No men around, and you want a baby? Sleep with your dad!

While the fable surrounding Lot, him boinking both his daughters, the gawds proceeding with another serial mass murder, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah all make for fun reading, we should remember that there is no conclusive evidence that those cities ever actually existed.

I'm not sure how that interferes with the entertainment value of the book.
Two nights in a row he didn't know what was happening because his daughters 'made' him drink wine (where did they get it all?)?
Normally boozed up old men can't get it up.

Lot had a better diet and exercise plan than the American men of today. They didn't need viagra back then. They had rutabagas, figs, olives and grapes. It's not as tasty as wonderbread, sausage biscuits, ice cream, hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, lasagna, hot pockets, TV dinners, Mcdonalds, Burger King and all other American feasts of treasure. They also didn't have the vast transportation that we enjoy today or the luxury of harvesting food from a grocery store. Men back then were a lot more active.

A 50 year old man in the ancient days of the Mediterranean probably didn't experience erectile dysfunction as commonly as a 50 year old man living in the United States in 2015. I'll chalk this up as a non-issue even though it has been brought up several times in this thread.
Incest is the essence of the Jesus and Mary storyline. Joseph, the alleged father of Jesus was 99 when he allegedly wed Mary who was 16. All the bridegroom stuff makes no sense unless in the context of the Oedipus complex. Jesus was 33 and Mary was 40? Houston we have a problem.

Would you mind telling us what you are talking about? I have read through the Bible twice. I don't recall any of this.

If you want to critique the Bible then try this:

The entire 1st Chapter of Matthew traces Joseph's lineage all the way back to Adam. Why does that matter if Joseph isn't Jesus's father?
That person is stuffing many stories together then adding material of their own. Abraham was 100 or so and Sara in her 90s when Isaac was born. Mary was a young girl. It doesn't give an age and Jesus started his ministry at age 30 as was custom in that culture that you were not considered a man til age 30 and he ministered approximately 3 years
Sorry its has to be one of the most sick stories in the OT,

Are you messing around? Did you read what happened when Dinah was raped? Did you read what Saul ask David to do in order to marry his daughter? Did you read about Deborah in the book of Judges and how she killed the King? Did you read about Amnon and his sister Tamor in the book of Samuel? Did you read about Noah and the flood? (I have a hard time understanding why the story of Noah is such a cutsie wutsie kid's story.) People accuse American artist of utilizing the shock factor in order to gain an audience. I think Ancient Israelites were doing this a long time before Miley Cyrus. The Old Testament is chock full of juicy tales with a shocking story line. Those stories are even shocking by today's standards.

Yes read them all many times, but in my book that is the worst. I can just picture David cutting those foreskins off, not. How about whats his name knowing his daughter was the only one to greet him said he'd sacrifice her.
Two nights in a row he didn't know what was happening because his daughters 'made' him drink wine (where did they get it all?)?
Normally boozed up old men can't get it up.

Lot had a better diet and exercise plan than the American men of today. They didn't need viagra back then. They had rutabagas, figs, olives and grapes. It's not as tasty as wonderbread, sausage biscuits, ice cream, hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, lasagna, hot pockets, TV dinners, Mcdonalds, Burger King and all other American feasts of treasure. They also didn't have the vast transportation that we enjoy today or the luxury of harvesting food from a grocery store. Men back then were a lot more active.

A 50 year old man in the ancient days of the Mediterranean probably didn't experience erectile dysfunction as commonly as a 50 year old man living in the United States in 2015. I'll chalk this up as a non-issue even though it has been brought up several times in this thread.

Lot was a loser. Also the story is just that a story , although I'm sure there was a lot of incest but it would be more like Fathers raping their daughters. Its just there to bring the enemies of the Israelites to life , and even thought the Israelites were guilty of the same, they passed judgment on the offspring of Lot and made them the bad people.

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