No Mr President, both sides were not equal

Yet killing millions of unarmed babies is a "constitutional" right.

Yes it is in the U.S. And much of the world

Cool, the Nazis killed tons of unwanted babies. Good to know you support this.

no one kills, babies, white trash. but thanks for the default stutter of white supremacist misogynist pondscum.

Yes they do. Abortion is how you keep your slave population in check. That's why you only want the clinics in minoriti neighbors. Can't have the population growing faster then other slaves right?

why so emotional, nutter butter?

babies aren't aborted. fetuses are.

learn legal definitions;

again,. this thread is about you defending Nazis.... not about every other aspect of your extremist radical religious white Christian supremacist ideology.

why white Christian supremacist? because aside from you defending Nazis and trying to pretend that those protesting them are morally the same, different religions have differing beliefs on abortions...and no I'm not going to have a discussion with a rabidly anti-choice running off at the mouth winger about these subjects, but you have no right to impose your religious views of when life beings on anyone.

but tell me again how you love small government... except when it legislates Christian dogma.

God you are disgusting.
Seriously.. who here has ever actually met a Nazi?
I have. I moved among them for years.

That's why I can smell one from more than a mile away.

\Wow... you hung out with Nazis... so, you're a Nazi.
Actually, I ended up having them threaten my life and have had to take precautions.

As I said, EVERYONE should be taking on the Nazis. Instead, you collaborators are attempting to portray their enemies as being as evil as they are.

That's the same moral equivalency bullshit the Left used to pull when they tried to make the US sound as bad as the USSR.

You pseudocons remind me so much of the hippies of the old days. You even use some of their same lingo.

"Down with The Establishment!"

Today's Leftists are WORSE than today's NAZI you dumb shit. There is no comparison. How many NAZI exist, what is their clout and how do they impact us today? They're no more than a narrative for liberals to pull shit out of their collective ass. Then look at the left, but of course you can't.
The Nazis have their own collaborating President now. How can you possibly say they have no influence?

imo Trump is not a Nazi per se. He does however share the White Nationalists' view that no matter how much whites compromise on current and past discrimination against blacks, blacks will use any compromise to get favorable treatment in educ, jobs, pay, housing, anything over whites. The White Nationalists want their own separate state. I don't know if Trump goes that far. Tradionally, people who believe reverse discrimination works an ill upon whites just wanted all laws to be race neutral, and basically an end to all civil rights and public accommodation laws. I'd say I'm ok with that, but I don't think it addresses how the criminal justice system operates discriminatorily towards blacks. And we have re-segregated poor black in failing schools.
Trump should have been condemning the Nazis long before they even arrived in Virginia.

Long before.

And apparently, it's ok that Obama hasn't disavowed BLM even after his presidency. Loong, loong affter the rioting and looting.
President Obama disavowed rioting and looting

But he still thought Black Lives Matter

Really now?

This is pretty much all I was able to find, commenting on his LACK OF disavowing. He basically sponsored the BLM as well.
FLASHBACK: After Black Radical Massacred Dallas Officers, Obama Didn't Condemn Black Racism
Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.

Nazis have protests all the time. If you want to meet one, go out and stand up to them.

EVERYONE should be going out in force every time these fuckers raise their evil heads.

I wouldn't waste my time. You're playing right into their demented hands... they're a minuscule pimple on a giant fat ass that are of no relevancy whatsoever.
If EVERYONE went out to stand up to the fucking Nazis, what chance would a few left wingers who want to start a fight have?

We can't even get Americans to go out and vote in the primaries. That's why fucktards like Trump and Hillary end up as the two evils from which we have to choose. Because nutjobs, psychopaths, bigots, and retards have a lot of energy and they turn out in disproportionate numbers to vote in the primaries.

Then in the general election everyone whines about having to choose between "the lesser of two evils".

Well DUH!!!
Beating them with clubs is not an "obligation," dingbat.

the protestors didn't have clubs, idiota.

a mental midget like you probably shouldn't insult anyone else,


Now you are telling lies. Everyone there showed up to do exactly what they did. Your BLM types are the exact same people as the white power guys. Y'all talk the exact same shit even. They came with clubs dressed for a fight. It's how every protest since baker has been. Face it, you are a member of the new faciat party . Fine, but it still won't get you anything as you are still fat, ugly and stupid as a rock.

this is what i mean about you being clueless about what i believe.

we aren't talking about anything but standing up to Nazis.

and you aren't. that makes you an appeaser and makes you complicit.

Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.
You've probably met one and don't know it. Because you have a giant blind spot which has been carefully programmed into your retarded pointy head.

You tards certainly parrot a lot of filtered Nazi propaganda.

What Nazi propaganda did I parrot?
Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.

Nazis have protests all the time. If you want to meet one, go out and stand up to them.

EVERYONE should be going out in force every time these fuckers raise their evil heads.

Wrong, they have freedom of speech like everyone else. And if they have a permit to protest and you don't, well... you will just have to suck it up and not resort to violent "forceful" means.

Violence + anti free speech = Far-Left
\Wow... you hung out with Nazis... so, you're a Nazi.
Actually, I ended up having them threaten my life and have had to take precautions.

As I said, EVERYONE should be taking on the Nazis. Instead, you collaborators are attempting to portray their enemies as being as evil as they are.

That's the same moral equivalency bullshit the Left used to pull when they tried to make the US sound as bad as the USSR.

You pseudocons remind me so much of the hippies of the old days. You even use some of their same lingo.

"Down with The Establishment!"

Today's Leftists are WORSE than today's NAZI you dumb shit. There is no comparison. How many NAZI exist, what is their clout and how do they impact us today? They're no more than a narrative for liberals to pull shit out of their collective ass. Then look at the left, but of course you can't.
The Nazis have their own collaborating President now. How can you possibly say they have no influence?


What has Trump done to make you think he is a Nazi?
Trump is a Nazi collaborator.

When he stood up there and drew a moral equivalency between the Nazis and the anti-Nazis, he identified himself as a Nazi collaborator.

What made you decide to be part of the problem? Disgraceful. There is enough discord and division in the country without partisan blockheads deliberately trying to make things worse.
I have. I moved among them for years.

That's why I can smell one from more than a mile away.

\Wow... you hung out with Nazis... so, you're a Nazi.
Actually, I ended up having them threaten my life and have had to take precautions.

As I said, EVERYONE should be taking on the Nazis. Instead, you collaborators are attempting to portray their enemies as being as evil as they are.

That's the same moral equivalency bullshit the Left used to pull when they tried to make the US sound as bad as the USSR.

You pseudocons remind me so much of the hippies of the old days. You even use some of their same lingo.

"Down with The Establishment!"

Today's Leftists are WORSE than today's NAZI you dumb shit. There is no comparison. How many NAZI exist, what is their clout and how do they impact us today? They're no more than a narrative for liberals to pull shit out of their collective ass. Then look at the left, but of course you can't.
The Nazis have their own collaborating President now. How can you possibly say they have no influence?

imo Trump is not a Nazi per se. He does however share the White Nationalists' view that no matter how much whites compromise on current and past discrimination against blacks, blacks will use any compromise to get favorable treatment in educ, jobs, pay, housing, anything over whites. The White Nationalists want their own separate state. I don't know if Trump goes that far. Tradionally, people who believe reverse discrimination works an ill upon whites just wanted all laws to be race neutral, and basically an end to all civil rights and public accommodation laws. I'd say I'm ok with that, but I don't think it addresses how the criminal justice system operates discriminatorily towards blacks. And we have re-segregated poor black in failing schools.
Trump is too stupid to have a coherent belief system about racial matters.

Trump only knows that his base is comprised of a lot of bigots, and so everything he says is tailored for their consumption.

Whenever he bends to mass public opinion, he ALWAYS regresses back to his bigoted rhetoric.

I don't know if he actually believes in anything at all except the personal glorification of Donald J. Trump.

When it was popular to be a far left Democrat, he was a far left Democrat. Today, the pendulum has swung to being an anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-black Republican.

Trump never takes a risk. He's a chickenshit.
KKK- Wore masks to hide, burned things, intimidation of people not like them, beating innocent people up.

Antifa- Wear masks to hide, burn and destroy things, intimidate people not like them, beat innocent people up.

The left sure loves their faceless thugs.
The great change has you al messed up.
You stand with the Nazis. Look at yourself.

Well in all honesty you are the only one bragging about having marched with them. I don't doubt your life was in danger. Live by the sword you die by the sword. You may have given up your white nationalist tendencies, but you only traded them in for other nationalist tendencies. I stand for my kids not seeing adults act like animals on TV. I stand with American who are sick of you retards with your political agendas burning cars and killing cops. By definition its YOU who stand with Nazi's and fascists, and also by your own admission. I understand you feeling you have to speak out with your past klan membership and all, but you made that decision. Not me or anyone else, and burning cars and rioting ain't a good way to deal with your guilt.
The other side was American Patriots

If they are the same people as the assholes at Durham, they are a bunch of commie revolutionaries. A.K.A. anything BUT American Patriots.
Hey asshole. Any group that stands up to bigotry and hate are patriots.

We've descended a long way from MLK and Gandhi advocating peaceful civil disobedience to this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.

Nazis have protests all the time. If you want to meet one, go out and stand up to them.

EVERYONE should be going out in force every time these fuckers raise their evil heads.

Wrong, they have freedom of speech like everyone else. And if they have a permit to protest and you don't, well... you will just have to suck it up and not resort to violent "forceful" means.

Violence + anti free speech = Far-Left

G's a typical lefty... anyone he disagrees with must be silenced. He's no better than those he whines about. As for the so-called Nazis, they are nothing.. a tiny group of nutters with zero power, unlike the left, who have infested every branch of government.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Patriots? Oh how fucking dare you!! Goddamn asshole.

Both sides came ready for combat, both sides are violent, the alt-left has been violent since the election, they are no more patriotic than the nazi's and KKK that they want to kill in the streets.

This is not the way to solve this, and if the OP is going to stand with ANY of these people, then maybe he needs to be investigated.

Meh, live by the sword you die by it. It will come full circle. It always does.
\Wow... you hung out with Nazis... so, you're a Nazi.
Actually, I ended up having them threaten my life and have had to take precautions.

As I said, EVERYONE should be taking on the Nazis. Instead, you collaborators are attempting to portray their enemies as being as evil as they are.

That's the same moral equivalency bullshit the Left used to pull when they tried to make the US sound as bad as the USSR.

You pseudocons remind me so much of the hippies of the old days. You even use some of their same lingo.

"Down with The Establishment!"

Today's Leftists are WORSE than today's NAZI you dumb shit. There is no comparison. How many NAZI exist, what is their clout and how do they impact us today? They're no more than a narrative for liberals to pull shit out of their collective ass. Then look at the left, but of course you can't.
The Nazis have their own collaborating President now. How can you possibly say they have no influence?

imo Trump is not a Nazi per se. He does however share the White Nationalists' view that no matter how much whites compromise on current and past discrimination against blacks, blacks will use any compromise to get favorable treatment in educ, jobs, pay, housing, anything over whites. The White Nationalists want their own separate state. I don't know if Trump goes that far. Tradionally, people who believe reverse discrimination works an ill upon whites just wanted all laws to be race neutral, and basically an end to all civil rights and public accommodation laws. I'd say I'm ok with that, but I don't think it addresses how the criminal justice system operates discriminatorily towards blacks. And we have re-segregated poor black in failing schools.
Trump is too stupid to have a coherent belief system about racial matters.

Trump only knows that his base is comprised of a lot of bigots, and so everything he says is tailored for their consumption.

Whenever he bends to mass public opinion, he ALWAYS regresses back to his bigoted rhetoric.

I don't know if he actually believes in anything at all except the personal glorification of Donald J. Trump.

When it was popular to be a far left Democrat, he was a far left Democrat. Today, the pendulum has swung to being an anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-black Republican.

Trump never takes a risk. He's a chickenshit.

What has Trump said that you believe to be bigoted?
Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.

Nazis have protests all the time. If you want to meet one, go out and stand up to them.

EVERYONE should be going out in force every time these fuckers raise their evil heads.

Wrong, they have freedom of speech like everyone else. And if they have a permit to protest and you don't, well... you will just have to suck it up and not resort to violent "forceful" means.

Violence + anti free speech = Far-Left

G's a typical lefty... anyone he disagrees with must be silenced. He's no better than those he whines about. As for the so-called Nazis, they are nothing.. a tiny group of nutters with zero power, unlike the left, who have infested every branch of government.
Yeah, a Republican House, a Republican Senate. A "Republican" President. A conservative court. 35 Republican governors.

Yep. The Left sure does dominate! You are so persecuted, poor baby...

Wow. Thank you so much for continually coming back to show us just how willfully blind and stupid you are! :lol:
Trump should have been condemning the Nazis long before they even arrived in Virginia.

Long before.

And apparently, it's ok that Obama hasn't disavowed BLM even after his presidency. Loong, loong affter the rioting and looting.
President Obama disavowed rioting and looting

But he still thought Black Lives Matter

Really now?

This is pretty much all I was able to find, commenting on his LACK OF disavowing. He basically sponsored the BLM as well.
FLASHBACK: After Black Radical Massacred Dallas Officers, Obama Didn't Condemn Black Racism
You claim he supported it

Show us
Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.

Nazis have protests all the time. If you want to meet one, go out and stand up to them.

EVERYONE should be going out in force every time these fuckers raise their evil heads.

Wrong, they have freedom of speech like everyone else. And if they have a permit to protest and you don't, well... you will just have to suck it up and not resort to violent "forceful" means.

Violence + anti free speech = Far-Left

G's a typical lefty... anyone he disagrees with must be silenced. He's no better than those he whines about. As for the so-called Nazis, they are nothing.. a tiny group of nutters with zero power, unlike the left, who have infested every branch of government.
Yeah, a Republican House, a Republican Senate. A "Republican" President. A conservative court. 35 Republican governors.

Yep. The Left sure does dominate! You are so persecuted, poor baby...

Wow. Thank you so much for continually coming back to show us just how willfully blind and stupid you are! :lol:

Where did I say dominate? Anyhoo, name one bureaucrat who is a Nazi? Like i said, you're obsessing over a tiny group of nutters that pose no real threat.
Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.

Nazis have protests all the time. If you want to meet one, go out and stand up to them.

EVERYONE should be going out in force every time these fuckers raise their evil heads.

Wrong, they have freedom of speech like everyone else. And if they have a permit to protest and you don't, well... you will just have to suck it up and not resort to violent "forceful" means.

Violence + anti free speech = Far-Left

G's a typical lefty... anyone he disagrees with must be silenced. He's no better than those he whines about. As for the so-called Nazis, they are nothing.. a tiny group of nutters with zero power, unlike the left, who have infested every branch of government.

Until now. I honestly don't know of a time when KKK and WHITE POWER were mentioned so much as it is now. Those guys were lucky to even get any play on Springer, yet here is the left resurrecting them. It's fitting since the democrat party invented the KKK and the notion of white power in general.

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