No one is going to take your guns

So, we can't sue Obama for "Fast and Furious"?

You mean your made up Scandal where he put a stop to Bush's half-ass scheme to track weapons?
No, I'm talking about the Obama administration selling weapons to Mexican drug dealers that ended up being used to kill border patrol agents and Mexican citizens.

Indeed- Obama the gun runner

32,000 gun deaths. 78,000 gun injuries.

A lot of people have guns that shouldn't have them.

Thats not proof, again, you fucking liar.

and 19,000 of those are self limiting, no worries there.

I would be inclined to say, "unless it was someone you cared about", but given your basic callous attitude, that might be a stretch.
So, we can't sue Obama for "Fast and Furious"?

You mean your made up Scandal where he put a stop to Bush's half-ass scheme to track weapons?
No, I'm talking about the Obama administration selling weapons to Mexican drug dealers that ended up being used to kill border patrol agents and Mexican citizens.

Were they delivered by Bigfoot riding the Loch Ness MOnster?

Sure, right after you let me sue Nissan...the jackass that hit my Cadillac was driving a Sentra. I'm not sure if you're just trolling or truly stupid.

Did Nissan intentionally market that Sentra to a bad driver who never should have been behind a wheel to start with?

Actually,. Nissan had nothing to do with the purchase...the car was bought used. You know, just like many guns! (None I own were bought new and all are 20+ years old.)

Or did they make sure that driver had insurance, had a driver's licence, could make the financing on that car?
Nope, Nissan did none of that.

As I pointed out, 20% of the guns retrieved in Chicago crimes all came from ONE GUN SHOP.

That's someone who is out to circumvent the law.

Then PROVE it and arrest him!

you keep saying, "the guy" have you got a name for "the guy" ? i suspect you do not know shit about "the guy", he is well known across the gun industry and gun forums as a fucking scum filled dirt bag, pretty similar to some of the liberturds on this thread..., who once impersonated a cop to buy F-A guns (Full Auto), i will not give out his name or his "business" name, i'll leave it up to you to do the research, here is a hint, he is a convicted felon, he still does business under a family members name and is in a Shitcago suburb.

there is your homework for now.., come back when finished.., OK ??

This kind of situation is where the NRA could do itself a world of good by insisting that gun dealers like the kind you describe above be shut down permanently.

Why don't they (NRA) do that?

He's already breaking laws, how does making more laws make it easier to catch him?

Catch him breaking the existing laws, The FBI should be all over this, why are they not doing anything?

Because Joey and his ilk WANT and NEED people like him! They NEED violence to push their agenda!

you keep saying, "the guy" have you got a name for "the guy" ? i suspect you do not know shit about "the guy", he is well known across the gun industry and gun forums as a fucking scum filled dirt bag, pretty similar to some of the liberturds on this thread..., who once impersonated a cop to buy F-A guns (Full Auto), i will not give out his name or his "business" name, i'll leave it up to you to do the research, here is a hint, he is a convicted felon, he still does business under a family members name and is in a Shitcago suburb.

there is your homework for now.., come back when finished.., OK ??

Guy, go back through the thread where I pointed to a Chicago Sun Times article that showed that 20% of guns recovered from crimes in Chicago came from Chuck's Gun Shop in Riverside, IL.

Is that the guy you are talking about? Because they've never convicted him of anything.

And that's the problem. The Gun industry wants guys like Chuck out there. They want the bad guys to be able to get guns to scare the rest of you into wanting them, too.

Well hell, there is really no reason to own a gun if you are not scared of something.
That idea is proven on here every single day. How many gun nuts admit that they are scared? All of them. Either of the government, gang bangers, illegals, straight out criminals, etc etc.

CA-RIST, you get dumber by the hour!

And all the above need guns to commit their crimes. And they need to get those guns from somewhere.

No, stupid statement!

So Joe, I think you are on to something here. Fear sells guns. To both sides.

Are you stoned?
32,000 gun deaths. 78,000 gun injuries.

A lot of people have guns that shouldn't have them.

Thats not proof, again, you fucking liar.

and 19,000 of those are self limiting, no worries there.

I would be inclined to say, "unless it was someone you cared about", but given your basic callous attitude, that might be a stretch.

A gun is not required for suicide. The nation with the most suicides (per capita) has almost no gun ownership.

I knew three people who committed suicide...none used a gun.
32,000 gun deaths. 78,000 gun injuries.

A lot of people have guns that shouldn't have them.

and something like 1,500,000 personal attacks stopped by armed individuals. When you can match those numbers come back and talk to us.
Thats not proof, again, you fucking liar.

and 19,000 of those are self limiting, no worries there.

I would be inclined to say, "unless it was someone you cared about", but given your basic callous attitude, that might be a stretch.

A gun is not required for suicide. The nation with the most suicides (per capita) has almost no gun ownership.

I knew three people who committed suicide...none used a gun.

A gun makes it a lot easier to commit suicide. Get rid of a major method of suicide, suicides go down.
I would be inclined to say, "unless it was someone you cared about", but given your basic callous attitude, that might be a stretch.

A gun is not required for suicide. The nation with the most suicides (per capita) has almost no gun ownership.

I knew three people who committed suicide...none used a gun.

A gun makes it a lot easier to commit suicide. Get rid of a major method of suicide, suicides go down.
Sure, like that would stop somebody from killing himself.
A gun is not required for suicide. The nation with the most suicides (per capita) has almost no gun ownership.

I knew three people who committed suicide...none used a gun.

A gun makes it a lot easier to commit suicide. Get rid of a major method of suicide, suicides go down.
Sure, like that would stop somebody from killing himself.

Uh, yeah, actually, it would.

For instance, when the United Kingdom changed the style of gas they had in the stoves, not only did suicide by sticking your head into an oven disappear completely, but the suicide rate dropped by a third.

The thing is, slitting your wrists or overdosing on sleeping pills have a far greater chance of someone finding you and saving you, after which it is unlikely you'd ever try that again.

Guns. Meh, they get it done in one.
I would be inclined to say, "unless it was someone you cared about", but given your basic callous attitude, that might be a stretch.

A gun is not required for suicide. The nation with the most suicides (per capita) has almost no gun ownership.

I knew three people who committed suicide...none used a gun.

A gun makes it a lot easier to commit suicide. Get rid of a major method of suicide, suicides go down.

And that's a good thing? :confused:

A gun is not required for suicide. The nation with the most suicides (per capita) has almost no gun ownership.

I knew three people who committed suicide...none used a gun.

A gun makes it a lot easier to commit suicide. Get rid of a major method of suicide, suicides go down.

And that's a good thing? :confused:


Yes, it is. I'm sorry you've become such a misanthrope that you can't see it.
Thats not proof, again, you fucking liar.

and 19,000 of those are self limiting, no worries there.

I would be inclined to say, "unless it was someone you cared about", but given your basic callous attitude, that might be a stretch.

A gun is not required for suicide. The nation with the most suicides (per capita) has almost no gun ownership.

I knew three people who committed suicide...none used a gun.

Only the mental case gun grabbers think that if you ban guns, suicides will cease!!!

Its fucking fascinating to me!!!

Listen to this guy.........this is how these knotheads think >>>

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

These k00ks don't even realize when they are getting pwned........

Just fascinating to wonder about how the fuck these people missed ALL the memo's and all the meetings!!
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