NO MORE!...We Must Stop The 40-Year Old Obsession With Iran

Are you really this delusional? The only reason Iran exists is because the United States hasnt decided to wipe them out. Take nukes out of the picture; if we wanted to go in there and kill every Iranian using only bullets and bombs, we could easily make that happen.

Iran is weak because their culture is weak.

Are you really this delusional? The only reason Iran exists is because the United States hasnt decided to wipe them out. Take nukes out of the picture; if we wanted to go in there and kill every Iranian using only bullets and bombs, we could easily make that happen.

Iran is weak because their culture is weak.

They captured a handful of guys on a tiny boat who were severely outnumbered? If this is the best Iran can do, its pretty pathetic.
By the way lads...

There is a fairly healthy population of Jews in Iran...

Persian Jews - Wikipedia

wrong again------something like 90% of the Iranian population of jews have fled the country since the rise of Islamism there--------that phenomenon
meets the definition of GENOCIDE. Talk to Iranian jews. We got lots
in the USA. Their existence in Iran predates the birth of muhummad.
There are blacks living in Alabama too
In a place loaded up with uninformed and misinformed jackasses you make them all look like Oxford scholars.
Take nukes out of the picture; if we wanted to go in there and kill every Iranian using only bullets and bombs, we could easily make that happen.

They captured a handful of guys on a tiny boat who were severely outnumbered? If this is the best Iran can do, its pretty pathetic.

Ever hear the one about the hunter and the bear, Godboy?
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Thank you, Dr. Paul.

Hes a fucking fool. How on earth does he have any followers with all the stupid shit hes said over the years?

Fine...I realize - as you proved on another thread today - that libel is your thing.

But, I will give you another chance to look silly...where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that ANYTHING Dr. Paul stated in that OP video was wrong?

I will bet - as per usual - you got zip.
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Thank you, Dr. Paul.

Hes a fucking fool. How on earth does he have any followers with all the stupid shit hes said over the years?

Fine...I realize - as you proved on another thread today - that libel is your thing.

But, I will give you another chance to look silly...where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that ANYTHING Dr. Paul stated in that OP video that was wrong?

I will bet - as per usual - you got zip.

You expect me to watch a Ron Paul video? Pff :laugh:
No, tell me all about it.

There was this hunter, he goes into the woods to hunt a bear. He carries his trusty 22-gauge rifle with him. After a while, he spots a very large bear, takes aim, and fires. When the smoke clears, the bear is gone. A moment later, the bear taps the hunter on the shoulder and says, “No one shoots at me and gets away with it. You have two choices: I can rip your throat out and eat you, or you can drop your trousers, bend over, and I’ll [insert appropriate colloquialism for sodomy here].” The hunter decides that anything is better than death, so he drops his trousers and bends over; and the bear does what he said he would do. After the bear has left, the hunter pulls up his trousers and staggers back into town. He’s pretty mad. He buys a much larger gun and returns to the forest. He sees the same bear, aims, and fires. When the smoke clears, the bear is gone. A moment later the bear taps the hunter on the shoulder and says, “You know what to do.” Afterward, the hunter pulls up his trousers, crawls back into town, and buys a bazooka. Now he’s really mad. He returns to the forest, sees the bear, aims, and fires. The force of the bazooka blast knocks him flat on his back. When the smoke clears, the bear is standing over him and says, “You’re not doing this for the hunting, are you?”

Thank you, Dr. Paul.

Hes a fucking fool. How on earth does he have any followers with all the stupid shit hes said over the years?

Fine...I realize - as you proved on another thread today - that libel is your thing.

But, I will give you another chance to look silly...where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that ANYTHING Dr. Paul stated in that OP video that was wrong?

I will bet - as per usual - you got zip.

You expect me to watch a Ron Paul video? Pff :laugh:

That's your best spin job? Okaaaay.

So, as usual, you have nothing. Just insulting people for - apparently - no other reason than you just don't like them. How mature and sophisticated of you.

So noted.

We are done here.

Have a WONDERFUL day.
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That's your best spin job? Okaaaay.

So, as usual, you have nothing. Just uneducated, ignorant, over-emotional reactions to something/someone that you don't like because they do not say what you want them to say.

So noted.

We are done here.

Have a WONDERFUL day.

Dunno, McRocket. Might be kind of fun pounding the neocons nice and good over the next few months.

It could be our regular thing on the board, you know?
No, tell me all about it.

There was this hunter, he goes into the woods to hunt a bear. He carries his trusty 22-gauge rifle with him. After a while, he spots a very large bear, takes aim, and fires. When the smoke clears, the bear is gone. A moment later, the bear taps the hunter on the shoulder and says, “No one shoots at me and gets away with it. You have two choices: I can rip your throat out and eat you, or you can drop your trousers, bend over, and I’ll [insert appropriate colloquialism for sodomy here].” The hunter decides that anything is better than death, so he drops his trousers and bends over; and the bear does what he said he would do. After the bear has left, the hunter pulls up his trousers and staggers back into town. He’s pretty mad. He buys a much larger gun and returns to the forest. He sees the same bear, aims, and fires. When the smoke clears, the bear is gone. A moment later the bear taps the hunter on the shoulder and says, “You know what to do.” Afterward, the hunter pulls up his trousers, crawls back into town, and buys a bazooka. Now he’s really mad. He returns to the forest, sees the bear, aims, and fires. The force of the bazooka blast knocks him flat on his back. When the smoke clears, the bear is standing over him and says, “You’re not doing this for the hunting, are you?”
The United States is the bear in this story, right?
Are you really this delusional? The only reason Iran exists is because the United States hasnt decided to wipe them out. Take nukes out of the picture; if we wanted to go in there and kill every Iranian using only bullets and bombs, we could easily make that happen.

Iran is weak because their culture is weak.


When Obama was President, everyone thought they could act out.
Because he's a pussy.
You expect me to watch a Ron Paul video? Pff

By the way, Congressman Paul happened to receive more money from military personnel than all other candidates combined.

Do you know why? I'll tell you why. The man said we marched in there, we can march right back out. He said bring em home....more money from military personnel than all other candidates combined.

Our service men and women do not generally agree with you cable news entertainment junkies. Turn that trash off once in a while.
any questions?

How about it's none of our business?

To repeat what I told the other half-wit, the congressman in the op received more money from military personnel than all other candidates combined.

He said bring em home and mind our own business.

You don't support the troops? Why? Why not?
That's your best spin job? Okaaaay.

So, as usual, you have nothing. Just uneducated, ignorant, over-emotional reactions to something/someone that you don't like because they do not say what you want them to say.

So noted.

We are done here.

Have a WONDERFUL day.

Dunno, McRocket. Might be kind of fun pounding the neocons nice and good over the next few months.

It could be our regular thing on the board, you know?
Sounds good.

But when I say 'we are done for now'? That just means, in essence, 'I am tired of dealing with you on this particular subject at this time. See you the next time your comments to others peak my interest...or I get bored'.

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