No one is going to take your guns

Notice how the far left always uses horrible events like this to push to take away the guns.

Yes, when someone does something horrible WITH A GUN, it's a good time to question whether people should HAVE GUNS.

What happens, Joe, though when the entire United States population is disarmed, and a powerful leader (in maybe 25-50 years times) uses brutal force as a means to control the population? How would we possibly resist? And if you want to call me crazy for suggesting a scenario like this, I'd gladly give you an endless supply of examples of developed nations throughout history falling victim to oppression. We can begin with Germany in 1933 and go from there.

I think you underestimate the "check" an armed populace provides against its government.
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Notice how the far left always uses horrible events like this to push to take away the guns.

Yes, when someone does something horrible WITH A GUN, it's a good time to question whether people should HAVE GUNS.

What happens, Joe, though when the entire United States population is disarmed, and a powerful leader (in maybe 25-50 years times) uses brutal force as a means to control the population? How would we possibly resist? And if you want to call me crazy for suggesting a scenario like this, I'd gladly give you an endless supply of examples of developed nations throughout history falling victim to oppression. We can begin with Germany in 1933 and go from there.

I think you underestimate the "check" an armed populace provides against its government.

I don't underestimate it at all. It provides none.

Here was the thing. Germany didn't fall to Oppression. Germans OPENLY WELCOMED IT!!! Germans loved them some Nazis. They happily embraced them. And understanably so. Hitler turned around the economy, got redress for the injustices of Versailles, rebuilt Germany's prestige.

Shit, if Hitler kicked off in 1939, before the war, he'd be remembered as Germany's most awesome Chancellor, ever.

Now, for the gun laws. Here's the thing. The Weimar Goverment that preceeded Hitler did make a good faith effort to limit gun ownership. Understandably so, they had armed mobs fighting in the streets killing each other throughout the 1920's. The minute the Nazis took power, the first thing they did was loosen the Weimar gun laws, and gun ownership was seen as a symbol of German Manliness.

Oddly, this well armed and even militarized populace didn't get serious about trying to whack Hitler until AFTER Germany started losing the war.
I don't underestimate it at all. It provides none.

Here was the thing. Germany didn't fall to Oppression. Germans OPENLY WELCOMED IT!!! Germans loved them some Nazis. They happily embraced them. And understanably so. Hitler turned around the economy, got redress for the injustices of Versailles, rebuilt Germany's prestige.

Shit, if Hitler kicked off in 1939, before the war, he'd be remembered as Germany's most awesome Chancellor, ever.

Now, for the gun laws. Here's the thing. The Weimar Goverment that preceeded Hitler did make a good faith effort to limit gun ownership. Understandably so, they had armed mobs fighting in the streets killing each other throughout the 1920's. The minute the Nazis took power, the first thing they did was loosen the Weimar gun laws, and gun ownership was seen as a symbol of German Manliness.

Oddly, this well armed and even militarized populace didn't get serious about trying to whack Hitler until AFTER Germany started losing the war.

Guns don't provide a check?

Which town would be more difficult for a government to seize control of forcibly with troops?

A. Town 1, where all of the adults own and know how to shoot rifles
B. Town 2, where the only weapon owned is a common kitchen knife

My money would be with town 1. Do you think otherwise?

Secondly, the German example is interesting, however not all oppressed societies in history were as in love with the ruling party as with Germany and the rise of the charismatic Nazi Party. Don't you think the picture would have looked a little different if the common German openly opposed the Nazis in larger numbers?
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The fault lies not in our guns but in ourselves. To our values we are underlings.

Interesting stuff indeed. I agree with most everything.

I'd like to make a few notes, though. First is that without the element of extreme poverty, you would see a significantly reduced number of gun deaths. There are towns all over (especially in the southern half of the United States) with an extraordinary amount of guns, a praise for the gun culture, and little to no gun murders. So we cannot downplay this element.

Second, I don't believe it's the "tea-party", Constitutional, 2nd amendment sort of pro-gun literature/culture that drives these kids in the inner cities to pick up a gun and shoot another human being. It's more so the gun culture associated with (what I loosely want to describe as) the "gangsta rap culture" that is so prevalent today. I like hip hop, but there is indeed a lot of garbage out there (ie Chief Keef who proclaimed his next album would "raise the murder rate").

I think there's a difference between the gun culture of the hunter who supports Ron Paul, and the 13 year old kid who looks up to some 17 year old who proves "he's a man" by shooting a rival gang member. Perhaps they're irrevocably tied together in some way, but I'm saying they're two different things in a lot of ways.

I think the left unfairly focuses in too much on the Constitutional sort of gun culture. They're looking in the wrong place.

Any thoughts?

Yes, although you might agree with most everything, it seems you’re still not understanding the fundamental premise, you continue to focus only on symptoms of the problem, such as "gangsta rap culture," and not the actual causes.

For example, the American perception that violence is a legitimate means of conflict resolution is universal, it cuts across racial, economic, cultural, social, geographic, and educational lines; rich, poor, black, white, urban, rural – it doesn’t matter. From corporal punishment in our schools to capital punishment in our prisons, and in our dealings with Iraq, Afghanistan, terrorism, and Iran, violence as the ‘solution,’ the common denominator of them all.

Obviously there are appropriate applications of violence, circumstances when violence is justified. But we as Americans have an unfortunate propensity to ‘default’ to violence without first determining whether a given situation warrants it.
You mean the one that started shooting randomly in a car full of people? That subway rider?

Point is, you said more guns make us safer.

They don't.

The thug that ever gets caught in my house, or attacks me on the street, would have a different take on your opinion.


true in the latest school shooting

the shooter in the Arapahoe school shooting was stopped so quickly

by a good guy with a gun

you probably didnt know that

2 wrongs don't make this right.......The Outcome would have totally different if there had been NO GUNS your premise is Bullshit it merely tries to advocate GUNS,as protection as per usual..............What a STUPID STATEMENT,but then the narrowness of the mind of the Pro GUN MURDER SQUAD is so squalid......Do you really think NORMAL folk would be convinced by your prose!!!!!!!!!!:cuckoo:
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I guess JoeB131 would be completely happy with British troops bivouacking in his home whenever they wanted to ; or taking his horse when they needed one; or raising taxes without any vote or discussion. I guess he would be happy with Brit authorities making his business decisions for him. I guess he would be happy with having his rifle confiscated or necessities kept from them by controlling imports to "teach them a lesson" at any time. Maybe he would like his sons kidnapped and forced to serve in the British navy or army. I guess he even likes the current dictator.

Guns don't provide a check?

Which town would be more difficult for a government to seize control of forcibly with troops?

A. Town 1, where all of the adults own and know how to shoot rifles
B. Town 2, where the only weapon owned is a common kitchen knife

Actually, the question should be, "Which town would the residents be forced to dig their own graves after they pissed off the government unnecessarily."

The government is going to have TANKS. They are going to have BOMBERS.

My money would be with town 1. Do you think otherwise?

Secondly, the German example is interesting, however not all oppressed societies in history were as in love with the ruling party as with Germany and the rise of the charismatic Nazi Party. Don't you think the picture would have looked a little different if the common German openly opposed the Nazis in larger numbers?

Guy, you were the one who brought up Germany, completely ignoring that Hitler loosened gun laws AND most people embraced his dictatorship.

And, no, I don't think it would have looked a bit different if a few assholes had guns- which, by the way, they totally did, anyway.
I guess JoeB131 would be completely happy with British troops bivouacking in his home whenever they wanted to ; or taking his horse when they needed one; or raising taxes without any vote or discussion. I guess he would be happy with Brit authorities making his business decisions for him. I guess he would be happy with having his rifle confiscated or necessities kept from them by controlling imports to "teach them a lesson" at any time. Maybe he would like his sons kidnapped and forced to serve in the British navy or army. I guess he even likes the current dictator.

Hey, guy, here's the thing. If the Founding Slave Rapists had lost, we'd have socialized medicine, we'd have gotten rid of slavery without a Civil War, we'd have a fraction of the crime we have now.

Shit. We'd be CANADIANS. Ignoring what a douchebag Toro is, that probably wouldn't be a horrible thing.
I guess JoeB131 would be completely happy with British troops bivouacking in his home whenever they wanted to ; or taking his horse when they needed one; or raising taxes without any vote or discussion. I guess he would be happy with Brit authorities making his business decisions for him. I guess he would be happy with having his rifle confiscated or necessities kept from them by controlling imports to "teach them a lesson" at any time. Maybe he would like his sons kidnapped and forced to serve in the British navy or army. I guess he even likes the current dictator.

Hey, guy, here's the thing. If the Founding Slave Rapists had lost, we'd have socialized medicine, we'd have gotten rid of slavery without a Civil War, we'd have a fraction of the crime we have now.

Shit. We'd be CANADIANS. Ignoring what a douchebag Toro is, that probably wouldn't be a horrible thing.

More guns the better. Show thugs the business end of self defense

I guess JoeB131 would be completely happy with British troops bivouacking in his home whenever they wanted to ; or taking his horse when they needed one; or raising taxes without any vote or discussion. I guess he would be happy with Brit authorities making his business decisions for him. I guess he would be happy with having his rifle confiscated or necessities kept from them by controlling imports to "teach them a lesson" at any time. Maybe he would like his sons kidnapped and forced to serve in the British navy or army. I guess he even likes the current dictator.

Hey, guy, here's the thing. If the Founding Slave Rapists had lost, we'd have socialized medicine, we'd have gotten rid of slavery without a Civil War, we'd have a fraction of the crime we have now.

Shit. We'd be CANADIANS. Ignoring what a douchebag Toro is, that probably wouldn't be a horrible thing.

More guns the better. Show thugs the business end of self defense


Again, 43 times more likely the "business end" of your gun will be someone in your household.
Hey, guy, here's the thing. If the Founding Slave Rapists had lost, we'd have socialized medicine, we'd have gotten rid of slavery without a Civil War, we'd have a fraction of the crime we have now.

Shit. We'd be CANADIANS. Ignoring what a douchebag Toro is, that probably wouldn't be a horrible thing.

More guns the better. Show thugs the business end of self defense


Again, 43 times more likely the "business end" of your gun will be someone in your household.


All these statistics mean nothing. Especially, the ones from Europe where the numbers are controlled and manipulated. Europe cooks the books when controlling their data numbers on crime. Have to send the falsehood that gun bans resorts to less crime

Not true


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Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

10/26/13 | by S.H. Blannelberry

Meanwhile, a majority of Americans — approximately three out of four — oppose a ban on the possession of handguns for everyone who is not a police officer or “authorized person.” As indicated by the chart below, that 74 percent figure is the all-time high for opposition to banning handguns.

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

Spambot FTMFW
Yes, although you might agree with most everything, it seems you’re still not understanding the fundamental premise, you continue to focus only on symptoms of the problem, such as "gangsta rap culture," and not the actual causes.

For example, the American perception that violence is a legitimate means of conflict resolution is universal, it cuts across racial, economic, cultural, social, geographic, and educational lines; rich, poor, black, white, urban, rural – it doesn’t matter. From corporal punishment in our schools to capital punishment in our prisons, and in our dealings with Iraq, Afghanistan, terrorism, and Iran, violence as the ‘solution,’ the common denominator of them all.

Obviously there are appropriate applications of violence, circumstances when violence is justified. But we as Americans have an unfortunate propensity to ‘default’ to violence without first determining whether a given situation warrants it.

Good points, but I’d like to make a few as well.

America is a young nation when compared to some of our European counterparts. It wasn’t 200 years ago that a great deal of our country was living under what was essentially anarchy; in many territories, “the government” (in the modern sense of the word) was non-existent and it was up to the individual to protect his/her family from sources of outside danger with nothing more than a six-shooter. Compare this to a France or Great Britain where a strong element of government in most all territories across the nation had already been established for quite some time, and people would rely a bit more on gov’t officials to deal with unruly individuals.

So, yes I agree Americans might have a more “violent” approach to problem solving than other first world nations, HOWEVER I believe that mentality is (and has been) on the decline for quite a significant amount of time. I believe our homicide rates are reaching historic lows nationwide, and the trend is continually pointing downward (but correct me if I’m wrong).

And finally, what was your point? Are you offering a solution (sorry if I missed), or just pointing out a fact?
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Hey, guy, here's the thing. If the Founding Slave Rapists had lost, we'd have socialized medicine, we'd have gotten rid of slavery without a Civil War, we'd have a fraction of the crime we have now.

Shit. We'd be CANADIANS. Ignoring what a douchebag Toro is, that probably wouldn't be a horrible thing.

More guns the better. Show thugs the business end of self defense


Again, 43 times more likely the "business end" of your gun will be someone in your household.

JoeB loves him some Kellerman dick.

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