No, Not Political at All


I'd still like to see the next frame from a second later, when his face blows up.
Nope. It's your ass-sertion, ergo YOUR burden.

So once again....

---- link?
A LINK proves the NRA aren't out gunning down children? Usless slug.

Ah good. The Troll Dance. Haven't seen this one in --- must be several minutes now. That's because I got up to eat.

In this one the Troll dances around his own claim that "those who vote Hillary and Obama" --- are killing children. Like my mother. And yet somehow there seems to be no evidence that "Those who vote Hillary and Obama" are or were doing any such thing. So the Troll runs away and hides behind the NRA verse he himself posted................................ which also has no link. Now the Troll demands somebody else disprove some shit he just posted himself with no evidence for its own existence.

Can't make this place up.
Unless I see Links from either of your claims, I'll consider you BOTH trolls.

Does he have a link that folks that vote for Hillary and Obama kill children?

Do you have a link that folks who support the NRA kill children?

I doubt either of you have a link. If so post them or quit trolling.

Once AGAIN --- I never made any such claim about NRA. The OP did that. And gave no link for either one. Me, I make no assertions unless I'm prepared to back 'em up. The OP ..... not so much.

This ain't rocket surgery. Look to the column on the left and it tells you who wrote it. Shouldn't need stick figure diagrams.
Ahh. . . from your posts I thought you supported the kids making fools of themselves out there and I was under the impression you thought their chant was a good one. .

My mistake.

I rarely go that way. Most of the time I attack illogic.

In this case I pounced on an ass-ertion the OP made about, laughingly, "those who vote Hillary and O'bama". Then I pointed out that he also had no source for his NRA chant, while he simultaneously demands somebody else should defend what he himself posted.

I find those paths of pseudo-reasoning far more hilarious than the points themselves.
Then I pointed out that he also had no source for his NRA chant
Can you even READ?
The chant is the student's, who said they cannot be attacked because it's NOT political.

Libs ars simply incapable of logic. We'd have better luck explaining things to a puppy eating turtle.
Then I pointed out that he also had no source for his NRA chant
Can you even READ?
The chant is the student's, who said they cannot be attacked because I NOT political.

Libs ars simply incapable of logic. We'd have better luck explaining things to a puppy eating turtle.

"Read"? You want to "read" now?

Roll tape.

Listening to local radio, I heard the little skulls full of mush chanting....

"Hey, hey NRA,
How many children have you killed today."

Are they "NON-POLITICAL" in your area?

Where the fuck do you see any link in there, shitferbrains?

And to double down on Duh Stupid, where the fuck does it say anything about where anyone "cannot be attacked because I not political", whatever that means?
This man understands what contributes to it, not the nra-

Father of injured victim suing to remove prosecutors that signed Promise pledge from Cruz case-
Motions to disqualify attorneys in Cruz case
More info

The Broward Sheriff’s Office Union continues to push for change in Broward County’s PROMISE Program following last month’s mass shooting in Parkland -- even though for the most part, the Sheriff's Office itself and Broward County Schools are keeping mum on the controversial program some say results in "see something, say little or nothing."

Lawyers for the parents of two injured students, both 15, have sent letters of intent to file lawsuits against the agencies.

The PROMISE program was praised by the Obama administration and the Broward school district was awarded $54 million in grants from the $4 billion 'Race to the Top' initiative.

On Feb. 28 Sunshine State News reported possible ways the school system's PROMISE Program, and the aims behind it, may have stopped confessed shooter Nikolas Cruz from being arrested well before he killed 14 students and three teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School -- despite numerous allegations of criminal behavior. The PROMISE Program’s goal is to reduce the number of students arrested for minor infractions. But the pursuit of that goal may have stopped Cruz from entering the criminal justice system before carrying out the massacre on Valentine’s Day.

Progressive PROMISE Program Still at Issue in the Making of Parkland Tragedy

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