“No one in the Republican conference could have done a worse job”, negotiating the agreement than McCarthy did.

Everyone knows that Biden doesn't have to do shit and the republican will always be the bad guy as long as the mainstream media is in the back pocket of the democrat party.. Biden refused (was unable) to negotiate with McCarthy and some radical left congress people deflected attention from the president's mental condition by referring to republicans as terrorists.
If these republicans supported the Jan 6th
Uprising and more importantly still do
Then they are domestic terrorists.
The mid term election fail was proof of that.

I really think the majority of America is catching on to the fact that the Republicans have been a total failure and their policies are trash.

Republicans are responsible for the majority of the problems and debt in this country
That’s not it.

There’s a faction within the Republican party which thinks that all problems must be corrected in one wave a magic wand. They will not accept small victories. If they don’t get everything they want, they throw an angry tantrum.

Of course you’re too much of a hack to get that.
W ran up 6 trillion, O did almost 9 trillion, orange man did 6 trillion, the current occupier has added another 6 trillion with this new bill. I don't have a problem pointing out ANY of these idiots who run up the debt. You can't though.
Wrong, those figures don't compute with what is on record.
Republicans did pretty well considering that the democrat party and their minions in the media referred to them as terrorists. Granted it's impossible to give credit to Biden so the left does the best it can to turn an embarrassment for the president into an insult for the Speaker.
Everyone knows that Biden doesn't have to do shit and the republican will always be the bad guy as long as the mainstream media is in the back pocket of the democrat party.. Biden refused (was unable) to negotiate with McCarthy and some radical left congress people deflected attention from the president's mental condition by referring to republicans as terrorists.
What a silly screed by you. Biden handled McCarthy quite easily. He put the progs and the freedom caucus in their places (in the corner away from the adults). The bill will pass tonight in the House.
The mid term election fail was proof of that.

I really think the majority of America is catching on to the fact that the Republicans have been a total failure and their policies are trash.

Republicans are responsible for the majority of the problems and debt in this country
You dumbshit. The goddamn Democrats had a substantial margin but then lost seats in the House in two straight elections. Now the Republicans control the House. That is a fact that you fail to recognize.

Only inbreds like you would claim that the Democrats losing the House was some kind an achievement.

Of course you are the dumbshit that claimed Potatohead's $1.3 trillion deficit and that his now level of massive inflation are good things so you have lost any credibility that you think you had.

You are dumbest asshole that post on this forum and that is saying a lot with the other stupid uneducated Moon Bats that post on here.
And none of the crap you would have got would have had a chance in hell of passing the senate or getting signed into law by president Biden. We're NOT going to accept anymore cuts from you anti-American treasonous pieces of dog shit. That is a fact.
W ran up 6 trillion, O did almost 9 trillion, orange man did 6 trillion, the current occupier has added another 6 trillion with this new bill. I don't have a problem pointing out ANY of these idiots who run up the debt. You can't though.
Sure, I can. I am glad to see you being honest.

Yes, LBT, we have an economic problem that infects both problems.
In part because of the things trump did. And I'm not going into details you can look them up for yourself. royalexaminer.com Trump's Inflation.
Because you have none which realistically defends your goofy position.
Agreed, AR-15's should be illegal for civilians to own. That would definitely help stop the carnage in America.
IF that were true, why did the assault weapons ban in the past have no effect?

So you would ban the gun on the bottom? Why?

You mean when Trump cut funding to the pandemic response team...

Trump fucked up the COVID response...

Biden is running with near full employment and while inflation is high, that would be expected after the supply chain was screwed up under his predecessor's watch

All wrong, why not try dealing with the real world?

Published February 1, 2020
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'
By Joe McDonald, Sam McNeil | Associated Press
On Friday, the United States declared a public health emergency and President Donald Trump and an order barring entry to foreign nationals, other than immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents, who visited China within the last 14 days, which scientists say is the virus’s longest incubation period.

'Unfriendly comments'
China criticized the U.S. controls, which it said contradicted the WHO’s appeal to avoid travel bans, and “unfriendly comments” that Beijing was failing to cooperate.

“Just as the WHO recommended against travel restrictions, the U.S. rushed to go in the opposite way. Certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva that despite the emergency declaration, there is “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'

China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'


Democrat Response to Coronavirus: End Trump’s Travel Bans on China, Iran
JOHN BINDER 11 Mar 2020 2:58

House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.

While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.

Dems' Response to Coronavirus: End Trump's Travel Bans on China, Iran


Nolte: A Mere 8 Days Ago Joe Biden Was Still Attacking Trump’s Travel Bans
JOHN NOLTE 20 Mar 2020

A mere eight days ago, Joe Biden was still vocally opposing President Donald Trump’s travel bans from Europe, and even China, as racist. In other words, if Biden was the president, we can’t begin to imagine how much worse things would look in American today thanks to President Biden’s refusal to keep people out from the very same places where the Chinese coronavirus rages.



Nancy Pelosi visits San Francisco’s Chinatown to encourage people amid fears of coronavirus
by: Charles Clifford
Posted: Feb 24, 2020 / 05:57 PM PST / Updated: Feb 24, 2020 / 05:57 PM PST

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in San Francisco on Monday spending several hours visiting Chinatown to encourage people to visit the shops and restaurants there amid fears of the coronavirus.

Business in Chinatown has really slowed down over the last month, mainly due to concerns about the coronavirus.

Pelosi did a walking tour of the area starting in the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Shop.

She also visited several other businesses and talked to people.

Neighbors, including the owner of the cookie shop, who says the last month has been difficult.

“Business is slow. People don’t want to come, they are scared,” Kevin Chan said.

Pelosi also took this opportunity to encourage people to come back to Chinatown.

“You should come to Chinatown. Precautions have been taken by our city. We know there is concern about tourism throughout the world but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hopefully, others will come,” Pelosi said.

Nancy Pelosi visits San Francisco’s Chinatown to encourage people amid fears of coronavirus


WATCH: NYC Mayor de Blasio Gets Nailed for Telling New Yorkers to Ignore the Wuhan Coronavirus
Beth Baumann
Posted: Mar 29, 2020 1:35 PM

On Sunday, CNN's Jake Tapper put New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) on blast for telling New Yorkers not to worry about the Wuhan coronavirus. Tapper played four separate clips of de Blasio encouraging New Yorkers to go about their daily lives, even as recently as March 13th, less than two weeks ago.

"In retrospect, is that message, at least in part, to blame for how rapidly the virus has spread across the city?" Tapper asked.

De Blasio instantly deflected.

"You know, Jake, we should not be focusing, in my view, on anything looking back, on any level of government right now," the mayor explained. "This is just about how we save lives going forward. We are all working – everybody – is working with the information we had and trying, of course, to avoid panic.


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus


Nursing homes have ‘no right’ to reject coronavirus patients, Cuomo says
By Bernadette Hogan and Bruce Golding
April 23, 2020 | 5:04pm

New York’s nursing homes weren’t allowed to challenge a controversial order to admit patients with the coronavirus, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday — even though it’s been blamed for spreading the deadly disease among residents

“They don’t have a right to object. That is the rule and that is the regulation and they have to comply with that,” Cuomo said during his daily briefing in Albany.


New York’s true nursing home death toll cloaked in secrecy

New York’s coronavirus death toll in nursing homes, already among the highest in the nation, could actually be a significant undercount. Unlike every other state with major outbreaks, New York only counts residents who died on nursing home property and not those who were transported to hospitals and died there.

That statistic could add thousands to the state’s official care home death toll of just over 6,600. But so far the administration of Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo has refused to divulge the number, leading to speculation the state is manipulating the figures to make it appear it is doing better than other states and to make a tragic situation less dire.

“That’s a problem, bro,” state Sen. Gustavo Rivera, a Democrat, told New York Health Commissioner Howard Zucker during a legislative hearing on nursing homes earlier this month. “It seems, sir, that in this case you are choosing to define it differently so that you can look better.”


Remember when Biden said travel bans were “xenophobic?” He just instituted a travel ban on India.
Posted by: Pat Droney May 1, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC- Remember when President Trump implemented a travel ban last year and Biden accused him of “hysteria, xenophobia and fear-mongering?” Yeah, good times. Apparently Biden forgot…or he’s an abject hypocrite. Probably a little of both.

Didn't Biden say travel bans were "xenophobic?" So why did he just institute a travel ban on India?


Biden restricts travel from South Africa and seven other countries starting Monday
By Kaitlan Collins, CNN
Updated 9:10 PM ET, Fri November 26, 2021

(CNN)President Joe Biden announced Friday the US will restrict travel from South Africa and seven other countries starting Monday as a new coronavirus variant has emerged.

None of which excuses Trump's failed Covid policies.
What failed policies you idiot?

He put on a travel ban when the Democrat filth were calling him a racist for doing it. He mobilized Federal medical resources that weren't even needed. He got American Industry producing the right equipment to battle the Pandemic and he created Project Warpspeed that got a vaccine on the street as quickly as possible.

He did all that without shutting down the American economy.

He managed the Pandemic from a Federal level as best it could be. A lot better than these Democrat dipshits did on a state or local level.

If Crooked Hillary had won we would still be in a depression with the oppressive crap that stupid bitch would have imposed.
What failed policies you idiot?

He put on a travel ban when the Democrat filth were calling him a racist for doing it. He mobilized Federal medical resources that weren't even needed. He got American Industry producing the right equipment to battle the Pandemic and he created Project Warpspeed that got a vaccine on the street as quickly as possible.

He did all that without shutting down the American economy.

He managed the Pandemic from a Federal level as best it could be. A lot better than these Democrat dipshits did on a state or local level.

If Crooked Hillary had won we would still be in a depression with the oppressive crap that stupid bitch would have imposed.
None of that excuses that he failed. It took Biden to square away his screwed up mistakes. It is obvious that Dadoalex is your DADO!!
None of that excuses that he failed. It took Biden to square away his screwed up mistakes. It is obvious that Dadoalex is your DADO!!
More people died of the Covid after Potatohead stole the election than when Trump was President.

Potatohead fucked up Covid just like he fucked up everything else he has ever touched.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness. Go see a mental health specialists and get treatment then maybe you wouldn't be making such stupid uneducated posts.
What failed policies you idiot?

He put on a travel ban when the Democrat filth were calling him a racist for doing it. He mobilized Federal medical resources that weren't even needed. He got American Industry producing the right equipment to battle the Pandemic and he created Project Warpspeed that got a vaccine on the street as quickly as possible.

He did all that without shutting down the American economy.

He managed the Pandemic from a Federal level as best it could be. A lot better than these Democrat dipshits did on a state or local level.

If Crooked Hillary had won we would still be in a depression with the oppressive crap that stupid bitch would have imposed.
Trump had world record covid cases and deaths more than any other country.

The dumb fuck told everybody "covid is nothing" as it is rampaging through the country. Then it is revealed on tape that he tells Bob Woodward covid is extremely deadly and very bad at the same time.

The dumb fuck had maskless superspreader events as the US has record covid deaths, and Trump cries "we're rounding the curve" with record deaths.

Trump lost the election because he failed at covid and people didn't vote for him because of his failed covid response
What about an individual's rights, what about parental rights.
What about using question marks, you illiterate imbecile?
This is government overreach at the most severe level. Denying parents and youth their personal choice in personal matters.
Parents aren’t legally allowed to mutilate their children, retard (cue the circumcision programmed response).
Again, elections have consequences.
Stop being such a fucking Karen.

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