No Mr President, both sides were not equal

What has Trump said that you believe to be bigoted?
Were you scuba diving during his birther years?

Who really payed attention and was one car burned during the birth certificate thing? It was rightly laughed off, why ? Because people thought it was dumb. That's kind of how it was for these racial power groups until the left resurrected them.

Ah the birther thing, who paid attention. Fuck you too racist pos

Why so nasty? Try supporting your position... name calling is caving.

Maybe you can help them. They have yet to support theirs with anything other then what they feel. Maybe you can do it for them? Will you take their proxy and point out where I defended navies or anything of the sort? Can you define for them how the liberal protesters are any different then the white ones? Both sides showed up for a gang fight and one happened. Huge surprise. I guess start with what was the counter protester purpose? I'll tell y'all, they failed. They win no sympathies from anyone, at best they have shown why young men need work.

Nah, they don't want help. They prefer to live in their world of ignorance.. it has become comfy to them. Comfortably numb.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Antifa are partriots?

You always side with criminals, don't you?


Antifa had not place attempting to shut down a legally arranged protest. They can have their own permits if they want, but I doubt they could do anything while being non-violent.

I guess I agree, one side had a permit, the other simply did not.
Can't blame anyone for that hot pink limo getting torched.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Antifa are partriots?

You always side with criminals, don't you?


Antifa had not place attempting to shut down a legally arranged protest. They can have their own permits if they want, but I doubt they could do anything while being non-violent.

I guess I agree, one side had a permit, the other simply did not.

yes leftists always do

in fact siding with the criminals is part of the new face of the democrat party
Robert E. Lee fought for the preservation of slavery. And America kicked his ass.
Actually he just fought Lincoln's invasion of his country. The Union committed mass murder.

America defeated the genocidal slave states and their generals.

You really need to stop your bullshit and your high and mighty stance pro North who had slavery for over 200 FREAKING YEARS. The main traders of slaves were from the Northern States who had all the sea going vessels to bring slaves from Africa to America.
The 'other side' may have been anything and/or anyone, but declared extremists like Nazis and racial idiots are beyond the pale.



and standing up to Nazis and skin heads and white supremacists is an obligation, not "hate".
Standing up to Nazis is good, but going there with blood coming out of your whatever, carrying bats and wearing masks, isn't a good thing. Is it jillian?

aw... how cute the trumpian loon quoting the orange sociopath.

answer the fucking question jillian, is wearing masks and carrying bats to beat the kkk with , a good thing? Yes or No? I hate bitches who wont answer a simple question, but call me a name and then run off to play with themselves.
I don't know. Call me prejudiced, but I have never been overly fond of people whose ideology has included murdering 11 million unarmed men, women, and children of jews gypsies, homosexuals, prisoners of war, slavs, and political enemies. It has always seems somewhat harsh to me.

Yet killing millions of unarmed babies is a "constitutional" right.

Yes it is in the U.S. And much of the world

Cool, the Nazis killed tons of unwanted babies. Good to know you support this.

no one kills, babies, white trash. but thanks for the default stutter of white supremacist misogynist pondscum.
Shame that your parents didn't abort you , when you were just a "Fetus". I agree that abortion is needed as with 33,000 liberal women aborting their fetus's the democrat party is going to go extinct, with that and the self deportation of illegals back to Mexico or Canada. Yep, liberals aren't killing babies, they are killing future voters....
I don't know. Call me prejudiced, but I have never been overly fond of people whose ideology has included murdering 11 million unarmed men, women, and children of jews gypsies, homosexuals, prisoners of war, slavs, and political enemies. It has always seems somewhat harsh to me.

Yet killing millions of unarmed babies is a "constitutional" right.

Yes it is in the U.S. And much of the world

Cool, the Nazis killed tons of unwanted babies. Good to know you support this.

no one kills, babies, white trash. but thanks for the default stutter of white supremacist misogynist pondscum.
Shame that your parents didn't abort you , when you were just a "Fetus". I agree that abortion is needed as with 33,000 liberal women aborting their fetus's the democrat party is going to go extinct, with that and the self deportation of illegals back to Mexico or Canada. Yep, liberals aren't killing babies, they are killing future voters....

I don't think anybody's gonna be reproducing with her anytime soon. I mean with her being so pleasant and all. Probably looks like this too::

One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

American patriots don't resort to violence to quash speech they don't like.
The conservatives aka. KKK, and that ilk not only resorts to violence to squelch speech they don't like, their blood soaked legacy attests to violence LOUDLY.

First, as for your sad attempt to lump conservatives in general with the KKK, please go fuck yourself with a flaming rusty AIDS infested tire iron.

Second, right now only the left seems to need to quash any opposing protest or rally with organized violence.
Dunce, you don't even know your own history. Southern conservatism was manifested during slavery times and included plantation owners and Confederate Military Officers like Nathan Bedford Forrest who started the KKK. The KKK is the militant arm of conservatism. By the way, anytime you find sexism and racism you going to find conservativism; and party affiliation doesn't make a damn bit of difference.

Another thing, I don't know how you can tell left from right when it comes to getting rid of traitorous icons that have been maintained at the expense of taxpayers who lost ancestor, black and white, because of them. The so- called left that you descrbe at the scene were just American patriots standing up for the union and whats right.
Actually, I ended up having them threaten my life and have had to take precautions.

As I said, EVERYONE should be taking on the Nazis. Instead, you collaborators are attempting to portray their enemies as being as evil as they are.

That's the same moral equivalency bullshit the Left used to pull when they tried to make the US sound as bad as the USSR.

You pseudocons remind me so much of the hippies of the old days. You even use some of their same lingo.

"Down with The Establishment!"

Today's Leftists are WORSE than today's NAZI you dumb shit. There is no comparison. How many NAZI exist, what is their clout and how do they impact us today? They're no more than a narrative for liberals to pull shit out of their collective ass. Then look at the left, but of course you can't.
The Nazis have their own collaborating President now. How can you possibly say they have no influence?

imo Trump is not a Nazi per se. He does however share the White Nationalists' view that no matter how much whites compromise on current and past discrimination against blacks, blacks will use any compromise to get favorable treatment in educ, jobs, pay, housing, anything over whites. The White Nationalists want their own separate state. I don't know if Trump goes that far. Tradionally, people who believe reverse discrimination works an ill upon whites just wanted all laws to be race neutral, and basically an end to all civil rights and public accommodation laws. I'd say I'm ok with that, but I don't think it addresses how the criminal justice system operates discriminatorily towards blacks. And we have re-segregated poor black in failing schools.
Trump is too stupid to have a coherent belief system about racial matters.

Trump only knows that his base is comprised of a lot of bigots, and so everything he says is tailored for their consumption.

Whenever he bends to mass public opinion, he ALWAYS regresses back to his bigoted rhetoric.

I don't know if he actually believes in anything at all except the personal glorification of Donald J. Trump.

When it was popular to be a far left Democrat, he was a far left Democrat. Today, the pendulum has swung to being an anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-black Republican.

Trump never takes a risk. He's a chickenshit.

What has Trump said that you believe to be bigoted?

Given the current political climate, I'm going with something like, "Hello".

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I do not think these Nazi assholes realize just how much good decent Americans hate them. They need to quit circle-jerking with each other on the internet and realize they are going to get their asses beat down if they don't crawl back under their rocks.

By who...some punkass REMF like you?
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

American patriots don't resort to violence to quash speech they don't like.
The conservatives aka. KKK, and that ilk not only resorts to violence to squelch speech they don't like, their blood soaked legacy attests to violence LOUDLY.

First, as for your sad attempt to lump conservatives in general with the KKK, please go fuck yourself with a flaming rusty AIDS infested tire iron.

Second, right now only the left seems to need to quash any opposing protest or rally with organized violence.
Dunce, you don't even know your own history. Southern conservatism was manifested during slavery times and included plantation owners and Confederate Military Officers like Nathan Bedford Forrest who started the KKK. The KKK is the militant arm of conservatism. By the way, anytime you find sexism and racism you going to find conservativism; and party affiliation doesn't make a damn bit of difference.

Another thing, I don't know how you can tell left from right when it comes to getting rid of traitorous icons that have been maintained at the expense of taxpayers who lost ancestor, black and white, because of them. The so- called left that you descrbe at the scene were just American patriots standing up for the union and whats right.

The KKK is a bunch of has beens you morons are giving free press and a smattering of legitimacy. Stop it.

Considering how watered down you assholes have made the terms racism and sexism it basically applies to anyone who doesn't toe the progressive line 100%, thus giving cover to actual racists and sexists.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Antifa are partriots?

You always side with criminals, don't you?


Antifa had not place attempting to shut down a legally arranged protest. They can have their own permits if they want, but I doubt they could do anything while being non-violent.

I guess I agree, one side had a permit, the other simply did not.

This photo you posted has nothing to do with Antifa. You grabbed it just to beef up your lies.
Stock Photo - Hamburg, Germany. 02nd June, 2016. Firefighters extinguish burning cars in Hamburg, Germany, 02 June 2016. 14 vehicles, including several stretch limousines, caught fire at the

The KKK and friends had a permit for a peaceful demonstration. Not to terrorize the locals.
You're full of shit.
The irony is that if any of your average redneck gunowners had been confronted with these goons, they would have picked up their guns instead of using their fists.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots
Both sides were armed both sides wore helmets and acted violent both sides were wrong and nothing you say will ever change that. If you think members of BLM and ANTIFA hold no hatred you are not thinking. Both groups are hate groups and that point can not be denied... Trump was absolutely correct.

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