No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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as i said , 'mo' copying earlier Christian and Jewish Writings , names and concepts to add legitimacy to 'islam' and called it holy koran. 'koran' is the newest 'bs' from 'mo' for and to 'islam' . 'islam' is only 1400 years old [about] and is a War Cry against Christianity , Judaism and other religions Rigby .

If Mohammad was against Judism, the how come almost all the troops supporting Mohammad were the 11 tribes of Judaism?
They seemed think Mohammad has it right at the time?
Look up the battles around Medina and Mecca.
Mohammad was commanding Jewish troops who had volunteered.
----------------------------------- that was THEN but importation of muslims into Western World is NOW . And i can't speak about THEN . You may be talking 'taqiyah' for all i know Rigby . My only comment was that 'islam' is a false copycat of Christian and Jewish names and ideas that add legitimacy and concepts that is only 1400 hundred years old Rigby . The copying of the names , ideas and concepts adds legitimacy to 'mo's' 'BS' and some faulty thinkers are hood winked by the 'korans' BS Rigby .

So Islam is 600 years newer than Christianity?
It certainly is a whole lot better than Judaism, where women are not considered to have souls.
Its not false because it is a reformation that is better.
Protestant religions are newer still, and that makes them better because more has been fixed.

you imam said that in jewish thought women have no souls?------what else did he tell you?
Did we elect Germans and Japanese to congress and the senate during WW11? we didn't and we won WW11....we are in a war with America hating Jihadists.....we had better wake up or we will lose this one....

There hasn't yet been a "World War Eleven" actually. Are you from the future?

Meanwhile guess what kind of name "Eisenhower" is. I'll float you a hint -- it's not Sanskrit.
Once again you refuse to address the point...I guess its because you know I'm right.....

What, because I cited Eisenhower instead of, say, Karl Mundt?

Your more obscure point about bigotry however is well taken --- there was indeed a time when asswipes like the OP tried to get German language courses banned, changed the name of "German Shepherd" to "police dog", and grabbed Dachshunds out of their owners' arms and stoned them to death in the street. Rump's own father, who you'll remember was born in "a very wonderful place in Germany", used to pass as "Swedish". I actually noted this in my first post here, the one about prior discrimination by hate groups: Jews, Blacks, Catholics, Germans, Irish, Italian, Chinese, Eastern Europeans, Native Americans, everybody from the Papists to the Rapists, and where it all leads.

This is just one more on the same path, so yeah good point. Wish I'd thought of it myself. Oh wait ---- I did.
We were at war with Germany...they were the definition of evil...just like radical Muslims are today....putting them in office is stupid...If Omar doesn't sound radical to you something is wrong with you....and how dare you criticize the American people from the 1940's while you sit here today a free man because of their sacrifices...and their ability to know who our enemy sir are a spoiled ungrateful slug...


We caused the wars with Germany, not Germany, and they were not evil.
We were evil.
We sided with the terrorists in WWI, who deliberately planned to assassinate Archduke Ferdinand and his wife.
Then we helped starve Germany into submission, so we could steal all their foreign investments and take over their industries.

And similarly we caused all the conflicts with Muslisms, by illegally taking over their countries, murdering, stealing, etc.
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc
Either should AH pussy grabbers
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc

So much for the Constitution then. No freedom to worship as you choose, and a religious test for public office. Violations of Article 6 of the Constitution and the First Amendment.

We knew that conservatives HATE the Constitution - the real Constitution, not the one which you folks conveniently quote when you want YOUR rights upheld. You just proved that you don't believe the two of the primary articles of the Constitution. The ones which Americans hang their hats on when they talk about their "freedoms".
Worshiping Death and Promoting Jihad are not Religious Acts.

Why do you make Christians and Nuns fund Abortions?

That is silly because Muslims do not worship death and Jihad is not war, but simply working hard to life right.
It is Christians who worship war, (such as conquistadors, inquisitions, colonialism, imperialism, etc,.)
If islam isn't a religion, neither is christianity. They are two sides of the same coin.
I have been seeing this idiotic attempt to equate Islam with Christianity for years. It's just as ludicrous now as it was then.

Christianity is love and peace.

Islam is hate and war.

No 2 things could be more different.
I sure see a ton of love and peace in the history of Christianity....:icon_rolleyes: :auiqs.jpg:
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc


Can you show me one photo of "Osama" when he lived in SAUDI ARABIA, as is the official line???

If you can't then explain who is talking to Zbigniew in these photos circa 1980....

View attachment 268639

Unless Zbigniew is a giant that's not OBL.

Good point. Osama bin Laden was 6' 5".
That definitely is not Osama bin Laden.
But even though Osama bin Laden left Saudi Arabia around 1970, there are images of him there.

it is 'islam' that is the problem . Christianity and Judaism and their various branches are fine and dandy . It is 'islam' that is the violent and warring religion Rigby .

Islam is totally defensive.
The west likes to complain about the Muslims over running Constantinople and turning it into Istanbul, but remember Constantinople was a Roman invasion and occupation.
The west should never have been in Turkey/Anatolia, in the first place.

And the original Muslim empire was Arab.
They were not only defeated by exterminated by the Mongol invasion around 1100, so it makes no sense to talk about them invading anyone. They didn't.
It is Europe that was the big invader, with the evil Crusades, the British imperialism, etc.

bean brain------CONSTANTINOPLE was not arab or muslim when Rome entered
the area Turkey and Anatolia were INVADED by trash from Arabia ---and later
another MINION of muhummad rapist of mecca------DA KHAN GENOCIDAL PIG

That is silly because Islam did not exist when the Romans invaded the Parthians who lived in what became Constantiople,
Nor did Arabs defeat the Roman occupiers and force them out.
There were a series of invaders off the steppes that go all the way to Mongolia, that included the Mongols, the Moguls, and the Turks.
None of the invaders came from Arabia.
That only thing Arab about them was they adopted the Arab language.
These invaders were NOT minions of Mecca, and in fact totally wiped out all Arab living in Mecca when they captured it.
Islam is exactly the Old Testament.
Pedophilia and homosexuality are illegal under Islam, is that what you are complaining about?

Muslims are not allowed to break any of the 10 commandments any more than Jews or Christians, and yet Jews and Christians clearly deliberately violate them all the time.
When Joshua invaded Jericho, did he not slaughter all the innocent women and children?
Did not the invading conquistadors massacre American natives?

Muslims do NOT at all deny the Messiah.
They just do not consider him unique.
Nor should any sane person.

Heroine was not invented until 1874.
By 1874 the answer to this increasing problem was thought to be found in the invention of a new drug in Germany. This new wonder drug was called Heroin, after its German trademarked name. Heroin was imported into the United States shortly after it was invented.

And the Pope and all Christian leader disagree with you about Muslims.

Islam is a DEMONIC DOCTRINE and Muhammad was a False Prophet, a Liar, a Pedophile, Rapist, Murderer, and Genocidal Maniac.

Not according to Jewish and Christian leadership.
There is no Mediator between God and Man, but Christ Jesus, who was both God and Man.

How about you read the Bible once in a while?

Islam teaches all Muslims that it is perfectly fine to Lie for the cause of Jihad.

The Bible states LIARS cannot enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.

Muslims and anyone else who lives like that cannot be reconciled to God, nor enter heaven.

That makes no sense because Jesus could only be a mediator between God and man before or after Jesus.
Which seems pretty unfair.
So how did man know God before Jesus?

And no, Islam does not teach that lying is fine any time.
Jihad does not mean war, but simply living right.
Eating healthy food is Jihad, if you are working hard enough at it.
The only time Islam allows lying is when it prevents harm to others.
Like you can lie when the Nazis come in and ask where the Jews are hiding.
So that is no different than Christianity.


Jihad means whatevah da Imam says it means which includes placing
a bomb on the ass of a young woman and sending her off to blow herself
to hell for the purpose of murdering innocent people. For examples of Jihad---
visit mosques in which your language is spoken or read examples of the
weekly KHUTBAH JUMAAT. CRUSADE means 'a noble endeavor'

Yes crusade and jihad mean about the same thing, but there was NEVER a noble crusade and all jihads were defensive.
Name a single offensive jihad?
Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war

we need to be tough but kind with Mulsims!

What a sicko platitude.

All a warrior in a garden does is kill stuff. A gardener in a war enables life.
The Democrat Party called Black People weeds who needed to be yanked out by the roots, and that needed to be Exterminated at Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers.

And that is a fact.
False ideas planted by a Russian troll bent on dividing Americans, Comrade.
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as i said , 'mo' copying earlier Christian and Jewish Writings , names and concepts to add legitimacy to 'islam' and called it holy koran. 'koran' is the newest 'bs' from 'mo' for and to 'islam' . 'islam' is only 1400 years old [about] and is a War Cry against Christianity , Judaism and other religions Rigby .

If Mohammad was against Judism, the how come almost all the troops supporting Mohammad were the 11 tribes of Judaism?
They seemed think Mohammad has it right at the time?
Look up the battles around Medina and Mecca.
Mohammad was commanding Jewish troops who had volunteered.
----------------------------------- that was THEN but importation of muslims into Western World is NOW . And i can't speak about THEN . You may be talking 'taqiyah' for all i know Rigby . My only comment was that 'islam' is a false copycat of Christian and Jewish names and ideas that add legitimacy and concepts that is only 1400 hundred years old Rigby . The copying of the names , ideas and concepts adds legitimacy to 'mo's' 'BS' and some faulty thinkers are hood winked by the 'korans' BS Rigby .

So Islam is 600 years newer than Christianity?
It certainly is a whole lot better than Judaism, where women are not considered to have souls.
Its not false because it is a reformation that is better.
Protestant religions are newer still, and that makes them better because more has been fixed.

you imam said that in jewish thought women have no souls?------what else did he tell you?

I am Jewish and anyone reading the Talmud or any religious books learns right away that according to Judaism, women do not have souls.
That is why women are not allowed to be rabbis, and have to sit separately.
That really is not true.
First of all, Islam is based on Judaism, and the exact same old Testament.
The only difference is that it was a reformed version, that gave women the improvements having a soul, being able to testify, divorce, inherit, etc.

Nazism is a coalition of the military, aristocracy, and capitalists.
Which is nothing at all like Islam.

The Turkish government that committed the Armenian genocide was not Arab and not originally Muslim.
They invaded the Mideast around 1500 and adopted Islam in name only. They were never very religious and still are not.
Hitler has no Islamic allies except Croatia, with is a very tiny part of the larger Yugoslavia.

Islam is dogmatic but there is no similarity between liberalism and Nazism, and Islam is absolutely clear that there should be no domination, violence can only be in defense, there are other valid religions, and there can be no coercion over religion.
Islam is not based on Judaism at all. The Koran is not accurate about a single Old Testament story. In Fact, not only did they rewrite them and use the Liberal Sin of Revisionism, they also completely IGNORE all the Covenants of The OLD Testament, and IGNORE even The 10 Commandments.

Islam is a Fraud, and it's my belief that all Muslims will end up in Hell for following Islam. There will be many Arabs in heaven, but they will be followers of Christ.

There will be NO Muslims in Heaven. They break God's laws daily.

allah is not the same as Jehovah.

allah is Lucifer, the Great Deceiver.

Islam is Satanism and Nazism combined, and is a SICK Morally Depraved and Degenerate Belief System.

The Koran should be used for toilet paper or to light fires.
-------------------- actually , 'islam' as the youngest religion' of the 3 is just a 'copycat' religion copying certain words , concepts and names from Christianity and Judaism , It does this to add a fake air of legitimacy to 'islam' .
I have read the Koran, and they did a POOR JOB of Copying. They intentionally pervert even the most basic Old Testament stories.
And the best litmus test of their FAKE Religion is to ask any MUSLIM if they Honor The Abrahamic Covenant. They don't even respect The Ten Commandments.

It is the Old Testament stories that are fake or sick.
Most of the Old Testament was not written until hundreds of years later, and are made up.
I mean really, do you actually believe someone turned into a pillar of salt?

But it is easy to prove Muslims always upheld the Abrahamic Convenant.
Just look at all the Jewish Viziers hired by Muslims to rule and administer for them.
No where is that more apparent than the Iberian Peninsula.
And it was the Christians who murdered all the Jews in Spain after they took over, not the Muslim Moors.
It is the Christians who conduct the inquisitions of torture and murder, the Conquistadors, etc., not Muslims.
You Mean The Roman Catholic Church which is Equally Evil and like Islam is a Completely Perverted interpretation of God's Word.
The Roman Catholic Church is nothing but The Roman Empire's Pantheistic Religion covered in a Veneer of Faux Christianity and it was The Roman Catholic Church like all Fake Religions like Islam & Nazism that committed atrocities.

That does not excuse Vile Islam or Vile Nazism from their Genocidal Rampages.

There is nothing Honorable about Islam, other than on Judgment Day, The World will be rid of Millions of Evil Muslims when the Great Judge casts them all in to Hell with The False Prophet and ANTI-CHRIST.
Divide...divide... divide, Comrade.
Islam is not based on Judaism at all. The Koran is not accurate about a single Old Testament story. In Fact, not only did they rewrite them and use the Liberal Sin of Revisionism, they also completely IGNORE all the Covenants of The OLD Testament, and IGNORE even The 10 Commandments.

Islam is a Fraud, and it's my belief that all Muslims will end up in Hell for following Islam. There will be many Arabs in heaven, but they will be followers of Christ.

There will be NO Muslims in Heaven. They break God's laws daily.

allah is not the same as Jehovah.

allah is Lucifer, the Great Deceiver.

Islam is Satanism and Nazism combined, and is a SICK Morally Depraved and Degenerate Belief System.

The Koran should be used for toilet paper or to light fires.
-------------------- actually , 'islam' as the youngest religion' of the 3 is just a 'copycat' religion copying certain words , concepts and names from Christianity and Judaism , It does this to add a fake air of legitimacy to 'islam' .
I have read the Koran, and they did a POOR JOB of Copying. They intentionally pervert even the most basic Old Testament stories.
And the best litmus test of their FAKE Religion is to ask any MUSLIM if they Honor The Abrahamic Covenant. They don't even respect The Ten Commandments.

It is the Old Testament stories that are fake or sick.
Most of the Old Testament was not written until hundreds of years later, and are made up.
I mean really, do you actually believe someone turned into a pillar of salt?

But it is easy to prove Muslims always upheld the Abrahamic Convenant.
Just look at all the Jewish Viziers hired by Muslims to rule and administer for them.
No where is that more apparent than the Iberian Peninsula.
And it was the Christians who murdered all the Jews in Spain after they took over, not the Muslim Moors.
It is the Christians who conduct the inquisitions of torture and murder, the Conquistadors, etc., not Muslims.
You Mean The Roman Catholic Church which is Equally Evil and like Islam is a Completely Perverted interpretation of God's Word.
The Roman Catholic Church is nothing but The Roman Empire's Pantheistic Religion covered in a Veneer of Faux Christianity and it was The Roman Catholic Church like all Fake Religions like Islam & Nazism that committed atrocities.

That does not excuse Vile Islam or Vile Nazism from their Genocidal Rampages.

There is nothing Honorable about Islam, other than on Judgment Day, The World will be rid of Millions of Evil Muslims when the Great Judge casts them all in to Hell with The False Prophet and ANTI-CHRIST.

If you are throwing away Judaism, Catholics, and Muslims, then what is left?
It is just Protestants you think have it right?
What about all the TV Evangelists then?
He's supportive of the Russian Orthodox Church like his boss, Putin.
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc


Can you show me one photo of "Osama" when he lived in SAUDI ARABIA, as is the official line???

If you can't then explain who is talking to Zbigniew in these photos circa 1980....

View attachment 268639

We covered this already. That man looks nothing like Osama bin Laden, who was 6'5".
And that uniform I believe is one of the Army of India.
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