No More Columbus Day – In Seattle


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Of course. Why does this not surprise me? When the wackos come out, they go all the way.

One thing in the article was the claim that nobody “discovered Seattle, Washington.” Uh, this may surprise you but Spanish sailors not only found the sound but establioshed a fort there long before the Brits or Americans showed up.

Anyhow, read the article @ Seattle to Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day - ABC News
Of course. Why does this not surprise me? When the wackos come out, they go all the way.

One thing in the article was the claim that nobody “discovered Seattle, Washington.” Uh, this may surprise you but Spanish sailors not only found the sound but establioshed a fort there long before the Brits or Americans showed up.

Anyhow, read the article @ Seattle to Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day - ABC News

Seattle councilmember Bruce Harrell said he understood the concerns from people in the Italian-American community, but he said, "I make no excuses for this legislation." He said he co-sponsored the resolution because he believes the city won't be successful in its social programs and outreach until "we fully recognize the evils of our past."

more anti white,leftist, feel good ......stupidity.
Granny an' Uncle Ferd an' possum inna livin'room doin' a ghost dance...

Farrakhan on Columbus Day: ‘No Indigenous People’ Want to Celebrate ‘The Wicked One’ Who ‘Dislodged Them’
October 12, 2015 – Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan called Christopher Columbus “the wicked one” during an event on Saturday marking the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March. “Haiti and the Dominican Republic used to be called Hispanolia, and it’s the first place that the wicked one, Columbus, set his feet. Tomorrow, they say it’s his birthday. I think it’s tomorrow, or the day after, Monday,” said Farrakhan.
The Anti-Defamation League has been an outspoken opponent of Farrakhan for anti-semetic remarks he has made. “For over 30 years, Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI), has marked himself as a notable figure on the extremist scene, verbally attacking Jews, white people and the LGBT community,” ADL noted in a March 20, 2015 report on its website, titled “Farrakhan in His Own Words.”

“In recent years, Farrakhan has embarked on a wide-ranging campaign specifically targeting the Jewish community, which has featured some of the most hateful speeches of Farrakhan’s career as head of the NOI,” stated the ADL report. “Farrakhan has alleged that the Jewish people were responsible for the slave trade and that they conspire to control the government, the media, Hollywood, and various Black individuals and organizations. “He also frequently denies that Jews have a legitimate claim to their religion and to the land of Israel claiming that Judaism is nothing more than a ‘deceptive lie’ and a ‘theological error’ promoted by Jews to further their supposed control over America’s government and economy,” the report stated.

In a speech Saturday, Farrakhan criticized Christopher Columbus, two days before the nation celebrates Columbus’s birthday, saying, “but no indigenous people want to celebrate a man who came and dislodged them, a man who came seeking a new route to India and ended up in America.” “And when they saw the original people that they saw, well they must be Indian, ‘cause we white folk don’t make mistakes like that. But they’re not just Indians, nor are we African-Americans. We were here before a continent named Africa was named,” Farrakhan said. “We were certainly here before Americus Vespucius, and this part of the world was named after him. So we don’t diminish ourselves by naming ourselves after Johnny Come Latelys. We are the aboriginal people of our planet, and before there was a planet, we were here with God in the beginning,” Farrakhan added.

Farrakhan on Columbus Day: ‘No Indigenous People’ Want to Celebrate ‘The Wicked One’ Who ‘Dislodged Them’

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