a life and no longer does. Neither does the innocent man she murdered.

I was laughing at the fact we have so many people who want to assume the cops are the bad guys, even when the " victim" had a history of gun, you want ignore that and assume the cops threw that piece of shit gun on the ground to cover their ass. Sad.
They do it all the time. The police protect themselves not the public. And the blacks they are the enemies of as in this case where a man is dead and shouldn't be. It doesn't matter a damn that he might have had a gun, he shouldn't be dead. They killed him and did not need to.

The police are gutless thugs these days, especially with back men.

" They do it all the time" is based on what? I suppose all the witnesses around are in on it to? And the wife was right there, did she see them plant the gun? Where is the book he was reading? Was it Atlas shrugged? Or diary of a wimpy kid? Everyone poops?

What kind of a mindset gets out of a vehicle holding a gun witha bunch of cops around yelling to drop the gun? You expect the cops to wait to get shot at first? Would you?
He was holding a gun? Prove it. And why did he need to exit the car? He didn't. What he was doing was none of their goddamned business and no lethal force was required.

They fucked with him and ended up murdering him. And the cops use throw guns to cover their asses all the time. We have case after case of them doing so. They protect their own not the public.

They did prove it, but you will ignore it because you want all cops to be bad for some reason. Ok, so be it.
He could have had 1,000 guns, he was not a threat to them until they made him into a potential danger and then they murdered him.
As is almost always the case with police shootings like the one in Charlotte involving Keith Lamont Scott, we had everyone from the protesters to the liberal Democrats themselves, jumping to conclusions. They all wanted the head of the cop who shot the guy on a platter. They were convinced the guy was holding a book.

He wasn't. It is such a shame that people lack the patience and the fortitude to wait for evidence to come out. But alas, sides were already taken before the first shot was fired. These people shout "No Justice, No peace!" but won't give the justice system time to work.

See this picture? This is evidence found on Scott's person at the scene of the shooting showing an ankle holster and a gun. There used to be a time when there were two sides to every story. But I guess that time has long since passed.

"No Justice, No Peace" they keep saying, but no matter what form justice is served, there will never be peace.


Charlotte police release videos of fatal shooting of Keith Scott

You can even hear police telling him to drop the gun in the video his wife took.

Most of the protesters were sent there to raise hell. 70% of those arrested were not from around there.

This has zero to do with racism or police brutality. A black cop told a black suspect to drop his gun. The guy didn't drop the gun and got shot. End of story.

The media and groups funded by Soros pushed the lie that it was a racist cop shooting a black guy for no reason.

It's completely irresponsible, but they did it for the same reason they started shit in Ferguson and other places. They want unrest. What we are seeing is anarchy. They think it's going to help Hillary and she's out there echoing the lies and claiming to come up with solutions.

It's just amazing how many people don't care about the truth in most of these shootings. The lies are pushed so fast and furious that the truth gets buried. By the time facts float to the surface in one case, they are already inciting people to riot over the next shooting.

They are ignoring the color of the cop and the police chief because it doesn't fit the narrative.

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