No Longer Able To Stop It, Democrats Scramble To Get Ahead of Pending Hunter Biden Investigation

Republicans will impeach over a blowjob, they will impeach over anything

But if they want to start a precedent where disagreement with a Presidents policies are grounds for impeachment, then you will reap what you sow
Let's talk about that lie. Think how much it did to society that you defended and still defend lying under oath. You teach children it's okay to lie under oath. Yes, your party is responsible for the decline of morality in our country.
Over 100, IIRC, and it included SAP info, the highest classification there is.

Next dumbass question?
The problem with your statement is that none of them contained SAP, since the state department isn't authorized that level of original classification.

(In rare circumstances where the release of policy deliberations could result
in exceptionally grave damage to the national security, a TOP SECRET classification
might be appropriate.
an OCA with TS authority should be asked to classify the information.

Is it OK for a President to break the law so long as the economy is good? There was plenty of Russian smoke swirling around the Trump administration so the investigation was warranted and mostly honestly done. Had there been no obstruction who knows what would have surfaced.

What influence peddling are you referring to and is there any evidence from a source other than the laptop?
Hunter Biden's business partner? He knows how it all worked, Alang. He's the one who's stated that "The Big Guy" was Joe Biden. That lap top is going to hurt the Bidens badly but it's Tony Bobulinski's testimony that's going to sink them! He's the one that knows where the money went to.
Nobody except the crazy right wing cares about what is on the laptop, which is Russian Disinformation, anyway.

The laptop has NO evidentiary value because we can't determine its provenance.
Oh, Joe...still trying to claim the laptop is "Russian Disinformation"? That ship has sailed my friend! Even news outlets like CBS news are admitting that the laptop is genuine. I think they're doing it because they don't want Biden to run in '24. Joe's not going to have Nancy Pelosi to protect him in the House and if he loses the Main Stream Media's protection as well he's screwed.
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Let's talk about that lie. Think how much it did to society that you defended and still defend lying under oath. You teach children it's okay to lie under oath. Yes, your party is responsible for the decline of morality in our country.

Teach your kid that Congress has better things to do than investigate Blowjobs
Biden and Democrats are panicked, scrambling to get ahead of / prep for GOP House Hunter Biden investigation...

It isn't a "Hunter" Biden investigation at all, its actually a Sleepy Joe Biden investigation. Trying to investigate and find out about the arrangements that they have to extort money from various foreign and domestic parties. Hunter has a role in the scheme, sure. But the main thing here is linking it to the "Big Guy" himself.

I'd love to see President Biden's financials. How does someone who only earned a modest government salary over the past 50 years afford multiple mansions - supposedly without graft.

I wouldn't be surprised if Hunter wasn't given immunity to drop a dime on his old man as part of the deal. He could be put into witness protection afterwards to prevent him from being suicided like Jeff Epstein was.
How many of those were marked classified (vs contained classified material)? Comey judged they were not even worth turning over to a prosecutor.
Comey didn't see them, he saw the one's that were unbleached.

Learn before you shoot your mouth off.
Let's talk about that lie. Think how much it did to society that you defended and still defend lying under oath. You teach children it's okay to lie under oath. Yes, your party is responsible for the decline of morality in our country.
You also teach them all kinds of other destructive behavior, like having sex with you employees and then lying about it.
What 5 people died? A protester was shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer. Baseball bats?How many of those are we talking about, Billo? One? In a crowd of thousands? Do you really think that someone smearing shit on the walls of the Capitol building is a threat to our form of Democracy? You on the left have tried to make this one day riot the worst thing to ever happen in this country while you steadfastly ignored an entire year of violent liberal protests that cost billions of dollars and dozens of lives! It was a protest that got out of hand and then was over in a matter of hours. So little damage was done that it borders on farce to claim that it was worse than violent liberal riots that burned and looted entire downtown areas of cities across the nation!
That was an armed insurrection against the peaceful transition of power that goes against everything this country was founded upon. And for what? Bullshit lies over a stolen election? 5 people died as a result. Shitting on the walls of Congress showed you have no respect for this country's institutions, which is un-American. Furthermore, don't compare people protesting the shooting of people of color, with hayseed dickboy inbred rednecks acting like little Trumpy whores in Washington! Fuck you, you little pussy!
Brian Sidnick died from a stroke the day after the riot and his cause of death was listed as "Natural", Billo...something that would not have been done if he had died from injuries or a reaction to pepper spray!
As for claiming that police who later committed suicide were killed by protesters? That is laughable!
Everyone died as a result of that unprovoked, but planned in advance, insurrection.
That was an armed insurrection against the peaceful transition of power that goes against everything this country was founded upon. And for what? Bullshit lies over a stolen election? 5 people died as a result. Shitting on the walls of Congress showed you have no respect for this country's institutions, which is un-American. Furthermore, don't compare people protesting the shooting of people of color, with hayseed dickboy inbred rednecks acting like little Trumpy whores in Washington! Fuck you, you little pussy!
Armed? With baseball bat and a few flag poles! That's some pretty funny shit, Billo! It shows just how weak your argument is. You need to make it something it never was because otherwise you look foolish. 5 people did not die because of that protest that turned into a riot! One person died...Ashli unarmed protester who was shot at point blank range by a Capitol Police officer.
That was an armed insurrection against the peaceful transition of power that goes against everything this country was founded upon. And for what? Bullshit lies over a stolen election? 5 people died as a result. Shitting on the walls of Congress showed you have no respect for this country's institutions, which is un-American. Furthermore, don't compare people protesting the shooting of people of color, with hayseed dickboy inbred rednecks acting like little Trumpy whores in Washington! Fuck you, you little pussy!
It wasn't armed and it wasn't an insurrection, dumbass. 5 fat turds died because they were overweight
Do you have 100% ID of those who did so?

At this point - after all the perjury and crimes the FBI has perpetrated, denied, only to be found they did 'it' - I would not put anything past the FBI.

You seemto want to believe anything they say. Good for you. We'll just have to agree to disagree until the FBI willingly comes clean about everything they did instead of being forced to do so a piece at a time.
I will agree to disagree, my right wing friend.

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