NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?

Kim finally realized Trump isn't a pushover like Obungo. Trump walked away, not Kim. Kim needs a deal more than the USA does.
That's a good spin, but it isn't true.
Ok, tell us why it isn't true.
Kim got what he wanted, legitimacy, a photo op, still no joint war games, and so on.

What did tRump get?

Nada, that's what tRump got. Just like last time.

As far as who needs the deal worse? tRump does. Not the US, tRump. For NK it's just business as usual, maintaining the status quo. For tRump that was a failure. No Nobel for him.
Disagree. Kim's people are starving and the pressure is on Kim to keep his job or suffer a revolt.
Kim does not care if people are starving. Neither did his father

Kim wants to stay in power. Keeping a nuclear threat gives him a stick
If the pressure wasn't on Kim, he wouldn't be there.
Trump played hardball with the little dictator. Refused to remove sanctions with nothing in return, He did the right thing and the libs are celebrating the fact that we remain under a nuclear threat.

Kim knows that we could wipe his country from the face of the earth in 30 minutes, but his desire to remain in power is the only thing that matters to him. Bringing NK into the 21st century might threaten his hold on the reigns of power, so no deal.
We elected Trump in part because his business experience made him a master Dealmaker. He had skills and tactics that Politicians and world leaders had never seen before

After two years, it seems Trump has a limited number of tools in his toolbox

Offer money and then storm out of the meeting if they don’t take your offer

Democrats and now Kim just laugh at him

You sure are funny.

Trump is a businessman. He knows the art of the deal and when to walk away.

Oh he and the troll will be back and you can bet your stupid ass Trump will walk away until he gets what he wants.

He's a much better deal maker than you will ever be.
He is a businessman. And his limited diplomatic skills have been highlighted in his last two meetings with Kim

Oh you mean where he actually got the troll to the negotiating table??

You think you don't have to be a diplomate to make a business deal?? Shows how little you know.

All deal makers are diplomates. You sure aren't very smart.
So, Kim is now going to be known as the guy who not only managed to get the President of the USA to recognize Vietnam as a world stage player, but, more importantly, made a fool out of the US president by luring him in to talks in which he had absolutely no intention of conceding anything. My best guess is that China will now feel empowered to be the second country to slam the door in Trump's face. N. Korea was nothing but a rouge nation on the verge of bankruptcy and total economic collapse 2 years ago. It is now the country that has marginalized the president of the US to the level of Dennis Rodman.

Any way you spin it......It was awkward diplomacy

Going all that distance without having the framework of an agreement in place was inept
Trump trusts his ability to make a deal on the fly and was offered nothing
He didnt fail.
Walking away when you cant negotiate is standing tall.
You just wanted him to fail so you are acting out.
Bet you were proud when Barry sucked off the iranian ayatollah. Werent ya faggot?

The great deal maker only succeeded in putting. Kim on the world stage. And showing he is a Dictator Lover...
NK has been front and center for decades. Dont give me that bullshit.
Would him giving kim everything he wanted been winning in your mind?
Trump could drown saving a baby from a raging river and all you hacks would do is make fun of his fatass for not swimming good enough.
Partisanship is a disease
I remember when Reagan told Gorbachev to pound sand and walked away in Reykjavik, and the moonbats thought nookular war was just around the bend.
Trump played hardball with the little dictator. Refused to remove sanctions with nothing in return, He did the right thing and the libs are celebrating the fact that we remain under a nuclear threat.

Kim knows that we could wipe his country from the face of the earth in 30 minutes, but his desire to remain in power is the only thing that matters to him. Bringing NK into the 21st century might threaten his hold on the reigns of power, so no deal.
We elected Trump in part because his business experience made him a master Dealmaker. He had skills and tactics that Politicians and world leaders had never seen before

After two years, it seems Trump has a limited number of tools in his toolbox

Offer money and then storm out of the meeting if they don’t take your offer

Democrats and now Kim just laugh at him

You sure are funny.

Trump is a businessman. He knows the art of the deal and when to walk away.

Oh he and the troll will be back and you can bet your stupid ass Trump will walk away until he gets what he wants.

He's a much better deal maker than you will ever be.
He is a businessman. And his limited diplomatic skills have been highlighted in his last two meetings with Kim

Oh you mean where he actually got the troll to the negotiating table??

You think you don't have to be a diplomate to make a business deal?? Shows how little you know.

All deal makers are diplomates. You sure aren't very smart.
He didn’t get the Troll to the bargaining table.
He showered praise on Kim, said what a great leader he is, sold out the family of Otto Warmbier

Got nothing for it
That's a good spin, but it isn't true.
Ok, tell us why it isn't true.
Kim got what he wanted, legitimacy, a photo op, still no joint war games, and so on.

What did tRump get?

Nada, that's what tRump got. Just like last time.

As far as who needs the deal worse? tRump does. Not the US, tRump. For NK it's just business as usual, maintaining the status quo. For tRump that was a failure. No Nobel for him.
Disagree. Kim's people are starving and the pressure is on Kim to keep his job or suffer a revolt.
Kim does not care if people are starving. Neither did his father

Kim wants to stay in power. Keeping a nuclear threat gives him a stick
If the pressure wasn't on Kim, he wouldn't be there.
Kim made it clear that giving up his nukes was not on the table
Trump played hardball with the little dictator. Refused to remove sanctions with nothing in return, He did the right thing and the libs are celebrating the fact that we remain under a nuclear threat.

Kim knows that we could wipe his country from the face of the earth in 30 minutes, but his desire to remain in power is the only thing that matters to him. Bringing NK into the 21st century might threaten his hold on the reigns of power, so no deal.
We elected Trump in part because his business experience made him a master Dealmaker. He had skills and tactics that Politicians and world leaders had never seen before

After two years, it seems Trump has a limited number of tools in his toolbox

Offer money and then storm out of the meeting if they don’t take your offer

Democrats and now Kim just laugh at him

You sure are funny.

Trump is a businessman. He knows the art of the deal and when to walk away.

Oh he and the troll will be back and you can bet your stupid ass Trump will walk away until he gets what he wants.

He's a much better deal maker than you will ever be.
He is a businessman. And his limited diplomatic skills have been highlighted in his last two meetings with Kim

Oh you mean where he actually got the troll to the negotiating table??

You think you don't have to be a diplomate to make a business deal?? Shows how little you know.

All deal makers are diplomates. You sure aren't very smart.
He didn’t get the Troll to the bargaining table.
He showered praise on Kim, said what a great leader he is, sold out the family of Otto Warmbier

Got nothing for it

I suspect that Kim will celebrate the event by going home and executing a few top officials by anti-aircraft guns.
How many threads just like this will be started in the next 48 hours?

I'm betting a dozen, easy.

Somehow you snowflakes get your your MSM talking points and think you're going to be the 1st one to have this "epiphany" and never check to see if there's 10 more threads on the same subject. Why is that?
What's wrong with this thread that has you all flustered? I understand that NK refused to budge on the "get rid of all sanctions" position. If donnie walked on that....good on him.
WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim
I don't think you heard President Trump's press conference. He is confident that eventually, there will be peace and freedom from nukes in the area of North Korea in the near future. It's just that the promised reason for his being there was taken away after he arrived there. This is normal in diplomacy when averting a world war.

Please let the President do his job unimpeded by political and preplanned statements from DNC headquarters, using slams and hoaxes right and left against America by taking cheap shots at our President. Does the DNC want nuclear war with North Korea so it can bring down America with rabid socialism that will kill free enterprise?

Just keep it up and you'll be standing in line for bread, bananas, and beef, at least two of them will be unavailable at the same time under AOC's domination of the White House gotten with continual polling mischief in rearranging votes by "large numbers of game-changing votes" found in Democrat-controlled areas of Florida and other DNC-controlled states..
Ok, tell us why it isn't true.
Kim got what he wanted, legitimacy, a photo op, still no joint war games, and so on.

What did tRump get?

Nada, that's what tRump got. Just like last time.

As far as who needs the deal worse? tRump does. Not the US, tRump. For NK it's just business as usual, maintaining the status quo. For tRump that was a failure. No Nobel for him.
Disagree. Kim's people are starving and the pressure is on Kim to keep his job or suffer a revolt.
Kim does not care if people are starving. Neither did his father

Kim wants to stay in power. Keeping a nuclear threat gives him a stick
If the pressure wasn't on Kim, he wouldn't be there.
Kim made it clear that giving up his nukes was not on the table
Well, then he's going to have to get used to sanctions. Trump isn't going to give him anything without something. Trump isn't Obungo.
WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim
Lol, you would be bragging if Obama did the exact samething. So shut up.

Obama would never call Kim "talented or great gut"

trump is clueless...
Obama sucked Kim’s cock

Obama would NEVER call Kim talented or a Great Guy....your asshole did....


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

I think there is a false time line. I think he doesn’t want to end up getting beat down by a mob while they ran an AK47 up his ass. Remember, North Korea isn’t a state on the west coast of the US. It’s a country with their own views and goals.
Trump was not distracted by the Democrats Trump Derangement Syndrome clown show yesterday. He was focused on looking after America's interest.

Democrats are always assholes but yesterday's hatefest was one of the most despicable political acts I have ever seen in American policies. Shame on the Democrat shitheads.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing a Democrat controlled House. What the hell were you morons thinking? How did that work out for you in 2007 when the Democrats took over Congress and the economy tanked?

You are the one who has Trump Derangement Syndrome. You stupid comments show that. Trump was prepared to give away the store in his desperate bid to get a deal. Even the South Korean security advisor criticized the deal. I suspect it was leaked to stop it and hopefully it was stopped.

The hearing yesterday is something called oversight. The only thing that was despicable was Republicans like Jordan and Meadows. The hearing only confirmed what Americans think about Trump. He is dishonest and untrustworthy.

Are you really this dense you stupid Moon Bat?

Trump went to the meeting because the he had received signals that the NORKs were ready to sign a deal or at least make substantial progress.

In the meantime the NORKs got their Useful Idiot Democrat cohorts to run that clown show yesterday in the hopes of making Trump desperate to get a win.

However, Trump ain't no weak minded shithead like Clinton or Obama. He walked away from a bad deal. That took courage.

You idiot Moon Bats think that despicable Trump Derangement Syndrome shitshows like we saw yesterday will hurt Trump but the reality is it is showing America what assholes you dickheads really are.

The NORKS lost yesterday because the economic sanctions are still in place. They had a chance to change it.

The filthy TDS afflicted Democrats lost yesterday because once again America got to see what deranged mentally ill assholes they really are.

Trump won yesterday. He showed America that unlike cowards like Clinton and Obama he had the courage to walk away from a bad deal.
We elected Trump in part because his business experience made him a master Dealmaker. He had skills and tactics that Politicians and world leaders had never seen before

After two years, it seems Trump has a limited number of tools in his toolbox

Offer money and then storm out of the meeting if they don’t take your offer

Democrats and now Kim just laugh at him

You sure are funny.

Trump is a businessman. He knows the art of the deal and when to walk away.

Oh he and the troll will be back and you can bet your stupid ass Trump will walk away until he gets what he wants.

He's a much better deal maker than you will ever be.
He is a businessman. And his limited diplomatic skills have been highlighted in his last two meetings with Kim

Oh you mean where he actually got the troll to the negotiating table??

You think you don't have to be a diplomate to make a business deal?? Shows how little you know.

All deal makers are diplomates. You sure aren't very smart.
He didn’t get the Troll to the bargaining table.
He showered praise on Kim, said what a great leader he is, sold out the family of Otto Warmbier

Got nothing for it

I suspect that Kim will celebrate the event by going home and executing a few top officials by anti-aircraft guns.
Trump said they love each other and Kim sends him beautiful letters
Trump played hardball with the little dictator. Refused to remove sanctions with nothing in return, He did the right thing and the libs are celebrating the fact that we remain under a nuclear threat.

Kim knows that we could wipe his country from the face of the earth in 30 minutes, but his desire to remain in power is the only thing that matters to him. Bringing NK into the 21st century might threaten his hold on the reigns of power, so no deal.
We elected Trump in part because his business experience made him a master Dealmaker. He had skills and tactics that Politicians and world leaders had never seen before

After two years, it seems Trump has a limited number of tools in his toolbox

Offer money and then storm out of the meeting if they don’t take your offer

Democrats and now Kim just laugh at him

You sure are funny.

Trump is a businessman. He knows the art of the deal and when to walk away.

Oh he and the troll will be back and you can bet your stupid ass Trump will walk away until he gets what he wants.

He's a much better deal maker than you will ever be.
He is a businessman. And his limited diplomatic skills have been highlighted in his last two meetings with Kim

Oh you mean where he actually got the troll to the negotiating table??

You think you don't have to be a diplomate to make a business deal?? Shows how little you know.

All deal makers are diplomates. You sure aren't very smart.
He didn’t get the Troll to the bargaining table.
He showered praise on Kim, said what a great leader he is, sold out the family of Otto Warmbier

Got nothing for it

Oh so Kim went to Vietnam for praise?? He didn't go for a summit??

I doubt that. He and Trump talked. Trump didn't get a deal he wanted so he walked. Art of the deal.

I'm sure Trump wasn't aiming to get anything. Not now anyway. You can bet the two will be back for another summit.

Trump will continue to walk till he gets something he can live with. Art of the deal.
Trump was not distracted by the Democrats Trump Derangement Syndrome clown show yesterday. He was focused on looking after America's interest.

Democrats are always assholes but yesterday's hatefest was one of the most despicable political acts I have ever seen in American policies. Shame on the Democrat shitheads.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing a Democrat controlled House. What the hell were you morons thinking? How did that work out for you in 2007 when the Democrats took over Congress and the economy tanked?

You are the one who has Trump Derangement Syndrome. You stupid comments show that. Trump was prepared to give away the store in his desperate bid to get a deal. Even the South Korean security advisor criticized the deal. I suspect it was leaked to stop it and hopefully it was stopped.

The hearing yesterday is something called oversight. The only thing that was despicable was Republicans like Jordan and Meadows. The hearing only confirmed what Americans think about Trump. He is dishonest and untrustworthy.

Are you really this dense you stupid Moon Bat?

Trump went to the meeting because the he had received signals that the NORKs were ready to sign a deal or at least make substantial progress.

In the meantime the NORKs got their Useful Idiot Democrat cohorts to run that clown show yesterday in the hopes of making Trump desperate to get a win.

However, Trump ain't no weak minded shithead like Clinton or Obama. He walked away from a bad deal. That took courage.

You idiot Moon Bats think that despicable Trump Derangement Syndrome shitshows like we saw yesterday will hurt Trump but the reality is it is showing America what assholes you dickheads really are.

The NORKS lost yesterday because the economic sanctions are still in place. They had a chance to change it.

The filthy TDS afflicted Democrats lost yesterday because once again America got to see what deranged mentally ill assholes they really are.

Trump won yesterday. He showed America that unlike cowards like Clinton and Obama he had the courage to walk away from a bad deal.
Crash and burn for Trump

Highlighting his amateurish diplomacy
its a work in progress and i'm still fine even if 'the nork' fires missiles over 'guam' , 'hawaii' or 'japan' . Little i have heard is that sanctions are still in place , no rice is being delivered to the 'norks' and all is right in the world as my breakfast is being served .
Trump was not distracted by the Democrats Trump Derangement Syndrome clown show yesterday. He was focused on looking after America's interest.

Democrats are always assholes but yesterday's hatefest was one of the most despicable political acts I have ever seen in American policies. Shame on the Democrat shitheads.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing a Democrat controlled House. What the hell were you morons thinking? How did that work out for you in 2007 when the Democrats took over Congress and the economy tanked?

You are the one who has Trump Derangement Syndrome. You stupid comments show that. Trump was prepared to give away the store in his desperate bid to get a deal. Even the South Korean security advisor criticized the deal. I suspect it was leaked to stop it and hopefully it was stopped.

The hearing yesterday is something called oversight. The only thing that was despicable was Republicans like Jordan and Meadows. The hearing only confirmed what Americans think about Trump. He is dishonest and untrustworthy.

Are you really this dense you stupid Moon Bat?

Trump went to the meeting because the he had received signals that the NORKs were ready to sign a deal or at least make substantial progress.

In the meantime the NORKs got their Useful Idiot Democrat cohorts to run that clown show yesterday in the hopes of making Trump desperate to get a win.

However, Trump ain't no weak minded shithead like Clinton or Obama. He walked away from a bad deal. That took courage.

You idiot Moon Bats think that despicable Trump Derangement Syndrome shitshows like we saw yesterday will hurt Trump but the reality is it is showing America what assholes you dickheads really are.

The NORKS lost yesterday because the economic sanctions are still in place. They had a chance to change it.

The filthy TDS afflicted Democrats lost yesterday because once again America got to see what deranged mentally ill assholes they really are.

Trump won yesterday. He showed America that unlike cowards like Clinton and Obama he had the courage to walk away from a bad deal.
Crash and burn for Trump

Highlighting his amateurish diplomacy

Nah. Crash and burn is what we got with Barry and Kerry and Iran. Now that was a real crash and burn.
We elected Trump in part because his business experience made him a master Dealmaker. He had skills and tactics that Politicians and world leaders had never seen before

After two years, it seems Trump has a limited number of tools in his toolbox

Offer money and then storm out of the meeting if they don’t take your offer

Democrats and now Kim just laugh at him

You sure are funny.

Trump is a businessman. He knows the art of the deal and when to walk away.

Oh he and the troll will be back and you can bet your stupid ass Trump will walk away until he gets what he wants.

He's a much better deal maker than you will ever be.
He is a businessman. And his limited diplomatic skills have been highlighted in his last two meetings with Kim

Oh you mean where he actually got the troll to the negotiating table??

You think you don't have to be a diplomate to make a business deal?? Shows how little you know.

All deal makers are diplomates. You sure aren't very smart.
He didn’t get the Troll to the bargaining table.
He showered praise on Kim, said what a great leader he is, sold out the family of Otto Warmbier

Got nothing for it

Oh so Kim went to Vietnam for praise?? He didn't go for a summit??

I doubt that. He and Trump talked. Trump didn't get a deal he wanted so he walked. Art of the deal.

I'm sure Trump wasn't aiming to get anything. Not now anyway. You can bet the two will be back for another summit.

Trump will continue to walk till he gets something he can live with. Art of the deal.

Trump is proving to be a one trick pony. Give him his way or he walks out

Didn’t work with Pelosi and Schumer on the wall......didn’t work with Kim

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