No More Kings: Are we back where we started?

The people are NOT represented by professional politicians whose primary motive is to increase their own power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth. Those who actually attempt to represent their constituency in a way that interferes with the goals of the professional politicians are quickly marginalized and unempowered to get much of anything done. If necessary they are demonized right out of office again.

Until we take away the power of those elected, appointed, or hired to high office to profit themselves at our expense, we will not have public servants who represent us. And I am very much convinced this is the last generation who has any chance to do that. If they do not, we will return to a totally authoriarian government that will perpetuate itself and assign us what rights, privileges, opportunities, and possesions we will be allowed.

And, how do you take away their power to "profit themselves?" In fact, what do you mean by that term?

Right now somebody can be elected to Congress without a pot to pee in and in a fairly short time, with congressional benefits Congress has awarded to themselves plus the favors and influence he is able to buy, he can leave a multi-millionaire or with that as a fairly certain future. That, IMO, has become the primary goal driving almost the whole bunch of them. They are able to control the message and use our money to buy our votes, and they have full ability to steer our tax dollars to whomever they need to pay off for putting them in office or who will ensure their futures should they leave office. They no longer are concerned what damage they do to the country in the interim because they fully expect to get theirs and then move on before everything hits the fan and somebody else gets the blame for it.

Do you think it was purely coincidence that the worst of Obamacare wouldn't kick in until after Obama was secure in his second term and after he had time to shore up his democratic base?

The way we fix it is to take away their ability to use the people's money to reward themselves or anybody else inside or outside of government. The way we fix it is to assign the federal government its specifically stated constitutional duties and leave ALL charity of any and every kind to the states and local communities to do. The way we do it is for those elected, appointed, and hired in government to fund their own healthcare and retirement plans that they can take with them but the taxpayer does not pay for them and for them to be subject to ALL the laws they pass for all the rest of us. The way we do it is to take the profit out of it for career politicians so that only true public servants will be inspired to run for public office.

I hate to tell you this because it might burst your bubble, but members of Congress do fund their own retirement and healthcare, which is no different than any other federal employee.

As for your idea of preventing them from funding things? How can you do that without eliminating Congress's Constitutionally mandated budget responsibilities? You're suggesting that Congress do what all day? Sit around and do nothing while money just gets spent by somebody else?

You're also forgetting that all those "charity" expenditures came about because We The People wanted them. Congress doesn't often pass legislation in a vacuum. Instead they respond to OUR will and those "charity" expenditures ARE our will or they wouldn't be there.

I'm beginning to suspect you really have no idea how your government works or why it does the things it does. But, don't feel too badly...most people don't.
The fix is out's public financing of elections.

Yep, that's the solution. But, the right won't go for that as it would break the bonds between the Tea Party and the Koch brothers. Plus, it might require spending money on something worthwhile.
The fix is out's public financing of elections.

Yep, that's the solution. But, the right won't go for that as it would break the bonds between the Tea Party and the Koch brothers. Plus, it might require spending money on something worthwhile.

There's a lot of bought legislators on both sides of the aisle. It's ridiculous that our legislators must start campaigning for re-election months after taking office and are beholden to monied interests to do it.

Know what President will be a "Messiah" in my book? The one that throws the money changers (Lobbyists) out.
WE have far too few Representatives given the population.

We ought to have a REP for every 30,000 people.
WE have far too few Representatives given the population.

We ought to have a REP for every 30,000 people.

If a 535 member Congress is unwieldy and inefficient, how much more so would it be with 11,000 members?
The people are NOT represented by professional politicians whose primary motive is to increase their own power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth. Those who actually attempt to represent their constituency in a way that interferes with the goals of the professional politicians are quickly marginalized and unempowered to get much of anything done. If necessary they are demonized right out of office again.

Until we take away the power of those elected, appointed, or hired to high office to profit themselves at our expense, we will not have public servants who represent us. And I am very much convinced this is the last generation who has any chance to do that. If they do not, we will return to a totally authoriarian government that will perpetuate itself and assign us what rights, privileges, opportunities, and possesions we will be allowed.

And, how do you take away their power to "profit themselves?" In fact, what do you mean by that term?

Term limits, being in congress should not be a lifetime profession.

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