No Longer Able To Stop It, Democrats Scramble To Get Ahead of Pending Hunter Biden Investigation

As a Dem, I love this. The major GOP election issues were inflation and the economy so what is the first thing they do, investigate Hunter and threaten to impeach Joe. I'm sure Americans will be better off after they're done. Lol. Does the GOP want to lose in '24?
True. Most Americans will feel there is nothing new or all that bad in Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell. They already know that high level Democrats are corrupt and rich because they love malfeasance and are good at it. For example Nancy Pelosi and her insider trading got her two $20,000 refrigerators for her high priced ice cream. Her net worth is $120,000,000 the same as Hillary Clinton’s. Big Bucks dan be made as a lifetime politician. It is simply amazing.

Supposedly Hunter’s laptop contains evidence of pedophilia but once again citizens are well aware that many politicians and rich people enjoyed young playthings from Jeffery Epstein which is why he was “suicided” in prison. Some feel pedophillia is all the rage in the D.C. Swamp.

Plus most citizens realize that Democrats are totally above any rule of law and Hunter Biden will never be indicted for anything by our corrupt DOJ and any investigation by the FBI or a special counsel will be a whitewash. Joe Biden may be impeached but he will never be removed from office.
Perjury is one thing, asking a married man, under oath, if he has had an affair is another. It strikes me as an abuse of the power of a government special prosecutor tasked with looking into a financial deal.
the special prosecutor didn’t ask him.

it was the attorney for Jennifer Flowers who was suing him for sexual harassment. He lied under oath then. She also ended up winning that lawsuit fyi.

The Special Prosecutor recommended an indictment based on that perjury. Among other indictments. Those are actually high crimes…hence the impeachment
Democrats be like...
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As a Dem, I love this. The major GOP election issues were inflation and the economy so what is the first thing they do, investigate Hunter and threaten to impeach Joe. I'm sure Americans will be better off after they're done. Lol. Does the GOP want to lose in '24?
It's rather ironic that Democrats investigated Trump for Russian collusion (that never existed!) DURING a historically good economy but now don't want Republicans to investigate the Biden family's influence peddling (that actually did happen!) during a terrible economy brought on by Biden's policies! How do you sell that, Alang?
Biden should be impeached for withholding aid to Ukraine approved by Congress unless a prosecutor was fired, right.

He bragged about it. Its not like there is not evidence, he admitted the crime.

Very impeachable, right?

You must be 100% behind it.
Not impeachable at all. It was official US policy not to provide the loan guarantee unless the corrupt official was fired.
No, you saw an attempted overthrow of the US government. It doesn't get more un-American than that.
You really think a few hundred unarmed protesters were even capable of overthrowing the US government, Billo? Seriously? It was a protest that got out of hand because the people in charge of security for the Capitol did such a piss poor job. It was a protest that did so little real damage that Congress was back in session the very next day.
You really think a few hundred unarmed protesters were even capable of overthrowing the US government, Billo? Seriously? It was a protest that got out of hand because the people in charge of security for the Capitol did such a piss poor job. It was a protest that did so little real damage that Congress was back in session the very next day.

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