No Justice, No Peace

What is your broken solution? I would love to hear it, because I guarantee you that it is inferior to mine.



You know, stuff like that. Is that too much?
Put down the gun? They kill black men who didn't even have a gun, and their hands were up.

Do I need to put this in a picture book for you?


I am aware of the cop's throw gun.

And it wouldn't matter a damn if he had a gun, he should not be dead.
That Scott was a convicted felon still on parole.
How did they know that?
He had a two decade long rap sheet which includes shooting at cops in Texas. Do multiple cars and a helicopter show up for every minor call? Think.
You illiterate guys seem to forget no one was looking for this guy. They were looking for someone else.
Get to whatever stupid point you are trying to make.
My point was that you are stupid.

That's it?
What is your broken solution? I would love to hear it, because I guarantee you that it is inferior to mine.



You know, stuff like that. Is that too much?
Put down the gun? They kill black men who didn't even have a gun, and their hands were up.

Do I need to put this in a picture book for you?


Which cop planted this?

I dunno, you tell me.
LOL. The fact you call white people "ni****rs" is wholly ironic. Yet you call each other that and have no idea how degrading that is you.

In context it makes perfect sense.

You have your pampered slaves and your more expendable slaves.
How did they know that?
He had a two decade long rap sheet which includes shooting at cops in Texas. Do multiple cars and a helicopter show up for every minor call? Think.
You illiterate guys seem to forget no one was looking for this guy. They were looking for someone else.
Get to whatever stupid point you are trying to make.
My point was that you are stupid.

That's it?
He had a two decade long rap sheet which includes shooting at cops in Texas. Do multiple cars and a helicopter show up for every minor call? Think.
You illiterate guys seem to forget no one was looking for this guy. They were looking for someone else.
Get to whatever stupid point you are trying to make.
My point was that you are stupid.

That's it?

He had a two decade long rap sheet which includes shooting at cops in Texas. Do multiple cars and a helicopter show up for every minor call? Think.
You illiterate guys seem to forget no one was looking for this guy. They were looking for someone else.
Get to whatever stupid point you are trying to make.
My point was that you are stupid.

That's it?

So, how is calling someone stupid an effective counterpoint?
As is almost always the case with police shootings like the one in Charlotte involving Keith Lamont Scott, we had everyone from the protesters to the liberal Democrats themselves, jumping to conclusions. They all wanted the head of the cop who shot the guy on a platter. They were convinced the guy was holding a book.

He wasn't. It is such a shame that people lack the patience and the fortitude to wait for evidence to come out. But alas, sides were already taken before the first shot was fired. These people shout "No Justice, No peace!" but won't give the justice system time to work.

See this picture? This is evidence found on Scott's person at the scene of the shooting showing an ankle holster, and a gun. There used to be a time when there were two sides to every story. But I guess that time has long since passed.

"No Justice, No Peace" they keep saying, but no matter what form justice is served, there will never be peace.


Charlotte police release videos of fatal shooting of Keith Scott

Having a gun isn't against the law, as right wingers are normally happy to point out. Or does that only apply to white people?

The video doesn't show him "brandishing" it, as the police claim he was - and having a gun, and reading a book are not mutually exclusive.
You illiterate guys seem to forget no one was looking for this guy. They were looking for someone else.
Get to whatever stupid point you are trying to make.
My point was that you are stupid.

That's it?

So, how is calling someone stupid an effective counterpoint?
It was a easily made observation. Who told you it was a counter point?
And it wouldn't matter a damn if he had a gun, he should not be dead.


It matters plenty! He wouldn't be dead if he didn't have the gun!

Now here's a gif of a black guy laughing at you.

The cops shoot unarmed black men as well. It wouldn't have mattered. They provoked the confrontation and then they killed him.

Just another wrongful death of a black man in America.
Having a gun isn't against the law, as right wingers are normally happy to point out. Or does that only apply to white people?

What are you talking about? I never said having a gun was against the law, nor have I claimed he was "brandishing it." In fact, from watching the dashcam video, it seemed to me like he was trying to conceal it. He was backing up in the video, as if he was holding something in his left hand. As soon as he passed the truck the cops opened fire.

The video doesn't show him "brandishing" it, as the police claim he was - and having a gun, and reading a book are not mutually exclusive.

Actually, from watching the video again, I don't even see a book in his hand.
Nice "throw gun". Typical of the police to have one handy to cover themselves and their criminal actions.

And no matter what the case, shooting him was unjustified and therefore illegal.

Tell that to the black cop who shot him.
He probably already knows about the planted gun. Why would anyone tell him again?

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