No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc

You know what, let's throw out the Jews too. And the Eye-talians. And the Micks. And Bohunks, and Dwarfs, and Limeys and Hungarians. Catholics? Gotta go. Injuns? Send 'em back where they came from. Chinee, Japs, Canooks, all yesterday. Germans, ship 'em out.

Seen this movie before. Wait'll you see how it ends.

Why were the Jews mentioned first in your farcical tirade, Pigo? Please explain you antisemitic terrible person.
I only WISH I could take credit for it but even I'm not old enough to do that.

Fallacy of Composition


"Hitler was a Catholic. Hitler killed Jews. Therefore ALL Catholics kill Jews".

"Hitler loved dogs. Hitler killed Jews. Therefore ALL dog lovers kill Jews".

"9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia. Many people in Saudi Araba are Mooooooslim. Therefore ALL Moooooooslims fly planes into buildings".

"Republicans don't think Moooooooooooooooooooslims should be allowed to hold public office".
Easy to refute, One word >> KORAN.
all America's allies want the US to take on China because they know we're the only ones that can.

that's the real threat, not Mumslims
There are a number of different threats. Islam is ALWAYS a threat, and isn't going away, unless it make it do that.
Islam is not a religion. Even early Islamic Scholars claimed that.

Islam was the precursor to Nazism. Hitler in fact based a lot of Nazi Ideology from Islam.

Hitler based his Holocaust off of the Islamic Armenian Genocide of 2 million Christians and Jews in Armenia.

Hitler even had Islamic allies that he consulted with and who helped him create his Genocide Machinery.

Islam is nothing but a Dogmatic Political Philosophy much like Liberalism or Nazism.

The Goal is to dominate at all costs.

And that includes Genocide, or mounting a COUP and Shredding a Democracy's Constitution.

-------------------- actually , 'islam' as the youngest religion' of the 3 is just a 'copycat' religion copying certain words , concepts and names from Christianity and Judaism , It does this to add a fake air of legitimacy to 'islam' .
I have read the Koran, and they did a POOR JOB of Copying. They intentionally pervert even the most basic Old Testament stories.
And the best litmus test of their FAKE Religion is to ask any MUSLIM if they Honor The Abrahamic Covenant. They don't even respect The Ten Commandments.

It is the Old Testament stories that are fake or sick.
Most of the Old Testament was not written until hundreds of years later, and are made up.
I mean really, do you actually believe someone turned into a pillar of salt?

But it is easy to prove Muslims always upheld the Abrahamic Convenant.
Just look at all the Jewish Viziers hired by Muslims to rule and administer for them.
No where is that more apparent than the Iberian Peninsula.
And it was the Christians who murdered all the Jews in Spain after they took over, not the Muslim Moors.
It is the Christians who conduct the inquisitions of torture and murder, the Conquistadors, etc., not Muslims.
You Mean The Roman Catholic Church which is Equally Evil and like Islam is a Completely Perverted interpretation of God's Word.
The Roman Catholic Church is nothing but The Roman Empire's Pantheistic Religion covered in a Veneer of Faux Christianity and it was The Roman Catholic Church like all Fake Religions like Islam & Nazism that committed atrocities.

That does not excuse Vile Islam or Vile Nazism from their Genocidal Rampages.

There is nothing Honorable about Islam, other than on Judgment Day, The World will be rid of Millions of Evil Muslims when the Great Judge casts them all in to Hell with The False Prophet and ANTI-CHRIST.

If you are throwing away Judaism, Catholics, and Muslims, then what is left?
It is just Protestants you think have it right?
What about all the TV Evangelists then?
He's supportive of the Russian Orthodox Church like his boss, Putin.
--------------------------------- Russian Orthodox / Greek Orthodox are fine as far as I know . They are one and the same and are Christian . I like the Old Believers Branch that I have read about and ave met a few of them Bode .
This is a radical position to hold. We have freedom of religion in this country and no laws or constitutional backing for excluding any religion from our country or our public offices. You will never get such a selfish, bigoted, and evil position passed into law.
HA HA. It HAS BEEN THE LAW for over 200 years. Not radical at all.

You should read the thread before posting, Your moronic post here has been squashed into nothing 100 times in this thread. I'm not going to explain it yet again. Read the thread you lazy bum.
That really is not true.
First of all, Islam is based on Judaism, and the exact same old Testament.
The only difference is that it was a reformed version, that gave women the improvements having a soul, being able to testify, divorce, inherit, etc.

Nazism is a coalition of the military, aristocracy, and capitalists.
Which is nothing at all like Islam.

The Turkish government that committed the Armenian genocide was not Arab and not originally Muslim.
They invaded the Mideast around 1500 and adopted Islam in name only. They were never very religious and still are not.
Hitler has no Islamic allies except Croatia, with is a very tiny part of the larger Yugoslavia.

Islam is dogmatic but there is no similarity between liberalism and Nazism, and Islam is absolutely clear that there should be no domination, violence can only be in defense, there are other valid religions, and there can be no coercion over religion.
This post is about 95% WRONG, - explanation is all throughout the thread.
Not a good gardener.
A good gardener will just plant a mixture that repels pests.
You do not use poisons or extreme methods because that causes imbalance and side effects.
Compost can be used to smother weeds once the plants you want are large enough.

Muslims essentially have the exact same goals, so are not a problem.
In fact, if there is a problem with Islam, it is that they are a little too strict and not indulgent enough for my tastes.
You know NOTHING about Islam.
You know what, let's throw out the Jews too. And the Eye-talians. And the Micks. And Bohunks, and Dwarfs, and Limeys and Hungarians. Catholics? Gotta go. Injuns? Send 'em back where they came from. Chinee, Japs, Canooks, all yesterday. Germans, ship 'em out.
gotta tell ya bro, I heard ^that^ many many times in my life, and each and every time, bar none, it was a liberal saying it.

That's impossible, since the very essence of Liberalism is "all men are created equal". But you knew that.

Dear Pogo
It would HELP to make a historical distinction here between
* Classic Liberalism (John Locke's school, based on belief in limited govt as the purpose of Constitutional laws as an agreement between people and govt)
* Radical Liberalism (Rousseau's school, based on belief that central govt authority is used to establish the common will FOR the people)

The Liberals today come from Rousseau's branch.

The Conservatives today come from Locke's approach.

These beliefs are as different and as engrained in some people's thinking INNATELY as the difference between identifying as THEIST/CHRISTIAN or as NONTHEIST/NONCHRISTIAN.

Since our Govt is not supposed to compel people to change their beliefs, or impose penalty or discrimination on the basis of CREED, it makes more sense to me to base laws/govt on policies where both sides AGREE those are within lawful authority of govt.

That way we ensure that people of EITHER school of thought or political beliefs are represented equally.

We shouldn't reject or punish people by denying them representation just because our creeds or beliefs are different or in conflict.

That's not a crime to have conflicting ideologies.

What is violating people's equal rights to consent and representation is IMPOSING one side's creed by establishing that through govt AGAINST the free will, consent and beliefs of other citizens who haven't committed crimes or abuses to WARRANT losing equal liberty.

That's what we should address.

Not competing to silence others because of conflicting beliefs. Rather, we should work around these diverse beliefs to craft reforms that PREVENT imposing on anyone by beliefs in violation of Constitutional laws and Civil Rights protecting all people equally regardless of creeds.
The closest thing to Nazis in the world are republicans, who believe in the same coalition of military, aristocracy, and capitalists, to rule over those they claim are inferior.

There are very few Muslims in the US, but Catholicism is very similar.
In fact, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all very similar Abrahamic religions, which all share the same Old Testament.
I'm getting the feeling that YOU are a Muslim Islamist, and you are propagandizing right here.
-------------------- actually , 'islam' as the youngest religion' of the 3 is just a 'copycat' religion copying certain words , concepts and names from Christianity and Judaism , It does this to add a fake air of legitimacy to 'islam' .
Islam is not a religion. It only masquerades as one.
as i said , 'mo' copying earlier Christian and Jewish Writings , names and concepts to add legitimacy to 'islam' and called it holy koran. 'koran' is the newest 'bs' from 'mo' for and to 'islam' . 'islam' is only 1400 years old [about] and is a War Cry against Christianity , Judaism and other religions Rigby .

If Mohammad was against Judism, the how come almost all the troops supporting Mohammad were the 11 tribes of Judaism?
They seemed think Mohammad has it right at the time?
Look up the battles around Medina and Mecca.
Mohammad was commanding Jewish troops who had volunteered.
----------------------------------- that was THEN but importation of muslims into Western World is NOW . And i can't speak about THEN . You may be talking 'taqiyah' for all i know Rigby . My only comment was that 'islam' is a false copycat of Christian and Jewish names and ideas that add legitimacy and concepts that is only 1400 hundred years old Rigby . The copying of the names , ideas and concepts adds legitimacy to 'mo's' 'BS' and some faulty thinkers are hood winked by the 'korans' BS Rigby .

So Islam is 600 years newer than Christianity?
It certainly is a whole lot better than Judaism, where women are not considered to have souls.
Its not false because it is a reformation that is better.
Protestant religions are newer still, and that makes them better because more has been fixed.

you imam said that in jewish thought women have no souls?------what else did he tell you?

I am Jewish and anyone reading the Talmud or any religious books learns right away that according to Judaism, women do not have souls.
That is why women are not allowed to be rabbis, and have to sit separately.
----------------------------- even if so that women have no souls , so what , its different strokes for different folks and Jews are not violent and doing 'jihad' , jizyah and forced conversion or death or taxes as part of their Jewish Religion . JEW's are fine people and fine Marksmen and adept at taking knee shots on violent muslim ' pali ' rioters and kicking 'muslim' armies zzez in WAR Rigby
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You are a stone cold Liar. Islam is PURE unbridled Hatred. The Koran commands that Muslims engage in Jihad and Enslave or Behead Christians and Jews.

I can see why you as a Left Tard DemNazi would support such a SICK IDEOLOGY.
He's a Muslim and an Islamist/Jihadist. He's coming across quite clearly.

As for "LIAR", sure. All Muslims are. Lying (Taqiyya) is acceptable in Islam.
There must be no law exclusively in favour of or exclusively against any religion.

However there must be equality in enforcing legitimate laws regardless of the religion of those who break them.
The closest thing to Nazis in the world are republicans, who believe in the same coalition of military, aristocracy, and capitalists, to rule over those they claim are inferior.

There are very few Muslims in the US, but Catholicism is very similar.
In fact, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all very similar Abrahamic religions, which all share the same Old Testament.
I'm getting the feeling that YOU are a Muslim Islamist, and you are propagandizing right here.
----------------------------------------- of course that's true Protectionist .
What is it you think Muslims do that violate God's laws?

Cover to cover in the Koran (and this spelling is just as correct as Quran)

Murder (8:12....9:5.....9:123)

wife-beating (Koran 4:34),

rape (4:24),

severe discrimination against women (4:11, 2:282, 2:228, many others),

(5:33, 7:124),

slavery (33:50, 23:5-6, 4:24, 24:32)

pedophilia (65:4)

and many more >>>>>>>>> And not only God's law, but US law as well.
There was a guy in Germany in the 1930s who had same views you have about Jews, Gays and Gypsies... He could be your mentor...
Boy are you ever mixed up. The ones who have the same views as Hitler (about Jews, Gays, and Gypsies are Muslims.
as i said , 'mo' copying earlier Christian and Jewish Writings , names and concepts to add legitimacy to 'islam' and called it holy koran. 'koran' is the newest 'bs' from 'mo' for and to 'islam' . 'islam' is only 1400 years old [about] and is a War Cry against Christianity , Judaism and other religions Rigby .

If Mohammad was against Judism, the how come almost all the troops supporting Mohammad were the 11 tribes of Judaism?
They seemed think Mohammad has it right at the time?
Look up the battles around Medina and Mecca.
Mohammad was commanding Jewish troops who had volunteered.
----------------------------------- that was THEN but importation of muslims into Western World is NOW . And i can't speak about THEN . You may be talking 'taqiyah' for all i know Rigby . My only comment was that 'islam' is a false copycat of Christian and Jewish names and ideas that add legitimacy and concepts that is only 1400 hundred years old Rigby . The copying of the names , ideas and concepts adds legitimacy to 'mo's' 'BS' and some faulty thinkers are hood winked by the 'korans' BS Rigby .

So Islam is 600 years newer than Christianity?
It certainly is a whole lot better than Judaism, where women are not considered to have souls.
Its not false because it is a reformation that is better.
Protestant religions are newer still, and that makes them better because more has been fixed.

you imam said that in jewish thought women have no souls?------what else did he tell you?
------------------------------------ is that TRUE , not that I care but as a question , do JEW'S believe that women have NO Souls Rosie ??
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