No Longer Able To Stop It, Democrats Scramble To Get Ahead of Pending Hunter Biden Investigation

Right. So little real damage that 5 people died as a result. I guess people shitting on the walls of Congress isn't real damage? Hitting Capitol police with baseball bats and flagpoles wasn't real damage? You make me sick!
What 5 people died? A protester was shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer. Baseball bats?How many of those are we talking about, Billo? One? In a crowd of thousands? Do you really think that someone smearing shit on the walls of the Capitol building is a threat to our form of Democracy? You on the left have tried to make this one day riot the worst thing to ever happen in this country while you steadfastly ignored an entire year of violent liberal protests that cost billions of dollars and dozens of lives! It was a protest that got out of hand and then was over in a matter of hours. So little damage was done that it borders on farce to claim that it was worse than violent liberal riots that burned and looted entire downtown areas of cities across the nation!
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Brian Sidnick, while the others committed suicide AS A RESULT of the assault on the Capitol.
Brian Sidnick died from a stroke the day after the riot and his cause of death was listed as "Natural", Billo...something that would not have been done if he had died from injuries or a reaction to pepper spray!
As for claiming that police who later committed suicide were killed by protesters? That is laughable!
Right. So little real damage that 5 people died as a result. I guess people shitting on the walls of Congress isn't real damage? Hitting Capitol police with baseball bats and flagpoles wasn't real damage? You make me sick!
Link to these 5 deaths?
Biden and Democrats are panicked, scrambling to get ahead of / prep for GOP House Hunter Biden investigation...

1. The media won't cover it and will ignore it

2. The GOP is full of Rhinos whose on interest here is to smear the other side a bit. It will amount to nothing.

3. All of the investigative organizations like the FBI and DOJ are owned by the DNC

Try again.
Who shit on the walls? Was it the FBI? Or the citizens? Was it the FBI chanting "Hang Mike Pence!"? Which group killed the cop?
Do you have 100% ID of those who did so?

At this point - after all the perjury and crimes the FBI has perpetrated, denied, only to be found they did 'it' - I would not put anything past the FBI.

You seemto want to believe anything they say. Good for you. We'll just have to agree to disagree until the FBI willingly comes clean about everything they did instead of being forced to do so a piece at a time.
1. The media won't cover it and will ignore it

2. The GOP is full of Rhinos whose on interest here is to smear the other side a bit. It will amount to nothing.

3. All of the investigative organizations like the FBI and DOJ are owned by the DNC

Try again.
Despite all of that, the Democrats are panicked. They know how much damning evidence exists.
It's rather ironic that Democrats investigated Trump for Russian collusion (that never existed!) DURING a historically good economy but now don't want Republicans to investigate the Biden family's influence peddling (that actually did happen!) during a terrible economy brought on by Biden's policies! How do you sell that, Alang?
Is it OK for a President to break the law so long as the economy is good? There was plenty of Russian smoke swirling around the Trump administration so the investigation was warranted and mostly honestly done. Had there been no obstruction who knows what would have surfaced.

What influence peddling are you referring to and is there any evidence from a source other than the laptop?
the special prosecutor didn’t ask him.

it was the attorney for Jennifer Flowers who was suing him for sexual harassment. He lied under oath then. She also ended up winning that lawsuit fyi.

The Special Prosecutor recommended an indictment based on that perjury. Among other indictments. Those are actually high crimes…hence the impeachment
An ugly event, no matter how you look at it. It was actually Paula Jones you refer to and the case was settled out of court.
Is it OK for a President to break the law so long as the economy is good? There was plenty of Russian smoke swirling around the Trump administration so the investigation was warranted and mostly honestly done. Had there been no obstruction who knows what would have surfaced.

What influence peddling are you referring to and is there any evidence from a source other than the laptop?
The reality as established by investigation is that the Russian claim was a fabrication of Hillary Clinton and her paid shills. And it was known early on, but the investigation was dragged out to try and hurt Trump.
This won't take long. Once the world gets a look at what's on the laptop, the entire white trash Biden family will be ruined.

Getting the criminals out of government is the only way to fix the economic issues.

Nobody except the crazy right wing cares about what is on the laptop, which is Russian Disinformation, anyway.

The laptop has NO evidentiary value because we can't determine its provenance.
Like I said, it doesn't matter. Once the world sees the pictures of Hunter fucking little kids, and his emails with Joe talking about it, and about the Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian money laundering, it's over. No court required. The white trash Bidens, and their white trash supporters like you, will be ruined.

Except none of those things are purported to be on the "real" laptop.

So what you have on the laptop are business email from Hunter and his partners and some unflattering selfies.

Hardly a scandal.

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