No Mr President, both sides were not equal

Yeah, so why ain't you out there protesting with them? You are a coward. If not for the anonymity of the internet you would sit quietly and watch TV. Had you been confronted with that left wing inspired riot you would have hidden in a closet and cried until the police rescued you.
I have turned out to protest the Klan when I was stationed in Mississippi, dumb fuck.

I've also knocked a few of them around in my day while I was down there. Damn near got myself killed one night taking on a barful of the fuckers.

I also convinced my Commanding Officer to place two bars off limits to all military personnel in the area because they had refused service to a black Marine.

So fuck you.

First off, unless it was 1950 you are likely a liar. I never turned out to protest Nazis because until now, I have never seen one in person. Matter of fact, the only place I ever saw the Klan getting any serious attention was on Jerry Springer, Garaldo, Phill D and such up until you all made them matter again. YOU on the left resurected the Klan and put them in the news instead of letting them stay in the shadows being made fun of. The Klan today owes its existence to you democrats. You have done for them what Obama did for gun companies and they thank you.

This is the award winning spin of the day! Leftists are to blame for the clan! I see a bright future for you writing for Rush!

Well yeah. Democrats invented the Klan. No spin at all. While you retards are in your "outrage circle jerk" the rest of America is ignoring you.

I can't speak for democrats 150 years ago. I don't recall being present at the time. However, my great grandfather fought for the Confederacy from Shilo to Franklinton. He didn't own a slave, and didn't join the clan. Maybe you are thinking about another VandalsHandle.

Oh? The fact that you did not denounce your ancestor as a racist pig makes you by default a racist pig. Matter of fact, any favorable mention whatsoever ever means you need to "evolve" some. Stay tuned, soon your government will have special places that will show you how to do that.
I have turned out to protest the Klan when I was stationed in Mississippi, dumb fuck.

I've also knocked a few of them around in my day while I was down there. Damn near got myself killed one night taking on a barful of the fuckers.

I also convinced my Commanding Officer to place two bars off limits to all military personnel in the area because they had refused service to a black Marine.

So fuck you.

First off, unless it was 1950 you are likely a liar. I never turned out to protest Nazis because until now, I have never seen one in person. Matter of fact, the only place I ever saw the Klan getting any serious attention was on Jerry Springer, Garaldo, Phill D and such up until you all made them matter again. YOU on the left resurected the Klan and put them in the news instead of letting them stay in the shadows being made fun of. The Klan today owes its existence to you democrats. You have done for them what Obama did for gun companies and they thank you.

This is the award winning spin of the day! Leftists are to blame for the clan! I see a bright future for you writing for Rush!

Well yeah. Democrats invented the Klan. No spin at all. While you retards are in your "outrage circle jerk" the rest of America is ignoring you.

I can't speak for democrats 150 years ago. I don't recall being present at the time. However, my great grandfather fought for the Confederacy from Shilo to Franklinton. He didn't own a slave, and didn't join the clan. Maybe you are thinking about another VandalsHandle.

Oh? The fact that you did not denounce your ancestor as a racist pig makes you by default a racist pig. Matter of fact, any favorable mention whatsoever ever means you need to "evolve" some. Stay tuned, soon your government will have special places that will show you how to do that.

Cris, you are spinning so much, I do believe that it is making you dizzy. How about grabbing hold of something solid, and pull up a piece of floor and sit down?
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Or paid protestors like the ones burning and rioting at UC Berkeley and other places. This is why it was relevant in pointing them out. They brought weapons including a flame thrower, and other items to throw. Their violence has been previously ongoing before Charlottesville.

The reporter tried to get Trump to say there was a moral equivalency between KKK, white supremesist and the counter protest. Trump made it clear, that was not what he was talking about. He was referring only to equivalency in the violence.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

American patriots don't resort to violence to quash speech they don't like.

You don't show up with this kind of shit if all you're going to do is make a speech, you fucking idiot.



and you don't show up like this if all you are going to do is peacefully counter-protest.


Another liar.
This shot is not from Charlottesville, you disgusting lying piece of shit.
Don't even try to bullshit me, it will always backfire.

Where this is from:
Anti-Sharia Law event in Roseville sparks concerns of black bloc-style protests
"""A gaggle of protesters dressed in all black, often wearing masks or bandanas to conceal their identities. They’re often on the front lines of loud and violent protests, fighting for their believe of “anti-fascism,” “anti-racism” and “anti-hate.”""
This type of tactic is called “black bloc” — it’s an old method of protesting that often leads to chaos. The tactic was used last summer in Sacramento when Antifa (an anti-fascist group) and other protesters clashed with white supremacist and neo-nazi groups at the state Capitol.""

Anti-Sharia Law event in Roseville sparks concerns of black bloc-style protests

It's still anti-fa, showing they show up just as good to go as the Nazi's did, although with crappier workmanship.

You hoped your fellow rednecks here would believe that shot was from Charlottesville. You're FAKE NEWS, asshole.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Or paid protestors like the ones burning and rioting at UC Berkeley and other places. This is why it was relevant in pointing them out. They brought weapons including a flame thrower, and other items to throw. Their violence has been previously ongoing before Charlottesville.

The reporter tried to get Trump to say there was a moral equivalency between KKK, white supremesist and the counter protest. Trump made it clear, that was not what he was talking about. He was referring only to equivalency in the violence.

Fake news, Yard. The "flamethrower" was a cast off aerosol can that the protester lit with his lighter after a white supremacist fired a gun at his foot.
First off, unless it was 1950 you are likely a liar. I never turned out to protest Nazis because until now, I have never seen one in person. Matter of fact, the only place I ever saw the Klan getting any serious attention was on Jerry Springer, Garaldo, Phill D and such up until you all made them matter again. YOU on the left resurected the Klan and put them in the news instead of letting them stay in the shadows being made fun of. The Klan today owes its existence to you democrats. You have done for them what Obama did for gun companies and they thank you.

This is the award winning spin of the day! Leftists are to blame for the clan! I see a bright future for you writing for Rush!

Well yeah. Democrats invented the Klan. No spin at all. While you retards are in your "outrage circle jerk" the rest of America is ignoring you.

I can't speak for democrats 150 years ago. I don't recall being present at the time. However, my great grandfather fought for the Confederacy from Shilo to Franklinton. He didn't own a slave, and didn't join the clan. Maybe you are thinking about another VandalsHandle.

Oh? The fact that you did not denounce your ancestor as a racist pig makes you by default a racist pig. Matter of fact, any favorable mention whatsoever ever means you need to "evolve" some. Stay tuned, soon your government will have special places that will show you how to do that.

Cris, you are spinning so much, I do believe that it is making you dizzy. How about grabbing hold of something solid, and pull up a piece of floor and sit down?

Sigh. You will see. For my part, I see your ancestor as a dude doing what he thought was right for his country, not to "keep the neegeers" in check.

So that brings to this last weekend. You had one side who saw things in a way normal folks don't. They came with attitude looking for a fight in my opinion. Then you had another side who are the same ilk, but on the opposite side. They also showed up with attitude looking for a fight. So a fight happened. All of those participants are trash irrespective of race, religion or creed. The jails in that town should STILL be full. I'm pretty sure you don't condone any of that stuff, may agree with one side or the other, but not those actions. There was a time they would just holler at each other from across the street, not riot. So yeah, it's my opinion that both sides are equally human trash.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Or paid protestors like the ones burning and rioting at UC Berkeley and other places. This is why it was relevant in pointing them out. They brought weapons including a flame thrower, and other items to throw. Their violence has been previously ongoing before Charlottesville.

The reporter tried to get Trump to say there was a moral equivalency between KKK, white supremesist and the counter protest. Trump made it clear, that was not what he was talking about. He was referring only to equivalency in the violence.

Fake news, Yard. The "flamethrower" was a cast off aerosol can that the protester lit with his lighter after a white supremacist fired a gun at his foot.

Well the guys who were pointing guns should have been arrested if identified. It needs to be zero tolerance
Yes Mr President.......both sides are equally to blame


What, exactly, does that have to do with what happened in Charlottesville? works like this

One side is protesting in support of hate and persecution
The other side against hate

Civil Riights protesters were Patriots
So are those who oppose the klan

Guess which side the KKK supported in that picture with the dog?

Well, it works like this:

you're talking out your ass again.

YOU are supporting Nazis and the klan

I am supporting those PATRIOTS who risk their lives to protest against them
Hey... remember Will claims he's a liberal.
No really.
Yes Mr President.......both sides are equally to blame


What, exactly, does that have to do with what happened in Charlottesville? works like this

One side is protesting in support of hate and persecution
The other side against hate

Civil Riights protesters were Patriots
So are those who oppose the klan

Guess which side the KKK supported in that picture with the dog?

Well, it works like this:

you're talking out your ass again.

YOU are supporting Nazis and the klan

I am supporting those PATRIOTS who risk their lives to protest against them
Hey... remember Will claims he's a liberal.
No really.

I claimed that?
Dunce, you don't even know your own history. Southern conservatism was manifested during slavery times and included plantation owners and Confederate Military Officers like Nathan Bedford Forrest who started the KKK. The KKK is the militant arm of conservatism. By the way, anytime you find sexism and racism you going to find conservativism; and party affiliation doesn't make a damn bit of difference.

Another thing, I don't know how you can tell left from right when it comes to getting rid of traitorous icons that have been maintained at the expense of taxpayers who lost ancestor, black and white, because of them. The so- called left that you descrbe at the scene were just American patriots standing up for the union and whats right.

The KKK is a bunch of has beens you morons are giving free press and a smattering of legitimacy. Stop it.

Considering how watered down you assholes have made the terms racism and sexism it basically applies to anyone who doesn't toe the progressive line 100%, thus giving cover to actual racists and sexists.
Who do you think you're talking to? The KKK and the sentiments that they embody have been ingredients in the right-wing white male Kool-Aid for a long time. Arguably, conservatives have done nothing to label them as the terrorist they are and seem to share a lot of their racist agendas.

A dumb fuck?

They are actual racists, not the "if you oppose all progressive policies you are a racist" racists.

They have been hiding in their houses, polishing their weapons, and basically have been has beens for about 30 years now. All of sudden you idiots are giving them play, and allowing them to go the "poor poor us" route. Ignoring them works far far better.
Go ahead and ignore them if you want to, nobody is stopping you. As for me, I'm going to keep my eyes on them AND you.

Is that a threat, you keyboard commando twat?
No, its a promise. I'm watching you as close as I watch your friends in the KKK.
By the way, I can still see in your avatar that you're wearing your white sheet without the hood. Why don't you wash it? Yer dirty bahs-turd.
One side hold views about white people that are repugnant and the other side wants to physically attack those holding such views
That's it in a nutshell and Trump is not going to turn it into a one way street and assist white haters in furthering their emotional and overreactive physical violence outbursts
No, one side wants to really make America great Again by getting rid of traitoruous statues, and other side wants to turn America into the old Confederacy.

So then, what about when Martin L King's words are twisted into hate speech? Or if the powers that be don't like your brand of suit and decied you need a visit by the thought police? S
Are you on opioids...?

You selling?
You buying?
One side hold views about white people that are repugnant and the other side wants to physically attack those holding such views
That's it in a nutshell and Trump is not going to turn it into a one way street and assist white haters in furthering their emotional and overreactive physical violence outbursts
No, one side wants to really make America great Again by getting rid of traitoruous statues, and other side wants to turn America into the old Confederacy.

So then, what about when Martin L King's words are twisted into hate speech? Or if the powers that be don't like your brand of suit and decied you need a visit by the thought police? S
Are you on opioids...?

You selling?
You buying?

Dunno.... You sellin?
No, one side wants to really make America great Again by getting rid of traitoruous statues, and other side wants to turn America into the old Confederacy.

So then, what about when Martin L King's words are twisted into hate speech? Or if the powers that be don't like your brand of suit and decied you need a visit by the thought police? S
Are you on opioids...?

You selling?
You buying?

Dunno.... You sellin?
I don't even know what an opioid looks like. White folks have cornered the market on them.
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Violence is prevalent on all sides. Stop pretending one is more noble than the other.

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The left has been using violence to stop conservative speech for months now. Quit using the word antifa to describe theses fascists. They are simply anarcists.
I would call them illegals rather than anarchists. Another type of illegal that liberal just love

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