No one is going to take your guns

A trained good guy with a gun who was trained and paid specifically to protect that school STILL failed to protect the two students who were shot (one is still in a coma) or to keep the gunman from killing himself.

Now, my solution. The kid can't buy a gun. Or at least he can't buy a gun without a thorough background check and a long waiting period. Then there's no gun in that equation to start with.

the incident was stopped in less the 80 seconds

unlike when there is no protection

where an incident lasts 15 minutes or so

or until good guys with guns show up to the scene

Okay, but 80 seconds was long enough to still result in three people being killed or injured.

Not having a gun in play to start with- Incident is stopped before it happens.

This is the problem when people think of gun ownership as a "right" and you have a gun industry that is bound and determined to scare us all shitless into buying their product by proliferating it into as many unstable hands as they can.

I am perfectly willing to concede SOME private gun ownership if the NRA and Gun industry are willing to accept SOME responsibility in limiting who can have a gun. But frankly, that's not hteir business model. There's no profit in responsible gun ownership. When you are selling fear, you need fear.

we already have a system for that
A trained good guy with a gun who was trained and paid specifically to protect that school STILL failed to protect the two students who were shot (one is still in a coma) or to keep the gunman from killing himself.

Now, my solution. The kid can't buy a gun. Or at least he can't buy a gun without a thorough background check and a long waiting period. Then there's no gun in that equation to start with.

the incident was stopped in less the 80 seconds

unlike when there is no protection

where an incident lasts 15 minutes or so

or until good guys with guns show up to the scene

Okay, but 80 seconds was long enough to still result in three people being killed or injured.

Not having a gun in play to start with- Incident is stopped before it happens.

This is the problem when people think of gun ownership as a "right" and you have a gun industry that is bound and determined to scare us all shitless into buying their product by proliferating it into as many unstable hands as they can.

I am perfectly willing to concede SOME private gun ownership if the NRA and Gun industry are willing to accept SOME responsibility in limiting who can have a gun. But frankly, that's not hteir business model. There's no profit in responsible gun ownership. When you are selling fear, you need fear.

Bullshit. We already limit who can have a gun, and the onerous is on the government to determine, via judicial action, who gets on the banned list.

It should not be up to a person to prove they have their right to a gun, its up to the government, again, via judicial action, that a person should be prohibited from owning one.

We already have laws to prevent criminals from purchasing firearms. It's called the prohibitive persons list


Which doesn't work if no one enforces it, if you have g un sellers who don't do background checks, if you have gun show loopholes and straw buyers.

What gun sellers don't do background checks besides the ones Holder buys from?

Gun shows? If I buy a gun at the show I have to wait 10 days like any other time. Dumb law by the way

Straw buying is illegal


We already have laws to prevent criminals from purchasing firearms. It's called the prohibitive persons list


Which doesn't work if no one enforces it, if you have g un sellers who don't do background checks, if you have gun show loopholes and straw buyers.

What gun sellers don't do background checks besides the ones Holder buys from?

Gun shows? If I buy a gun at the show I have to wait 10 days like any other time. Dumb law by the way

Straw buying is illegal


lets clarify that though

What gun sellers don't do background checks besides the ones Holder buys from?

the ones holder first orders them not to do the background checks

and ignore cleared ones by holder that came up prohibited from purchasing
I like the way the Chicago police department has found to stop the murders that are/were racking the city.

Any body read the article yesterday about this idea? The police are profiling gang members and using predictive social media technology and are intervening BEFORE there is a shooting.

When all police departments are doing this, it will be much easier to stop senseless violence before it occurs.

Then they will use the same computer technology to ascertain who should have a gun and who shouldn't.

The ACLU is already up in arms, so to speak, about this action. But it works. Murder in Chicago is way down.

I am sure all you right wing gun nuts support profiling for violence. Right up till it is used against YOU.
Cause you gun nuts are VIOLENT. Wanting to shoot somebody every day.

Be cool when they are profiling gun buyers at the gun store counter. It works.
I like the way the Chicago police department has found to stop the murders that are/were racking the city.

Any body read the article yesterday about this idea? The police are profiling gang members and using predictive social media technology and are intervening BEFORE there is a shooting.

When all police departments are doing this, it will be much easier to stop senseless violence before it occurs.

Then they will use the same computer technology to ascertain who should have a gun and who shouldn't.

The ACLU is already up in arms, so to speak, about this action. But it works. Murder in Chicago is way down.

I am sure all you right wing gun nuts support profiling for violence. Right up till it is used against YOU.
Cause you gun nuts are VIOLENT. Wanting to shoot somebody every day.

Be cool when they are profiling gun buyers at the gun store counter. It works.

Same tired gun grabber bullshit. If this were the case there would be hundreds of thousands of shooting deaths, not tens of thousands.

The government does not get to decide who gets a gun or not unless due process is followed, due process being either a conviction in front of a court, or a determination in front of a court of mental incompetence.

Okay, guy, I think the only guy coming off as a little unbalanced here is you, when you try to claim that since Mexico doesn't let people run around in the street waiving their guns, they must be some anti-gun dictatorship.

{ Federal Law of Firearms and Explosives, openly carrying a firearm or carrying a concealed weapon in public is virtually forbidden to private citizens}

Care to lie again, retard?
I like the way the Chicago police department has found to stop the murders that are/were racking the city.

Any body read the article yesterday about this idea? The police are profiling gang members and using predictive social media technology and are intervening BEFORE there is a shooting.

When all police departments are doing this, it will be much easier to stop senseless violence before it occurs.

Then they will use the same computer technology to ascertain who should have a gun and who shouldn't.

The ACLU is already up in arms, so to speak, about this action. But it works. Murder in Chicago is way down.

I am sure all you right wing gun nuts support profiling for violence. Right up till it is used against YOU.
Cause you gun nuts are VIOLENT. Wanting to shoot somebody every day.

Be cool when they are profiling gun buyers at the gun store counter. It works.

That explains why crime and murder rates are so low in Chicago.

You leftists sure are smart.... :lol::lol:
What a Government we now have huh? Taking guns away from American Citizens while at the same time giving em to brutal foreign thugs all around the World. Do you really still believe your Government represents you and the Constitution?
What a Government we now have huh? Taking guns away from American Citizens while at the same time giving em to brutal foreign thugs all around the World. Do you really still believe your Government represents you and the Constitution?

our government is doing exactly what the constitution tried to prevent from happening. half the population refuses to see that because it is their side doing it now.
The troll goes on with his inane juvenile graphics and meaningless images, desperate to shut down any threat of discussion.

Film at 11.
What a Government we now have huh? Taking guns away from American Citizens while at the same time giving em to brutal foreign thugs all around the World. Do you really still believe your Government represents you and the Constitution?


Just as we believe you’re a lying loon, given the fact no government is ‘taking away’ Americans citizens’ guns.

We already have laws to prevent criminals from purchasing firearms. It's called the prohibitive persons list


Which doesn't work if no one enforces it, if you have g un sellers who don't do background checks, if you have gun show loopholes and straw buyers.

What gun sellers don't do background checks besides the ones Holder buys from?

Gun shows? If I buy a gun at the show I have to wait 10 days like any other time. Dumb law by the way

Straw buying is illegal


Prostitution is illegal. I can get a hooker at my house in an hour if I wanted one.

Drugs are illegal. I can get blow at the local street corner if I wanted it.

Clearly, when you have an industry that is intent on circumventing the law, as the Gun industry is, you are going to get guns in the hands of bad guys.

So simple enough solution. Someone you love dies in a shooting, you can sue the gun-maker and the gun seller.

betcha they tighten up who they sell guns to after that.
What a Government we now have huh? Taking guns away from American Citizens while at the same time giving em to brutal foreign thugs all around the World. Do you really still believe your Government represents you and the Constitution?


Just as we believe you’re a lying loon, given the fact no government is ‘taking away’ Americans citizens’ guns.

You should move to California, you could get rich off all the private citizens who pretend to work for the government while grabbing people's guns.

California Seizes Guns as Owners Lose Right to Keep Arms - Bloomberg

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