No one believes a President Romney won't help move jobs to China.

You guys gotta do me a favor. I had my landlord here and I was showing him this thread. He was surprised to learn that Obama had won so many cases at the WTO. I showed him their site and the cases they handled. He doesn't use the Internet and was surprised all that information was available and on the net. Then I showed him your comments. See, he's a Republican. He said he didn't believe you guys were Republicans because of your comments.

Please make a post and say you are a Republican so I can show him the type of people that make up his party. If you want to throw in a "man child" or "boi king" or something else racist, that would be great. He doesn't believe Republicans say those things.

yea my landlord is a Democrat.....last week i showed him your threads and his response? come the other Democrats here dont tell this guy to shut the fuck up?.....he is making us look real bad.....the guy is kinda obsessed with Republicans aint he?.....makes us look like fucking lunatics.....he said your not a Democrat Dean....Democrats dont spin things like you do.....

I'm telling the truth. You lie. That's probably the main difference between us.

But it's OK. Your post is enough evidence.
Come on people. Be serious.

Mitt Romney has millions invested in China. He is a pioneer of outsourcing.

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

He wants to bring immigrants with degrees here to start businesses.

He wants to cut Police, Firemen and Teachers in this country.

He wants to privatize FEMA.

Should Mr. Romney become president, however, the structure of the trust would most likely not meet the federal requirements for independent management. It is managed by a Boston-based law firm, Ropes & Gray, that has a long history of doing legal work for both Mr. Romney and Bain Capital, including representing some of the same Bain funds in which it invested Mr. Romney’s money.

Mr. Romney’s trustee, R. Bradford Malt, who is chairman of Ropes & Gray, declined to comment.

Chinese engineers, flown to Freeport for training on the equipment, described their salaries as a pittance compared with Freeport wages. Tom Gaulrapp, who has operated machines at the factory for 33 years, said he fears he will go bankrupt after he loses his job on Nov. 5.

“This goes to show the unbelievable hypocrisy of this man,” he said of Mr. Romney. “He talks about how we need to get tough on China and stop China from taking our jobs, and then he is making money off shipping our jobs there.”


Come on people. You know Romney is all about the dollar. Forget the "blind trust". That's a sham. No one makes hundreds of millions and then ignores the hundreds of millions they made. You would have to be an idiot to believe something so ridiculous.

Remember the money Bush and Cheney's friends made from "no bid" contracts after Katrina and in Iraq and Afghanistan? Billions. You think Mitt doesn't know that? This guy is going to squeeze more money out of this country than Bush did. He will ship more jobs to China than the millions lost under Bush, just to protect his millions already invested in China.

When he was talking about the 47%, it wasn't about blacks or Hispanics. It was about "money". Those that have and those that don't.

Mitt Romney is running for president because he understands the enormous potential for financial gain. You can't pretend otherwise. This guy will take this country for every cent it's worth. You all know it. It's his history. What he does. It's what he's always done. You don't really believe he will protect the US from China? Not really? You can't.

Only really dumb people believe Romney will protect American manufacturing from China for all the reasons listed above.
Come on people. Be serious.

Mitt Romney has millions invested in China. He is a pioneer of outsourcing.

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

He wants to bring immigrants with degrees here to start businesses.

He wants to cut Police, Firemen and Teachers in this country.

He wants to privatize FEMA.

As Romney Repeats Trade Message, Bain Maintains China Ties -

Should Mr. Romney become president, however, the structure of the trust would most likely not meet the federal requirements for independent management. It is managed by a Boston-based law firm, Ropes & Gray, that has a long history of doing legal work for both Mr. Romney and Bain Capital, including representing some of the same Bain funds in which it invested Mr. Romney’s money.

Mr. Romney’s trustee, R. Bradford Malt, who is chairman of Ropes & Gray, declined to comment.

Chinese engineers, flown to Freeport for training on the equipment, described their salaries as a pittance compared with Freeport wages. Tom Gaulrapp, who has operated machines at the factory for 33 years, said he fears he will go bankrupt after he loses his job on Nov. 5.

“This goes to show the unbelievable hypocrisy of this man,” he said of Mr. Romney. “He talks about how we need to get tough on China and stop China from taking our jobs, and then he is making money off shipping our jobs there.”


Come on people. You know Romney is all about the dollar. Forget the "blind trust". That's a sham. No one makes hundreds of millions and then ignores the hundreds of millions they made. You would have to be an idiot to believe something so ridiculous.

Remember the money Bush and Cheney's friends made from "no bid" contracts after Katrina and in Iraq and Afghanistan? Billions. You think Mitt doesn't know that? This guy is going to squeeze more money out of this country than Bush did. He will ship more jobs to China than the millions lost under Bush, just to protect his millions already invested in China.

When he was talking about the 47%, it wasn't about blacks or Hispanics. It was about "money". Those that have and those that don't.

Mitt Romney is running for president because he understands the enormous potential for financial gain. You can't pretend otherwise. This guy will take this country for every cent it's worth. You all know it. It's his history. What he does. It's what he's always done. You don't really believe he will protect the US from China? Not really? You can't.

Mitt Romney really scares you. :lol:
You guys gotta do me a favor. I had my landlord here and I was showing him this thread. He was surprised to learn that Obama had won so many cases at the WTO. I showed him their site and the cases they handled. He doesn't use the Internet and was surprised all that information was available and on the net. Then I showed him your comments. See, he's a Republican. He said he didn't believe you guys were Republicans because of your comments.

Please make a post and say you are a Republican so I can show him the type of people that make up his party. If you want to throw in a "man child" or "boi king" or something else racist, that would be great. He doesn't believe Republicans say those things.

yea my landlord is a Democrat.....last week i showed him your threads and his response? come the other Democrats here dont tell this guy to shut the fuck up?.....he is making us look real bad.....the guy is kinda obsessed with Republicans aint he?.....makes us look like fucking lunatics.....he said your not a Democrat Dean....Democrats dont spin things like you do.....

I'm telling the truth. You lie. That's probably the main difference between us.

But it's OK. Your post is enough evidence.
you know how i know your post is Bullshit? said you know a Republican.....someone who Despises Republicans like you do would have as little interaction with one as possible and would not let them come in and look at his PC....try again Dean......your post is just another Spun story from the Dean Files.....
Oh no. Once again I bitchslapped these ignorant right wingers. It's become so easy, it's boring.

I give specific cases and they say I overgeneralize. And not a single one can defend their candidate for President. Not one. Of course, they can't.

So they call names. And they say I ran away. I don't "run away". I wonder off looking for something more interesting than trying to teach people who WANT to stay ignorant. I feel bad for them. That's why I try to help them.

At least I don't try to give them "canned food".

You don't specific give speculation. He isn't president so you can't say for sure.

But you sound like you know something, when in fact you know nothing.

You do run away.

Show some proof instead of inferring it...moron.
Why is no one talking about the points in the OP's article and instead just resorting to personal attacks?
Why is no one talking about the points in the OP's article and instead just resorting to personal attacks?
when you get to know Dean you will find out why.....unless your a Far Left crazy ass like he is.....if this was a post by one of the less extreme Lefties would see a discussion of some sort just becomes a goof session....cant take him serious....

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