No one is going to take your guns

I like the way the Chicago police department has found to stop the murders that are/were racking the city.

Any body read the article yesterday about this idea? The police are profiling gang members and using predictive social media technology and are intervening BEFORE there is a shooting.

When all police departments are doing this, it will be much easier to stop senseless violence before it occurs.

Then they will use the same computer technology to ascertain who should have a gun and who shouldn't.

The ACLU is already up in arms, so to speak, about this action. But it works. Murder in Chicago is way down.

I am sure all you right wing gun nuts support profiling for violence. Right up till it is used against YOU.
Cause you gun nuts are VIOLENT. Wanting to shoot somebody every day.

Be cool when they are profiling gun buyers at the gun store counter. It works.

You're lying or you are projecting...which is it?
Which doesn't work if no one enforces it, if you have g un sellers who don't do background checks, if you have gun show loopholes and straw buyers.

What gun sellers don't do background checks besides the ones Holder buys from?

Gun shows? If I buy a gun at the show I have to wait 10 days like any other time. Dumb law by the way

Straw buying is illegal


Prostitution is illegal. I can get a hooker at my house in an hour if I wanted one.

Drugs are illegal. I can get blow at the local street corner if I wanted it.

Clearly, when you have an industry that is intent on circumventing the law, as the Gun industry is, you are going to get guns in the hands of bad guys.

So simple enough solution. Someone you love dies in a shooting, you can sue the gun-maker and the gun seller.

betcha they tighten up who they sell guns to after that.

Sure, right after you let me sue Nissan...the jackass that hit my Cadillac was driving a Sentra. I'm not sure if you're just trolling or truly stupid.
Which doesn't work if no one enforces it, if you have g un sellers who don't do background checks, if you have gun show loopholes and straw buyers.

What gun sellers don't do background checks besides the ones Holder buys from?

Gun shows? If I buy a gun at the show I have to wait 10 days like any other time. Dumb law by the way

Straw buying is illegal


Prostitution is illegal. I can get a hooker at my house in an hour if I wanted one.

Drugs are illegal. I can get blow at the local street corner if I wanted it.

Clearly, when you have an industry that is intent on circumventing the law, as the Gun industry is, you are going to get guns in the hands of bad guys.

So simple enough solution. Someone you love dies in a shooting, you can sue the gun-maker and the gun seller.

betcha they tighten up who they sell guns to after that.

so does that mean we can sue a prostitute for a bad blowjob?
What gun sellers don't do background checks besides the ones Holder buys from?

Gun shows? If I buy a gun at the show I have to wait 10 days like any other time. Dumb law by the way

Straw buying is illegal


Prostitution is illegal. I can get a hooker at my house in an hour if I wanted one.

Drugs are illegal. I can get blow at the local street corner if I wanted it.

Clearly, when you have an industry that is intent on circumventing the law, as the Gun industry is, you are going to get guns in the hands of bad guys.

So simple enough solution. Someone you love dies in a shooting, you can sue the gun-maker and the gun seller.

betcha they tighten up who they sell guns to after that.

so does that mean we can sue a prostitute for a bad blowjob?

Not in jurisdictions where prostitution is illegal, no.

One can’t sue someone for doing a poor job of committing a crime.
The troll goes on with his inane juvenile graphics and meaningless images, desperate to shut down any threat of discussion.

Film at 11.

The sad thing is even his fellow gun nuts aren't paying any attention to him.

Awww don't be such a sore loser s0n!!:up:

By the way.......whats the story with setting posting records in this forum s0n??! Shiite.....damn near 40,000 post in a little over 2 years.:ack-1:
Prostitution is illegal. I can get a hooker at my house in an hour if I wanted one.

Drugs are illegal. I can get blow at the local street corner if I wanted it.

Clearly, when you have an industry that is intent on circumventing the law, as the Gun industry is, you are going to get guns in the hands of bad guys.

So simple enough solution. Someone you love dies in a shooting, you can sue the gun-maker and the gun seller.

betcha they tighten up who they sell guns to after that.

so does that mean we can sue a prostitute for a bad blowjob?

Not in jurisdictions where prostitution is illegal, no.

One can’t sue someone for doing a poor job of committing a crime.
So, we can't sue Obama for "Fast and Furious"?
What gun sellers don't do background checks besides the ones Holder buys from?

Gun shows? If I buy a gun at the show I have to wait 10 days like any other time. Dumb law by the way

Straw buying is illegal


Prostitution is illegal. I can get a hooker at my house in an hour if I wanted one.

Drugs are illegal. I can get blow at the local street corner if I wanted it.

Clearly, when you have an industry that is intent on circumventing the law, as the Gun industry is, you are going to get guns in the hands of bad guys.

So simple enough solution. Someone you love dies in a shooting, you can sue the gun-maker and the gun seller.

betcha they tighten up who they sell guns to after that.

so does that mean we can sue a prostitute for a bad blowjob?

No...not in Ausland because Ladies of the night,morning or mid-day are :smiliehug: legal,just sayin steve

Sure, right after you let me sue Nissan...the jackass that hit my Cadillac was driving a Sentra. I'm not sure if you're just trolling or truly stupid.

Did Nissan intentionally market that Sentra to a bad driver who never should have been behind a wheel to start with?

Or did they make sure that driver had insurance, had a driver's licence, could make the financing on that car?

As I pointed out, 20% of the guns retrieved in Chicago crimes all came from ONE GUN SHOP.

That's someone who is out to circumvent the law.

Sure, right after you let me sue Nissan...the jackass that hit my Cadillac was driving a Sentra. I'm not sure if you're just trolling or truly stupid.

Did Nissan intentionally market that Sentra to a bad driver who never should have been behind a wheel to start with?

Or did they make sure that driver had insurance, had a driver's licence, could make the financing on that car?

As I pointed out, 20% of the guns retrieved in Chicago crimes all came from ONE GUN SHOP.

That's someone who is out to circumvent the law.

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD have zero ability to connect the dots. Its fascinating to people.

This meatheads solution?

Close the ONE GUN SHOP and.........problem solved!!!

What a stupid fuck......anybody with a modest ability to connect the dots knows that somebody "out to circumvent the law" will find a way to get a gun to eliminate who they really want to eliminate.:slap:

Inability to connect the dots is gay.

Sure, right after you let me sue Nissan...the jackass that hit my Cadillac was driving a Sentra. I'm not sure if you're just trolling or truly stupid.

Did Nissan intentionally market that Sentra to a bad driver who never should have been behind a wheel to start with?

Or did they make sure that driver had insurance, had a driver's licence, could make the financing on that car?

As I pointed out, 20% of the guns retrieved in Chicago crimes all came from ONE GUN SHOP.

That's someone who is out to circumvent the law.

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD have zero ability to connect the dots. Its fascinating to people.

This meatheads solution?

Close the ONE GUN SHOP and.........problem solved!!![

What a stupid fuck......anybody with a modest ability to connect the dots knows that somebody "out to circumvent the law" will find a way to get a gun to eliminate who they really want to eliminate.:slap:

Inability to connect the dots is gay.

Spambot, the dots are connected.

You identify the most egregious offender in providing guns to criminals.

You prosecute him, sue him, impoverish him, completely destroy his business.

Guess what happens. ALL the other gun shops notice. And when the crook trying to make his fifth straw buy that month comes in, they don't sell to that guy.

Again, it's changing how the gun industry does business.
Did Nissan intentionally market that Sentra to a bad driver who never should have been behind a wheel to start with?

Or did they make sure that driver had insurance, had a driver's licence, could make the financing on that car?

As I pointed out, 20% of the guns retrieved in Chicago crimes all came from ONE GUN SHOP.

That's someone who is out to circumvent the law.

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD have zero ability to connect the dots. Its fascinating to people.

This meatheads solution?

Close the ONE GUN SHOP and.........problem solved!!![

What a stupid fuck......anybody with a modest ability to connect the dots knows that somebody "out to circumvent the law" will find a way to get a gun to eliminate who they really want to eliminate.:slap:

Inability to connect the dots is gay.

Spambot, the dots are connected.

You identify the most egregious offender in providing guns to criminals.

You prosecute him, sue him, impoverish him, completely destroy his business.

Guess what happens. ALL the other gun shops notice. And when the crook trying to make his fifth straw buy that month comes in, they don't sell to that guy.

Again, it's changing how the gun industry does business.

That's right s0n.......gonna close all the gun shops down!!:up:

Except.......people in America want MORE guns asshole!!!:fu::fu::fu::fu:
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I'm sure some do.

But guess what, you make selling guns irresponsibly an expensive proposition, and they ain't going to be so keen on selling them.

Well I agree with you there.......I have seen gun shop owners deny potential buyers based upon the fact that they seemed odd. In one case, I asked the gun shop owner why he denied this guy a rifle and he told me the guy seemed real edgy and nervous an interestingly enough, the guys family was right there with him. Similarly, I would think gun shop owners could sniff out some gangsta jerkoffs and deny them.......but I believe most gun shop owners are responsible businessmen. At least that has been my experience.
I'm sure some do.

But guess what, you make selling guns irresponsibly an expensive proposition, and they ain't going to be so keen on selling them.

Well I agree with you there.......I have seen gun shop owners deny potential buyers based upon the fact that they seemed odd. In one case, I asked the gun shop owner why he denied this guy a rifle and he told me the guy seemed real edgy and nervous an interestingly enough, the guys family was right there with him. Similarly, I would think gun shop owners could sniff out some gangsta jerkoffs and deny them.......but I believe most gun shop owners are responsible businessmen. At least that has been my experience.

Some are, and some aren't.

Allowing victims of gun violence to sue would sort them out.

Like the guy who is selling 20% of the guns used in Chicago Crime.
I like the way the Chicago police department has found to stop the murders that are/were racking the city.

Any body read the article yesterday about this idea? The police are profiling gang members and using predictive social media technology and are intervening BEFORE there is a shooting.

When all police departments are doing this, it will be much easier to stop senseless violence before it occurs.

Then they will use the same computer technology to ascertain who should have a gun and who shouldn't.

The ACLU is already up in arms, so to speak, about this action. But it works. Murder in Chicago is way down.

I am sure all you right wing gun nuts support profiling for violence. Right up till it is used against YOU.
Cause you gun nuts are VIOLENT. Wanting to shoot somebody every day.

Be cool when they are profiling gun buyers at the gun store counter. It works.

You're lying or you are projecting...which is it?

Now which part do you think I am lying about? The murder rate in Chicago? That's easy to check. Matter of fact there was an entire article on MSNBC about this. Google is your friend. Find out for yourself IF the murder rate has declined in Chi town and how the police department is bringing down the murder rate.

After you understand that what I said was not a lie, you can move on to the "how" they did it part.

Then I do project that as more and more police departments are using this new social media analysis method for predicting what happens next, how long do you think it will take before these ideas are incorporated in the gun buying process?

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