No Mr President, both sides were not equal



and standing up to Nazis and skin heads and white supremacists is an obligation, not "hate".
Beating them with clubs is not an "obligation," dingbat.

the protestors didn't have clubs, idiota.

a mental midget like you probably shouldn't insult anyone else,


Now you are telling lies. Everyone there showed up to do exactly what they did. Your BLM types are the exact same people as the white power guys. Y'all talk the exact same shit even. They came with clubs dressed for a fight. It's how every protest since baker has been. Face it, you are a member of the new faciat party . Fine, but it still won't get you anything as you are still fat, ugly and stupid as a rock.

this is what i mean about you being clueless about what i believe.

we aren't talking about anything but standing up to Nazis.

and you aren't. that makes you an appeaser and makes you complicit.

Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.

LOL, exactly. I've never met one, but somehow today's NAZI situation is worse than today's leftists.
Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.

Nazis have protests all the time. If you want to meet one, go out and stand up to them.

EVERYONE should be going out in force every time these fuckers raise their evil heads.

Wrong, they have freedom of speech like everyone else. And if they have a permit to protest and you don't, well... you will just have to suck it up and not resort to violent "forceful" means.

Violence + anti free speech = Far-Left

G's a typical lefty... anyone he disagrees with must be silenced. He's no better than those he whines about. As for the so-called Nazis, they are nothing.. a tiny group of nutters with zero power, unlike the left, who have infested every branch of government.

Until now. I honestly don't know of a time when KKK and WHITE POWER were mentioned so much as it is now. Those guys were lucky to even get any play on Springer, yet here is the left resurrecting them. It's fitting since the democrat party invented the KKK and the notion of white power in general.

They blame Trump for the resurrection, once again showing projection and how far we've dumbed down to leftist propaganda.
Beating them with clubs is not an "obligation," dingbat.

the protestors didn't have clubs, idiota.

a mental midget like you probably shouldn't insult anyone else,


Now you are telling lies. Everyone there showed up to do exactly what they did. Your BLM types are the exact same people as the white power guys. Y'all talk the exact same shit even. They came with clubs dressed for a fight. It's how every protest since baker has been. Face it, you are a member of the new faciat party . Fine, but it still won't get you anything as you are still fat, ugly and stupid as a rock.

this is what i mean about you being clueless about what i believe.

we aren't talking about anything but standing up to Nazis.

and you aren't. that makes you an appeaser and makes you complicit.

Tell us genius, out of 350,000,000 people, how many are Nazis? I'm in my 50's. I've yet to meet one... just one.

LOL, exactly. I've never met one, but somehow today's NAZI situation is worse than today's leftists.

Furthermore, the right wingers are disavowing the national socialists. The left encourages the Marxists revolutionaries and are socialist themselves.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Everyone is trying to twist what he said. What he said was both sides displayed inappropriate behavior. He wasn't judging the groups any further than the behavior they displayed. He also said not all the people protesting the statue being taken down were nazis or white nationalists and that there were good people on both sides. He already condemned nazis, kkk and white nationalists for the millionth time. He's not a racist, and what he said wasn't inappropriate.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Everyone is trying to twist what he said. What he said was both sides displayed inappropriate behavior. He wasn't judging the groups any further than the behavior they displayed. He also said not all the people protesting the statue being taken down were nazis or white nationalists and that there were good people on both sides. He already condemned nazis, kkk and white nationalists for the millionth time. He's not a racist, and what he said wasn't inappropriate.

Trump could single handedly cure cancer and the left would scream that he invented cancer just so he could cure it.
You've complete sold your soul.

These people are not American Patriots, and the world you build with them, if you get your way, will be the one I have predicted for you, not the one you dream of.


Can't you get it?

The KKK, Nazis and skinheads do not support American values

Those who oppose them do........
They could sit home and post on the internet about how bad Nazis are
But they risk their lives to protest hate

Anerican PATRIOTS in my book

Stalin opposed the Nazis. He did not do it because he supported American values.

The antifa are WORSE than the nazis because they are more numerous and they have strong political support from people like you.

Your side is supporting hate groups as the equivalent of groups that oppose hate

My side is against both Stalin and HItler. YOu are siding with Stalin.

Looks like you are siding with the Nazis my friend
You also support Stalins direct descendant.....Putin

Nope. I've been clear, as has Trump. Both the nazis and the Antifa are evil hate filled bastards. I reject them both utterly.

You are the one siding with the Stanlists.

And if you think Putin is a Stalin, you really need to read some books.

Consider that you know you need to lie....

One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Everyone is trying to twist what he said. What he said was both sides displayed inappropriate behavior. He wasn't judging the groups any further than the behavior they displayed. He also said not all the people protesting the statue being taken down were nazis or white nationalists and that there were good people on both sides. He already condemned nazis, kkk and white nationalists for the millionth time. He's not a racist, and what he said wasn't inappropriate.

rw knows all that.

But it serves his partisan purpose to pretend that he doesn't.
\Wow... you hung out with Nazis... so, you're a Nazi.
Actually, I ended up having them threaten my life and have had to take precautions.

As I said, EVERYONE should be taking on the Nazis. Instead, you collaborators are attempting to portray their enemies as being as evil as they are.

That's the same moral equivalency bullshit the Left used to pull when they tried to make the US sound as bad as the USSR.

You pseudocons remind me so much of the hippies of the old days. You even use some of their same lingo.

"Down with The Establishment!"

Today's Leftists are WORSE than today's NAZI you dumb shit. There is no comparison. How many NAZI exist, what is their clout and how do they impact us today? They're no more than a narrative for liberals to pull shit out of their collective ass. Then look at the left, but of course you can't.
The Nazis have their own collaborating President now. How can you possibly say they have no influence?

imo Trump is not a Nazi per se. He does however share the White Nationalists' view that no matter how much whites compromise on current and past discrimination against blacks, blacks will use any compromise to get favorable treatment in educ, jobs, pay, housing, anything over whites. The White Nationalists want their own separate state. I don't know if Trump goes that far. Tradionally, people who believe reverse discrimination works an ill upon whites just wanted all laws to be race neutral, and basically an end to all civil rights and public accommodation laws. I'd say I'm ok with that, but I don't think it addresses how the criminal justice system operates discriminatorily towards blacks. And we have re-segregated poor black in failing schools.
Trump is too stupid to have a coherent belief system about racial matters.

Trump only knows that his base is comprised of a lot of bigots, and so everything he says is tailored for their consumption.

Whenever he bends to mass public opinion, he ALWAYS regresses back to his bigoted rhetoric.

I don't know if he actually believes in anything at all except the personal glorification of Donald J. Trump.

When it was popular to be a far left Democrat, he was a far left Democrat. Today, the pendulum has swung to being an anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-black Republican.

Trump never takes a risk. He's a chickenshit.

Trump has a long history of racist leanings. His father and mentor taught him not to rent to blacks. The same bullshit of Donald Sterling. Turmp wanted the death penalty for the central park five, and even still doesn't think they should have received damages for their wrongful convictions. He opposed David Dinkins, and favored Rudy and racial profiling. He was the birther in chief. He views non-whites as taking away stuff from whites. None of this is a surprise.

I think yesterday's eruption against his handlers was simply because he was told to compromise a central belief. But you are right he has no central belief in how tax policy can help economic expansion, or how HC can best be provided, or how infrastructure can be funded. His center is just a steaming pile of entitled resentment.

BUT ALL OF THAT IS IRRELEVANT to the central core of White Nationalism that is a secessionist movement with a goal of a white's only nation. WHEN HE GETS BEHIND THAT it should be a problem for all Americans, even those of us who still think Goldwater was right and don't approve of judicially created black maj voting districts or public accommodation laws.
Can't you get it?

The KKK, Nazis and skinheads do not support American values

Those who oppose them do........
They could sit home and post on the internet about how bad Nazis are
But they risk their lives to protest hate

Anerican PATRIOTS in my book

Stalin opposed the Nazis. He did not do it because he supported American values.

The antifa are WORSE than the nazis because they are more numerous and they have strong political support from people like you.

Your side is supporting hate groups as the equivalent of groups that oppose hate

My side is against both Stalin and HItler. YOu are siding with Stalin.

Looks like you are siding with the Nazis my friend
You also support Stalins direct descendant.....Putin

Nope. I've been clear, as has Trump. Both the nazis and the Antifa are evil hate filled bastards. I reject them both utterly.

You are the one siding with the Stanlists.

And if you think Putin is a Stalin, you really need to read some books.

Consider that you know you need to lie....


there is no such thing as ANTIFA. or are you pro-fascist now because the orange loon is in power?

the orange sociopath hasn't been clear about anything except empowering Nazis.

you think Nazis should be empowered because they're on your side, little one?
Seriously.. who here has ever actually met a Nazi?
I have. I moved among them for years.

That's why I can smell one from more than a mile away.

Likely right there with them all wrapped up in your sheet. You lie more then JOEB.
I wanted to learn as much about the enemy as I could. Like most people, I had some misconceptions about Nazis. But now I know them thoroughly, right down to the marrow of their bones.

You mean they never let you lite the cross so you got pissed and switched sides? So now do the stories of you being an undercover cop start coming? Blow it out your ass chump no one buys it.
No, I did not do it for anyone but myself. I had a desire to know as much about these fuckwads as possible.

That's how I am able to recognize their beliefs bleeding over into the rhetoric of you pseudocons. You are parroting a lot of their sick shit without even knowing it.

That's why I call you tards parrots. You haven't a single original thought in your heads, and allow yourselves to be the puppets of some very evil people.

You joined and were a card carrying member of the Klan. In my mind you ceased to matter when you admitted that. You are sub human and not worthy of consideration, even though you are most likely telling lies. You can't recognize shit other then you get allot of attention for saying stupid shit. You call me a puppet. You say I decent white power, yet like the happy cow Jillian, you can't find one post where I do anything other then say BLM and ANTIFA are the same as the KKK types, ALT-Right whatever. See, the left didn't win any favor this weekend. You need to check the attitude of America. We don't like riots. We don't see color we see a mob in NC that we are used to seeing on TV in some third world shithole.
Stalin opposed the Nazis. He did not do it because he supported American values.

The antifa are WORSE than the nazis because they are more numerous and they have strong political support from people like you.

Your side is supporting hate groups as the equivalent of groups that oppose hate

My side is against both Stalin and HItler. YOu are siding with Stalin.

Looks like you are siding with the Nazis my friend
You also support Stalins direct descendant.....Putin

Nope. I've been clear, as has Trump. Both the nazis and the Antifa are evil hate filled bastards. I reject them both utterly.

You are the one siding with the Stanlists.

And if you think Putin is a Stalin, you really need to read some books.

Consider that you know you need to lie....


there is no such thing as ANTIFA. or are you pro-fascist now because the orange loon is in power?

the orange sociopath hasn't been clear about anything except empowering Nazis.

you think Nazis should be empowered because they're on your side, little one?

Got a statement to quote cow?
Actually, I ended up having them threaten my life and have had to take precautions.

As I said, EVERYONE should be taking on the Nazis. Instead, you collaborators are attempting to portray their enemies as being as evil as they are.

That's the same moral equivalency bullshit the Left used to pull when they tried to make the US sound as bad as the USSR.

You pseudocons remind me so much of the hippies of the old days. You even use some of their same lingo.

"Down with The Establishment!"

Today's Leftists are WORSE than today's NAZI you dumb shit. There is no comparison. How many NAZI exist, what is their clout and how do they impact us today? They're no more than a narrative for liberals to pull shit out of their collective ass. Then look at the left, but of course you can't.
The Nazis have their own collaborating President now. How can you possibly say they have no influence?

imo Trump is not a Nazi per se. He does however share the White Nationalists' view that no matter how much whites compromise on current and past discrimination against blacks, blacks will use any compromise to get favorable treatment in educ, jobs, pay, housing, anything over whites. The White Nationalists want their own separate state. I don't know if Trump goes that far. Tradionally, people who believe reverse discrimination works an ill upon whites just wanted all laws to be race neutral, and basically an end to all civil rights and public accommodation laws. I'd say I'm ok with that, but I don't think it addresses how the criminal justice system operates discriminatorily towards blacks. And we have re-segregated poor black in failing schools.
Trump is too stupid to have a coherent belief system about racial matters.

Trump only knows that his base is comprised of a lot of bigots, and so everything he says is tailored for their consumption.

Whenever he bends to mass public opinion, he ALWAYS regresses back to his bigoted rhetoric.

I don't know if he actually believes in anything at all except the personal glorification of Donald J. Trump.

When it was popular to be a far left Democrat, he was a far left Democrat. Today, the pendulum has swung to being an anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-black Republican.

Trump never takes a risk. He's a chickenshit.

What has Trump said that you believe to be bigoted?
Were you scuba diving during his birther years?
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

You've complete sold your soul.

These people are not American Patriots, and the world you build with them, if you get your way, will be the one I have predicted for you, not the one you dream of.


The left are looking more and more like ISIS.
Driving a car into a crowd is an ISIS tactic

And pulling back the police so that your larger mob can attack your political enemies is a nazi brown shirt tactic.

I don't support the driver.

YOu support antifa.

The world you build with them, if you get your way, will be a Hell.

I saw hundreds of your buddies marching in a torchlight parade in true Nazi fashion
Chanting Jews will not replace us

That is what our President claims were a few bad apples

A few hundred is a few bad apples, in a nation of 300 million.

Who cares what they had to say?

Nothing I have ever said, has given you any justification for calling those nazis my friends.

You are being an utter asshole.
Trump's Chumps should be happy. They've had a whole week off from Americans asking where the fuck Trump's ObamaCare replacement is that he said he had.
I have. I moved among them for years.

That's why I can smell one from more than a mile away.

Likely right there with them all wrapped up in your sheet. You lie more then JOEB.
I wanted to learn as much about the enemy as I could. Like most people, I had some misconceptions about Nazis. But now I know them thoroughly, right down to the marrow of their bones.

You mean they never let you lite the cross so you got pissed and switched sides? So now do the stories of you being an undercover cop start coming? Blow it out your ass chump no one buys it.
No, I did not do it for anyone but myself. I had a desire to know as much about these fuckwads as possible.

That's how I am able to recognize their beliefs bleeding over into the rhetoric of you pseudocons. You are parroting a lot of their sick shit without even knowing it.

That's why I call you tards parrots. You haven't a single original thought in your heads, and allow yourselves to be the puppets of some very evil people.

Where did he "parrot" Nazi "sick shit"?

Keep in mind, you deal with an admitted member of the KKK.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Both sides exhibited fascist behavior, so neither side was innocent.

Grow up little guy, and learn.

Opposing fascism is not fascism

Standing up against hate groups is Patriotism

Using violence to suppress political speech you don't like, with the support of political leaders and the police,

is fascism.

Wake the fuck up, rw.

Today's Leftists are WORSE than today's NAZI you dumb shit. There is no comparison. How many NAZI exist, what is their clout and how do they impact us today? They're no more than a narrative for liberals to pull shit out of their collective ass. Then look at the left, but of course you can't.
The Nazis have their own collaborating President now. How can you possibly say they have no influence?

imo Trump is not a Nazi per se. He does however share the White Nationalists' view that no matter how much whites compromise on current and past discrimination against blacks, blacks will use any compromise to get favorable treatment in educ, jobs, pay, housing, anything over whites. The White Nationalists want their own separate state. I don't know if Trump goes that far. Tradionally, people who believe reverse discrimination works an ill upon whites just wanted all laws to be race neutral, and basically an end to all civil rights and public accommodation laws. I'd say I'm ok with that, but I don't think it addresses how the criminal justice system operates discriminatorily towards blacks. And we have re-segregated poor black in failing schools.
Trump is too stupid to have a coherent belief system about racial matters.

Trump only knows that his base is comprised of a lot of bigots, and so everything he says is tailored for their consumption.

Whenever he bends to mass public opinion, he ALWAYS regresses back to his bigoted rhetoric.

I don't know if he actually believes in anything at all except the personal glorification of Donald J. Trump.

When it was popular to be a far left Democrat, he was a far left Democrat. Today, the pendulum has swung to being an anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-black Republican.

Trump never takes a risk. He's a chickenshit.

What has Trump said that you believe to be bigoted?
Were you scuba diving during his birther years?

So, questioning a birth certificate is bigoted? Please explain.
For all of you arguing that the Nazis were there to "protest the removal of confederate statues"

Did you see the "beautiful" torchlight parade?

Why were there no signs about the statue?
Why were they chanting "Jews will not replace us" instead of "save our statues"?

Our President is supporting a hate group and no.......they were not there about any freak'n statues

How soon you forget. All those anti-bush protests during his term started off protesting "X" and ended up being about Y,Z,Q,#,Z

San Francisco Anti-War Rally, October 27, 2007
The supposed protest about confederate statues was a sham

There were no chants in that torchlight parade about was all hate against blacks and Jews

The Nazis are trying to co-opt symbols of regional pride.

You and yours support them in this.

What part of this is confusing to you?
Today's Leftists are WORSE than today's NAZI you dumb shit. There is no comparison. How many NAZI exist, what is their clout and how do they impact us today? They're no more than a narrative for liberals to pull shit out of their collective ass. Then look at the left, but of course you can't.
The Nazis have their own collaborating President now. How can you possibly say they have no influence?

imo Trump is not a Nazi per se. He does however share the White Nationalists' view that no matter how much whites compromise on current and past discrimination against blacks, blacks will use any compromise to get favorable treatment in educ, jobs, pay, housing, anything over whites. The White Nationalists want their own separate state. I don't know if Trump goes that far. Tradionally, people who believe reverse discrimination works an ill upon whites just wanted all laws to be race neutral, and basically an end to all civil rights and public accommodation laws. I'd say I'm ok with that, but I don't think it addresses how the criminal justice system operates discriminatorily towards blacks. And we have re-segregated poor black in failing schools.
Trump is too stupid to have a coherent belief system about racial matters.

Trump only knows that his base is comprised of a lot of bigots, and so everything he says is tailored for their consumption.

Whenever he bends to mass public opinion, he ALWAYS regresses back to his bigoted rhetoric.

I don't know if he actually believes in anything at all except the personal glorification of Donald J. Trump.

When it was popular to be a far left Democrat, he was a far left Democrat. Today, the pendulum has swung to being an anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-black Republican.

Trump never takes a risk. He's a chickenshit.

What has Trump said that you believe to be bigoted?
Were you scuba diving during his birther years?

Who really payed attention and was one car burned during the birth certificate thing? It was rightly laughed off, why ? Because people thought it was dumb. That's kind of how it was for these racial power groups until the left resurrected them.

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