No Mr President, both sides were not equal

The other side was American Patriots

If they are the same people as the assholes at Durham, they are a bunch of commie revolutionaries. A.K.A. anything BUT American Patriots.
American Patriots are willing to risk their lives to fight for liberty and Freedom

Protesting against hate groups is PATRIOTIC
Could we just not change the laws instead to make their hate speech illegal in public forums like rallies? I hate to see bloodshed on our streets.

Probubly, but then where would it stop? Who would decide if what YOU said was hate speech? See, in the old days it would have been a battle of ideas, but the American left taking a lesson from Hitler and Hugo Chavez and their hero Che have all but shut down debate. You will likely see unpopular speech banned.
When the so called antinazis stop acting like Nazis perhaps the rest of us who dislike everting those groups stand for will stop associating the two.

Nazis to the left of me. Nazis to the right. Stuck in the middle with you
The anti-Nazis are nothing like the Nazis.

If I saw a Nazi, I would punch him.

Does that make me as bad as the Nazi?


If Nazis were coming to my town, I'd turn out to protest them. Does that make me as bad as them?


The Nazis and the KKK represent mass genocide. You cannot tell me the anti-Nazis and the anti-KKKers are anywhere near that evil.

Yeah, so why ain't you out there protesting with them? You are a coward. If not for the anonymity of the internet you would sit quietly and watch TV. Had you been confronted with that left wing inspired riot you would have hidden in a closet and cried until the police rescued you.
I have turned out to protest the Klan when I was stationed in Mississippi, dumb fuck.

I've also knocked a few of them around in my day while I was down there. Damn near got myself killed one night taking on a barful of the fuckers.

I also convinced my Commanding Officer to place two bars off limits to all military personnel in the area because they had refused service to a black Marine.

So fuck you.

First off, unless it was 1950 you are likely a liar. I never turned out to protest Nazis because until now, I have never seen one in person. Matter of fact, the only place I ever saw the Klan getting any serious attention was on Jerry Springer, Garaldo, Phill D and such up until you all made them matter again. YOU on the left resurected the Klan and put them in the news instead of letting them stay in the shadows being made fun of. The Klan today owes its existence to you democrats. You have done for them what Obama did for gun companies and they thank you.

They were in the shadows before trump...

and then he called them all out to play... like evil little satanic children.

as for the idiot, the klan owes its existence to the southern racist slaveowners. that they happened to .... waaaaaaay back then... like democrats, is irrelevant.

for the past 50 years, they've been solidly GOP.

i love when lying wingnuts try to pretend that they are somehow disassociated from the kkk and their ilk.

if they were, they wouldn't be defending Nazis. they'd be condemning the terrorist act of driving a car into a group of people standing up to hate.
I don't know. Call me prejudiced, but I have never been overly fond of people whose ideology has included murdering 11 million unarmed men, women, and children of jews gypsies, homosexuals, prisoners of war, slavs, and political enemies. It has always seems somewhat harsh to me.

Yet killing millions of unarmed babies is a "constitutional" right.

Yes it is in the U.S. And much of the world

Cool, the Nazis killed tons of unwanted babies. Good to know you support this.
Sit there and ask yourselves. "Why am I spending so much time trying to make the anti-Nazis look as evil as the Nazis?"

And then ask yourself what you look like to any casual observer.

You look like a fucking Nazi collaborator.

When the so called antinazis stop acting like Nazis perhaps the rest of us who dislike everting those groups stand for will stop associating the two.

Nazis to the left of me. Nazis to the right. Stuck in the middle with you
The anti-Nazis are nothing like the Nazis.

If I saw a Nazi, I would punch him.

Does that make me as bad as the Nazi?


If Nazis were coming to my town, I'd turn out to protest them. Does that make me as bad as them?


The Nazis and the KKK represent mass genocide. You cannot tell me the anti-Nazis and the anti-KKKers are anywhere near that evil.

Yeah, so why ain't you out there protesting with them? You are a coward. If not for the anonymity of the internet you would sit quietly and watch TV. Had you been confronted with that left wing inspired riot you would have hidden in a closet and cried until the police rescued you.
I have turned out to protest the Klan when I was stationed in Mississippi, dumb fuck.

I've also knocked a few of them around in my day while I was down there. Damn near got myself killed one night taking on a barful of the fuckers.

I also convinced my Commanding Officer to place two bars off limits to all military personnel in the area because they had refused service to a black Marine.

So fuck you.

First off, unless it was 1950 you are likely a liar. I never turned out to protest Nazis because until now, I have never seen one in person. Matter of fact, the only place I ever saw the Klan getting any serious attention was on Jerry Springer, Garaldo, Phill D and such up until you all made them matter again. YOU on the left resurected the Klan and put them in the news instead of letting them stay in the shadows being made fun of. The Klan today owes its existence to you democrats. You have done for them what Obama did for gun companies and they thank you.
obama tripled the ranks of the kkk. These white national groups are growing by leaps and bounds. Florida is finding that out now.
The 'other side' may have been anything and/or anyone, but declared extremists like Nazis and racial idiots are beyond the pale.



and standing up to Nazis and skin heads and white supremacists is an obligation, not "hate".
Standing up to Nazis is good, but going there with blood coming out of your whatever, carrying bats and wearing masks, isn't a good thing. Is it jillian?

aw... how cute the trumpian loon quoting the orange sociopath.

Seriously.. who here has ever actually met a Nazi?
I have. I moved among them for years.

That's why I can smell one from more than a mile away.

Likely right there with them all wrapped up in your sheet. You lie more then JOEB.
I wanted to learn as much about the enemy as I could. Like most people, I had some misconceptions about Nazis. But now I know them thoroughly, right down to the marrow of their bones.
The anti-Nazis are nothing like the Nazis.

If I saw a Nazi, I would punch him.

Does that make me as bad as the Nazi?


If Nazis were coming to my town, I'd turn out to protest them. Does that make me as bad as them?


The Nazis and the KKK represent mass genocide. You cannot tell me the anti-Nazis and the anti-KKKers are anywhere near that evil.

Yeah, so why ain't you out there protesting with them? You are a coward. If not for the anonymity of the internet you would sit quietly and watch TV. Had you been confronted with that left wing inspired riot you would have hidden in a closet and cried until the police rescued you.
I have turned out to protest the Klan when I was stationed in Mississippi, dumb fuck.

I've also knocked a few of them around in my day while I was down there. Damn near got myself killed one night taking on a barful of the fuckers.

I also convinced my Commanding Officer to place two bars off limits to all military personnel in the area because they had refused service to a black Marine.

So fuck you.

First off, unless it was 1950 you are likely a liar. I never turned out to protest Nazis because until now, I have never seen one in person. Matter of fact, the only place I ever saw the Klan getting any serious attention was on Jerry Springer, Garaldo, Phill D and such up until you all made them matter again. YOU on the left resurected the Klan and put them in the news instead of letting them stay in the shadows being made fun of. The Klan today owes its existence to you democrats. You have done for them what Obama did for gun companies and they thank you.

They were in the shadows before trump...

and then he called them all out to play... like evil little satanic children.

as for the idiot, the klan owes its existence to the southern racist slaveowners. that they happened to .... waaaaaaay back then... like democrats, is irrelevant.

for the past 50 years, they've been solidly GOP.

i love when lying wingnuts try to pretend that they are somehow disassociated from the kkk and their ilk.

if they were, they wouldn't be defending Nazis. they'd be condemning the terrorist act of driving a car into a group of people standing up to hate.

Stop responding with emotion. The great change has you al messed up. I notice you brought no facts? Still can't say where I defended Nazi's ? And there still is 1and 2. I guess you are to weak. You always were.
I don't know. Call me prejudiced, but I have never been overly fond of people whose ideology has included murdering 11 million unarmed men, women, and children of jews gypsies, homosexuals, prisoners of war, slavs, and political enemies. It has always seems somewhat harsh to me.

Yet killing millions of unarmed babies is a "constitutional" right.

Yes it is in the U.S. And much of the world

Cool, the Nazis killed tons of unwanted babies. Good to know you support this.

no one kills, babies, white trash. but thanks for the default stutter of white supremacist misogynist pondscum.
Seriously.. who here has ever actually met a Nazi?
I have. I moved among them for years.

That's why I can smell one from more than a mile away.

Likely right there with them all wrapped up in your sheet. You lie more then JOEB.
I wanted to learn as much about the enemy as I could. Like most people, I had some misconceptions about Nazis. But now I know them thoroughly, right down to the marrow of their bones.

You're a mental patient.
Yeah, so why ain't you out there protesting with them? You are a coward. If not for the anonymity of the internet you would sit quietly and watch TV. Had you been confronted with that left wing inspired riot you would have hidden in a closet and cried until the police rescued you.
I have turned out to protest the Klan when I was stationed in Mississippi, dumb fuck.

I've also knocked a few of them around in my day while I was down there. Damn near got myself killed one night taking on a barful of the fuckers.

I also convinced my Commanding Officer to place two bars off limits to all military personnel in the area because they had refused service to a black Marine.

So fuck you.

First off, unless it was 1950 you are likely a liar. I never turned out to protest Nazis because until now, I have never seen one in person. Matter of fact, the only place I ever saw the Klan getting any serious attention was on Jerry Springer, Garaldo, Phill D and such up until you all made them matter again. YOU on the left resurected the Klan and put them in the news instead of letting them stay in the shadows being made fun of. The Klan today owes its existence to you democrats. You have done for them what Obama did for gun companies and they thank you.

They were in the shadows before trump...

and then he called them all out to play... like evil little satanic children.

as for the idiot, the klan owes its existence to the southern racist slaveowners. that they happened to .... waaaaaaay back then... like democrats, is irrelevant.

for the past 50 years, they've been solidly GOP.

i love when lying wingnuts try to pretend that they are somehow disassociated from the kkk and their ilk.

if they were, they wouldn't be defending Nazis. they'd be condemning the terrorist act of driving a car into a group of people standing up to hate.

Stop responding with emotion. The great change has you al messed up. I notice you brought no facts? Still can't say where I defended Nazi's ? And there still is 1and 2. I guess you are to weak. You always were.

more rightwingnut tactic. what "emotion"? nutter butter.

you are not acknowledging there was no "other sides". there is only one side... decent people standing up to white supremacists.

until you say that and acknowledge it, i HAVE posted fact. I'm sorry your "opinion" doesn't like the facts we state.

but ... well... tough.
Seriously.. who here has ever actually met a Nazi?
I have. I moved among them for years.

That's why I can smell one from more than a mile away.

\Wow... you hung out with Nazis... so, you're a Nazi.
Actually, I ended up having them threaten my life and have had to take precautions.

As I said, EVERYONE should be taking on the Nazis. Instead, you collaborators are attempting to portray their enemies as being as evil as they are.

That's the same moral equivalency bullshit the Left used to pull when they tried to make the US sound as bad as the USSR.

You pseudocons remind me so much of the hippies of the old days. You even use some of their same lingo.

"Down with The Establishment!"
Seriously.. who here has ever actually met a Nazi?
I have. I moved among them for years.

That's why I can smell one from more than a mile away.

Likely right there with them all wrapped up in your sheet. You lie more then JOEB.
I wanted to learn as much about the enemy as I could. Like most people, I had some misconceptions about Nazis. But now I know them thoroughly, right down to the marrow of their bones.

You mean they never let you lite the cross so you got pissed and switched sides? So now do the stories of you being an undercover cop start coming? Blow it out your ass chump no one buys it.
I don't know. Call me prejudiced, but I have never been overly fond of people whose ideology has included murdering 11 million unarmed men, women, and children of jews gypsies, homosexuals, prisoners of war, slavs, and political enemies. It has always seems somewhat harsh to me.

Yet killing millions of unarmed babies is a "constitutional" right.

Yes it is in the U.S. And much of the world

Cool, the Nazis killed tons of unwanted babies. Good to know you support this.

no one kills, babies, white trash. but thanks for the default stutter of white supremacist misogynist pondscum.

Wow, tell that to millions of aborted babies. You are a vile person, you really are.
The 'other side' may have been anything and/or anyone, but declared extremists like Nazis and racial idiots are beyond the pale.



and standing up to Nazis and skin heads and white supremacists is an obligation, not "hate".
Beating them with clubs is not an "obligation," dingbat.

the protestors didn't have clubs, idiota.

a mental midget like you probably shouldn't insult anyone else,

Seriously.. who here has ever actually met a Nazi?
I have. I moved among them for years.

That's why I can smell one from more than a mile away.

Likely right there with them all wrapped up in your sheet. You lie more then JOEB.
I wanted to learn as much about the enemy as I could. Like most people, I had some misconceptions about Nazis. But now I know them thoroughly, right down to the marrow of their bones.

You mean they never let you lite the cross so you got pissed and switched sides? So now do the stories of you being an undercover cop start coming? Blow it out your ass chump no one buys it.

He's absolutely nuts.
I have turned out to protest the Klan when I was stationed in Mississippi, dumb fuck.

I've also knocked a few of them around in my day while I was down there. Damn near got myself killed one night taking on a barful of the fuckers.

I also convinced my Commanding Officer to place two bars off limits to all military personnel in the area because they had refused service to a black Marine.

So fuck you.

First off, unless it was 1950 you are likely a liar. I never turned out to protest Nazis because until now, I have never seen one in person. Matter of fact, the only place I ever saw the Klan getting any serious attention was on Jerry Springer, Garaldo, Phill D and such up until you all made them matter again. YOU on the left resurected the Klan and put them in the news instead of letting them stay in the shadows being made fun of. The Klan today owes its existence to you democrats. You have done for them what Obama did for gun companies and they thank you.

They were in the shadows before trump...

and then he called them all out to play... like evil little satanic children.

as for the idiot, the klan owes its existence to the southern racist slaveowners. that they happened to .... waaaaaaay back then... like democrats, is irrelevant.

for the past 50 years, they've been solidly GOP.

i love when lying wingnuts try to pretend that they are somehow disassociated from the kkk and their ilk.

if they were, they wouldn't be defending Nazis. they'd be condemning the terrorist act of driving a car into a group of people standing up to hate.

Stop responding with emotion. The great change has you al messed up. I notice you brought no facts? Still can't say where I defended Nazi's ? And there still is 1and 2. I guess you are to weak. You always were.

more rightwingnut tactic. what "emotion"? nutter butter.

you are not acknowledging there was no "other sides". there is only one side... decent people standing up to white supremacists.

until you say that and acknowledge it, i HAVE posted fact. I'm sorry your "opinion" doesn't like the facts we state.

but ... well... tough.

Deflect cow. I got what I needed. Have a Bon-Bon and coke. You earned it.

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