No one is going to take your guns

In case anybody missed it..........

From Harvard University Journal of Law and Public Policy.......April 2013. The research concludes >>>>

more guns = less crimes

The summary >>>>

Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.

Full paper can be found HERE >>>

Harvard Law School


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Yes the far left wants to take your guns and do away with the bill of rights.

AND !! if a person owns more than two guns they will demand those persons be put to death............, Hitler style..., go take a shower guys'n gals :up:

Kosh, is this your alter ego talking? Or your brother by another mother? Or is it your Dad? before he was your brother?

Anyway how did the two of you get so fucking stupid? Just curious.
Yes the far left wants to take your guns and do away with the bill of rights.

guy, you don't need a gun.

And frankly, when you guys go around talking about all the people you want to shoot, you kind of make my case for me.

You have no right to make that decsion, and neither does anyone in the government except a judge and/or a jury of our peers.
Yes the far left wants to take your guns and do away with the bill of rights.

guy, you don't need a gun.

And frankly, when you guys go around talking about all the people you want to shoot, you kind of make my case for me.

You have no right to make that decsion, and neither does anyone in the government except a judge and/or a jury of our peers.

Or we PASS LAWS to ban gun ownership... which is what a sensible country would do.
guy, you don't need a gun.

And frankly, when you guys go around talking about all the people you want to shoot, you kind of make my case for me.

You have no right to make that decsion, and neither does anyone in the government except a judge and/or a jury of our peers.

Or we PASS LAWS to ban gun ownership... which is what a sensible country would do.

Or we can pass laws to ban abortions, or ban gay marriage, or prevent free speech, or remove the right to a jury, or allow the police to search without a warrant. Lets just pass laws we think are good and ignore the founding document of the country when it suits the needs of statist assholes such as yourself.

Bascially what you are saying, is that you think the government can ignore the consitution when it sees fit. It was makes you the gutless prick of a fascist we all know and despise.
Don't listen to the Gun-Grabbers. They live in a political fairy tale. Idiots like Pelosi and Piers Morgan are very wealthy and well-protected. They don't have to live in the harsh real world like most other Americans do. You could be brutally attacked at any moment. And your Mothers, Sisters, and daughters are targets. There are rabid wild animals out there stalking them. Don't be one of those who thinks it could never happen to them. Far too many make that tragic mistake. Arm and protect yourself and your family. Don't count on others to protect & save you when you need saving. Count on yourself.

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