No one has interviewed Bruce Ohr from Mueller’s team or Sessions....why is that?

Look at how nipply and upset dems get because their CIA candidate released her own paperwork. Can you imagine if Trump did even 1% of what was done to him??
If they did........they might have to arrest themselves............they are kinda worried about that. LOL
It’s just ridiculous, isn’t it?

The Justice Department point of contact for Christopher Steele Dossier author, Christopher Steele?

“Hey, should we talk to our guy who was in contact with Steele?”

“No, we’re good. Let’s bankrupt General Flynn instead!”

Lol....they know the Dossier is a fairy tale.
At that time, none of the information above was known outside of the DOJ, FBI, and the DNC. Now that it is out in the open, we know the FISA court was lied to and evidence withheld from the court, there should be some major heads rolling. Rosenstine should be on administrative leave pending termination for his part in the signing off of one warrant application to the FISA court. Willful perjury and obstruction of justice.. Both termination offenses.
Saying the FISA court lied is what desperate people do.
The only people that make that claim prove they know nothing about how a FISA court operates.
It proves trumps propaganda is working on his cult followers.
Who said anything about the FISA court lying. FISA court was lied to.
If they did........they might have to arrest themselves............they are kinda worried about that. LOL
It’s just ridiculous, isn’t it?

The Justice Department point of contact for Christopher Steele Dossier author, Christopher Steele?

“Hey, should we talk to our guy who was in contact with Steele?”

“No, we’re good. Let’s bankrupt General Flynn instead!”

Lol....they know the Dossier is a fairy tale.
At that time, none of the information above was known outside of the DOJ, FBI, and the DNC. Now that it is out in the open, we know the FISA court was lied to and evidence withheld from the court, there should be some major heads rolling. Rosenstine should be on administrative leave pending termination for his part in the signing off of one warrant application to the FISA court. Willful perjury and obstruction of justice.. Both termination offenses.
Saying the FISA court lied is what desperate people do.
The only people that make that claim prove they know nothing about how a FISA court operates.
It proves trumps propaganda is working on his cult followers.
Who said anything about the FISA court lying. FISA court was lied to.

Why sint the judge that issued the warrant like SUPER pissed off?

Can't he pull the warrant and jail those who lied on the warrant application?
Lol: Bruce Ohr - A Trumptard's latest shiny object! :)

It would be an insult to the Ringling Brothers, PT Barnum, and Bailey from WKRP in Cincinnati to call this a circus.

This is a disgusting and offensive chapter in our nations history...but thank goodness these cockroaches have been exposed when Trump turned on the kitchen light.

Bruce Ohr named 'half a dozen' FBI, DOJ officials who knew about Trump dossier ties, GOP investigator says

They haven’t interviewed him because they don’t want to know what he has to say, it’s that simple.

“Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave lawmakers "a list of half a dozen" senior FBI and DOJ officials who knew about his interactions with people tied to the Trump dossier, according to a GOP congressman.”
Why don't you ask for full disclosure and demand that we, the people, get to hear and see the alleged classified, closed door hearing with Orh so we can see for ourselves and hear for ourselves what was asked of him, instead of these carefully selected LEAKS from all the Republicans in the hearing, to build the STORY they want you and I to believe.....? That's just partisan bull crap manipulation meant for the non thinkers.... boy oh boy, Hannity loves it though, and Ingrahm, and Judge Jeneane.... come on!!! :rolleyes:
It would be an insult to the Ringling Brothers, PT Barnum, and Bailey from WKRP in Cincinnati to call this a circus.

This is a disgusting and offensive chapter in our nations history...but thank goodness these cockroaches have been exposed when Trump turned on the kitchen light.

Bruce Ohr named 'half a dozen' FBI, DOJ officials who knew about Trump dossier ties, GOP investigator says

They haven’t interviewed him because they don’t want to know what he has to say, it’s that simple.

“Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave lawmakers "a list of half a dozen" senior FBI and DOJ officials who knew about his interactions with people tied to the Trump dossier, according to a GOP congressman.”
Why don't you ask for full disclosure and demand that we, the people, get to hear and see the alleged classified, closed door hearing with Orh so we can see for ourselves and hear for ourselves what was asked of him, instead of these carefully selected LEAKS from all the Republicans in the hearing, to build the STORY they want you and I to believe.....? That's just partisan bull crap manipulation meant for the non thinkers.... boy oh boy, Hannity loves it though, and Ingrahm, and Judge Jeneane.... come on!!! :rolleyes:
How about another special investigation. Having the full weight and power of the federal government with an unlimited budget check it out.

Better yet. A prosecutor not owned by tainted agents and DOJ.

Go to a real trial and let a jury decide.
If they did........they might have to arrest themselves............they are kinda worried about that. LOL
It’s just ridiculous, isn’t it?

The Justice Department point of contact for Christopher Steele Dossier author, Christopher Steele?

“Hey, should we talk to our guy who was in contact with Steele?”

“No, we’re good. Let’s bankrupt General Flynn instead!”

Lol....they know the Dossier is a fairy tale.
At that time, none of the information above was known outside of the DOJ, FBI, and the DNC. Now that it is out in the open, we know the FISA court was lied to and evidence withheld from the court, there should be some major heads rolling. Rosenstine should be on administrative leave pending termination for his part in the signing off of one warrant application to the FISA court. Willful perjury and obstruction of justice.. Both termination offenses.
Saying the FISA court lied is what desperate people do.
The only people that make that claim prove they know nothing about how a FISA court operates.
It proves trumps propaganda is working on his cult followers.
You moron...They lied TO the FISA court... Your reading comprehension sucks...
No Andrew Wiseman, Mueller's right hand man was implicated in criminal misconduct as Ohr was feeding the fabricated information to the Special Counsel. Ohr gave up 7 names of people who knew that Orh and his wife had serious conflicts and that the dossier was unfounded.

This is hilarious, High ranking officials in both the DOJ and FBI knew Steel was unreliable and not authorized to conduct business with him. YET THEY DID KNOWINGLY and with full disclosure took unreliable information and funneled it to Andrew Wiseman from Ohr. This is criminal misconduct! And then they went to a FISA courts and passed the information off as credible, all while hiding the origins from the court.

This whole Mueller affair is falling apart and the investigation is now fully wrapped in the fruit of the poisonous tree. Nothing now will survive this as Wiseman has his prints all over everything.
It would be an insult to the Ringling Brothers, PT Barnum, and Bailey from WKRP in Cincinnati to call this a circus.

This is a disgusting and offensive chapter in our nations history...but thank goodness these cockroaches have been exposed when Trump turned on the kitchen light.

Bruce Ohr named 'half a dozen' FBI, DOJ officials who knew about Trump dossier ties, GOP investigator says

They haven’t interviewed him because they don’t want to know what he has to say, it’s that simple.

“Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave lawmakers "a list of half a dozen" senior FBI and DOJ officials who knew about his interactions with people tied to the Trump dossier, according to a GOP congressman.”

GOP congressman, huh? The same lot that gave us the lovely 'secret society within the FBI' batshit?

Or that Google blocked searches on Jesus and Chick-fil-A.

Show me the evidence. Not another story from a 'GOP Congressman'.
This guy is America's leading expert on the Russian Mafia.

This is why Republicans are desperate to get rid of him.

I'm guessing on orders from Putin.

We know who the dog is. And it ain't Maxine.
Link? Who, what, where, when details please.

Fucking idiot. Can't back up a damn thing you claim or imagine.
It would be an insult to the Ringling Brothers, PT Barnum, and Bailey from WKRP in Cincinnati to call this a circus.

This is a disgusting and offensive chapter in our nations history...but thank goodness these cockroaches have been exposed when Trump turned on the kitchen light.

Bruce Ohr named 'half a dozen' FBI, DOJ officials who knew about Trump dossier ties, GOP investigator says

They haven’t interviewed him because they don’t want to know what he has to say, it’s that simple.

“Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave lawmakers "a list of half a dozen" senior FBI and DOJ officials who knew about his interactions with people tied to the Trump dossier, according to a GOP congressman.”
They haven't interviewed him because they are busy investigating actual criminal activities and have no time for silly republican conspiracy theories.


Sessions, too, huh?

Fascinating. No time to interview Ohr?

Maybe 100 lawyers on the Mueller staff isn’t enough if they are so overworked.

Well, the Trump Crime Syndicate is pretty sleazy...I'm sure the Mueller staff is having trouble keeping up with all of the felonies, scandals, etc...
Funny, liberals believe that Trump conspired with Russia to rig the 2016 POTUS election, but refused to believe that the DOJ and Obama conspired to spy on Trump.

Derp derp derp
It would be an insult to the Ringling Brothers, PT Barnum, and Bailey from WKRP in Cincinnati to call this a circus.

This is a disgusting and offensive chapter in our nations history...but thank goodness these cockroaches have been exposed when Trump turned on the kitchen light.

Bruce Ohr named 'half a dozen' FBI, DOJ officials who knew about Trump dossier ties, GOP investigator says

They haven’t interviewed him because they don’t want to know what he has to say, it’s that simple.

“Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave lawmakers "a list of half a dozen" senior FBI and DOJ officials who knew about his interactions with people tied to the Trump dossier, according to a GOP congressman.”
They haven't interviewed him because they are busy investigating actual criminal activities and have no time for silly republican conspiracy theories.


Sessions, too, huh?

Fascinating. No time to interview Ohr?

Maybe 100 lawyers on the Mueller staff isn’t enough if they are so overworked.

Well, the Trump Crime Syndicate is pretty sleazy...I'm sure the Mueller staff is having trouble keeping up with all of the felonies, scandals, etc...
And your proof of this fantasy is where?
It would be an insult to the Ringling Brothers, PT Barnum, and Bailey from WKRP in Cincinnati to call this a circus.

This is a disgusting and offensive chapter in our nations history...but thank goodness these cockroaches have been exposed when Trump turned on the kitchen light.

Bruce Ohr named 'half a dozen' FBI, DOJ officials who knew about Trump dossier ties, GOP investigator says

They haven’t interviewed him because they don’t want to know what he has to say, it’s that simple.

“Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave lawmakers "a list of half a dozen" senior FBI and DOJ officials who knew about his interactions with people tied to the Trump dossier, according to a GOP congressman.”
They haven't interviewed him because they are busy investigating actual criminal activities and have no time for silly republican conspiracy theories.


Sessions, too, huh?

Fascinating. No time to interview Ohr?

Maybe 100 lawyers on the Mueller staff isn’t enough if they are so overworked.

Well, the Trump Crime Syndicate is pretty sleazy...I'm sure the Mueller staff is having trouble keeping up with all of the felonies, scandals, etc...
And your proof of this fantasy is where?
Son, don't you know an opinion when you see one?

See, when a statement contains a phrase like "I'm sure", or "I think" you are just making yourself look stupid (more stupid than usual) when you ask for a link because the rest of us understood it was an individual opinion.
Considering new info that has come to light, it appears ohr did not need to be interviewed. No need to interview someone who has been reporting to the FBI and brifieng it on his activities for years.
Funny, liberals believe that Trump conspired with Russia to rig the 2016 POTUS election, but refused to believe that the DOJ and Obama conspired to spy on Trump.
Because the first is true, and the second is desperate Trump cultist fantasy. And it's not just liberals who know this. So, basically, every word of that garbage post was garbage on every level.

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