No Longer Able To Stop It, Democrats Scramble To Get Ahead of Pending Hunter Biden Investigation

No. Its what you morons look like after over 6 years of 'Get Trump' failure.

The fact Democrats conducted a failed coup and attempted corrupt criminal Impeachments admittedly based on zero crime, zero evidrnce, and zero witnesses yet you willingly ignorant sheep protect and defend proven criminal treasonous self-serving elitists who have proven they don't give a damn about you proves stupid people long to be subjugated, every aspect of their lives dictated, controlled.
The former 1-term fuckup caused his own failure.

You're just his waterboi.
Like I said, it doesn't matter. Once the world sees the pictures of Hunter fucking little kids, and his emails with Joe talking about it, and about the Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian money laundering, it's over. No court required. The white trash Bidens, and their white trash supporters like you, will be ruined.
Giuliani had the laptop, I wonder why he didn't release those pictures?
As a Dem, I love this. The major GOP election issues were inflation and the economy so what is the first thing they do, investigate Hunter and threaten to impeach Joe. I'm sure Americans will be better off after they're done. Lol. Does the GOP want to lose in '24?
Poor little baby...
Once again, it doesn't matter. All that matters is the world sees the contents of the laptop, and sees what kind of white trash pedophiles and criminals the DemoKKKrats are. We know they won't face real justice, but the ruination will happen all the same. And, we'll get the added bonus of watching people like you defend a guy we'll all see fucking little kids in pictures he himself took.
HATE to tell you this but ONE mans lap top does not determine the thoughts or actions of half the population of the country. AND creepy people are not determined by political party choice. Happy Thanks giving day.
I really want to see Jordan ranting for hours on CSpan about laptops and emails and billions of dollars to Hunter Biden.
I want to see Giuliani and Bannon under oath answering questions from Democrats under oath.
Why is there no chain of custody? The shop owner gave it to the FBI. That's a good as it gets.

I heard a Democrat say today that there so much information on that laptop that there is no way the Russians could have made it up,
The conspiracy wing of the Republican Party is placing a lot of stock on the contents of the Hunter Biden Laptop.

A Chain of Evidence (aka Chain of Custody) is a process and record that shows who obtained the evidence; where and when the evidence was obtained; who secured the evidence; and who had control or possession of the evidence.

Among the chain of custody holders of the Hunter Biden Laptop include: an unidentified individual who turned the laptop into a Delaware computer repair shop in 2019; the proprietor of that shop (John Paul Mac Isaac, a legally blind Republican Party loyalist); Rudy Giuliani (who lost his license to practice law in New York for “betraying his professional oath by peddling ‘false and misleading’ claims about the 2020 election”); Steve Bannon (who escaped a felony conviction for fraud only through Presidential pardon and is currently on trial for Contempt of Congress); and the New York Post (rated on the far end of ‘Right-Center Biased’ due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed – i.e., borderline questionable – for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks).

In that proving that an item has been properly handled through an unbroken chain of custody is required for it to be legally considered as evidence in court, I’d say that any information obtained from the Hunter Biden Laptop is very possibly seriously tainted and would be thrown out.
Did you start your coma in 2015, Dumbass? Dimtards have done nothing but investigate Trump since then.
2015? That's nothing, the Clintons have been investigated by Congress since 1994. There were 11 Benghazi hearings alone.
The first priority SHOULD be to determine if the U.S. President is in debt to foreign adversaries due to his profiting from bribes.

And besides, didn’t Dems say they can walk and chew game at the same time?
You should be ecstatic that the SCOTUS has ordered Trump to release his tax returns.

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