No Justice, No Peace

Even if you do call the police you have to be careful if you are Black.

What a great excuse - well, it's as good as any -- to abdicate your responsibility to society.
I dont have a responsibility to any society other than my own.

You have hit on the problem blacks can't seem to overcome - and, until they do, they can't expect assimilation.
I dont want to assimilate.

Yep -- that's exactly my point.

Without assimilation, blacks will never be able to partake of the benefits of white society, and like it or not, you don't have much choice. You choose to remain outside the American society, taking handouts and food scraps, and then bitch and moan about not being able to get ahead.

Anything else is simply nonsense.
Pretty soon there won't be "white" society, whitey. And that will suck for your kind in a big fucking way.
So many conspiracies.
No conspiracies. Its something they normally do and this has been documented numerous times.

Let's see the proof then. Show me how this is "something they normally do."
Look online after checking my post if you need to be informed.

Not my place to prove a negative. Find it yourself.
I didnt ask you to prove anything. I said if you need to be informed research for yourself instead of being a sheep and following the crowd.

You made the assertion that this is "something they normally do" and that it was "documented numerous times." So how many times has it been documented, when has it been documented?
No conspiracies. Its something they normally do and this has been documented numerous times.

Let's see the proof then. Show me how this is "something they normally do."
Look online after checking my post if you need to be informed.

Not my place to prove a negative. Find it yourself.
I didnt ask you to prove anything. I said if you need to be informed research for yourself instead of being a sheep and following the crowd.

You made the assertion that this is "something they normally do" and that it was "documented numerous times." So how many times has it been documented, when has it been documented?
Thats for you to discover once someone shows you how to research on your own. Let us know what you find OK?
Having a gun isn't against the law, as right wingers are normally happy to point out. Or does that only apply to white people?

What are you talking about? I never said having a gun was against the law, nor have I claimed he was "brandishing it." In fact, from watching the dashcam video, it seemed to me like he was trying to conceal it. He was backing up in the video, as if he was holding something in his left hand. As soon as he passed the truck the cops opened fire.

The video doesn't show him "brandishing" it, as the police claim he was - and having a gun, and reading a book are not mutually exclusive.

Actually, from watching the video again, I don't even see a book in his hand.

Openly carrying handguns is completely legal in North Carolina, and nothing in the video suggests he was a threat to the officers.

In your OP, you seem to be suggesting that his possession of the weapon was justification for the shooting, and somehow negated the narrative of the protesters. Neither of those things are true.

His refusal to comply with the police officer's direction put him at risk ... his further refusal got him killed. It ain't rocket science - unless, of course, you're trying to fabricate a story.
Openly carrying handguns is completely legal in North Carolina, and nothing in the video suggests he was a threat to the officers.

Watch the video again. What kind of guy would do the moonwalk on his way out of the car, unless he was hiding a firearm?

Watch 0:47- 0:55

Shot for no reason at all, clearly, except for being black. Life in America.
I couldn't give a shit about white society or black society.

The system has entrapped you tools so badly that y'all have resorted to tribalism.
Let's see the proof then. Show me how this is "something they normally do."
Look online after checking my post if you need to be informed.

Not my place to prove a negative. Find it yourself.
I didnt ask you to prove anything. I said if you need to be informed research for yourself instead of being a sheep and following the crowd.

You made the assertion that this is "something they normally do" and that it was "documented numerous times." So how many times has it been documented, when has it been documented?
Thats for you to discover once someone shows you how to research on your own. Let us know what you find OK?

You're just too lazy to back up your statements. That's all I need to hear.
Look online after checking my post if you need to be informed.

Not my place to prove a negative. Find it yourself.
I didnt ask you to prove anything. I said if you need to be informed research for yourself instead of being a sheep and following the crowd.

You made the assertion that this is "something they normally do" and that it was "documented numerous times." So how many times has it been documented, when has it been documented?
Thats for you to discover once someone shows you how to research on your own. Let us know what you find OK?

You're just too lazy to back up your statements. That's all I need to hear.
It seems any excuse will do for you to remain willfully ignorant. Thanks for proving that to everyone.
In your OP, you seem to be suggesting that his possession of the weapon was justification for the shooting, and somehow negated the narrative of the protesters. Neither of those things are true.

Then why did the cops react the way they did?

My mind reading skills aren't very good, so I don't know.

Neither do you.

Okay, so that didn't answer my question. Why were they all reacting in the same manner? Why did both of the cops have their guns drawn? What are the odds that the two police officers in the video would be acting in an identical manner, unless they were reacting to a threat? To someone who had a gun? Why was Scott walking backwards in a provocative manner? Isn't that a strange response to an order to get out of the vehicle? They both must have seen something that warranted them drawing their guns.
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What a great excuse - well, it's as good as any -- to abdicate your responsibility to society.
I dont have a responsibility to any society other than my own.

You have hit on the problem blacks can't seem to overcome - and, until they do, they can't expect assimilation.
I dont want to assimilate.

Yep -- that's exactly my point.

Without assimilation, blacks will never be able to partake of the benefits of white society, and like it or not, you don't have much choice. You choose to remain outside the American society, taking handouts and food scraps, and then bitch and moan about not being able to get ahead.

Anything else is simply nonsense.
I have no problem with that. I dont want white benefits. I dont want your ass backwards culture and a number of other silly things white people bring to the table.

Actually, you do ---you love our infrastructure --- you love our freedoms --- you love our social mobility. You even love our safety and security. If you didn't, you'd be moving on ... and you're most assuredly not doing that.
I dont have a responsibility to any society other than my own.

You have hit on the problem blacks can't seem to overcome - and, until they do, they can't expect assimilation.
I dont want to assimilate.

Yep -- that's exactly my point.

Without assimilation, blacks will never be able to partake of the benefits of white society, and like it or not, you don't have much choice. You choose to remain outside the American society, taking handouts and food scraps, and then bitch and moan about not being able to get ahead.

Anything else is simply nonsense.
I have no problem with that. I dont want white benefits. I dont want your ass backwards culture and a number of other silly things white people bring to the table.

Actually, you do ---you love our infrastructure --- you love our freedoms --- you love our social mobility. You even love our safety and security. If you didn't, you'd be moving on ... and you're most assuredly not doing that.

None of that is white culture and yes I will be moving on.
You have hit on the problem blacks can't seem to overcome - and, until they do, they can't expect assimilation.

So the goal of the black race should be to conform?

It is quite sad that rampant individualism died out in 1783.
if you want to be a member of a society, then you have to be a contributor to that society. Right now, the black culture wants all the benefits, and doesn't want to do any of the work.

For you to equate assimilation with the loss of individualism is, simply, ignorant, and clearly indicates a lack of understanding of the fundamental underpinnings of any society,.
In your OP, you seem to be suggesting that his possession of the weapon was justification for the shooting, and somehow negated the narrative of the protesters. Neither of those things are true.

Then why did the cops react the way they did?

My mind reading skills aren't very good, so I don't know.

Neither do you.

Okay, so that didn't answer my question. Why were they all reacting in the same manner? Why did both of the cops have their guns drawn? What are the odds that the two police officers in the video would be acting identical manner, unless they were reacting to a threat? To someone who had a gun? Why was Scott walking backwards in a provocative manner? Isn't that a strange response to an order to get out of the vehicle?
That was easy. Training.
In your OP, you seem to be suggesting that his possession of the weapon was justification for the shooting, and somehow negated the narrative of the protesters. Neither of those things are true.

Then why did the cops react the way they did?

My mind reading skills aren't very good, so I don't know.

Neither do you.

Okay, so that didn't answer my question. Why were they all reacting in the same manner? Why did both of the cops have their guns drawn? What are the odds that the two police officers in the video would be acting identical manner, unless they were reacting to a threat? To someone who had a gun? Why was Scott walking backwards in a provocative manner? Isn't that a strange response to an order to get out of the vehicle?
That was easy. Training.

Indeed. Training that was in no way motivated by racism. Now by all means, move on.
What a great excuse - well, it's as good as any -- to abdicate your responsibility to society.
I dont have a responsibility to any society other than my own.

You have hit on the problem blacks can't seem to overcome - and, until they do, they can't expect assimilation.
I dont want to assimilate.

Yep -- that's exactly my point.

Without assimilation, blacks will never be able to partake of the benefits of white society, and like it or not, you don't have much choice. You choose to remain outside the American society, taking handouts and food scraps, and then bitch and moan about not being able to get ahead.

Anything else is simply nonsense.
Pretty soon there won't be "white" society, whitey. And that will suck for your kind in a big fucking way.

When lost for a coherent input to a discussion, but desperately craving attention, one should always threaten.

Well done --- for a third grader.
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You have hit on the problem blacks can't seem to overcome - and, until they do, they can't expect assimilation.

So the goal of the black race should be to conform?

It is quite sad that rampant individualism died out in 1783.
if you want to be a member of a society, then you have to be a contributor to that society. Right now, the black culture wants all the benefits, and doesn't want to do any of the work.

For you to equate assimilation with the loss of individualism is, simply, ignorant, and clearly indicates a lack of understanding of the fundamental underpinnings of any society,.
This is exactly why I encourage people like to become self starters and learn to educate yourself prior to posting things that prove your stupidity.

You have hit on the problem blacks can't seem to overcome - and, until they do, they can't expect assimilation.
I dont want to assimilate.

Yep -- that's exactly my point.

Without assimilation, blacks will never be able to partake of the benefits of white society, and like it or not, you don't have much choice. You choose to remain outside the American society, taking handouts and food scraps, and then bitch and moan about not being able to get ahead.

Anything else is simply nonsense.
I have no problem with that. I dont want white benefits. I dont want your ass backwards culture and a number of other silly things white people bring to the table.

Actually, you do ---you love our infrastructure --- you love our freedoms --- you love our social mobility. You even love our safety and security. If you didn't, you'd be moving on ... and you're most assuredly not doing that.

None of that is white culture and yes I will be moving on.

Talk's cheap ....
In your OP, you seem to be suggesting that his possession of the weapon was justification for the shooting, and somehow negated the narrative of the protesters. Neither of those things are true.

Then why did the cops react the way they did?

My mind reading skills aren't very good, so I don't know.

Neither do you.

Okay, so that didn't answer my question. Why were they all reacting in the same manner? Why did both of the cops have their guns drawn? What are the odds that the two police officers in the video would be acting identical manner, unless they were reacting to a threat? To someone who had a gun? Why was Scott walking backwards in a provocative manner? Isn't that a strange response to an order to get out of the vehicle?
That was easy. Training.

Indeed. Training that was in no way motivated by racism. Now by all means, move on.
Of course the training was motivated by racism. I know because several cops have told me about the racist nature of the training.

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