No Mr President, both sides were not equal

One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Both sides exhibited fascist behavior, so neither side was innocent.

Grow up little guy, and learn.

Opposing fascism is not fascism

Standing up against hate groups is Patriotism

Using violence to suppress political speech you don't like, with the support of political leaders and the police,

is fascism.

Wake the fuck up, rw.


If we only condemn one side, we are approving of mob rule.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

The right has been practicing false equivalency so long they don't realize when a real line has been crossed.

How freak' hard can it be to see this line?

We are talking about a Nazi March with Nazi salutes and hate slogans

But those who protested against it are on the same footing?

As they used brown shirt tactics and political violence to try to suppress the political speech of their enemies,

yes, they are on the same footing.

Commies are just as evil and vile as Fascists.

Read some history. REal history.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Both sides exhibited fascist behavior, so neither side was innocent.

Grow up little guy, and learn.

Opposing fascism is not fascism

Standing up against hate groups is Patriotism

Using violence to suppress political speech you don't like, with the support of political leaders and the police,

is fascism.

Wake the fuck up, rw.


If we only condemn one side, we are approving of mob rule.

RW and the left, do approve of mob rule.

That is why local dems always order the speech or rally shut down, or pull the cops back.

They are on the side of the mob.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Both sides exhibited fascist behavior, so neither side was innocent.

Grow up little guy, and learn.

Opposing fascism is not fascism

Standing up against hate groups is Patriotism

Using violence to suppress political speech you don't like, with the support of political leaders and the police,

is fascism.

Wake the fuck up, rw.


If we only condemn one side, we are approving of mob rule.

RW and the left, do approve of mob rule.

That is why local dems always order the speech or rally shut down, or pull the cops back.

They are on the side of the mob.

They most certainly are.
For all of you arguing that the Nazis were there to "protest the removal of confederate statues"

Did you see the "beautiful" torchlight parade?

Why were there no signs about the statue?
Why were they chanting "Jews will not replace us" instead of "save our statues"?

Our President is supporting a hate group and no.......they were not there about any freak'n statues

How soon you forget. All those anti-bush protests during his term started off protesting "X" and ended up being about Y,Z,Q,#,Z

San Francisco Anti-War Rally, October 27, 2007
The supposed protest about confederate statues was a sham

There were no chants in that torchlight parade about was all hate against blacks and Jews

And they have the right to march about that, detestable as it is.

Just like the left can march and call cops pigs, and back when they wanted american soldiers to die or shoot their officers.

As long as there is no actions, fighting words, or direct incitement, they have to be left to do what they want.
Nobody questions their right

But others have a right to protest against their hate

Violent actions deserve to be treated like violent actions

Your support of those that attacked them to shut them up, makes an utter lie of your "support" of their rights.
How soon you forget. All those anti-bush protests during his term started off protesting "X" and ended up being about Y,Z,Q,#,Z

San Francisco Anti-War Rally, October 27, 2007
The supposed protest about confederate statues was a sham

There were no chants in that torchlight parade about was all hate against blacks and Jews

And they have the right to march about that, detestable as it is.

Just like the left can march and call cops pigs, and back when they wanted american soldiers to die or shoot their officers.

As long as there is no actions, fighting words, or direct incitement, they have to be left to do what they want.
Nobody questions their right

But others have a right to protest against their hate

Violent actions deserve to be treated like violent actions

Again, which side had people that showed up with the sole purpose of stopping the rally by any means nessasary?


Fighting against something that you believe is evil

and killing 'nazis' was only during WW2 . Nowadays , I think that the 'nazi' party is a legal political party same as the 'kkk' in the USA . [aren't they ?? ]

And the left and antifa wants to kill them.

What part of that was confusing?


I would say that probably 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of us are against the nonsense coming from both camps.

RW isn't.

And I dont' think that mainstream dem leaders are.

You keep hearing about these local pols banning conservative speakers for safety reasons, or pulling the cops back to allow them to attack right leaning rallies.

I don't hear these politicians paying a price for that.
The Nazis have their own collaborating President now. How can you possibly say they have no influence?

imo Trump is not a Nazi per se. He does however share the White Nationalists' view that no matter how much whites compromise on current and past discrimination against blacks, blacks will use any compromise to get favorable treatment in educ, jobs, pay, housing, anything over whites. The White Nationalists want their own separate state. I don't know if Trump goes that far. Tradionally, people who believe reverse discrimination works an ill upon whites just wanted all laws to be race neutral, and basically an end to all civil rights and public accommodation laws. I'd say I'm ok with that, but I don't think it addresses how the criminal justice system operates discriminatorily towards blacks. And we have re-segregated poor black in failing schools.
Trump is too stupid to have a coherent belief system about racial matters.

Trump only knows that his base is comprised of a lot of bigots, and so everything he says is tailored for their consumption.

Whenever he bends to mass public opinion, he ALWAYS regresses back to his bigoted rhetoric.

I don't know if he actually believes in anything at all except the personal glorification of Donald J. Trump.

When it was popular to be a far left Democrat, he was a far left Democrat. Today, the pendulum has swung to being an anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-black Republican.

Trump never takes a risk. He's a chickenshit.

What has Trump said that you believe to be bigoted?
Were you scuba diving during his birther years?

So, questioning a birth certificate is bigoted? Please explain.

Fuck you you soggy racist.
The Nazis have their own collaborating President now. How can you possibly say they have no influence?

imo Trump is not a Nazi per se. He does however share the White Nationalists' view that no matter how much whites compromise on current and past discrimination against blacks, blacks will use any compromise to get favorable treatment in educ, jobs, pay, housing, anything over whites. The White Nationalists want their own separate state. I don't know if Trump goes that far. Tradionally, people who believe reverse discrimination works an ill upon whites just wanted all laws to be race neutral, and basically an end to all civil rights and public accommodation laws. I'd say I'm ok with that, but I don't think it addresses how the criminal justice system operates discriminatorily towards blacks. And we have re-segregated poor black in failing schools.
Trump is too stupid to have a coherent belief system about racial matters.

Trump only knows that his base is comprised of a lot of bigots, and so everything he says is tailored for their consumption.

Whenever he bends to mass public opinion, he ALWAYS regresses back to his bigoted rhetoric.

I don't know if he actually believes in anything at all except the personal glorification of Donald J. Trump.

When it was popular to be a far left Democrat, he was a far left Democrat. Today, the pendulum has swung to being an anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-black Republican.

Trump never takes a risk. He's a chickenshit.

What has Trump said that you believe to be bigoted?
Were you scuba diving during his birther years?

Who really payed attention and was one car burned during the birth certificate thing? It was rightly laughed off, why ? Because people thought it was dumb. That's kind of how it was for these racial power groups until the left resurrected them.

Ah the birther thing, who paid attention. Fuck you too racist pos
They bring crime. They're rapists. Some, I assume, are good people.
imo Trump is not a Nazi per se. He does however share the White Nationalists' view that no matter how much whites compromise on current and past discrimination against blacks, blacks will use any compromise to get favorable treatment in educ, jobs, pay, housing, anything over whites. The White Nationalists want their own separate state. I don't know if Trump goes that far. Tradionally, people who believe reverse discrimination works an ill upon whites just wanted all laws to be race neutral, and basically an end to all civil rights and public accommodation laws. I'd say I'm ok with that, but I don't think it addresses how the criminal justice system operates discriminatorily towards blacks. And we have re-segregated poor black in failing schools.
Trump is too stupid to have a coherent belief system about racial matters.

Trump only knows that his base is comprised of a lot of bigots, and so everything he says is tailored for their consumption.

Whenever he bends to mass public opinion, he ALWAYS regresses back to his bigoted rhetoric.

I don't know if he actually believes in anything at all except the personal glorification of Donald J. Trump.

When it was popular to be a far left Democrat, he was a far left Democrat. Today, the pendulum has swung to being an anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-black Republican.

Trump never takes a risk. He's a chickenshit.

What has Trump said that you believe to be bigoted?
Were you scuba diving during his birther years?

So, questioning a birth certificate is bigoted? Please explain.

Fuck you you soggy racist.

Why do you think I am a racist?
imo Trump is not a Nazi per se. He does however share the White Nationalists' view that no matter how much whites compromise on current and past discrimination against blacks, blacks will use any compromise to get favorable treatment in educ, jobs, pay, housing, anything over whites. The White Nationalists want their own separate state. I don't know if Trump goes that far. Tradionally, people who believe reverse discrimination works an ill upon whites just wanted all laws to be race neutral, and basically an end to all civil rights and public accommodation laws. I'd say I'm ok with that, but I don't think it addresses how the criminal justice system operates discriminatorily towards blacks. And we have re-segregated poor black in failing schools.
Trump is too stupid to have a coherent belief system about racial matters.

Trump only knows that his base is comprised of a lot of bigots, and so everything he says is tailored for their consumption.

Whenever he bends to mass public opinion, he ALWAYS regresses back to his bigoted rhetoric.

I don't know if he actually believes in anything at all except the personal glorification of Donald J. Trump.

When it was popular to be a far left Democrat, he was a far left Democrat. Today, the pendulum has swung to being an anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-black Republican.

Trump never takes a risk. He's a chickenshit.

What has Trump said that you believe to be bigoted?
Were you scuba diving during his birther years?

Who really payed attention and was one car burned during the birth certificate thing? It was rightly laughed off, why ? Because people thought it was dumb. That's kind of how it was for these racial power groups until the left resurrected them.

Ah the birther thing, who paid attention. Fuck you too racist pos

Why so nasty? Try supporting your position... name calling is caving.
imo Trump is not a Nazi per se. He does however share the White Nationalists' view that no matter how much whites compromise on current and past discrimination against blacks, blacks will use any compromise to get favorable treatment in educ, jobs, pay, housing, anything over whites. The White Nationalists want their own separate state. I don't know if Trump goes that far. Tradionally, people who believe reverse discrimination works an ill upon whites just wanted all laws to be race neutral, and basically an end to all civil rights and public accommodation laws. I'd say I'm ok with that, but I don't think it addresses how the criminal justice system operates discriminatorily towards blacks. And we have re-segregated poor black in failing schools.
Trump is too stupid to have a coherent belief system about racial matters.

Trump only knows that his base is comprised of a lot of bigots, and so everything he says is tailored for their consumption.

Whenever he bends to mass public opinion, he ALWAYS regresses back to his bigoted rhetoric.

I don't know if he actually believes in anything at all except the personal glorification of Donald J. Trump.

When it was popular to be a far left Democrat, he was a far left Democrat. Today, the pendulum has swung to being an anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-black Republican.

Trump never takes a risk. He's a chickenshit.

What has Trump said that you believe to be bigoted?
Were you scuba diving during his birther years?

Who really payed attention and was one car burned during the birth certificate thing? It was rightly laughed off, why ? Because people thought it was dumb. That's kind of how it was for these racial power groups until the left resurrected them.

Ah the birther thing, who paid attention. Fuck you too racist pos

That's the thing, it was never a "thing". Much like the whit power movment. The left has elivated them from being the butt of whites on welfare jokes to what they are now.
Trump is too stupid to have a coherent belief system about racial matters.

Trump only knows that his base is comprised of a lot of bigots, and so everything he says is tailored for their consumption.

Whenever he bends to mass public opinion, he ALWAYS regresses back to his bigoted rhetoric.

I don't know if he actually believes in anything at all except the personal glorification of Donald J. Trump.

When it was popular to be a far left Democrat, he was a far left Democrat. Today, the pendulum has swung to being an anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-black Republican.

Trump never takes a risk. He's a chickenshit.

What has Trump said that you believe to be bigoted?
Were you scuba diving during his birther years?

Who really payed attention and was one car burned during the birth certificate thing? It was rightly laughed off, why ? Because people thought it was dumb. That's kind of how it was for these racial power groups until the left resurrected them.

Ah the birther thing, who paid attention. Fuck you too racist pos

Why so nasty? Try supporting your position... name calling is caving.

Maybe you can help them. They have yet to support theirs with anything other then what they feel. Maybe you can do it for them? Will you take their proxy and point out where I defended navies or anything of the sort? Can you define for them how the liberal protesters are any different then the white ones? Both sides showed up for a gang fight and one happened. Huge surprise. I guess start with what was the counter protester purpose? I'll tell y'all, they failed. They win no sympathies from anyone, at best they have shown why young men need work.

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