No Mr President, both sides were not equal

\Wow... you hung out with Nazis... so, you're a Nazi.
Actually, I ended up having them threaten my life and have had to take precautions.

As I said, EVERYONE should be taking on the Nazis. Instead, you collaborators are attempting to portray their enemies as being as evil as they are.

That's the same moral equivalency bullshit the Left used to pull when they tried to make the US sound as bad as the USSR.

You pseudocons remind me so much of the hippies of the old days. You even use some of their same lingo.

"Down with The Establishment!"

Today's Leftists are WORSE than today's NAZI you dumb shit. There is no comparison. How many NAZI exist, what is their clout and how do they impact us today? They're no more than a narrative for liberals to pull shit out of their collective ass. Then look at the left, but of course you can't.
The Nazis have their own collaborating President now. How can you possibly say they have no influence?


What has Trump done to make you think he is a Nazi?
Trump is a Nazi collaborator.

When he stood up there and drew a moral equivalency between the Nazis and the anti-Nazis, he identified himself as a Nazi collaborator.

Look Mr. Wizard of Smart... all he did was to condemn violence from both sides. Stop being such a cementhead.
Seriously.. who here has ever actually met a Nazi?
I have. I moved among them for years.

That's why I can smell one from more than a mile away.

\Wow... you hung out with Nazis... so, you're a Nazi.
Actually, I ended up having them threaten my life and have had to take precautions.

As I said, EVERYONE should be taking on the Nazis. Instead, you collaborators are attempting to portray their enemies as being as evil as they are.

That's the same moral equivalency bullshit the Left used to pull when they tried to make the US sound as bad as the USSR.

You pseudocons remind me so much of the hippies of the old days. You even use some of their same lingo.

"Down with The Establishment!"

Today's Leftists are WORSE than today's NAZI you dumb shit. There is no comparison. How many NAZI exist, what is their clout and how do they impact us today? They're no more than a narrative for liberals to pull shit out of their collective ass. Then look at the left, but of course you can't.
The Nazis have their own collaborating President now. How can you possibly say they have no influence?


Oh sure that's it, Trump is NAZI. Get a life. Go to trade school or do something useful. Pull the shit you learned from college out of your head, because it's turned you into a walking cock.
The 'other side' may have been anything and/or anyone, but declared extremists like Nazis and racial idiots are beyond the pale.



and standing up to Nazis and skin heads and white supremacists is an obligation, not "hate".
Beating them with clubs is not an "obligation," dingbat.

the protestors didn't have clubs, idiota.

a mental midget like you probably shouldn't insult anyone else,


Now you are telling lies. Everyone there showed up to do exactly what they did. Your BLM types are the exact same people as the white power guys. Y'all talk the exact same shit even. They came with clubs dressed for a fight. It's how every protest since baker has been. Face it, you are a member of the new faciat party . Fine, but it still won't get you anything as you are still fat, ugly and stupid as a rock.

this is what i mean about you being clueless about what i believe.

we aren't talking about anything but standing up to Nazis.

and you aren't. that makes you an appeaser and makes you complicit.
Our President believes that since both sides were screaming.....both sides are equally to blame

However one side was screaming racism and hate
The other side was screaming against hate groups in this country
I wanted to learn as much about the enemy as I could. Like most people, I had some misconceptions about Nazis. But now I know them thoroughly, right down to the marrow of their bones.

You mean they never let you lite the cross so you got pissed and switched sides? So now do the stories of you being an undercover cop start coming? Blow it out your ass chump no one buys it.
No, I did not do it for anyone but myself. I had a desire to know as much about these fuckwads as possible.

That's how I am able to recognize their beliefs bleeding over into the rhetoric of you pseudocons. You are parroting a lot of their sick shit without even knowing it.

That's why I call you tards parrots. You haven't a single original thought in your heads, and allow yourselves to be the puppets of some very evil people.

Where did he "parrot" Nazi "sick shit"?
I point it out to you tards constantly!

You say a lot of stupid shit, this is duly noted.

Trump should have been condemning the Nazis long before they even arrived in Virginia.

Long before.

And apparently, it's ok that Obama hasn't disavowed BLM even after his presidency. Loong, loong affter the rioting and looting.
Trump should have been condemning the Nazis long before they even arrived in Virginia.

Long before.

And apparently, it's ok that Obama hasn't disavowed BLM even after his presidency, and not long before the riots/lootings.
Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger™.

There's that Nazi collaborator moral equivalency shit again!
The 'other side' may have been anything and/or anyone, but declared extremists like Nazis and racial idiots are beyond the pale.



and standing up to Nazis and skin heads and white supremacists is an obligation, not "hate".
Beating them with clubs is not an "obligation," dingbat.

the protestors didn't have clubs, idiota.

a mental midget like you probably shouldn't insult anyone else,


Now you are telling lies. Everyone there showed up to do exactly what they did. Your BLM types are the exact same people as the white power guys. Y'all talk the exact same shit even. They came with clubs dressed for a fight. It's how every protest since baker has been. Face it, you are a member of the new faciat party . Fine, but it still won't get you anything as you are still fat, ugly and stupid as a rock.

this is what i mean about you being clueless about what i believe.

we aren't talking about anything but standing up to Nazis.

and you aren't. that makes you an appeaser and makes you complicit.

Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.
I wanted to learn as much about the enemy as I could. Like most people, I had some misconceptions about Nazis. But now I know them thoroughly, right down to the marrow of their bones.

You mean they never let you lite the cross so you got pissed and switched sides? So now do the stories of you being an undercover cop start coming? Blow it out your ass chump no one buys it.
No, I did not do it for anyone but myself. I had a desire to know as much about these fuckwads as possible.

That's how I am able to recognize their beliefs bleeding over into the rhetoric of you pseudocons. You are parroting a lot of their sick shit without even knowing it.

That's why I call you tards parrots. You haven't a single original thought in your heads, and allow yourselves to be the puppets of some very evil people.

Where did he "parrot" Nazi "sick shit"?
I point it out to you tards constantly!

You say a lot of stupid shit, this is duly noted.

Again, what has Trump done that makes you believe he is a Nazi?

He doesn't know what a Nazi is. They don't even know what a racist is.
I don't always agree with the left wing protestors, and I believe in peaceful protest. But on this day they were on the side of good.
Exactly. I hate the left, but I asked yesterday why we don't see any right wingers out there protesting the Nazis.

Silent assent is far more evil than punching a Nazi in the face.

You hate the left? Then why are you always on their side?

He doesn't.
I know he doesn't hate the left. He's always defending it.
Nope. I'm pro-life, have outlined countless times how to get government OUT of healthcare, and have posted hundreds of times how to lower tax rates on everyone and balance the budget.

And you know this.

I hate YOU and psueodocons like you.
You want to raise taxes on everyone. That's what your plan to eliminate so-called "tax expenditures" is all about. You're a slimy lying snowflake.
Our President believes that since both sides were screaming.....both sides are equally to blame

However one side was screaming racism and hate
The other side was screaming against hate groups in this country

Trump should have been condemning the Nazis long before they even arrived in Virginia.

Long before.

And apparently, it's ok that Obama hasn't disavowed BLM even after his presidency. Loong, loong affter the rioting and looting.
President Obama disavowed rioting and looting

But he still thought Black Lives Matter


and standing up to Nazis and skin heads and white supremacists is an obligation, not "hate".
Beating them with clubs is not an "obligation," dingbat.

the protestors didn't have clubs, idiota.

a mental midget like you probably shouldn't insult anyone else,


Now you are telling lies. Everyone there showed up to do exactly what they did. Your BLM types are the exact same people as the white power guys. Y'all talk the exact same shit even. They came with clubs dressed for a fight. It's how every protest since baker has been. Face it, you are a member of the new faciat party . Fine, but it still won't get you anything as you are still fat, ugly and stupid as a rock.

this is what i mean about you being clueless about what i believe.

we aren't talking about anything but standing up to Nazis.

and you aren't. that makes you an appeaser and makes you complicit.

Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.
You've probably met one and don't know it. Because you have a giant blind spot which has been carefully programmed into your retarded pointy head.

You tards certainly parrot a lot of filtered Nazi propaganda.
I don't know. Call me prejudiced, but I have never been overly fond of people whose ideology has included murdering 11 million unarmed men, women, and children of jews gypsies, homosexuals, prisoners of war, slavs, and political enemies. It has always seems somewhat harsh to me.

Yet killing millions of unarmed babies is a "constitutional" right.

Yes it is in the U.S. And much of the world

Cool, the Nazis killed tons of unwanted babies. Good to know you support this.

no one kills, babies, white trash. but thanks for the default stutter of white supremacist misogynist pondscum.

Yes they do. Abortion is how you keep your slave population in check. That's why you only want the clinics in minoriti neighbors. Can't have the population growing faster then other slaves right?

why so emotional, nutter butter?

babies aren't aborted. fetuses are.

learn legal definitions;

again,. this thread is about you defending Nazis.... not about every other aspect of your extremist radical religious white Christian supremacist ideology.

why white Christian supremacist? because aside from you defending Nazis and trying to pretend that those protesting them are morally the same, different religions have differing beliefs on abortions...and no I'm not going to have a discussion with a rabidly anti-choice running off at the mouth winger about these subjects, but you have no right to impose your religious views of when life beings on anyone.

but tell me again how you love small government... except when it legislates Christian dogma.
Exactly. I hate the left, but I asked yesterday why we don't see any right wingers out there protesting the Nazis.

Silent assent is far more evil than punching a Nazi in the face.

You hate the left? Then why are you always on their side?

He doesn't.
I know he doesn't hate the left. He's always defending it.
Nope. I'm pro-life, have outlined countless times how to get government OUT of healthcare, and have posted hundreds of times how to lower tax rates on everyone and balance the budget.

And you know this.

I hate YOU and psueodocons like you.
You want to raise taxes on everyone. That's what your plan to eliminate so-called "tax expenditures" is all about. You're a slimy lying snowflake.

Not everyone, just us. G is full of shit as they come. He's probably an actual Nazi.


and standing up to Nazis and skin heads and white supremacists is an obligation, not "hate".
Beating them with clubs is not an "obligation," dingbat.

the protestors didn't have clubs, idiota.

a mental midget like you probably shouldn't insult anyone else,


Now you are telling lies. Everyone there showed up to do exactly what they did. Your BLM types are the exact same people as the white power guys. Y'all talk the exact same shit even. They came with clubs dressed for a fight. It's how every protest since baker has been. Face it, you are a member of the new faciat party . Fine, but it still won't get you anything as you are still fat, ugly and stupid as a rock.

this is what i mean about you being clueless about what i believe.

we aren't talking about anything but standing up to Nazis.

and you aren't. that makes you an appeaser and makes you complicit.

Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.
You find them on this board
Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.

Nazis have protests all the time. If you want to meet one, go out and stand up to them.

EVERYONE should be going out in force every time these fuckers raise their evil heads.

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