No one is going to take your guns

Not restrictive enough, obviously.

The only thing that will "solve" the problem is to completely ban civilian gun ownership with a house to house search.

I strongly urge you to go to Texas, Comrade JoeB Stalin, and start pounding on doors while announcing you have come to confiscate their guns!

Don't wait, do it today!

he doesnt have the balls to do it. JoeB is by nature a coward.
Guy, you work on the assumption that we are going to do it the dumb way.

The first thing we do is go after the cultists, the Nazis, the nutjobs and make sure we do a nice scary perp-walk with them.

Then we go after the other nuts...

The image being cemented.

And we don't go in when everyone is home. We wait until they are at work, one agent detains them at work while the others go to their houses and takes their guns.

I think a mobile smelter to melt the guns down would be a nice touch.

You been jerking off to films of Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge killing fields again?
Guns aren't banned in Mexico, and Mexico, like the US, has the right to bear arms written into their constitution.

Gun ownership is severely limited. Like what the far left has been trying to do here.

If you ban them the only people that will have guns are the government and the criminals, given the fact that the far left wants the wide open borders we have now.

Many drug are illegal and banned, yet somehow they still exist. If they are banned (by your far left logic) should we not see those drugs?

Once again the far left logic is a failure.

If you ban them the only people that will have guns are the government and the criminals

often they are the same people

Can not argue with one.
Guns aren't banned in Mexico, and Mexico, like the US, has the right to bear arms written into their constitution.

As usual, you simply make shit up.

{n 1971, Article 10 of the present Constitution was reformed[11] to limit the right to keep arms within the home only (in Spanish: ...derecho a poseer armas en su domicilio...) and reserved the right to bear arms outside the home only to those explicitly authorized by law (i.e. police, military, armed security officers). The following year, the Federal Law of Firearms and Explosives came into force[12] and gave the federal government complete jurisdiction and control to the legal proliferation of firearms in the country; at the same time, heavily limiting and restricting the legal access to firearms by civilians.

As a result of the changes to Article 10 of the Mexican Constitution and the enactment of the Federal Law of Firearms and Explosives, openly carrying a firearm or carrying a concealed weapon in public is virtually forbidden to private citizens, unless explicitly authorized by the Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA). For purposes of personal protection, firearms are only permitted within the place of residence and of the type and caliber permitted by law.}

Gun politics in Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
want to eliminate the prison population? here's my solution.

Murder----first offence------gas chamber

other felonies
first offence-----ten lashes
second offecen ----fifty lashes
third offence----gas chamber

first offence---five lashes
second offence----ten lashes
third offence---fifty lashes.

no prisons needed, think of the billions we would save and the crime rate would go way down.

Little Gangsta bitches crying and shitting themselves while being flogged don't build up the "respect" that they do by going to prison.

Our biggest problem in this nation is the Prison Industrial Complex.
Conservatives give much more to charities than liberals. So you are correct.

Leftists believe that charity begins in the pocket of their neighbor.

A conservative sees a man hungry, and feeds him a meal.

A leftist sees a man hungry, robs his neighbors house, keeps 90% of the loot for himself, then sets up a soup kitchen which employs his cronies, who drive by the hungry man in their limos. The hungry man is denied entry to the soup kitchen because he fails to meet the racial demographic that the leftist seeks.
The NWO Globalists need to disarm the Peoples of the World. And America is one of its last hurdles. That pesky ole American Constitution is still in the way. And that's why our Government is currently working very hard to destroy it. They're doing it methodically and in increments. They believe the Sheep won't notice if they do it that way. It can't be done all at once. Even the Sheep would notice that. I guess we'll see if the American People decide to stand up and fight the NWO. Time will tell.
Hey, guy, here's the thing. If the Founding Slave Rapists had lost, we'd have socialized medicine, we'd have gotten rid of slavery without a Civil War, we'd have a fraction of the crime we have now.

Shit. We'd be CANADIANS. Ignoring what a douchebag Toro is, that probably wouldn't be a horrible thing.

More guns the better. Show thugs the business end of self defense


Again, 43 times more likely the "business end" of your gun will be someone in your household.
More 43 times bullshit. As you know, Kellermann revised that to 2.7 times in a later study, but you're still stuck on stupid.
Actually, the question should be, "Which town would the residents be forced to dig their own graves after they pissed off the government unnecessarily."

The government is going to have TANKS. They are going to have BOMBERS.

Actually, history doesn't support your conclusion. You're telling me that despite the fact that our military was unable to take control of Afghanistan after 10 years, against a population that is both dirt poor and uneducated, in a country many, many times smaller than the US, that they would somehow be successful with military action against Americans? Why? Where's the logic here Joe?!

Also, a significantly large percentage of the military are the "Ron Paul"/liberty supporter type. They wouldn't fire on Americans even if ordered to, I'm quite sure. To say they would would assume these people are monsters.

Guy, you were the one who brought up Germany, completely ignoring that Hitler loosened gun laws AND most people embraced his dictatorship.

And, no, I don't think it would have looked a bit different if a few assholes had guns- which, by the way, they totally did, anyway.

Gun laws aside, the core point of my original post (that sprung this offshoot) was that governments do turn tyrannical. It's not a fantasy or a fairytale. It happens quite frequently, actually. When and if the US gov't goes down that same path, I would like an armed populace that can defend itself.
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Im laughing......any time I post up a facial for the gun frabber nutters, but particularly JoeB, he goes incognito for a page or two until he doesn't have to look like a dickhead who's been publically humiliated!!!

So in case anybody missed it........

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high


Originally posted it up this AM and Im still laughing!!!!

Time to lock this has reached an utter state of gay.
Im laughing......any time I post up a facial for the gun frabber nutters, but particularly JoeB, he goes incognito for a page or two until he doesn't have to look like a dickhead who's been publically humiliated!!!

So in case anybody missed it........

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high


Originally posted it up this AM and Im still laughing!!!!

Time to lock this has reached an utter state of gay.

Then maybe you should stop posting in it. Especially that stupid interview you've posted 59,254 times expecting different results.
Guns aren't banned in Mexico, and Mexico, like the US, has the right to bear arms written into their constitution.

As usual, you simply make shit up.

{n 1971, Article 10 of the present Constitution was reformed[11] to limit the right to keep arms within the home only (in Spanish: ...derecho a poseer armas en su domicilio...) and reserved the right to bear arms outside the home only to those explicitly authorized by law (i.e. police, military, armed security officers). The following year, the Federal Law of Firearms and Explosives came into force[12] and gave the federal government complete jurisdiction and control to the legal proliferation of firearms in the country; at the same time, heavily limiting and restricting the legal access to firearms by civilians.

As a result of the changes to Article 10 of the Mexican Constitution and the enactment of the Federal Law of Firearms and Explosives, openly carrying a firearm or carrying a concealed weapon in public is virtually forbidden to private citizens, unless explicitly authorized by the Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA). For purposes of personal protection, firearms are only permitted within the place of residence and of the type and caliber permitted by law.}

Gun politics in Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you just admitted.


They just can't walk down the street like the Frito Bandito...

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Actually, the question should be, "Which town would the residents be forced to dig their own graves after they pissed off the government unnecessarily."

The government is going to have TANKS. They are going to have BOMBERS.

Actually, history doesn't support your conclusion. You're telling me that despite the fact that our military was unable to take control of Afghanistan after 10 years, against a population that is both dirt poor and uneducated, in a country many, many times smaller than the US, that they would somehow be successful with military action against Americans? Why? Where's the logic here Joe?!

First, taking control of Afghanistan was never really our goal, was it? I thought we were 'fostering democracy', which was just as pointless as the Soviets 'fostering socialism".

Also, a significantly large percentage of the military are the "Ron Paul"/liberty supporter type. They wouldn't fire on Americans even if ordered to, I'm quite sure. To say they would would assume these people are monsters.

Guy, I've been in the military. No they aren't. In fact, most of them are just poor working folks trying to get college money, and they aren't going to fuck that up standing with some nutters.

Guy, you were the one who brought up Germany, completely ignoring that Hitler loosened gun laws AND most people embraced his dictatorship.

And, no, I don't think it would have looked a bit different if a few assholes had guns- which, by the way, they totally did, anyway.

Gun laws aside, the core point of my original post (that sprung this offshoot) was that governments do turn tyrannical. It's not a fantasy or a fairytale. It happens quite frequently, actually. When and if the US gov't goes down that same path, I would like an armed populace that can defend itself.

When Governments turn tyrannical, it's usually because their people WANT them to.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao all came to power because the people wanted someone to get the trains running on time, and they didn't really care all that much what happened to those who didn't go along. Those people usually had guns and it didn't really do them a lot of good.

You don't think there weren't shitloads of guns lying around in China after WWII? Where do you think the Communists got most of their guns from? Yup, the Japanese when they went home.
Guns aren't banned in Mexico, and Mexico, like the US, has the right to bear arms written into their constitution.

As usual, you simply make shit up.

{n 1971, Article 10 of the present Constitution was reformed[11] to limit the right to keep arms within the home only (in Spanish: ...derecho a poseer armas en su domicilio...) and reserved the right to bear arms outside the home only to those explicitly authorized by law (i.e. police, military, armed security officers). The following year, the Federal Law of Firearms and Explosives came into force[12] and gave the federal government complete jurisdiction and control to the legal proliferation of firearms in the country; at the same time, heavily limiting and restricting the legal access to firearms by civilians.

As a result of the changes to Article 10 of the Mexican Constitution and the enactment of the Federal Law of Firearms and Explosives, openly carrying a firearm or carrying a concealed weapon in public is virtually forbidden to private citizens, unless explicitly authorized by the Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA). For purposes of personal protection, firearms are only permitted within the place of residence and of the type and caliber permitted by law.}

Gun politics in Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you just admitted.


They just can't walk down the street like the Frito Bandito...

They have no right to bear arms, as you claimed, and even ownership is severely limited.

You again lied, and got caught. You simply make shit up.

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