NO MORE!...We Must Stop The 40-Year Old Obsession With Iran

any questions?

How about it's none of our business?

to repeat, the congressman in the op received more money from military personnel than all other candidates combined.

He said bring em home and mind our own business.

You donlt support the troops? Why? Why not?

to repeat, the congressman in the op received more money from military personnel than all other candidates combined.

Link? A real one?
any questions?

How about it's none of our business?

To repeat what I told the other half-wit, the congressman in the op received more money from military personnel than all other candidates combined.

He said bring em home and mind our own business.

You don't support the troops? Why? Why not?

I remember hearing that during the election. That was VERY heartening.

And your original answer - before you modified it - stated VERY clearly and succinctly why we should not meddle over there.


Thank you, Dr. Paul.

Hes a fucking fool. How on earth does he have any followers with all the stupid shit hes said over the years?

I think it's cute how the radical leftist regressives latch on to this radical right loonytoon just because it's convenient. It only shows that they have no actual ideology and are just acting out.
Make no mistake. There are elements in the Iranian government and intel that are really bad actors.

We can not allow them to have nukes and we have to find a way to roll back the foreign interventions they are engaging in.

That said...Trump is going about it in the strangest possible way. His unquestioning backing of SA is only making them act out more and trashing the nuke agreement was just insane
Sounds good.

But when I say 'we are done for now'? That just means, in essence, 'I am tired of dealing with you on this particular subject at this time. See you the next time your comments to others peak my interest...or I get bored'.

Yeah, I know, I was just clowning about. Ha. I do have to bail outta here now, myself. I've been on here too long.

But really I don't see any real possibility of stimulating debate with this topic, it's like whack-a-mole with the amateu, underinformed, undereducated neocons popping up out of their holes repeating what they heard on their television sets. lol.
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As soon as their people free themselves from the mullahs, our obsession will end.
maybe we can just install another leader for them --- that worked out pretty well before until those damn Iranians fucked it up

It worked out better than the twats who took over after...…….
worked out great -- I am just saying -- it can only work out for so long..

Sorta like a foreign government installing a leader in our country wouldn't work out so great for too long...

But even if Iran ever elected a leader of your choosing -- that leader will still want nukes...for obvious reasons...

Thank you, Dr. Paul.

There have been days where Ron Paul annoys me. There are other days when Ron Paul pleases me.

Whether I was having a day where I thought he was dead wrong, or days when I thought he was dead right, I have always admired his integrity. This is a man who sticks to his principles and does not fold in the face of adversity or opportunity.

It's too bad his son is a waffling coward. Some of Ron's DNA didn't make the leap.

Thank you, Dr. Paul.

There have been days where Ron Paul annoys me. There are other days when Ron Paul pleases me.

Whether I was having a day where I thought he was dead wrong, or days when I thought he was dead right, I have always admired his integrity. This is a man who sticks to his principles and does not fold in the face of adversity or opportunity.

It's too bad his son is a waffling coward. Some of Ron's DNA didn't make the leap.

I agree that Rpn paul's integrity is truly mind blowing, to me anyway. That man simply will not back down no matter how many people get in his face.

And I like the way you described his son. It's like he came out of his mother just a little too soon...wasn't quite 'cooked' enough (yeah - that sounds weird).
One minute he sounds like his Dad. The next minute, he seems to be your typical Washington politician (which is DEFINITELY a bad thing).
I remember hearing that during the election. That was VERY heartening.

And your original answer - before you modified it - stated VERY clearly and succinctly why we should not meddle over there.


Yep. More money from military personnel than all other candidates combined. It just goes to show how shallow these neocons are around here, they're clueless. They want to police the world, and to go to war with people who haven't done anything to us, but on the other hand, the troops they want to send to do their dirty work gave their money to the guy who wants to mind our own business and get em home. In both elections.

But, yeah, I did go back and edit my language, I get a little animated around the Bill Kristol/John McCain types.

I prefer them in batches, though, I wish about 20 more would show up, that way you can just go down the page, boom boom boom boom boom, you know? They all say the same thing anyway. Which figures.
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I remember hearing that during the election. That was VERY heartening.

And your original answer - before you modified it - stated VERY clearly and succinctly why we should not meddle over there.


Yep. More money from military personnel than al other candidates combined. It just goes t oshow how shallow these neocons are around here, they're clueless.

But, yeah, I di go back and edit my language, I get a little animated around the Bill Kristol types liek we have here.

I prefer them in batches, though, I wish about 20 more would show up, that way you can just go down the page, boom boom boom boom boom, you know? They all say the same thing anyway. Which figures.

More money from military personnel than al other candidates combined.

"the ron paul is a loon" part is correct.

Oh, hi, rosie. I've been waiting for you to respond to me. Eagerly.

Show us that wisdom of yours, please, and suport your claim, tell us why you think he's a loon, and I'll correct you afterward. And in front of all of your friends, too.

easy----the USA has not had an obsession with Iran for 40 years.
Our children do not chant "DEATH TO IRAN" nor do they play
with toy zip guns at SHOOTING IRANIANS. I was a very little kid
in the 1950s-------the obsession with Japan was still ongoing the sand
piles of the playground. IRAN? Iran became an issue in
the 1960s when the rise of Islamism resulted in a significant migration
to the USA of Iranian intelligentsia. But Iran was (unfortunately) not yet
seen as a threat to the USA. In fact we virtually spat in the face of
the dying Shah
All during the Bush administration, pseudocons were calling for the invasion of Iran.

And I remember during the 80s, Iranian terrorists were popular memes in the movies. That was a result of the Iranian hostage crisis of the Carter years.

So look the other way when a country is hell bent on destroying another? I think we tried that back in the 30's. That didn't work out so well did it, or did they teach you that at Harvard?
More money from military personnel than al other candidates combined.


Toddster, why are are gonna make me do this to you? Hm? Why?

In fact, Toddster, he more than doubled the military money of all other candidates combined. And they exceeded Obama's. How do ya like that? Huh?

Do you want me to fetch the quarterly reports? I know just where to get em.
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Proving you lied is doing something to me?

Watch your mouth, punk. Anything I pop off about on here is verifiable. Play that romper room horse pucky with someone else, I'm not the one.

Twice the amount of military money than all other candidates combined. Even exceeding Obama.

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