'No More Baby Parts' Said Planned Parenthood Shooting Suspect Robert Dear

Where is the Christian compassion for poor women seeking services from Planned Parenthood? Only 3% of their services relate to abortion - meaning that 97% have nothing to do with abortion. They should not be terrorized for legal services to poor women.
- See more at: Women's Sexual Health | Understand your Reproductive Health

The president of Planned Parenthood admits abortion is 86% OF REVENUE, even though it is 3% of servivces!

Cecile Richards: Abortion is 86% of Planned Parenthood's ...
Sep 30, 2015 - Cecile Richards faced tough questions on Planned Parenthood. ... organization, fighting to preserve its federal funding, reverts to the 3 percent figure. ... So abortion is considered a service no different than a pregnancy test (1.1 ... million in discretionary funding appropriated by Congress of the more than ...
Don't you mean millions of rabid anti-abortion scumbags who don't respect what Planned Parenthood does for poor people nor do they respect the legal rights of women - even though only 3% of Planned Parenthood services are abortions!?!

Yuppers - 3% abortions and 97% baby-organ selling.
We already know about parts prices......
I'm sure you do. You probably attempted to purchase an undeveloped brain figuring it would definitely be an upgrade over what you currently have sloshing around inside your skull right now.
Where is the Christian compassion for poor women seeking services from Planned Parenthood? Only 3% of their services relate to abortion - meaning that 97% have nothing to do with abortion. They should not be terrorized for legal services to poor women.
- See more at: Women's Sexual Health | Understand your Reproductive Health
3% is a bullshit number. Also, even one abotion is unacceptable.
Where is the Christian compassion for poor women seeking services from Planned Parenthood? Only 3% of their services relate to abortion - meaning that 97% have nothing to do with abortion. They should not be terrorized for legal services to poor women.
- See more at: Women's Sexual Health | Understand your Reproductive Health

that is a lie...they hide he abortion rate by lumping it in with other tests they do for the abortion....as any left wing group......they need to lie in order to operate....
Where is the Christian compassion for poor women seeking services from Planned Parenthood? Only 3% of their services relate to abortion - meaning that 97% have nothing to do with abortion. They should not be terrorized for legal services to poor women.
- See more at: Women's Sexual Health | Understand your Reproductive Health

they aren't terrorized for legal services...they are targeted for the murders they commit....
The day after a gunman killed three people and shot nine others at a Colorado Planned Parenthood office, officials tell NBC News a motive remains unclear, but say the suspect talked about politics and abortion.

Robert Lewis Dear, a North Carolina native who was living in a trailer in Colorado, made statements to police Friday at the scene of the Colorado Springs clinic and in interviews that law enforcement sources described as rantings.

In one statement, made after the suspect was taken in for questioning, Dear said "no more baby parts" in reference to Planned Parenthood, according to two law enforcement sources with knowledge of the case.

More: Planned Parenthood Shooting Suspect Made Comment About 'No More Baby Parts': Sources

No more baby parts? Sounds like he was definitely targeting Planned Parenthood

Such a bummer a perfectly good insane person who coulda been put to use as a political assassin was wasted in this pointless gesture. ;)

Used to have lots of people like this until we started evening them out with medication. :) Now they're rare as hen's teeth.
Where is the Christian compassion for poor women seeking services from Planned Parenthood? Only 3% of their services relate to abortion - meaning that 97% have nothing to do with abortion. They should not be terrorized for legal services to poor women.
- See more at: Women's Sexual Health | Understand your Reproductive Health
3% is a bullshit number. Also, even one abotion is unacceptable.
Abortion is legal and constitutionally protected. Go fuck YOURself
"No More Baby Parts" activated Robert Dear to commit anti-abortion terrorist acts.

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